13 research outputs found


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    This research was conducted to develop E-Learning Instructional Media using Moodle on Model Pembelajaran subject for Education Technology  students of Master’s Degree in Mulawarman University. The purpose of this research are to develop the E-learning procedure development using Moodle on Model Pembelajaran subject for Education Technology  students of Master’s Degree in Mulawarman University. This type of research is the Research and Development using ADDIE development model. This research is experimented tothe 2017 generation  Education Technology Master’s Studentin University of Mulawarman. The data are validated by media experts, content experts, individual testing, small group testing and field tests using a questionnaire,thenthe data were analyzed with qualitative, quantitative and another statistical analysis methods. The research finding shown an instructional product using E-learning


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    This study aims to describe the role of principal leadership in planning the development of the quality of teacher resources at SMP Negeri 2 Sebulu Kutai Kartanegara. Related to the role of principal leadership in planning, implementing, evaluating planned programs in developing the quality of teacher resources. This research uses a qualitative approach with this type of research, namely a case study. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used the Miles & Huberman model, which includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed: (1) planning for the development of the quality of teacher resources was carried out by deliberation in internal meetings; (2) the form of developing the quality of teacher resources, namely the implementation of workshops, training, seminars and advanced education levels; (3) evaluating by conducting academic supervision; (4) the role of the principal as: (a) educator; (b) managers; (c) administrator; (d) supervisors; (e) leader (f) innovator; and (g) motivators. Based on the results of interviews with three informants about the principal's leadership in planning the development of the quality of teacher resources, the principal as a leader has tried to carry out according to procedures in determining planning, namely by involving stakeholders in internal school meetings. In the implementation process, it is carried out in accordance with the procedure, all the steps taken by the principal and the teacher are to begin with the formation of a school development team, each school development team is given a mandate according to its capacity

    Supervisi Akademik Kepala Sekolah dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran Guru di SMP Muhammadiyah Balikpapan

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    Academic supervision is a process taken by school principals to help teachers improve their ability to manage effective learning. This study aims to determine the planning, implementation, evaluation, follow-up, constraints, and solutions in the academic supervision of school principals in an effort to improve the quality of teacher learning at SMP Muhammadiyah Balikpapan. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Principals, vice principals, and teachers participated in this study. Data analysis was carried out through the stages of reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study found that planning for the principal's academic supervision begins with holding meetings with teachers to develop regular programs and prepare supervision instruments. The implementation of academic supervision is carried out through class observation by observing the implementation of learning, starting from the teacher opening the lesson to closing the lesson, establishing communication between the principal and the teacher to provide input, discussing and sharing information between teachers so that the teacher can improve his quality and master the learning process in the classroom

    Manajemen Rekrutmen Tenaga Pendidik dalam Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah Dasar Islam Swasta di Samarinda

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    This study aims to determine the planning, implementation, supervision, constraints, and solutions in managing teacher recruitment in improving the quality of private Islamic elementary schools in Samarinda. A qualitative approach using the case study method was used to collect data from principal informants, vice principals, and teaching staff. Methods of data collection using interview techniques and document study. The collected data were analyzed interactively and tested the validity of the data was using source triangulation. The results of this study indicate that planning for the recruitment of teaching staff is carried out by determining the qualifications applicants must possess. The recruitment of teaching staff is carried out internally and externally. At the supervisory level, school principals and foundation leaders carry out teacher recruitment activities to monitor teacher recruitment activities by participating in the teacher recruitment process. Recruitment management constraints are applicants with personalities that do not match the predetermined qualifications and do not pass the selection process


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    Lectures become the center of learning who dominate the activities in traditional classrooms. Most of the learning time in the classroom is spent on lecturing than students' activities which causes a lack of motivation in learning. The study aims to: 1) increase activities of both the lecture and students by implementing Flipped Classroom; 2) to increase students' motivation by implementing Flipped Classroom; 3) to increase students' learning achievement by implementing Flipped Classroom. The study used a classroom action research methodology which consisted of 3 cycles. There were four stages in the research: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data of the study consisted of 1) activities data of both lecture and students through observation and documentation; 2) students' motivation data through online questionnaires on Google Form and observation; 3) learning achievement through an online quiz on Edmodo. At the end of Cycle III, it was found out that there was an increase in activities of both lecture and students, student motivation, and learning achievement by implementing Flipped Classroom


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    This research aims (1) to know the development process in the learning of short story writing, (2) to measure the validity and practicality of short story writing using synectics learning model, and (3) to measure the effectiveness of short story writing using synectics learning model. It uses a Research and Development (R&D) model of Borg and Gall. The population of this research is 30 students of class XI SMK Negeri 2 Samarinda. Trials were conducted in two stages, small group and large group or field trials. Methods of data collection include observation, interview, and test. It applies descriptive and qualitative techniques to analyze the data.  

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning Strategi Think Talk Write dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Menulis Teks Ulasan Kelas

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    This study aims to determine (1) teacher teaching activities in applying Discovery Learning Think Talk Write (DL-TTW) learning models, (2) student learning activities in implementing the Discovery Learning Think Talk Write (DL-TTW) model, (3) increased motivation to learn to write text on student reviews in applying the Discovery Learning Think Talk Write (DL-TTW) Learning model, (4) improvement of learning outcomes writing text review in the application of the Discovery Learning Think Talk Write (DL-TTW) learning model. This research is a classroom action research with four stages including: planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects of this study were VIII B students of Al-Muhajirin Middle School in Muara Badak Kab. Kutai Kertanegara 2017/2018 school year, totaling 28 students. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, interviews, field notes and tests.Data validity in this study uses data source triangulation and method triangulation. The data analysis technique used is an interactive analysis model developed by Miles and Huberman which consists of four components, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study are 1) teacher teaching activities have increased by an average of 64.71% in cycle I and an average of 87.25% in cycle II, 2) student learning activities have increased with an average of 54.44% in cycle I and an average of 84.44% in cycle II, 3) student learning motivation has increased by an average of 53.83% in cycle I and an average of 84.19% in cycle II, 4) student learning outcomes have increased with an average of 52.38% in cycle I and an average of 84.52% in cycle II. It can be concluded that the implementation of the model with this learning strategy has increased


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    The purpose of this study were (1) to know critical thinking skill of the fifth semester English Department students of Mulawarman University, (2) To know writing argumentative essay achievement of the fifth semester English Department students of Mulawarman University, (3) To find whether there is significant correlation between critical thinking skill and writing argumentative essay achievement of the fifth semester English Department students of Mulawarman University.The design of this study was correlation design. By using random sampling, we took 30 students as our research participants. In getting the data, we used critical thinking test and writing argumentative essay test. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 21.The findings of this study showed that: (1) The critical thinking skill achievement of the fifth semester English department students of Mulawarman University was poor with the mean score of 51.51; (2) The writing argumentative essay achievement of the fifth semester English department students of Mulawarman University was good with the mean score of 74.42; (3) there is a significant correlation between critical thinking skill and writing argumentative essay achievement of the fifth semester English Department students of Mulawarman University

    Tinjauan Kritis terhadap Hakekat Teori Pengetahuan dan Kebenaran dalam Konteks Pendidikan Islam: Suatu Analisis Komprehensif: Critical Review of the Nature of the Theory of Knowledge and Truth in the Context of Islamic Education: A Comprehensive Analysis

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    Hakekat teori pengetahuan dan kebenaran dalam konteks pendidikan Islam melibatkan pemahaman mendalam terhadap sumber-sumber pengetahuan, proses memperoleh pengetahuan, dan kriteria kebenaran yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Dalam pandangan Islam, pengetahuan dan kebenaran dianggap sebagai bagian integral dari pengembangan spiritual, moral, dan intelektual individu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara kritis hakekat teori pengetahuan dan kebenaran dalam konteks Pendidikan Islam.Sedangkan Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan fokus menggunakan metode studi pustaka (library research). Sumber Data diambil dari dua sumber yaitu  Literatur Akademis yang melibatkan tinjauan literatur dari jurnal-jurnal akademis, buku-buku, dan artikel-artikel ilmiah terkait hakikat pengetahuan, dan kebenaran dalam konteks pendidikan Islam. Hasil pembahasan bahwa hubungan antar hakekat teori pengetahuan dan kebenaran dengan Pendidikan Agama Islam adalah pengetahuan membantu merumuskan cara bagaimana pengetahuan agama dipahami, diterima, dan diterapkan. Sedangkan teori kebenaran membantu menentukan apakah suatu pemahaman atau keyakinan sesuai dengan nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip Islam. Teori pengetahuan terkait dengan bagaimana pemahaman terhadap nilai-nilai dan moralitas agama dikembangkan

    Rekontruksialisme: Perspektif Filsafat Pendidikan Islam: Rekontruksialisme: Perspektif Filsafat Pendidikan Islam

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    Rekontruksialisme merupakan perspektif penting dalam filsafat pendidikan Islam yang mendorong transformasi dan perubahan dalam sistem pendidikan Islam. Pendekatan ini menekankan pentingnya menghadapi tantangan zaman modern dengan pemikiran yang inovatif dan relevan. Dalam konteks pendidikan Islam, Rekontruksialisme menawarkan prinsip-prinsip dan konsep yang berfokus pada pembaruan kurikulum, metode pengajaran, dan pemahaman nilai-nilai Islam yang diperlukan dalam kehidupan kontemporer. Pendidikan Islam harus melampaui pembelajaran klasik dan tradisional, juga dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan tuntutan dunia modern yang terus berubah. Pembaruan kurikulum menjadi salah satu aspek utama yang ditekankan, dengan memperkenalkan materi yang relevan dengan perkembangan sosial, ekonomi, sains, dan teknologi. Kurikulum ini juga harus mempertimbangkan pembelajaran yang holistik, termasuk pengembangan keterampilan sosial, kritis, kreatif, dan spiritual. Selain itu, metode pengajaran juga menjadi fokus utama dalam Rekontruksialisme. Pendekatan yang inovatif dan berpusat pada peserta didik diperlukan untuk memastikan pembelajaran yang efektif dan menarik. Pendekatan ini melibatkan penggunaan teknologi, proyek kolaboratif, diskusi, dan simulasi yang memungkinkan peserta didik untuk terlibat aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dan menerapkan pemahaman mereka dalam konteks kehidupan nyata. Pemahaman tentang prinsip-prinsip keadilan, kesetaraan, perdamaian dan toleransi dalam Islam serta penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari