11,813 research outputs found

    Estimation of Precautionary Demand by Financial Anxieties

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    Pioneering work of modelling financial anxieties was given by Kimura et al (1999) as psychological change of people due to financial shocks. Since they regressed financial position (easy or tight) by nonstationary interest rate, their results exhibit high peaks not only in financial crisis period of 1997 and 1998, but also in the bubble economy period of 1987 to 1989, which seems to be a spurious regression. Furthermore, defining financial anxieties as the conditional variance in TARCH model, one of estimated coefficients did not satisfy sign condition. We got rid of these difficulties by introducing a growth rate model, where a change of financial position (toward ''tight'') under a change of interest rate (toward ''fall'') is regarded as financial anxieties. Such anxieties are quantified by conditional variance of EGARCH model and shown to be stationary. Precautionary demand caused by financial anxieties is estimated in VEC model and it is shown that money adjusted by precautionary demand satisfies a long-run equilibrium relationship in the system (adjusted money, real GDP, interest rate) even in the interval 1980q1 to 2003q2.financial anxieties, precautionary demand, cointegration, EGARCH

    The task environment, resource commitment and reverse logistics performance: evidence from the Taiwanese high-tech sector

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    The purpose of the study was to construct a model in order to understand the empirical effects of the task environment on reverse logistics resource commitment and the resulting performance. The Taiwanese computer, communication, and consumer electronics (3C) manufacturing and retail industries were investigated by questionnaire administration. Structural equation modelling was employed to model relationships among the latent constructs of the task environment, resource commitment, and environmental and economic performances. From 349 valid responses, it was found that the task environment has a positive and significant influence on resource commitment. In turn, resource commitment positively and significantly influences the economic and environmental performances of reverse logistics separately. Additionally, environmental performance significantly and positively influences economic performance, thus showing that it pays to be green. Under a climate of increasingly strict international regulations, governmental legislation and the increase in consumer environmentalism, firms are advised to appropriately reappraise their RL resource commitments

    Oral cancer secretome: Identification of cancer-associated proteins

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    This study aims to identify cancer-associated proteins in the secretome of oral cancer cell lines. We have successfully established four primary cell cultures of normal cells with a limited lifespan without human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) immortalization. The secretome of these primary cell cultures were compared with that of oral cancer cell lines using 2DE. Thirty five protein spots were found to have changed in abundance. Unambiguous identification of these proteins was achieved by MALDI TOF/TOF. In silico analysis predicted that 24 of these proteins were secreted via classical or nonclassical mechanisms. The mRNA expression of six genes was found to correlate with the corresponding protein abundance. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) core analysis revealed that the identified proteins were relevant in, and related to, cancer development with likely involvements in tumor growth, metastasis, hyperproliferation, tumorigenesis, neoplasia, hyperplasia, and cell transformation. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a comparative study of the secretome of cancer versus normal cell lines can be used to identify cancer-associated proteins.Article Link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elps.201300126/abstrac

    A novel low complexity local hybrid pseudo-SSIM-SATD distortion metric towards perceptual rate control

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    The front-end block-based video encoder applies an Image Quality Assessment (IQA) as part of the distortion metric. Typically, the distortion metric applies uniform weighting for the absolute differences within a Sub-Macroblock (Sub-MB) at any given time. As video is predominately designed for Humans, the distortion metric should reflect the Human Visual System (HVS). Thus, a perceptual distortion metric (PDM), will lower the convex hull of the Rate-Distortion (R-D) curve towards the origin, by removing perceptual redundancy and retaining perceptual clues. Structured Similarity (SSIM), a perceptual IQA, has been adapted via logarithmic functions to measure distortion, however, it is restricted to the Group of Picture level and hence unable to adapt to the local Sub-MB changes. This paper proposes a Local Hybrid Pseudo-SSIM-SATD (LHPSS) Distortion Metric, operating at the Sub-MB level and satisfying the Triangle Equality Rule (≤). A detailed discussion of LHPSS's Psuedo-SSIM model will illustrate how SSIM can be perceptually scaled within the distortion metric space of SATD using non-logarithmic functions. Results of HD video encoded across different QPs will be presented showing the competitive bit usage under IbBbBbBbP prediction structure for similar image quality. Finally, the mode decision choices superimposed on the Intra frame will illustrate that LHPSS lowers the R-D curve as homogeneous regions are represented with larger block size

    Review of standard traditional distortion metrics and a need for perceptual distortion metric at a (sub) macroblock level

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    Within a video encoder the distortion metric performs an Image Quality Assessment (IQA). However, to exploit perceptual redundancy to lower the convex hull of the Rate- Distortion (R-D) curve, a Perceptual Distortion Metric (PDM) modelling of the Human Visual System (HVS) should be used. Since block-based video encoders like H.264/AVC operate at the Sub-Macroblock (Sub-MB) level, there exists a need to produce a locally operating PDM. A locally operating PDM must meet the requirements of Standard Traditional Distortion Metrics (STDMs), in that it must satisfy the Triangle Equality Rule. Hence, this paper presents a review of STDMs of SSE, SAD and SATD against the perceptual IQA of Structural Similarity (SSIM) at the Sub-MB level. Furthermore, this paper illustrates the Universal Bounded Region (UBR) by block size that supports the triangle equality rule within the Sub-MB level, between SSIM and STDMs like SATD at the prediction stage

    Interface-induced heavy-hole/light-hole splitting of acceptors in silicon

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    The energy spectrum of spin-orbit coupled states of individual sub-surface boron acceptor dopants in silicon have been investigated using scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) at cryogenic temperatures. The spatially resolved tunnel spectra show two resonances which we ascribe to the heavy- and light-hole Kramers doublets. This type of broken degeneracy has recently been argued to be advantageous for the lifetime of acceptor-based qubits [Phys. Rev. B 88 064308 (2013)]. The depth dependent energy splitting between the heavy- and light-hole Kramers doublets is consistent with tight binding calculations, and is in excess of 1 meV for all acceptors within the experimentally accessible depth range (< 2 nm from the surface). These results will aid the development of tunable acceptor-based qubits in silicon with long coherence times and the possibility for electrical manipulation

    IgG anti-apolipoprotein A-1 antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are associated with disease activity and corticosteroid therapy: an observational study.

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    IgG anti-apolipoprotein A-1 (IgG anti-apoA-1) antibodies are present in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and may link inflammatory disease activity and the increased risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in these patients. We carried out a rigorous analysis of the associations between IgG anti-apoA-1 levels and disease activity, drug therapy, serology, damage, mortality and CVD events in a large British SLE cohort

    Pembuatan Radioisotop 64cu Berbasis Reaksi Nuklir 64ni (P,n) 64cu : Simulasi Preparasi Target dan Pemisahan Radionuklida

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    Dalam upayapenguasaan teknologi produksi radioisotop 64Cu berbasis reaksi nuklir 64Ni (p,n) 64Cu, targetnikel disiapkan melalui electroplating suasana asam larutan nikel klorida–asam borat danelectroplating suasana basa larutan nikel klorida–nikel sulfat pada permukaan perak kepingpenyangga target. Larutan simulasi matrik Ni(II)–Cu(II) dianggap sebagai larutan target nikelpasca iradiasi yang mengandung radiotembaga. Dalam percobaan ini iradiasi nikel tidakdilakukan, sedangkan radiotembaga dihasilkan dari aktivasi neutron pada target CuO.Pemisahan radiotembaga dilakukan dengan kromatografi kolom penukar anion pada kondisi Cusebagai komplek anion CuCl42– dan Ni dalam bentuk kation Ni2+. Hasil percobaan menunjukkanlarutan nikel suasana asam memberikan deposit electroplating nikel yang lebih memuaskandibandingkan dengan larutan nikel suasana basa. Dalam kondisi HCl 6 M spesi tembagaterindikasi dalam bentuk Cu2+ dan CuCl42–, sedangkan nikel dalam bentuk Ni2+. Dalam kondisiHCl 9 M, tembaga dalam bentuk CuCl42–, sedangkan nikel dalam bentuk Ni2+ dan NiCl42–.Kondisi pemisahan terbaik adalah dalam HCl 8 M yang mengkondisikan tembaga berada dalambentuk CuCl42–, sedangkan nikel dalam bentuk Ni2+. Selanjutnya CuCl42– yang tertahan di kolomdiubah menjadi Cu2+ dan dielusi dengan HCl 0,05 M. Pemeriksaan spektrometri-γ menunjukkanpuncak kuat pada energi 511 keV yang sesuai dengan energi γ-anihilasi radioisotop 64Cu danpuncak lemah pada 1346 keV sesuai dengan energi γ dari transisi energi internal 64C

    Ketepatan Klasifikasi Status Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) Menggunakan Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) Dan Algoritma C4.5 Di Kabupaten Sragen

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    The progress of a nation influenced and determined by the level of public health, the indicator of the level of health is determined by nutritional status. Nutrition can be given early, namely breastfeeding to infants. This research aims to compare the classification of exclusive breastfeeding and nonexclusive breastfeeding. It used two methods for classifying a breastfeeding to babies in Sragen subdistrict on 2014, the methods are Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and C4.5 Algorithm. MARS is nonparametric regression method that use to overcome the high dimension of data that produces accurate prediction and continuous models on knot. C4.5 Algorithm is a way of classifying methods from data mining that use to construct a decision tree. To evaluate the result of classification use Apparent Error Rate (APER) calculation. The best classification result using MARS method is by using the combination of Basis Function (BF)=40, Maximum Interaction (MI)=3, Minimum Obsevation (MO)=3 because it will result on the smallest Generalized Cross Validation (GCV). Classification result using MARS method obtained APER is 19,7674% and 80,2326% of accuracy. Classification result using C4.5 Algorithm obtained APER is 18,6047% and 81,3953% of accuracy. From proportion test, concluded classification that formed by MARS is as good as by C4.5 Algorithm