613 research outputs found

    Introductory Chapter: Safety Aspects in Nuclear Engineering

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    Pemberdayaan Remaja Masjid di masa pandemi Covid-19 melalui workshop dan simulasi Konseling Sebaya

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    Pandemi Covid-19 membuat ruang gerak semua orang menjadi terbatas, termasuk pada diri remaja. Remaja yang semestinya bebas untuk bersosialisasi dan berinteraksi, kini terbatasi oleh ruang-ruang online. Remaja disibukkan dengan sekolah online yang membuat lebih sibuk di dunia maya daripada di dunia nyata. Hal ini, tidak hanya menimbulkan kebosanan bagi remaja, melainkan juga berefek pada kesehatan mental remaja, sehingga membutuhkan rekan yang dapat membantu permasalahan yang dialami. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengkaji efektifitas metode workshop dan simulasi sebagai wahana pemberdayaan remaja masjid dalam peningkatan skill konselor sebaya di masa pandemi Covid-19. Pendekatan penelitian mengkombinasikan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif atau mixed method. Metode pengumpulan data berupa observasi serta wawancara terstruktur, pretest dan posttest. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja masjid yang berjumlah 22 orang. Data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif teknik frekuensi. Adapun data kualitatif dianalisis menggunakan teknik Miles dan Huberman, yaitu; reduksi data, verifikasi data dan penyajian data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa peningkatan pengetahuan dan kompetensi yang ditunjukkan remaja masjid setelah mengikuti rangkaian workshop konselor sebaya. Responden yang memiliki pemahaman yang baik pada materi posttest sebesar 87% dan dalam simulasi responden mampu melakukan praktik konseling sebaya sesuai panduan. Abstract: The Covid 19 pandemic limited everyone's space, including adolescents. Online spaces now limit youths who should be free to socialize and interact. Adolescents are preoccupied with online schools, which make them busier in cyberspace than in the real world. This case causes boredom for adolescents and affects their mental health, thus requiring partners to help their problems. This study intends to examine the effectiveness of workshop and simulation methods to empower mosque youth in increasing peer counselor skills during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research approach combines quantitative and qualitative methods (mixed method). The data collection methods were observation, a structured interview, pretest and posttest. Respondents in this study were 22 mosque youths. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics with frequency technique. The qualitative data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman technique consisting of data reduction, data verification, and data presentation. This study's result is increased knowledge and competence shown by mosque youth after participating in peer counselor workshops and simulations. Respondents who had a good understanding of the posttest material were 87%, and in the simulation, respondents were able to practice peer counseling according to the guidelines

    Whole-body diffusion-weighted imaging with background body signal suppression and quantitative apparent diffusion coefficient in the detection, staging, and grading of non-Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Purpose: Assess reproducibility of detection, staging, and grading of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) using wholebody diffusion-weighted imaging with background body signal suppression (WB-DWIBS). Material and methods: Thirty NHL patients underwent WB-DWIBS, divided into 2 groups according to staging and grading. Image analysis and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurement of the largest lymph node in each group were performed by 2 observers. Inter-observer agreement was performed. Results: Overall inter-observer agreement for detection of NHL was excellent (k = 0.843; 92.05%) with excellent inter-observer agreement of nodal disease (cervical, thoracic and abdominal) (k = 0.783, 0.769, and 0.856; 96.67%, 90.0%, and 93.3% respectively), extra-nodal disease (k = 1; 100%), and splenic involvement (k = 0.67; 83.3%). The overall inter-observer agreement of DWIBS in staging of NHL was excellent (k = 0.90; 94.9%) with excellent inter-observer agreement for stage I (k = 0.93; 96.4%), stage II (k = 0.90; 94.8%), stage III (k = 0.89; 94.6%), and stage IV (k = 0.88; 94.0%). There was significant difference between ADC in stage I, II (0.77 ± 0.13, 0.85 ± 0.09 × 10-3 mm2/s), and stage III, IV (0.63 ± 0.08, 0.64 ± 0.11 × 10-3 mm2 /s, p < 0.002, < 0.001). Interclass correlation showed almost perfect agreement for ADC measurement in staging and grading groups (r = 0.96 and r = 0.85, respectively, p < 0.001). There was significant difference between ADC in aggressive lymphoma (0.65 ± 0.1, 0.67 ± 0.13 × 10-3 mm2/s) and indolent lymphoma (0.76 ± 0.14, 0.84 ± 0.09 × 10-3 mm2/s, p < 0.028, < 0.001). Conclusion: DWIBS is reproducible for detection and staging of nodal and extra-nodal involvement in patients with NHL. ADC can quantitatively participate in the staging and grading of NHL


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    The ultimate goal in participating in the match event is to get achievements. This is done as a form of professionalism of athletes and coaches as well as the Management of the Sports Branch. The existence of this target must be balanced by a systematic, programmed, and continuous training program so that it will obtain and maintain the existing performance. One of the supporting factors in the process of maintaining performance during training and competition is recovery. Recovery is carried out in addition to maintaining performance, it is also carried out to avoid the possibility of things that are not desirable and can result in losses for athletes. The loss is an injury because one of the things that causes injury is a high fatigue index. In line with that, researchers will try to examine the effectiveness of the contrast water immersion method for reducing lactic acid levels in the performance of hockey field athletes who are currently preparing to take part in PON XX Papua in October 2021. The method used is experimental research with the treatment variable being cold water immersion while the dependent variable is lactic acid levels. The first group (A1) was the experimental group with treatment in the form of cold water immersion, while the second group (A) as the control group was not treated. The research location is carried out at the Makassar FIK Physiology Laboratory, and will be held from June to July 2021. The research sample is the male athletes of the South Sulawesi hockey team who are currently preparing to take part in the multi-event championship (PON XX Papua) with a total of 30 people aged 20-24 years. After all lactic acid data was obtained (pre-exercise, post-exercise, post-therapy), and the average heart rate during (pre-exercise, post-exercise, post-therapy), the researcher used the data to see and compare the results of this study, to determine whether contrast water immersion has a good level of effectiveness in reducing the fatigue index in athletes, compared to those who do not do water immersion therapy through an unpaired test at a significant level of 0.05. The results of the study concluded that there was a significant effect of water cold immersion on decreasing lactic acid levels in hockey field athletes. Key Words: Cold Water Immersion, Recover


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    Tujuan akhir dalam mengikuti pembelajaran adalah meningkatkan keterampilan. Adanya target itu, harus diimbangi oleh metode pembelajaran yang focus pada peserta didik. Salah satu faktor dalam proses pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan keterampilan push hockey indoor adalah metode pembelajaran proyek base learning (PjBL). Selain PjBL, juga terdapat yang berpengaruh pada keterampilan push hockey indoor adalah kinestesis. Sejalan dengan itu, peneliti akan mencoba untuk mengkaji efektivitas model pembelajaran project base learning terhadap keterampilan push hockey indoor ditinjau dari kinestesis. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan variabel perlakuan adalah project base learning (PjBL) sedangkan variabel terikat adalah keterampilan push hockey indoor ditinjau dari kinestesis, sedangkan variabel atribut kinestesis, tinggi (KT) dan rendah (KR). Kelompok pertama (A) adalah kelompok KT dengan pemberian perlakuan PjBL sedangkan kelompok kedua (B) sebagai kelompok KR dengan pemberian perlakuan PjBL. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di lapangan FIK Makassar, dan dilaksanakan bulan Juni s/d Juli 2022. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa putra tim sejumlah 40 orang usia 20-22 Tahun. Setelah semua data keterampilan push didapatkan (pre exercise, post exercise, post therapy), dan rata-rata kinestesis, peneliti menggunakan data tersebut untuk melihat dan membandingkan hasil daripada penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui apakah PjBL, mempunyai tingkat efektivitas yang baik dalam meningkatkan keterampilan push hockey indoor pada KT, dibandingkan dengan KR melalui uji-tidak berpasangan pada taraf signifikat 0.05. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan PjBL terhadap keterampilan push hockey indoor. Kelompok KT lebih baik meningkatkan keterampilan push hockey indoor daripada kelompok KR (p<.05) Kata-kata Kunci: project base learning, Kinestesis, keterampilan push hockey indoo


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    Dayatahan kardiovaskuler dan kapasitas vital paru adalah faktor yang sangat mempegaruhi prestasi seorang atlet terutama olahraga dengan sistem energi aerobik seperti permainan hockey. Karena itu, dayatahan kardiovaskuler dan kapasitas vital perlu ditingkatkan oleh para pelatih karena dengan kinerja tubuh yang sangat baik akan memberikan prestasi yang optimal. Untuk meningkatkan dayatahan kardio vaskuler dan kapasitas vital paru dapat diberikan latihan interval, baik interval 1:1 dan 1:3. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan latihan interval 1:1 dan 1:3 terhadap dayatahan kardio vaskuler dan kapasitas vital paru. Jenis penelitian ini adalah true experiment dengan variabel perlakuan adalah latihan interval 1:1 dan 1:3 sedangkan variabel respons adalah dayatahan kardiovaskuler dan kapasitas vital paru-paru. Sampel penelitian adalah atlet hockey Sulsel yang akan menghadapi PON XX Papua. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan dayatahan kardiovaskuler menggunakan bleep tes sedangkan pengukuran kapasitas vital paru-paru menggunakan spirometer. Setelah data pre dan posttest terkumpul, data dianalisis menggunakan statistik uji-t pada taraf signifikansi 95% dengan bantuan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan interval 1:1 terhadap daya tahan kardiovaskuler. 2) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan interval 1:3 terhadap daya tahan kardiovaskuler, 3) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan interval 1:1 terhadap kapasitas vital paru-paru, 4) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan interval 1:3 terhadap kapasitas vital paru-paru, 5) Latihan interval 1:3 lebih baik meningkatkan daya tahan kardiovaskuler daripada latihan 1:1 dan 6) Latihan interval 1:3 lebih baik meningkatkan kapasitas vital paru-paru daripada latihan 1:1

    An analytical model for the detection of levitated nanoparticles in optomechanics

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    Interferometric position detection of levitated particles is crucial for the centre-of-mass (CM) motion cooling and manipulation of levitated particles. In combination with balanced detection and feedback cooling, this system has provided picometer scale position sensitivity, zeptonewton force detection, and sub-millikelvin CM temperatures. In this article, we develop an analytical model of this detection system and compare its performance with experimental results allowing us to explain the presence of spurious frequencies in the spectra

    Assessment of apical leakage of different endodontic sealers -In vitro study

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    Aim: The aim of this prospective study was to assess in vitro the comparison between apical leakage of Apexit Plus (calcium hydroxide based), Roth 801 (Zinc oxide eugenol based) and Perma Evolution (epoxy resin based) sealers in lateral condensation technique using linear dye leakage penetration method.Material and methods: In this study 70 freshly extracted maxillary central incisors and canines with straight root canals were used. Teeth were decoronated and step back root canal preparation using Gates Glidden drill and stainless steel hand K files was performed with size 45 being the master apical cone. After preparation, the teeth were randomly divided into 5 groups. Three groups with 20 teeth for experimental and two groups with 5 teeth as positive and negative control. Obturation was done with lateral condensation in three groups with Roth 801, Apexit plus and Perma Evolution sealers. The obturated specimens were then stored in 2% Basic fuchsin dye for 72 hours. After splitting the teeth longitudinally, each tooth has been placed on a standardized scaled paper under the microscope and digital images have been captured by this microscope. Then the digital images were processed by Analyzing Digital Image software.Results: The results showed that Roth 801 sealer leaked significantly higher than both Apexit plus and Perma Evolution sealers (p &lt; 0.05) and no statically significant difference has been found between Apexit plus and Perma Evolution sealers (p &gt; 0.05).Conclusion: According to the methodology proposed and based on the results of this study, it may be concluded that Roth 801 showed the most leakage but Perma Evolution and Apexit plus showed similar sealing ability. However, further in vivo studies requirement should be done to find the best root canal filling material

    Social Capital And Economic Behavior Of Farmers

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    Abstrac: The purpose of this study to analyze the relationship between social capital affects economic behavior in producing coffee plants in improving coffee farmers&apos; income. This study was conducted in the district of Bantaeng, South Sulawesi. Subdistrict Tampobulu selected purposively. The study lasted for four months of April to July 2014. The data used in this study consist of primary data and secondary data. It can be concluded that social capital is trust, networking and institutions affect economic behavior, namely the production of coffee plants. Trust improving technology adoption Robusta and Arabica coffee cuttings while distrust led to rampant theft of coffee is still green. Networking affect the price of coffee and institutions influence the behavior of farmers in obtaining venture capital through middlemen. It is expected that future studies should be focused on the factors that influence the innovative behavior in increasing the production of coffee plants