743 research outputs found

    A Novel Transparent UWB Antenna for Photovoltaic Solar Panel Integration and RF Energy Harvesting

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    A novel transparent ultra-wideband antenna for photovoltaic solar-panel integration and RF energy harvesting is proposed in this paper. Since the approval by the Federal Communications Committee (FCC) in 2002, much research has been undertaken on UWB technology, especially for wireless communications. However, in the last decade, UWB has also been proposed as a power harvester. In this paper, a transparent cone-top-tapered slot antenna covering the frequency range from 2.2 to 12.1 GHz is designed and fabricated to provide UWB communications whilst integrated onto solar panels as well as harvest electromagnetic waves from free space and convert them into electrical energy. The antenna when sandwiched between an a-Si solar panel and glass is able to demonstrate a quasi omni-directional pattern that is characteristic of a UWB. The antenna when connected to a 2.55-GHz rectifier is able to produce 18-mV dc in free space and 4.4-mV dc on glass for an input power of 10 dBm at a distance of 5 cm. Although the antenna presented in this paper is a UWB antenna, only an operating range of 2.49 to 2.58 GHz for power scavenging is possible due to the limitation of the narrowband rectifier used for the study

    Pendugaan Kualitas Karkas Sapi Persilangan Belgian Blue dan Friesian Holstein dengan Teknik Pencitraan Ultrasonografi

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    ABSTRACT. Kementerian Pertanian terus berupaya untuk mewujudkan swasembada daging sapi/kerbau melalui pengembangan sapi keturunan Belgian Blue. Salah satu bangsa sapi yang dikembangkan adalah sapi persilangan Belgian Blue dengan Friesian Holstein (BBXFH). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kualitas karkas sapi persilangan Belgian Blue (BB) dengan Friesian Holstein (FH) dengan menggunakan teknik pencitraan ultrasonografi (USG). Sapi yang digunakan dalam penelitian merupakan sapi pada turunan pertama (F1). Sebanyak 13 ekor sapi jantan hasil persilangan BB dan FH berasal dari BET Cipelang 5 ekor dan 8 ekor dari BBPTU HPT Baturraden dengan umur 14-18 bulan. Pengukuran back fat (BF), longissimus dorsi (LD), skor marbling (SM) dan lemak intramuskular (LIM) dilakukan di antara tulang rusuk ke-12 dan ke-13 dengan teknik pencitraan ultrasonografi. Pengukuran rump fat (RF) dan rump thickness (RT) dilakukan di antara daerah ischium dan ilium. Nilai SM dan PIF dianalisis lebih lanjut menggunakan software image-J sehingga menghasilkan integrated density dan dilakukan uji regresi untuk menentukan kurva standar dan skor marbling serta persentase LIM. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji-t tidak berpasangan (independence t-test) berdasarkan perbedaan lokasi pengambilan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan lokasi tidak memberikan pengaruh pada skor marbling, %LIM, ketebalan LD, dan ketebalan RT (P0,05), tetapi memberikan pengaruh pada ketebalan BF dan RF (P0,05). Faktor perbedaan pakan juga belum mampu memberikan pengaruh pada SM dan %LIM. Perbedaan ketebalan BF dan RF dapat dipengaruhi karena perbedaan manajemen pemeliharaan dimana sapi-sapi di BBPTU HPT Baturraden dipelihara dengan sistem penggembalaan sehingga mengalami penurunan ketebalan BF dan RF.  (Estimation of Carcass Quality in Belgian Blue and Friesian Holstein Crossbreed using Ultrasound Imaging) ABSTRAK. The Ministry of Agriculture strives to achieve beef/buffalo self-sufficiency through the development of Belgian Blue breeds. One of the breeds that has been developed is the crossbreed of Belgian Blue and Friesian Holstein (BBXFH). This study aimed to evaluate the carcass quality of crossbreed BBXFH using ultrasound imaging technique (USG). Cattle used in the study were first breed (F1). A total of 13 bulls BBXFH came from BET Cipelang and BBPTU HPT Baturraden respectively 5 and 8 heads (14-18 months age). Measurements of back fat (BF), longissimus dorsi (LD), marbling score (SM) and intramuscular fat (LIM) were performed between the 12th and 13th ribs by ultrasound imaging technique. Rump fat (RF) and rump thickness (RT) measurements were performed between the ischium and ilium areas. The SM and PIF values were analyzed using image-J software and a regression test was performed to determine the standard curve and the marbling score and the LIM percentage. Data were analyzed using unpaired t-test. The results showed that the difference in location had no effect on the marbling score, % LIM, LD, and RT (P 0,05), but had an effect on BF and RF (P 0,05). The difference factor in feed has not effect on SM and% LIM. The difference in BF and RF obtained in this study might be due to the difference of cattle management, where cattle in BBPTU HPT Baturraden are raising with a grazing system so that the BF and RF decrease

    Metallointercalator [Ru(dppz)2(PIP)]2+ Renders BRCA Wild-Type Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells Hypersensitive to PARP Inhibition

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    There is a need to improve and extend the use of clinically-approved poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors (PARPi), including for BRCA wild-type triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). The demonstration that ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex (RPC) metallo-intercalators can rapidly stall DNA replication fork progression provides the rationale for their combination alongside DNA damage response (DDR) inhibitors to achieve synergism in cancer cells. The aim of the present study was to evaluate use of the multi-intercalator [Ru(dppz)2(PIP)]2+ (dppz = dipyrido[3,2-a:2′,3′-c]phenazine, PIP = (2-(phenyl)imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline, Ru-PIP) alongside the PARP inhibitors (PARPi) olaparib and NU1025. Cell proliferation and clonogenic survival assays indicated a synergistic relationship between Ru-PIP and olaparib in MDA-MB-231 TNBC and MCF7 human breast cancer cells. Strikingly, low dose Ru-PIP renders both cell lines hypersensitive to olaparib, with a 300-fold increase in olaparib potency in TNBC; the largest non-genetic PARPi enhancement effect described to date. Negligible impact on the viability of normal human fibroblasts was observed for any combination tested. Increased levels of DNA double-strand break (DSB) damage and olaparib abrogation of Ru-PIP activated pChk1 signalling is consistent with PARPi-facilitated collapse of Ru-PIP-associated stalled replication forks. This results in enhanced G2/M cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis and decreased cell motility for the combination treatment compared to single-agent conditions. This work establishes that an RPC metallo-intercalator can be combined with PARPi for potent synergy in BRCA-proficient breast cancer cells, including TNBC

    VEGF, FGF1, FGF2 and EGF gene polymorphisms and psoriatic arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Angiogenesis appears to be a first-order event in psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Among angiogenic factors, the cytokines vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and fibroblast growth factors 1 and 2 (FGF1 and FGF2) play a central role in the initiation of angiogenesis. Most of these cytokines have been shown to be upregulated in or associated with psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or ankylosing spondylitis (AS). As these diseases share common susceptibility associations with PsA, investigation of these angiogenic factors is warranted. METHODS: Two hundred and fifty-eight patients with PsA and 154 ethnically matched controls were genotyped using a Sequenom chip-based MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry platform. Four SNPs in the VEGF gene, three SNPs in the EGF gene and one SNP each in FGF1 and FGF2 genes were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's exact test, and the Cochrane-Armitage trend test. Associations with haplotypes were estimated by using weighted logistic models, where the individual haplotype estimates were obtained using Phase v2.1. RESULTS: We have observed an increased frequency in the T allele of VEGF +936 (rs3025039) in control subjects when compared to our PsA patients [Fisher's exact p-value = 0.042; OR 0.653 (95% CI: 0.434, 0.982)]. Haplotyping of markers revealed no significant associations. CONCLUSION: The T allele of VEGF in +936 may act as a protective allele in the development of PsA. Further studies regarding the role of pro-angiogenic markers in PsA are warranted

    A Novel, “Double-Clamp” Binding Mode for Human Heme Oxygenase-1 Inhibition

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    The development of heme oxygenase (HO) inhibitors is critical in dissecting and understanding the HO system and for potential therapeutic applications. We have established a program to design and optimize HO inhibitors using structure-activity relationships in conjunction with X-ray crystallographic analyses. One of our previous complex crystal structures revealed a putative secondary hydrophobic binding pocket which could be exploited for a new design strategy by introducing a functional group that would fit into this potential site. To test this hypothesis and gain further insights into the structural basis of inhibitor binding, we have synthesized and characterized 1-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)-4,4-diphenyl-2-butanone (QC-308). Using a carbon monoxide (CO) formation assay on rat spleen microsomes, the compound was found to be ∼15 times more potent (IC50 = 0.27±0.07 µM) than its monophenyl analogue, which is already a potent compound in its own right (QC-65; IC50 = 4.0±1.8 µM). The crystal structure of hHO-1 with QC-308 revealed that the second phenyl group in the western region of the compound is indeed accommodated by a definitive secondary proximal hydrophobic pocket. Thus, the two phenyl moieties are each stabilized by distinct hydrophobic pockets. This “double-clamp” binding offers additional inhibitor stabilization and provides a new route for improvement of human heme oxygenase inhibitors

    Reduced pelvic pain in women with endometriosis: efficacy of long-term dienogest treatment

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    Purpose To investigate the efficacy and safety of dienogest as a long-term treatment in endometriosis, with follow-up after treatment discontinuation. The study included women with endometriosis, who had previously completed a 12-week, placebo-controlled study of dienogest, who participated in an open-label extension study for up to 53 weeks. Thereafter, a patient subgroup was evaluated in a 24-week follow-up after treatment discontinuation. Methods A multicenter study performed in Germany, Italy and Ukraine. Women with endometriosis were enrolled at completion of the placebo-controlled study (n = 168). All women received dienogest (2 mg once daily, orally) and changes in pelvic pain (on a visual analog scale), bleeding pattern, adverse events and laboratory parameters were evaluated during and after treatment. Results The completion rate among women who entered the open-label extension study was 90.5% (n = 152). A Significant decrease in pelvic pain was shown during continued dienogest treatment (P < 0.001). The mean frequency and intensity of bleeding progressively decreased. Adverse events, rated generally mild or moderate, led to withdrawal in four patients (2.4%). No clinically relevant changes in laboratory parameters were observed. During treatmentfree follow-up (n = 34), the reduction in pelvic pain persisted, while bleeding frequency and intensity returned to normal patterns. Conclusions Long-term dienogest showed a favorable efficacy and safety profile, with progressive decreases in pain and bleeding irregularities during continued treatment; the decrease of pelvic pain persisted for at least 24 weeks after treatment cessation. © Springer-Verlag 2011

    Blue carbon stock of the Bangladesh Sundarban mangroves: what could be the scenario after a century?

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    The total blue carbon stock of the Bangladesh Sundarban mangroves was evaluated and the probable future status after a century was predicted based on the recent trend of changes in the last 30 years and implementing a hybrid model of Markov Chain and Cellular automata. At present 36.24 Tg C and 54.95 Tg C are stored in the above-ground and below-ground compartments respectively resulting in total blue carbon stock of 91.19 Tg C. According to the prediction 15.88 Tg C would be lost from this region by the year 2115. The low saline species composition classes dominated mainly by Heritiera spp. accounts for the major portion of the carbon sock at present (45.60 Tg C), while the highly saline regions stores only 14.90 Tg C. The prediction shows that after a hundred years almost 22.42 Tg C would be lost from the low saline regions accompanied by an increase of 8.20 Tg C in the high saline regions dominated mainly by Excoecaria sp. and Avicennia spp. The net carbon loss would be due to both mangrove area loss (~ 510 km2) and change in species composition leading to 58.28 Tg of potential CO2 emission within the year 2115

    Elbow medial collateral ligament injuries

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    Elbow medial collateral ligament sprain occurs when the elbow is subjected to a valgus force exceeding the tensile properties of the medial collateral ligament (MCL). This is an injury seen more often in throwing athletes. Understanding the differential diagnosis of medial elbow pain is paramount to diagnose MCL injury as well as addressing other medial elbow pathology. A natural evolution regarding MCL injury has occurred over the past 20 years, with modifications of the original surgical procedure, specificity and sensitivity analysis of imaging modalities, and physical exam maneuvers to diagnose MCL pathology. In order for the MCL literature to advance further, more biomechanical and long-term clinical outcome data for the respective surgical modifications are needed. This review describes MCL injury pathophysiology, patient evaluation, reconstruction indications/contraindications, and current and evolving surgical techniques