12 research outputs found

    Pendidikan di Sekolah Taman Siswa (1922) dan Relevansinya dengan Empat Pokok Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar (2019)

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    This study aims to determine: 1) the background to the establishment of the Taman Siswa School; 2) the educational concept of Taman Siswa School; 3) the relevance of the Taman Siswa School’s educational concept with Merdeka Belajar Policy. The method used is a historical research method with the stages of selecting topics, heuristics, verification, interpretations and historiography. The result of the study revealed that 1) Taman Siswa School was founded on July 3, 1922 in Yogyakarta by Ki Hajar Dewantara as a form of action against the state of education during the colonial government; 2) Education at Taman Siswa School is very concerned about achieving the ideal development of student by guiding them to become human beings who are independent both physically and mentally in accordance with the natural forces within each of them; 3) There is relevance between the concept of education at Taman Siswa School with Merdeka Belajar Policy is about the basis of the independence in carrying out education, the role of the teacher, and coorperation in realizing education (between schools, families and communities)

    Upaya Pengurangan Resiko Bencana Banjir di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Muhammadiyah Trucuk Kabupaten Klaten

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    Madrasah Tsanawiyah Muhammadiyah Trucuk merupakan sekolah yang rawan banjir. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) Mengetahui tingkat pemahaman warga sekolah tentang bencana banjir, 2) Mengetahui tingkat kesadaran warga sekolah terhadap upaya pengurangan risiko bencana banjir dan 3) Mengetahui tingkat kesiapsiagaan warga sekolah dalam upaya pengurangan risiko bencana banjir. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian survei dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan kuisoner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) tingkat pengetahuan warga sekolah mengenai bencana banjir berada pada kategori tinggi (75%), 2) tingkat kesadaran warga sekolah terhadap upaya pengurangan risiko bencana banjir berada pada kategori tinggi (47%) dan 3) tingkat kesiapsiagaan warga sekolah dalam upaya pengurangan risiko bencana banjir juga berada pada kategori tinggi (70%). Dengan demikian, jika dilihat dari tiga indikator tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa upaya pengurangan risiko bencana banjir di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Trucuk Kabupaten Klaten berada pada kategori tinggi


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Kelurahan Brondong, Kecamatan Brondong, Kabupaten Lamongan dikarenakan kurangnya minat belajar anak-anak di masa pendemi covid 19. Mengingat kurangnya kebutuhan pemenuhan belajar. Oleh karena itu tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan proses belajar mengajar anak-anak di Kelurahan Brondong serta turut aktif mengikuti kegiatan di Kelurahan Brondong. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dan pendampingan. Bentuk kegiatan diantaranya mengajar di MIM 16 Jompang, mengajar mengaji, mengajar Les, Gotong royong,dsb. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah Kelurahan Brondong, Kecamatan Brondong, Hasil dari Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) ini dapat meningkatan ilmu dan pengetahuan masyarakat. Mahasiswa mendapat pengalaman dan ilmu kemasyarakatan yang tidak di dapat dibangku kuliah dan masyarakat dapat menyerap ilmu yang dimiliki mahasiswa dalam meningkatkan wawasan mereka untuk kemudian diterapkan dalam kehidapan sehari-hari

    Local Wisdom and Karst Spring Management in Playen District, Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia

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    For the population of Playen District, Gunungkidul Regency, karst springs serve as the primary water sources because surface rivers are rare in karst areas and, if present, the quality of their water is reportedly less than that of the springs. In the spring water utilization, local wisdom is incorporated into the management and has so far contributed to sustainability. Since only a few studies have examined local wisdom and its correlation with changes in spring management pattern, this research initiates the provision and dissemination of information on karst spring management that is applicable elsewhere. It was designed to scrutinize the local wisdom and regulatory measures implemented at many springs in Playen District. Detailed data were obtained by in-depth interviews with four key informants responsible for managing springs block 1 (Gedad, Grunggung, and Karangkulon Springs), 2 (Banyusoco and Sungai Oyo), 3 (Dung Poh, Nganding, Umbul, and Jambe), and 4 (Ngrunggo and Ngrasih). Through qualitative descriptive analysis, the research found that the laying of offerings at springs in blocks 1 and 2 during traditional celebratory ceremonies had been abandoned, but cleaning activities at and around these springs as part of the local wisdom sustained. In the context of utilization, the spring management had changed from direct manual withdrawal to indirect systematized one that used pipes with gravitational water flow system (block 1) to distribute spring water to villagers’ houses (block 2). On the contrary, local wisdom like offerings and cleaning activities at and around the springs in blocks 3 and 4 was preserved. Their management had changed from manual extraction to gas-fueled water pumping systems, which were later replaced with electricity-powered pumps (block 3), and to indirect withdrawal through pipelines with pump-generated flows (block 4). To manage the springs in all blocks and their sustainable utilization, the people of the district still adopt local wisdom. Besides, they no longer collected water directly at springs but have switched to water distribution technology like pumps and pipelines instead


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    Abstract   Medicinal plant is a plant that has many efficacy especially in the health field. because of the efficacy of the medicinal plants in community service activities in the form of training is done processing of medicinal plants by processing ginger (Zingiber officinale) into instant ginger. this training to  program at village level to educate women on various aspects of family welfare Dermo Benjeng Gresik. the purpose of this activity is to utilize medicinal plants and can improve the health of the community independently by utilizing medicinal plants, as well as provide knowledge to the community of the importance of medicinal plants for health and gives an understanding of how management and utilization of medicinal plants, as well as familiarize the people to plant and utilizing medicinal plants in the home environment, the methods used are active learning and parcipatory learning, which includes lectures, practice of processing plants healthy and continue with the discussion of the results of this training, this training showed knowledge about the importance of medicinal plants for health, as well as skills processing of medicinal plants for program at village level to educate women on various aspects of family welfare.   Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, Pengolahan, Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA


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    Abstract   Medicinal plant is a plant that has many efficacy especially in the health field. because of the efficacy of the medicinal plants in community service activities in the form of training is done processing of medicinal plants by processing ginger (Zingiber officinale) into instant ginger. this training to  program at village level to educate women on various aspects of family welfare Dermo Benjeng Gresik. the purpose of this activity is to utilize medicinal plants and can improve the health of the community independently by utilizing medicinal plants, as well as provide knowledge to the community of the importance of medicinal plants for health and gives an understanding of how management and utilization of medicinal plants, as well as familiarize the people to plant and utilizing medicinal plants in the home environment, the methods used are active learning and parcipatory learning, which includes lectures, practice of processing plants healthy and continue with the discussion of the results of this training, this training showed knowledge about the importance of medicinal plants for health, as well as skills processing of medicinal plants for program at village level to educate women on various aspects of family welfare.   Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, Pengolahan, Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA

    Взаимосвязь социально-экономического статуса личности и приверженности здоровому образу жизни как социальная проблема : выпускная бакалаврская работа по направлению подготовки: 39.03.02 - Социальная работа

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    Children with special needs including children who are deaf-speech are children who have the right to get teaching and develop according to their potential. Like normal children in general, children who are deaf-mute have problems that must be resolved so that they can perform maximally. One of them is by providing education. Education is very important in life to eradicate ignorance. Teachers and parents must also be seen in the teaching process of students. For this reason, class management must also be in accordance with the conditions of students so that students are interested and can follow the learning well and in accordance with what is expecte


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    Pada saat ini perkembangan teknologi dalam berbagai hal telah berkembang pesat begitu pula dalam pertanian, dengan hal ini masyarakat bisa memanfaatkan lahan kosong dipekarangan rumah untuk bercocok tanam dengan cara hidroponik. Kegiataan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan ilmu dan pengalaman baru dalam bercocok tanam. Metode yang digunakan adalah pemaparan materi, praktik dan pelatihan tanaman hidroponik, pendampingan, dan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil yang bisa didapat dari pelatihan pemberdayaan hidroponik ini, antaranya penggunaan lahan yang lebih efesien, Tanaman berproduksi dengan memanfaatkan air, waktu tanam singkat, dan hasil produksi lebih tinggi dan lebih bersih