187 research outputs found


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    RINGKASANLaporan Kerja Praktek (LKP) merupakan tugas akhir bagi mahasiswa Program Diploma III Akuntansi Universitas Syiah Kuala yang telah menyelesaikan Praktek Kerja Lapangan selama dua bulan di Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kota Banda Aceh. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosedr penyususan anggaran belanja yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kota Banda Aceh. Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kota Banda Aceh menyusun anggaran belanja Tahun 2015 berpedoman pada peraturan Menteri Dalam Negri Republik Indonesia Nomor 37 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Tahun Anggaran 2015, penyususnan anggaran belanja disusun melalui beberapa proses yang tertuang dalam perencanaan tertulis dalan rencana kerja, rencana strategi, dan rencana pembangunan dengan dasar penyususnan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang (RPJP), Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM), dan Rencana Kerja Perangkat Kota (RKPK). Secara umum klasifikasi anggaran belanja dibagi kedalam dua bentu, yaitu belanja langsung dan belanja tidak langsung. Belanja langsung kemudian dikelompokan menjadi belanja tetap, belanja tupoksi, belanja inovasi, dan belanja modal. Proses dan tahapan penyususnan anggaran pada Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kota Banda Aceh dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu: Rencana Strategis (Renstra), Rencana Kerja Tahunan (RKT), Rencana Kerja Anggaran (RKA), Dokumen Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DPA), dan Dokumen Pelaksanaan Anggaran Perubahan (DPA-P)

    Water and sanitation issues of Bangladesh

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    Water and sanitation issues of Banglades


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    Energi listrik adalah hal yang sangat dibutuhkan pada kehidupan masyarakat, kebutuhan akan energi listrik seiring berjalannya zaman terus akan semakin meningkat. Cara melindungi dan mengurangi dampak kerusakan akibat gangguan arus atau tegangan lebih maka dipasang system pertanahan atau grounding yang digunakan untuk system proteksi. Oleh karena itu setiap perumahan atau gedung diwajibkan memasang system grounding atau pertanahan untuk menghindari terjadinya gngguan arus atau tegangan lebih yang dapat membahayakan, tidak terkecuali pada bangunan pondok Aysah kabupaten gowa. pentanahan atau grounding adalah system pengawatan ke bumi dalam proses instalasi listrik. Pentanahan ini berkaitan dengan pembumian aliran listrik. Aliran listrik bersifat mencari media yang bisa digunakan untuk sampai menfalir ke tanah. Pentanahan yang baik dapat mencegah sengatan listrik dan kebakara

    Visualisasi Agama di Ruang Publik: Komodifikasi, Reproduksi Simbol dan Maknanya

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    Religion is an omnipresent entity that is present everywhere and anytime. Religion as a system of values and norms became the reference of his people in worship, thinking and acting. The presence of religion in public space can then be understood from this character or trait. Religious presence is not always of value and doctrine or way of life, but is also present through material and visual forms, propagated through the media and all existing instruments. Religion, especially after the invention of the printing press and the internet technology revolution, became a new phenomenon that was represented in various forms. Religious commodities, religious commodities, and religious visualizations in today's technological era are a necara phenomenon. This paper wants to review the new phenomenon of religious visualization that now must be realized began to be an option to be displayed in the public space through what is referred to as visual merchandising. Visualization of religion here can not be separated from the context of religious commodification that has been reviewed by intellectuals and previous research, where religion is regarded as part of a market commodity that can be used as a tool to bring profit. Further religious visualization is not just a commodification, but a new style of religious adherents to affirm the existence of this religion. This paper finds that the visual of the religion that many appear in the public space, whether it is realized or not has become an interesting new phenomenon to be discussed

    Potensi Pigmen Pewarna Alami pada Corak Warna Lipa Sabbe sebagai Sumber Belajar IPA

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    Along with the growing public awareness of personal and environmental health, lipa sabbe products with natural colors are increasingly popular. Natural dyes are advantageous because they do not need to be imported, are safe for human health during the manufacturing process, do not pollute the environment, and are safe. Although synthetic dyes are easier to use, they are harmful to health, produce hazardous waste, pollute the environment, and are made from imported materials. This study aims to determine the types of plants that can be used as natural dyes for lipa sabbe. Qualitative methods with literature studies sourced from journals, books, or other related scientific articles are used in this research. The results showed that natural dyes in lipa sabbe became one of the Science Learning Resources with natural dyes including extracts from cocoa shell waste, coconut fiber waste, oil palm shell waste, rambutan peel waste, mangosteen peel waste, guava leaf waste, mango leaf waste and avocado leaf waste is plantation waste that can be used as a natural lipa sabbe dye. The pigments in this material produce yellow, reddish brown, gray, and black colors.   Keywords: , ,

    Non-surgical Management of Endodontic Periradicular Pathosis - A Clinical Research

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    Background: In most cases the aetiological factors of periradicular diseases are oral contaminants through the root canal or degenerating pulpal tissues. Therefore, the mere surgical removal of the periapical lesions without proper root canal disinfection and obturation will not result in the healing of the periradicular tissues. On the other hand, traditional surgical technique rather fearful and troublesome job due to various reasons. So successful apical and periapical repair depends on conventional root canal treatment - a non surgical procedure. Crucial to this management and ultimate success is the complete debridement of the root canal system, followed by three-dimensional obturation to seal both the apical foramen and coronal orifice. Objective: Thus, the purpose of this study was to clinically verify the possibility of management of periradicular pathosis by non-surgical conventional root canal therapy. Methods: The present study was a prospective observational study carried out in the department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Shahbag, Dhaka. Here, 75 cases of eondodontically involved symptomatic non-vital teeth having periradicular pathosis were managed by conventional root canal therapy. Result: After 18 months follow up with post operative clinical and radiological evaluations, in this study the final outcome was favourable-88%, doubtful-08 %, and failure-04%. Key words: Endodontics; Periarticular pathosisDOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v1i1.3694 BSMMU J 2008; 1(1): 22-2

    An Experimental Investigation on the Effects of Forming Temperature and Sintering Schedule to the Final Characteristics of Fe92Cu7.5Al0.5 Powder Compacts

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    This paper presents the development of FeCuAl powder compacts through warm compaction process. A lab-scale uni-axial die compaction rig was designed and fabricated which enabled the powder forming at elevated temperature. Iron powder ASC 100.29 was mechanically mixed with other elemental powders, i.e., copper (Cu), and aluminium (Al) for 30 minutes at a rotation of 30 rpm. Green compacts were then generated by forming the prepared feedstock at 30ÂșC (room temperature), 150ÂșC, and 200ÂșC through simultaneous upward and downward axial loadings of 325 MPa. The defect-free green compacts were subsequently sintered in argon gas fired furnace at 800ÂșC for three different holding times, i.e., 30, 60, and 90 minutes at three different rates, i.e., 5, 10, and 15ÂșC/min. The final products were characterized for their physical, electrical, and mechanical properties and their microstructures were evaluated. The results revealed that the suitable forming temperature is 150ÂșC, holding time is 30 minute, and sintering rate is 10ÂșC/min

    The Effects of Sintering Schedule to the Final Properties of Iron Powder Compacts Formed through Warm Compaction Route

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    Powder forming at above ambient temperature with admixed lubricant to obtain the high quality  green compacts is recently discovered, however the effects of sintering schedule to the mechanical properties and microstructures of final products are not explored yet. Therefore, a lab scale warm compaction rig is designed and fabricated to generate green compacts at different forming parameters. Iron ASC 100.29 is used as main powder constituent during this investigation. The defect-free green compacts were sintered in an argon gas fired furnace at different sintering schedule. The mechanical properties and microstructures of sintered parts were evaluated. The results revealed that the mechanical properties and microstructures of sintered products are affected by the forming temperature and sintering schedule. Therefore, the suitable forming temperature and sintering schedule are identified for the production of high quality components

    On the Effect of Carbon Content to the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Green Compacts Formed at above Ambient Temperature

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    Friction force is generated during the generation of green compacts from metal powder, which obviously gives adverse effect to the mechanical properties and microstructure of the green compacts. In this study, fine carbon powder is used to minimize the interparticle as well as die wall frictions and as alloying element hence high density yet defect-free near-net shape or net shape mechanical components can be produced. Powder forming at elevated temperature is a relatively new technology hence the effect of carbon content is not fully explored yet. Therefore, a lab scale warm compaction rig is designed and fabricated which enabled the generation of green compacts at different forming load and temperature. The powder mass was prepared by mechanically mixing iron ASC 100.29 powder with different weight percent of fine carbon powder for different duration of time. The prepared powder mass was formed at different compaction temperature to generate green compacts for the purpose of mechanical testing and microstructure evaluation. The results revealed that the mechanical properties and microstructures of green compacts are affected by the carbon content, mixing time, as well as forming temperature. From this study, the suitable carbon content, mixing time, and forming temperature are identified for the production of high quality mechanical components
