75 research outputs found
Hak Politik Perempuan dalam Al-Quran
Artikel ini ditulis untuk menunjukkan penafsiran-penafsiran dengan analisa gender yang bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai hak-hak perempuan dalam ranah politik yang menuai pro kontra karena beredarnya penafsiran tekstual yang patriarkal. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis dengan teknik pencarian data yang bersumber dari kepustakaan, Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa perempuan berhak mengikuti berbagai kegiatan politik seperti mengikuti baiat dan syura, menjadi kepala negara dan menjadi hakim, hal tersebut karena kebutuhan atas keberadaan perempuan dalam kegiatan politik pada zaman berperadaban saat ini menjadi wajib, terlebih jika tidak ada laki-laki yang menduduki jabatan tersebut, sebab tidak ada hukum yang melarang perempuan mengikuti kegiatan politik selama perempuan tersebut mumpuni dan memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan yang ditetapkan
This study aims to determine the status of water quality in the Riam Kanan Reservoir seen from the physical parameters (Temperature and Brightness) and chemical parameters (pH, DO, Total Phosphate, Nitrate and Ammonia) using Pollution Index (IP) method, knowing trophic level in Riam Kanan reservoir seen from the parameter of Brightness, Total Phosphate and Total Nitrogen and know the influence of floating net cage activity to water quality status of Riam Kanan reservoir. Of the result on measurement of IP method water quality which based on the, the status of water quality in station 1, 2, and 3 was complied with water quality standard (goodcondition), either for class I, II, III, or IV. Based on the regulation of the state minister for environment Number 28 Year 2009 was found that the fertility level in station 1, 2, and 3 wasin the same trophic status, which was oligotrophic. The value of thit nitrate (X1), total P (X2)and ammonia (X3) either for class I, II, III, or IV was lower than t tabel for significance in 5% orsig/.probability > 0,05 which meant that H0 was accepted; KJA activities did not affect the water quality status of Riam Kanan dam
Penerapan Metodologi Kritik Tafsir Rekonstruksi Evaluatif dalam Kitab Bida’ Al-Tafâsîr
Artikel ini membahas bentuk penerapan kritik tafsir Abdullah Al-Ghummari dalam kitabnya Bida’ Al-Tafasir menggunakan tolak ukur metode rekonstruktif evaluatif Muhammad Ulinnuha dengan gagasan wilayah kritik ekstrinsik dan intrinsik. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif berbasis kepustakaan dari buku-buku dan karya ilmiah yang berkenaan dengan kritik tafsir dan kitab Bida’ Al-Tafasir. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kitab Bida’ Al-Tafasir cukup objektif mengkritik penafsiran-penafsiran yang keliru, hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan kritiknya mencakup setiap wilayah kajian kritik (ekstrinsik dan instrinsik) dalam metodologi kritik tafsir rekonstruktif evaluative. Kritik yang paling banyak disampaikan dalam kitab Bida’ Al-Tafasir adalah kritik yang berkenaan dengan personalitas mufasir dan kualitas konten tafsir. Abdullah Al-Ghummari tidak banyak mengkritik wilayah teknis penafsiran dan hermeneutikanya, karena kajiannya fokus membahas tafsir-tafsir yang dianggap bid’ah (melenceng) dalam penafsiran
The study discusses about the implementation of drill method on mathematics learning. The purposes of this study are: (i) to know the effect of implementing drill method towards learning result based on initial mathematics ability in XI IPA class of state senior high school in Palopo, (ii) to determine the difference of learning result between those who implement drill method and those who do not, (iii) to determine the effect of implementing drill method towards the students' learning motivation in math class of XI IPA at State Senior High School in Palopo, (iv) to determine differences in learning motivation XI IPA class at State Senior High School in Palopo between class that apply drill method and which do not. This research is helpful to broaden and improve the quality of education in school. This is an experimental research, which consists of two classes i.e. one experimental class and one control class. The subject of this study is students of XI IPA class in Palopo and XI IPA class in SMAN 4 Palopo. The research instruments are the initial capability test, pre-test, post-test, lift, and observation. The result shows that (i) the learning by using drill method have effect towards student learning outcomes, (ii) there is a difference in learning outcomes of students in XI IPA class at SMAN in Palopo which apply drill method and which do not, (iii) there is a significant effect in implementing method towards the students’ motivation in learning math of class XI IPA at SMAN in Palopo, (iv) there is a difference in motivation to learn between XI IPA at SMAN in Palopo that apply drill method and which do not
Prolonged Psychosis Before Onset of Neurological Symptoms: An Atypical Clinical Manifestation of Huntington’s Disease
Huntington\u27s disease (HD) is a rare, autosomal dominant, progressive neurodegenerative disorder. HD manifests with a triad of progressive motor, cognitive, and psychiatric symptoms. Our patient was a 39-years-old married female with over a nine-year history of psychotic symptoms. The patient was diagnosed and treated for schizophrenia. Over the last 2-3 years, the patient had a progressive decline in her Activities of Daily Living, instrumental activities of daily living, and psychotic symptoms. She developed slurred speech, gait disturbances, frequent falls, involuntary movements of the trunk and distal extremities, bowel and bladder incontinence, and severe weight loss. Her genetic test for Huntington’s gene confirmed the diagnosis of HD. She was prescribed Olanzapine, fluoxetine, and clonazepam. Psychotic symptoms are rare in HD and usually appear well after the motor and cognitive symptoms. Our case highlights an unusual clinical presentation of HD, which can be diagnostically challenging and lead to diagnostic delays
Foreign Direct Investment, since decades, has taken over other sources of debt flows both in developed as well as emerging economies of the world. The reason that support this overly attachment to revered flows of FDI does not seem to benign the economies by smidgens but in amass. Back to 1990s, the economies over the world witnessed huge opening of their foreign policies with an avarice objective of luring more and more foreign capital, more advancely, foreign investment. The globalisation phenomenon that also gauges back to the late 80s and early 90s saw in the opening up of economies a plethora of opportunities to integrate economies across the globe. One major instance of the speeding globalisation was seen in the form of bilateral and multilateral agreements among nations to enhance cooperation on mutual fronts. ASEAN, one such conglomeration, saw its inception back in 1967 and with the steering of global identity, the participating members extended from five founding members to other countries of Southeast Asia as well. The ameliorating figure of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in the ASEAN region has stirred a need for quantifying the overall effect of FDI Inflows on Gross Domestic Product of the region. The present research note intends to capture this impingement of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows on Gross Domestic Product of the Ten Southeast Asian member nations which together constitute ASEAN. The data is fetched from UNCTAD Statistics database for a time range of 1980-2015. Panel regression technique is deployed to meet ends. The results of the econometric approach of Random Effects Panel Regression indicate a significant and positive impingement of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows on Gross Domestic Product of ASEAN member states. The outcome of the analysis thus throws light on how Foreign Direct investment Inflows has contributed to the Gross Domestic product of ASEAN and further exploration in the area will blossom the relationship
Tafsir ‘Aqa'idi dalam Kajian Baru
Tulisan ini mencoba menelaah lebih lanjut mengenai tafsir ‘aqa>idi> dengan menjelaskan sejarah kemunculan corak ‘aqa>idi> dalam dunia tafsir al-Quran, batasan istilah pembahasannya, akseptabilitas para ulama serta contoh kitab-kitab tafsir bercorak ‘aqa>idi>. MetodeNyang digunakanndalam penelitiannini adalahndeskriptif analisisnberbasis penelitiannkepustakaan dengannpendekatan sejarah dan tafsir. Temuan dari penelitian ini bahwa Tafsir ‘Aqa>idi> merupakan salah satu nuansa penafsiran yang menggunakan teori-teori dan pendekatan Teologis. Sejarah kemunculan corak teologis ini bermula pada setelah terjadi perangnSiffin antarankelompok Alinbin Abi Thalibndengan Muawwiyahnbin AbunSufyan. Adapun batasan istilah tafsir ‘aqa>idi> mencakup pembahasan yang berkenaan dengan teologi ketuhanan dan politik kepemimpinan karena keduanya merupakan tema penting yang menyangkut ideologi sekte. Dalam akseptabilitasnya, para ulama memberikan beberapa syarat yang dapat mengklasifikasikan tafsir ‘aqa>idi> dapat diterima ataukah tidak, diantara indikasi sebuah tafsir ‘aqa>idi> tidak dapat diterima adalah jika upaya penafsirannya terindikasi oleh hawa nafsu melegitimasi kelompoknya. Kitab-kitab tafsir bercorak ‘aqa>idi> dapat ditemukan dalam Tafsirnal-Kasysyaf karyanal-Zamakhsyarinyang bernuansanakidah Muktazilah, TafsirnMafatihnal-Ghaib karyanFakhruddinnAl-Razi yangnbermadzhab Asy’ariyyah serta Tafsir Al-Mizan yang ditulis oleh seorang tokoh Syiah, Husein Thabathaba’i
Key Determinants of Elementary School Education Policy Implementation in Border Region
The momentum of decentralization that occurred in 1998 gave hope for the improvement of the quality of education services, especially in border areas. However, although several of policy instruments have been established, some empirical studies precisely showed that hope still difficult to realize. This research aims to analyzing how key determinants of elementary school education policy implementation in border areas are operationalized, with Sekayam and Entikong Districts, Sanggau Regency, West Borneo Province as a specific locus. Qualitative approach with descriptive methods used in this research. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, FGD, direct observation, and documentation, meanwhile data analysis techniques used Miles, Huberman, and Saldana models. This research finds that key determinants of elementary school education policy implementation in border areas which consists of the dimensions: design of the policy, stakeholders, context, the implementation strategy is not fully optimal. This research recommends several things such as:Â the government needs to increase the accessibility of better education, strengthen collaboration between the central government and local governments, strengthen planning and budgeting, and needed holistic evaluation of the application of E-Takola so that the aid mechanism provided to elementary schools in all border areas can be more effective.
Cirebon dikenal sebagai kota wali, karena dalam sejarahnya, Cirebon merupakan pusat pertemuan para Wali Sanga untuk memusyawarahkan strategi-strategi dakwah di Indonesia, khususnya Tanah Jawa. Syekh Nurjati adalah guru para Wali Sanga. Suatu tempat bernama Puser Bumi di Gunung Sembung, Amparan Jati adalah tempat yang sangat bersejarah, tempat bertemunya para wali tersebut. Para Wali Sanga yang diakui di Indonesia semua laki-laki. Akan tetapi sesungguhnya, di balik peran para Wali Sanga, ada peran para wali perempuan yang tidak bisa dipandang enteng peran pentingnya.. Akan tetapi, permasalahannya peran para Wali perempuan tidak pernah diangkat, disosialisasikan, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. Tentu ini mereduksi keberadaan dan peran mereka yang sangat menentukan. Riset ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, memakai metode hermeneutika wilhem Dilthey, karena banyak menggunakan sumber data naskah sejarah. Wawancara pada para sesepuh pihak keraton juga dilakukan untuk triangulasi sumber data. Data yang telah diperoleh diolah secara reduktif dan display, dikuatkan dengan analisis triangulasi. Untuk alat analisis terhadap data penulis menggunakan teori filsafat sejarah kritis Wilhem Dhilthey. Temuan: Perempuan hebat dan mulia yang ikut berperan penting dalam pengembangan Islam di Cirebon di masa awal, antara lain, pertama Hadijah, cucu dari Haji Purwa Galuh, yakni Raden Bratalegawa. Setelah menikah dengan Syekh Nurjati, harta kekayaan Hadijah diserahkan pada suaminya untuk membangun pondok pesantren pertama dan tertua di Pasambangan Jati atau bukit Amparan Jati Cirebon. Tokoh lainnya, Putri Aci Bedaya,  putri raja Pejajaran, yang dinikahi Sultan Bagdad. Siti Rara Bagdad putri dari Sultan Bagdad juga memiliki peran penting
The yeast homologue of the microtubule-associated protein Lis1 interacts with the sumoylation machinery and a SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase
Microtubules and microtubule-associated proteins are fundamental for multiple cellular processes, including mitosis and intracellular motility, but the factors that control microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) are poorly understood. Here we show that two MAPs - the CLIP-170 homologue Bik1p and the Lis1 homologue Pac1p - interact with several proteins in the sumoylation pathway. Bik1p and Pac1p interact with Smt3p, the yeast SUMO; Ubc9p, an E2; and Nfi1p, an E3. Bik1p interacts directly with SUMO in vitro, and overexpression of Smt3p and Bik1p results in its in vivo sumoylation. Modified Pac1p is observed when the SUMO protease Ulp1p is inactivated. Both ubiquitin and Smt3p copurify with Pac1p. In contrast to ubiquitination, sumoylation does not directly tag the substrate for degradation. However, SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases (STUbLs) can recognize a sumoylated substrate and promote its degradation via ubiquitination and the proteasome. Both Pac1p and Bik1p interact with the STUbL Nis1p-Ris1p and the protease Wss1p. Strains deleted for RIS1 or WSS1 accumulate Pac1p conjugates. This suggests a novel model in which the abundance of these MAPs may be regulated via STUbLs. Pac1p modification is also altered by Kar9p and the dynein regulator She1p. This work has implications for the regulation of dynein\u27s interaction with various cargoes, including its off-loading to the cortex. © 2012 Alonso et al
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