742 research outputs found

    Extradition of Criminals in the Light of International Agreements

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    We know that crimes are committed at the national and international level, and there are a number of reasons and factors behind the commission of these crimes. In order to prevent the occurrence of these crimes, it is necessary to have coordination and cooperation between the countries in this area, in order to prevent the occurrence of crimes at the international level and if this cooperation does not exist. Yes, it will never establish international order and international peace, it will have financial and personal losses. Human life is the common heritage of all humanity and the preservation and protection of this heritage is the common obligation of all governments and individuals

    Efecte de la relació dels períodes de repòs molt breus en la testosterona i el cortisol durant l’exercici d’alta resistència en homes

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    La relació entre la concentració de testosterona i cortisol (relació T/C) se sol utilitzar com a índex del nivell d’esforç en l’entrenament esportiu. Els canvis que es produeixen en aquesta relació són responsables de moltes reaccions a l’exercici, com la hipertrofia i l’augment de força. L’objectiu d’aquesta recerca fou estudiar l’efecte de 4 sèries d’exercicis de pressió sobre banc i esquat fins a l’esgotament amb el 85% d’1 RM, sobre la relació de testosterona i cortisol d’homes entrenats en exercicis de resistència, utilitzant diferents intervals de repòs de 60 (P60), 90 (P90) i 120 (P120) segons. Deu homes entrenats en exercicis de resistència no competitiva (edat: 22 ± 2 anys; pes: 84 ± 8 kg; alçada: 178,5 ± 8,5 cm, amb un un any d’experiència com a mínim en exercicis de resistència [ER]), realitzaren protocols d’ER en sessions aleatòries, per separat. Es van extreure mostres de sang abans de l’exercici (Pre), immediatament després (Post) i 30 min després de finalitzar la sessió (30Post) per analitzar les concentracions sèriques de testosterona i de cortisol. Els resultats d’aquest estudi mostraren que la relació T/C durant l’interval P60 fou significativament més baixa en Post i 30Post en comparació amb el preexercici-exercici (p ≤ 0,05). La relació T/C després de l’exercici fou significativament més alta en P120 que en P60 i P90 (p ≤ 0,05), però no s’observaren diferències entre P60 i P90. Les dades indiquen que el període de repòs llarg entre sèries en ER fins a l’esgotament obtingué un augment major de la relació T/C que en el període de repòs breu. La millora de la relació T/C mitjançant períodes de repòs llarg entre sèries indica un augment de l’estat anabòlic fins a l’ER en homes entrenats en exercicis de resistència.La relació entre la concentració de testosterona i cortisol (relació T/C) se sol utilitzar com a índex del nivell d’esforç en l’entrenament esportiu. Els canvis que es produeixen en aquesta relació són responsables de moltes reaccions a l’exercici, com la hipertrofia i l’augment de força. L’objectiu d’aquesta recerca fou estudiar l’efecte de 4 sèries d’exercicis de pressió sobre banc i esquat fins a l’esgotament amb el 85% d’1 RM, sobre la relació de testosterona i cortisol d’homes entrenats en exercicis de resistència, utilitzant diferents intervals de repòs de 60 (P60), 90 (P90) i 120 (P120) segons. Deu homes entrenats en exercicis de resistència no competitiva (edat: 22 ± 2 anys; pes: 84 ± 8 kg; alçada: 178,5 ± 8,5 cm, amb un un any d’experiència com a mínim en exercicis de resistència [ER]), realitzaren protocols d’ER en sessions aleatòries, per separat. Es van extreure mostres de sang abans de l’exercici (Pre), immediatament després (Post) i 30 min després de finalitzar la sessió (30Post) per analitzar les concentracions sèriques de testosterona i de cortisol. Els resultats d’aquest estudi mostraren que la relació T/C durant l’interval P60 fou significativament més baixa en Post i 30Post en comparació amb el preexercici-exercici (p ≤ 0,05). La relació T/C després de l’exercici fou significativament més alta en P120 que en P60 i P90 (p ≤ 0,05), però no s’observaren diferències entre P60 i P90. Les dades indiquen que el període de repòs llarg entre sèries en ER fins a l’esgotament obtingué un augment major de la relació T/C que en el període de repòs breu. La millora de la relació T/C mitjançant períodes de repòs llarg entre sèries indica un augment de l’estat anabòlic fins a l’ER en homes entrenats en exercicis de resistència

    Efectos de los períodos de reposo muy cortos en la relación de testosterona y cortisol durante ejercicios de alta resistencia en hombres

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    La relación entre la concentración de testosterona y cortisol (relación T/C) se suele utilizar como índice del nivel de esfuerzo en la práctica de ejercicio físico. Los cambios que se producen en esta relación son los responsables de varias reacciones al ejercicio, como la hipertrofia y el aumento de fuerza. Así, el objetivo de este estudio fue explorar el efecto de 4 series de press banca y sentadillas hasta el fallo con 85% de 1 RM utilizando diferentes intervalos de reposo de 60 (P60), 90 (P90) y 120 (P120) segundos sobre la relación de testosterona y cortisol en hombres entrenados en ejercicios de resistencia. Diez hombres entrenados en ejercicios de resistencia por placer (edad: 22±2 años; peso: 84±8kg; altura: 178,5±8,5; con 1 año de experiencia como mínimo en ejercicios de resistencia [ER]) realizaron protocolos de ER en sesiones aleatorias por separado. Se extrajeron muestras de sangre antes del ejercicio (pre), inmediatamente después (post) y 30min después del fin de la sesión (30-post) para analizar las concentraciones séricas de testosterona y cortisol. Los resultados de este estudio indicaron que la relación T/C en el intervalo P60 fue significativamente más baja en post y 30-post en comparación con la previa al ejercicio (p≤0,05). La relación T/C después del ejercicio fue significativamente más alta en P120 que en P60 y P90 (p≤0,05), pero no se observaron diferencias entre P60 y P90. Los datos indican que el período de reposo largo entre series en ER hasta el fallo obtuvo un aumento mayor de la relación T/C que el período de reposo corto. La mejora de la relación T/C mediante períodos de reposo largos entre series indica un aumento del estado anabólico hasta el ER en hombres entrenados en ejercicios de resistencia

    Effects of very short rest periods on testosterone to cortisol ratio during heavy resistance exercise in men

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    The ratio between testosterone and cortisol concentration (Ts/Co ratio) is frequently used as an index of the stress level in exercise training. Changes in this ratio are responsible for several training responses such as hypertrophy and strength gain. So the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 4 sets of bench press and squat to failure with %85 of 1RM using different rest intervals of 60 (P60), 90 (P90) and 120 (P120) second on testosterone to cortisol ratio in resistance trained men. Ten recreationally resistance-trained men (age, 22±2 years; weight, 84±8kg; height, 178.5±8.5; at least 1 year of resistance exercise [RE] experience) performed RE protocols on randomized separating session. Blood draws occurred at pre-exercise (Pre); immediately after (Post) and 30min after the end of the session (30Post) for measurement serum testosterone and cortisol concentrations. The results of this study indicated that Ts/Co ratio in P60 trail was significantly lower at post and 30min post compare to pre-exercise (p≤0.05). The Ts/Co ratio at post exercise was significantly higher in P120 than P60 and P90 (p≤0.05), but no difference was found between P60 and P90. The data indicate that long rest period between sets in RE to failure resulted in a grater increase in Ts/Co ratio than short rest period between sets in RE. The enhanced in Ts/Co ratio by long rest period between sets, indicating an augmented anabolic state to RE in resistance trained men

    Suplementacija kreatinom mijenja hormonalnu reakciju organizma na vježbe s opterećenjem

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of short-term creatine supplementation on hormonal responses to resistance exercise. 27 trained men were randomly divided into a creatine supplementation group [the CR group (n=15), taking 4×5 g creatine monohydrate/day] or a placebo supplementation group [the PL group (n=12), taking 4×7.5 g maltodextrin/day]. A double-blind research design was employed for a 7-day supplementation period. After this period, the participants performed exercise testing. Blood tests occurred on day 1 prior to supplementation loading (1Pre) and after this period [on the exercise testing day: pre-exercise (Pre), immediately post-exercise (IP), and 15 (15P) and 30 (30P) minutes post-exercise] for the measurement of the serum growth hormone and testosterone concentrations. Significant differences in the number of repetitions and volume were seen with CR (7.2±1.3 repetitions, 1560±386 kg) compared to PL (5.6±2 repetitions, 1089±341 kg) at set 5 of the exercise protocol (p=.01). Serum growth hormone and testosterone were significantly higher at 15P in CR (6.1±1.8 ng/ml, 70.1±19 pmol/L) compared to PL (4.1±1.7 ng/ml, 44.8±16 pmol/L) [(p=.02), (p=.01)]. The enhanced exercise performance resulted in a significantly greater increase in both the growth hormone and testosterone concentrations, indicating an augmented anabolic hormone response to creatine supplementation.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj kratkotrajne suplementacije kreatinom na hormonsku reakciju organizma kod vježbi s opterećenjem. 27 treniranih muškaraca nasumično su podijeljeni u grupu koja je uzimala kreatin [CR skupina (n=15), 4×5 g kreatin monohidrata po danu] ili u placebo skupinu [PL grupa (n=12), 4×7.5 g maltodextrina po danu]. Dvostruka anonimna metoda istraživanja bila je korištena pri realizaciji sedmodnevnog suplementacijskog perioda. Nakon perioda suplementacije, provedena su finalna testiranja. Testiranje krvnih uzoraka provedeno je prvog dana eksperimenta neposredno prije suplementacije (1Pre) i nakon eksperimentalnog perioda [na dan finalnih testiranja: prije izvođenja vježbi s opterećenjem (Pre), neposredno nakon izvođenja vježbi s opterećenjem (IP), te 15 (15P) i 30 (30P) minuta nakon izvođenja vježbi s opterećenjem] za mjerenje koncentracije seruma hormona rasta i testosterona. Statistički značajne razlike u broju ponavljanja i veličini ukupnog opterećenja utvrđene su kod CR skupine (7.2±1.3 ponavljanja, 1560±386 kg) u usporedbi s PL skupinom (5.6±2 ponavljanja, 1089±341 kg) kod 5. serije provedenog protokola vježbanja (p=.01). Serumi hormona rasta i testosterona bili su statistički značajno veći u 15P kod CR skupine (6.1±1.8 ng/ml, 70.1±19 pmol/L) u usporedbi s PL skupinom (4.1±1.7 ng/ml, 44.8±16 pmol/L) [(p=.02), (p=.01)]. Bolji rezultati u finalnom testiranju kod CR skupine rezultirali su statistički značajno većom koncentracijom hormona rasta i testosterona u odnosu na PL skupinu, što pokazuje povećanu reakciju anaboličkih hormona na suplementaciju kreatinom

    A study on the condition of public food court’s facilities under the management of local authority / Mohd Rahimi A. Rahman

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    Increased of population are follow by growing needs and demand of community which caused Local Authority to play their role to fulfil of this demand by provides a complete facilities and utilities for the community at one area. Therefore many facilities provides by Local Authority such as bus stop, road, playground, park and also food court. Lately, there is always reported at news paper or television on the public food court problem such as building structure damage, poor cleanliness level, dysfunctional of services and facilities by food court user and tenants. And, ironically, these report mostly involved public food courts manage by Local Authority and why this problem occur involved Local Authority has to investigate. Therefore this research is emphasize to study public food court building and facilities condition which manage under the Local Authority to know the actual condition of food court condition, in order to find out user satisfaction and effectiveness of Local Authority maintenance management practice. To find out and gather an information related to this research, an interview and questionnaire are use as research methodology to gain a primary and secondary data at four selected food court building, which each of it manage under different Local Authority at different area to know the current food court building condition, current maintenance management practice by Local Authority and user satisfaction level on current food court building condition

    Looking Through the Gender Lens: Women in Sabah Under APPGM-SDG Solution Projects

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    In Sabah, five solution projects under the auspices of All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on Sustainable Development Goals (APPGM-SDG) were related to the ‘Goal 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. One of the main aspects evaluated towards solution providers and beneficiaries is ‘gender dimension’. Hence, this article underlines three research objectives. Firstly, to identify gender-driven issues faced by the women in their community. Secondly, to demonstrate the strategies executed by solution providers in collaboration with beneficiaries’ groups. Thirdly, to analyze the impacts of the solution projects by utilizing four aspects: (i) deep (personal), (ii) clear (skills), (iii) wide (network), and (iv) high (system) as a measuring tool. In terms of research methodology, this study utilizes qualitative approach in data collection and analysis comprised of (i) observation, (ii) focus group discussion (FGD), and (iii) document analysis. Based on the analysis, three main findings were obtained in line with the objectives of this study. Firstly, main issues were based on local community experiences in education, household economy and health. Despite that, most of the issues require a national and global solution framework for the betterment of their community. Secondly, good synergy between solution providers (expertise and networks) and beneficiaries’ groups (local wisdom and motivation) is ‘the key to successes for solution projects. Thirdly, assessment on four aspects of this study shows the beneficiaries groups have been empowered through knowledge, skills, and networks. The most significant findings are that the beneficiaries’ groups established a system—as a registered and licensed groups on their own and as a part of the larger groups to ensure their sustainability—thus, ensuring ‘leave no woman behind’

    Validating The Impact of Psychological, Physical, and Social Factors On Workplace Well-Being at Construction Sites

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    A good workplace well-being environment can increase employee resilience, work engagement, project performance, and productivity, as well as reduce sick days. Research suggests that physical, psychological, and social factors are the underlying factors for a good workplace well-being However, the underlying factors for workplace well-being at construction sites may differ. This study aims to validate the relationships between underlying factors (i.e., physical, psychological, and social) and workplace well-being at construction sites. A questionnaire survey was developed from a list of factors influencing workplace well-being and distributed to construction professionals. The collected data was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to validate the relationships between the underlying factors and workplace well-being at construction sites. The analysis revealed that physical, psychological, and social factors are also influencing workplace well-being at construction sites. Researchers and industry practitioners can use these findings to confidently establish strategies to increase workplace well-being of construction workers

    Validating The Impact of Psychological, Physical, and Social Factors On Workplace Well-Being at Construction Sites

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    A good workplace well-being environment can increase employee resilience, work engagement, project performance, and productivity, as well as reduce sick days. Research suggests that physical, psychological, and social factors are the underlying factors for a good workplace well-being However, the underlying factors for workplace well-being at construction sites may differ. This study aims to validate the relationships between underlying factors (i.e., physical, psychological, and social) and workplace well-being at construction sites. A questionnaire survey was developed from a list of factors influencing workplace well-being and distributed to construction professionals. The collected data was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to validate the relationships between the underlying factors and workplace well-being at construction sites. The analysis revealed that physical, psychological, and social factors are also influencing workplace well-being at construction sites. Researchers and industry practitioners can use these findings to confidently establish strategies to increase workplace well-being of construction workers

    Strategies for Improving Foreign Worker Productivity: Construction Manager Perspective

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    In line with the development of the construction sector, the shortage of construction workers is becoming a chronic problem that most construction companies face. Therefore, construction industries are employing foreign workers to cater to the demand. However, the use of foreign workers has caused several problems for construction companies because of their low productivity and poor quality of works. This study identifies management strategies for improving construction labor productivity of foreign workers and challenges to implementing those strategies. To achieve these objectives, the data collection involves individual interviews with 20 construction managers. The data is then analyzed using the thematic analysis technique. This study’s findings suggest that the strategies for improving foreign workers’ construction labor productivity include education, training, and mentoring. On the other hand, the challenges to implementing those strategies are lack of training resources, difficulty to satisfy training requirements, and mentor’s limited ability. Researchers and industry practitioners may employ these findings to improve existing plans and develop new policies to improve the construction labor productivity of foreign workers