21 research outputs found

    ARSITEKTUR TRADISIONAL BUGIS MAKASSAR (Survei pada Atap Bangunan Kantor di Kota Makassar)

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    Abstract: Traditional architecture builds upon rules adopted traditions of local communities. Traditional architecture is also a formation of cultural elements that grow and develop along with the growth of a tribe that serve as an identity of the tribe. Traditional architecture should be preserved in order to maintain their extinction. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in the traditional architecture of Bugis Makassar on the roof of an office building in the city of Makassar. Samples were selected intentionally, namely the office of Governor of South Sulawesi, South Sulawesi Provincial Parliament offices, office Makassar City Council, and the Office of PT. PELNI Branch Makassar. Data obtained through field observations, interviews with planning consultants, building users, and tracking documents. The analysis used is descriptive analysis. The results showed that the traditional architecture of Bugis Makassar amended on the roof of the building, namely: a) The shape of the roof, b) color of the roof, c) arrangement timpalaja / sambulayang, and d) the height / slope of the roof


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    Penelitian ini  dilakukan  untuk  membahas  tentang  bagaimana  tingkat  kematangan Tata Kelola Teknologi  Informasi dalam aplikasi Portal Akademik di SMKN 1 Kota Tangerang Selatan. Untuk mencari nilai tingkat kematangan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan  kerangka kerja  CobIT 4.1 pada domain Plan and  Organise (PO) dan Monitor  and Evaluate (ME). Adapun hasilnya diperoleh bahwa indeks tingkat kematangan  pada domain PO berada di nilai 2,6   yang berarti tingkat kematangannya di level 3 (defined process). Sedangkan indeks tingkat kematangan pada domain ME berada di nilai 2,75 yang berarti tingkat kematangannya di level 3 (defined process). Tingkat kematangan pada level 3 ini mengacu pada standar kerangka kerja  CobIT 4.1 untuk domain PO dan ME secara umum prosedur sudah  standard dan terdokumentasi serta dikomunikasikan melalui pelatihan-pelatihan. Tetapi, dalam pelaksanaannya diserahkan kepada individu untuk  mengikuti proses tersebut, sehingga penyimpangan-penyimpangan tidak  mungkin akan diketahui

    ARSITEKTUR TRADISIONAL BUGIS MAKASSAR (Survei pada Atap Bangunan Kantor di Kota Makassar)

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    Traditional architecture builds upon rules adopted traditions of local communities. Traditional architecture is also a formation of cultural elements that grow and develop along with the growth of a tribe that serve as an identity of the tribe. Traditional architecture should be preserved in order to maintain their extinction. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in the traditional architecture of Bugis Makassar on the roof of an office building in the city of Makassar. Samples were selected intentionally, namely the office of Governor of South Sulawesi, South Sulawesi Provincial Parliament offices, office Makassar City Council, and the Office of PT. PELNI Branch Makassar. Data obtained through field observations, interviews with planning consultants, building users, and tracking documents. The analysis used is descriptive analysis. The results showed that the traditional architecture of Bugis Makassar amended on the roof of the building, namely: a) The shape of the roof, b) color of the roof, c) arrangement timpalaja / sambulayang, and d) the height / slope of the roof.Keywords: Makassar Bugis traditional architecture, roof, chang

    The Behavior of Stage House Inhabitant Towards the Provision of Safe Drainage to the Environment in Soppeng District

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    The aim of this research was to study the behavior of stage house inhabitants towards the provision of safe drainage to the environment in Soppeng District and also to understand the influence of some environmental factors on them, both individually and collectively. For the purpose, Marioriwawo, Lilirilau, and Marioriawa Sub-districts were selected by random respondents while 50 family heads (FH) were selected in each sub-district using purposive respondents method. Therefore, 150 family heads constituted the respondents size. Behavior towards the provision of safe drainage to the environment was the dependent variable while the independent include environmental knowledge, conservation, as well as attitudes and motivation to maintain the environment. Descriptive and inferential statistical were used in analyzing the results through simple and multiple regressions. The results of the study showed that the behavior of the stage house inhabitants towards the provision of safe drainage to the environment in Soppeng District is moderate and needs improvement. It also found that the environmental factors stated above are moderate and, individually and collectively influences the behavior of the inhabitants

    Architectural Typology of Mamasa Traditional Graves, West Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Mamasa is one of the ethnic groups in West Sulawesi, which has a very unique culture, and the implementation of that culture is seen in the form of traditional architecture in the form of a house as a place to live, as well as other activities such as a traditional grave. This study determines the typology of traditional grave architecture in Mamasa, West Sulawesi, one of the traditional architectural products with high cultural value. This is a qualitative research with data collected through interviews, field observations, and documentation. The qualitative data analysis comprises of collection, presentation, reduction, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the typology of traditional grave architecture in Mamasa emerged from the ancestral belief in Aluk Mappurondo, which consisted of 5 types, including a)Bangka-Bangka, b) Tedong-tedong, c) Ropi, d) Batutu oralang-alang, and e) Lokko'. The contribution of this research is to introduce one of the traditional architectural products that has high cultural value, as an object of research for scientists interested in traditional architecture or in the field of anthropology, and at the same time contribute in the field of tourism, as a cultural attraction that attracts both local tourists and foreign tourists, for the sake of increasing the country's foreign exchange in the field of Tourism

    Factors That Encourage Bugis Communities Maintaining Green Open Spaces

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    Green open space is open space used for plants or plants naturally or plant cultivation, which has an ecological function, is the 'lungs' of a city or region because plants and green plants can absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, add oxygen, reduce the temperature with shade and coolness of plants, become water catchment areas, and reduce noise so it needs to be maintained. This study aims to find out how the knowledge of ecosystem factors, attitude factors towards the environment, motivational factors, and local wisdom factors can encourage the Bugis community to manage green open space. Research sites are in the districts of Bone, Soppeng, and Wajo. Respondents of the study, as many as 300 families, namely 100 households in each district, were chosen randomly. Data collection techniques are questionnaires and data analysis techniques with descriptive analysis. The results showed that: (1) Ecosystem knowledge factor (X1) drives in the medium category, (2) environmental care attitude factor (X2) is a positive category, (3) Motivation factors maintain the environment (X3) is medium category, and (4) local wisdom factor (X4) is a medium category. The results of this study, are expected to be useful for scientists or environmentalists in this area, as a reference material to increase understanding for the Bugis community in particular, and the public about how important it is to support green open spaces as one of the important elements in urban areas

    Program aplikasi Ujian Sekolah berbasis android Pada Smkn 1 Tambun Selatan Kabupaten Bekasi

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    Ujian Sekolah adalah kegiatan pengukuran pencapaian kompetensi bagi para pelajar yang dilakukan oleh satuan pendidikan guna untuk mengetahui kemampuan pelajar selama menerima materi, selain itu ujian sekolah bisa digunakan untuk penentu tingkat kecerdasan dan kedisplinan siswa selama belajar. Sistem ujian pada SMKN 1 Tambun selatan pada pelaksanaannya masih menggunakan sistem tertulis yang dimana hampir bisa menghabiskan jumlah kertas yang cukup banyak yaitu 2 sampai 3 Rim kertas serta pengkoreksian ujian yang memakan waktu selama 3 sampai 4 hari. Sehingga SMKN 1 Tambun selatan saat ini memerlukan sistem ujian sekolah Online yang dapat mengurangi jumlah penggunaan kertas, perlataan ujian serta waktu pemeriksaan. Dengan menggunakan metode RAD pembuatan aplikasi semakin cepat dilakukan. Android merupakan sebuah sistem operasi yang biasanya digunakan pada Smartphone. Adanya aplikasi ujian berbasis android ini sekolah tidak perlu lagi mengeluarkan kertas dan peralataan manual dan waktu pemeriksaan ujian menjadi semakin efesien

    House Design Architecture Based on Bugis Ethnic the Local Wisdom of the Environmental Concept

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    The research method used in this study is qualitative research. The location of this reserach at the Bone, Soppeng, and wajo Regencies, located in South Sulawesi Province of Indonesia we choses the tree area because this area is a central of the Bugis tribe. Data collection by open interview for 150 people were still understand design of house based on the Bugis ethnic's local wisdom, understanding the supporting factors and obstacles for the development of visible designs, and the method used to implement design appearing to the stakeholders. A qualitative descriptive analysis technique, conducted to analyzing each variables, consisting of front of their houses, the contour of the land facing the direction higher and flat, the position facing the main road and second road, and the slope and shape of the roof, that is data selection, data presentation, analysis of interpretation, and conclusion. The results of the study showed that they built the front of their houses according to the local wisdom of the Bugis ethnic, the houses were built in such a way that the position of the house should be facing east, the contour of the land facing the direction higher and flat, the position facing the main road and second road, the slope of the roof should be 27 to 35 degrees, the shape of the roof should be saddle and shield

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Ukuran Partikel Cu Dan Temperatur Sintering Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Dan Densitas Komposit W-Cu

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    Proyektil adalah bagian dari peluru yang dioptimalkan agar proyektil mempunyai kemampuan untuk menembus yang tinggi dan jangkaukan yang luas. Material yang biasa digunakan dalam pembuatan peluru adalah timbal. Namun timbah merupakan material beracun yang dapat membahayaakan tubuh. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini digunakan material alternatif dari komposit tungsten dan tembaga (WCu) sebagai material alternatif dalam pembuatan proyektil peluru Pembuatan dilakukan dengan proses metalurgi iserbuk dengan berat Cu 20% dari berat total komposit. Variabel yang digunakan adalahi ukuran partikel Cu 20-25, 30,35 dan 30-35μm dan temperatur sintering 1100, 1200 dan 1300oC. Proses ini dilakukan dengan tekanan kompaksi 600 Mpa dan waktu tahan selama 3 jam. Setelah itu secara berturut-turunt dilakukan pengujian densitas, kekerasan, SEM, XRD dan uji tekan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, fasa yang terbentuk dari hasil XRD adalah W dan Cu, sinter density tertinggi sebesar 12.78 g/cm3dan porositas terkecil sebesar 20,46% pada saat ukuran partikel Cu 20-25 μm dengan temperatur sintering 1300oC. Kekuatan tekan tertinggi sebesar 261,82 Mpa pada 20- 25μm-1300oC, modulus elastisitas tertinggi sebesar 58,31 Gpa pada 20-25μm 1300oC. ========== Projectile is part of the bullets that optimized to be the bullet has a high range and penetrating. Usually, The material used in the manufacture of bullets is Pb . However Pb a toxic material that can dangerous for body. Therefore in this study used an alternative material of the composite tungsten and copper (WCU) as an material in the manufacture of a bullet Manufacture of composite made by powder metallurgy process with Cu 20% of the total weight of Composite. The variables used were Cu particle size 20-25, 30.35 and 30- 35μm and temperature sintering 1100, 1200 and 1300oC. This process is done by compacting pressure of 600 MPa and holding time for 3 hours. After that, perform the testing density, hardness, SEM, XRD and pressure tests of composite. Based on test results, a phase which is formed from the results of XRD is W and Cu, sinter highest density of 12.78 g / cm3 and the smallest porosity of 20.46% when the particle size of 20-25 μm Cu sintering temperature 1300oC. The highest compressive strength of 261.82 MPa at 20-25μm- 1300oC, the highest elasticity modulus of 58.31 GPa at 1300oC 20-25μm