74 research outputs found

    Intelligent Network-Based Stepping Stone Detection Approach.

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    This research intends to introduce a new usage of Artificial Intelligent (AI) approaches in Stepping Stone Detection (SSD) fields of research

    Elektroretinogram Multifokus (mfERG): Data Piawai Makmal bagi Kanak-kanak Berusia 6-12 Tahun

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    Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan nilai data piawai mfERG bagi Makmal Elektrofisiologi, Program Optometri & Sains Penglihatan, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Pengukuran mfERG yang dilakukan adalah min ketumpatan amplitud (nV/deg²) kedua mata dan perbandingan min antara mata kanan (OD) dan kiri (OS); respon ketumpatan amplitud setiap bulatan yang dikaji dan respon keseluruhan ketumpatan amplitud kawasan retina yang dikaji. Kajian ini melibatkan seramai 16 orang kanak-kanak normal berumur antara 6 hingga 12 tahun. Ujian t-berpasangan mendapati tiada perbezaan signifikan min ketumpatan amplitud antara kedua mata (OD=24.27±8.16 nV/deg², OS=24.12±8.57 nV/deg², p=0.937). Nilai min ketumpatan amplitud setiap bulatan untuk OD adalah bulatan 1=56.41±24.85 nV/deg², bulatan 2=28.36±9.31 nV/deg², bulatan 3=17.50±5.33 nV/deg², bulatan 4=10.51±3.17 nV/deg² dan bulatan 5=8.57±2.74 nV/deg². Nilai min ketumpatan amplitud setiap bulatan untuk OS adalah bulatan 1=54.67±25.10 nV/deg², bulatan 2=28.89±10.52 nV/deg², bulatan 3=18.23±5.98 nV/deg², bulatan 4=10.40±3.37 nV/deg² dan bulatan 5=8.30±2.73 nV/deg². Manakala min ketumpatan amplitud keseluruhan kawasan retina ialah OD=24.27±8.16 nV/deg² dan OS=24.12±8.57 nV/deg². Kesimpulannya nilai piawai makmal mfERG telah berjaya dihasilkan untuk usia 6 hingga 12 tahun di Makmal Elektroretinogram Multifokal, Program Optometri dan Sains Penglihatan, UKM. Diharapkan ia akan diguna pakai sebagai panduan dan perbandingan penyelidikan akan datang

    Performance Comparison of Downlink Packet Scheduling Algorithms in LTE Network

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    Long Term Evolution (LTE) was introduced by the Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and is considered as the latest step towards the fourth generation of radio technology. This paper investigates the performance of well-known packet scheduling algorithms such as Proportion Fair (PF), Maximum- Largest Weighted Delay First (M-LWDF), Exponential Proportion Fair (EXP/PF), Frame Level Scheduler (FLS), Exponential rule (EXP rule), and Logarithmic rule (LOG Rule) in terms of delay, throughput, and packet loss ratio (PLR) by using the LTE-Sim open source simulator. Different traffic types are used, and Simulation results show that in video traffic, FLS and EXP algorithms provide a higher system throughput compared to other algorithms while keeping the delay and packet loss ratio small. However, in the case of best-effort traffic, results show a high delay and PLR with low throughput. The main contribution of this paper is to determine the appropriate downlink scheduling algorithm for VOIP, video, and best-effort traffics in 3GPP LTE

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat dalam Pelaksanaan Program Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (Paten) Di Kecamatan Nongsa Kota Batam

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    he Sub-District Integrated Administrative Service (PATEN) is service implementation to the public in the sub-district, which its service procedure start from the submission of the application untill retrieval of completed documents, performed through only one service counter. The purpose of this research are, first to find out whether the variables of service quality (SERVQUAL) which consisting of five variables such as: tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy has an influence of public's satisfaction; second to find out whether the five variables of service quality mentioned, simultaneously influence of public's satisfaction; third to find out which variable of service quality has the most dominant influence of public's satisfaction. The results of this research indicated, first from the five variables of service quality only tangible and empathy dimension influence of public's satisfaction; second service quality variable such as tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy simultaneously influence of public's satisfaction; third the most dominant variable of the PATEN service quality influence of public’s satisfaction is empathy variable with the largest Beta value are 0.469 or 46,9 percent. To improve result quality of the research, conducted retesting regression with trimming models, retest the simultaneous significance (F statistical test) and partial regression

    Speed Effect to a Quarter Car ARX Model Based on System Identification

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    This paper presents the effect of car speeds on a quarter car passive suspension system model dynamics. The model is identified using system identification technique, in which the input-output data are collected by running a test car on an artificial road surface with two different speeds i.e., 10 km/h and 20 km/h. The quarter car passive suspension system dynamics is assumed to have an ARX model structure and identified using linear least-square estimation algorithm. The car vertical body acceleration, which is the output variable, is measured by installing an accelerometer sensor on the car body, above the suspension. On the other hand, the car shaft acceleration, which is the input variable, is measured by installing an accelerometer sensor at the lower arm of the car suspension. The best model for the 10 km/h car speed gives the output order () = 4, the input order () = 2, delay (d) = 1, the best fit = 90.65%, and the Akaike’s Final Prediction Error (FPE) = 5.315e-06. In contrast, the 20 km/h speed results in 4th output order (), 1stthe input order (), 1st delay (d), the best fit of 91.05%, and 7.503e-05Akaike’s FPE. These results show that the higher speed reduces the effect of the road surface to car dynamics, which is indicated by the order of the mode

    Modul Penilaian Komprehensif Bagi Pertolongan Cemas Dalam Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Kesihatan (Comprehensive Assessment Module For First Aids In Physical Education And Health)

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti sejauh mana pencapaian pembelajaran pelajar berdasarkan domain kognitif, psikomotor dan afektif melalui Modul Penilaian Komprehensif (MPK) bagi tajuk pertolongan cemas dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan (PJK). Reka bentuk kajian ini berupa kaedah pra eksperimen – reka bentuk kajian sekali gus. Kajian dijalankan di beberapa buah sekolah menengah daerah Larut, Matang dan Selama dalam negeri Perak dengan sampel terdiri daripada 15 orang guru dan 443 orang pelajar Tingkatan 2 yang mengikuti kelas PJK. Instrumen MPK pertolongan cemas mengandungi penilaian berupa rubrik pemarkahan bagi domain kognitif (r = .76), domain psikomotor (r = .92) dan domain afektif (r = .77) serta soal selidik tahap persetujuan guru terhadap penggunaan MPK bagi pertolongan cemas (r = .82). Peratus persetujuan guru bagi pertolongan cemas adalah 70.96% (SP = .83). Keputusan kajian menunjukkan pencapaian pembelajaran kognitif murid (M = 6.89, 68.90%) berada pada tahap baik, pencapaian psikomotor semasa sesi pengajaran pada aras ketepatan perlakuan (n = 438, M = 2.68) dan semasa sesi simulasi pada aras ketepatan perlakuan (n = 443, M = 3.43) manakala pencapaian afektif pada aras membina perwatakan (n = 443, M = 4.17). Kajian juga mendapati 90.53% guru bersetuju bahawa penggunaan MPK mampu meningkatkan pencapaian pembelajaran murid, 88.00% bersetuju MPK membantu dalam pengurusan pengajaran guru, 95.94% bersetuju penggunaan MPK mencapai objektif pengajaran, 79.46% bersetuju bahawa MPK menepati ciri modul penilaian dan 58.67% setuju bahawa MPK mudah dilaksanakan. Berdasarkan dapatan, instrumen MPK ini sesuai digunakan sebagai alat ukur yang piawai bagi menilai pencapaian pembelajaran murid dalam tajuk pertolongan cemas bagi mata pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihata

    Macroarthropod Diversity, Distribution, and Community Structure in Cikarae Cave of the Klapanunggal Karst, West Java

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    Arthropods are the most dominant fauna in cave realms. Ecological studies of cave-dwelling arthropods are essential for cave ecosystem conservation. This study was conducted to determine the ecological aspects of macroarthropods in Cikarae Cave, West Java, focusing on their diversity, distribution, and community structure. The cave passage was divided into three zones based on environmental disparities. Data collection was carried out through direct search and counting methods. Data were analyzed using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and several ecological indices (diversity, evenness, and dominance). Nineteen macroarthropod morphospecies were recorded and distributed among 5 classes, 11 orders, and 18 families. Most of these morphospecies were troglophiles. A new troglobitic species (Isopoda: Philosciidae) with a high degree of troglomorphy and exclusive microhabitat was registered. Most morphospecies were collected in Zone 1 (17), followed by Zone 3 (9) and Zone 2 (8). Collected macroarthropods preferred cave walls over floors and ceilings. Overall, Cikarae showed a low diversity index (0.782) and evenness (0.265), while dominance was relatively high (0.692). Trachyjulus tjampeanus, Rhaphidophora sp., and Theridiosomatidae sp. were the most dominant taxa