39 research outputs found

    バクテリア RNase P リボザイムの触媒活性に対する外部からの分子因子の効果

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    富山大学・富生命博甲第125号・Md. Sohanur Rahman・2020/03/24関連論文Md Sohanur Rahman, Shigeyoshi Matsumura, Yoshiya Ikawa, Effects of external molecular factors on adaptation of bacterial RNase P ribozymes to thermophilic conditions,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,Volume 523, Issue 2,2020,Pages 342-347,ISSN 0006-291X,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.12.056.富山大

    Effects of Polypropylene Bag on Storage Properties of Litchi (Litchi Chinensis Sonn.)

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    The present study was run in the laboratory of the Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period of 15 May to September, 2016. The objectives of the study were to determine the effects of different postharvest treatments on the storage behaviour of litchi. Eight postharvest treatments viz., control, fruits stored in 50µ polypropylene bag at ambient temperature, fruits stored in 75µ polypropylene bag at ambient temperature, fruits stored in 100µ polypropylene bag at ambient temperature, fruits stored at 4ºC temperature, fruits stored in 50µ polypropylene bag at 4ºC temperature, fruits stored in 75µ polypropylene bag at 4ºC temperature, fruits stored in 100µ polypropylene bag at 4ºC temperature were assigned to the litchi fruits. The single factor experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design with three replications. 75µ polypropylene bag at low temperature (4ºC) caused minimal weight loss, whereas, the untreated fruits exhibited maximal weight loss. The pericarp turned brown within 4 days of storage in the untreated fruits, while polypropylene bags helped keep its bright red colour, but microbial decay was evident at the end of the storage period. Different postharvest treatments showed highly significant variation in the shelf life of litchi. Among the treated and untreated fruits, 75µ polypropylene bag at low temperature (4ºC) treatment exhibited better storage performance. The fruits kept in 75µ polypropylene bag at 4°C showed the highest shelf life (20.67 days) followed by 50µ polypropylene bag at 4°C (20.33 days), and it was the lowest in the untreated fruits (3 days)

    Biopesticidal Management of Pulse Beetle (Callosobruchus Chinensis L) in Chickpea Seeds

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    The pesticidal efficacy of four locally available leaves of botanicals like neem (Azadirachta indica), datura (Datura stramonium),  marigold (Tagetes erecta) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) tablet powders was assessed on pulse bettle (Callosobruchus chinensis L) through adult mortality and emergence, oviposition performance, seed damage, weight loss and germination  of chickpea (Cicer arietinum). The above test biopesticides were tested at three different rates (0.5 g, 1.0 g and 1.50 g powder/kg of chickpea seeds). All the tested powder showed significant effect on the above parameters. The highest adult mortality was recorded when chickpea seeds were treated with datura leaf powder at 1.50 g/kg, whereas marigold showed the least effect on adult mortality. The powders used in the experiment effectively controlled oviposition and adult emergence of pulse beetle. The lowest number of adult emergence was obtained from chickpea seeds treated with datura leaf powder at 1.50 g/kg. The highest weight loss was observed in control seeds followed by marigold leaf powder 0.5 g/kg gram seeds. Datura leaf powder treated seeds showed the lowest seed weight loss followed by neem, garlic and marigold. Plant powders had profound effect on seed germination. The highest germination was observed in treated seed with datura leaf powder at 1.50 g/kg and the lowest germination in control seed followed by marigold leaf powder at 1.5 g/kg treated seeds. The pesticidal effect on oviposition, adult mortality, adult emergence, and seed weight loss was directly proportional to leaf powder rates

    Combined Effects of Vernalization and Gibberellic Acid on Quality Seed Production of Summer Onion (Allium cepa L.)

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of vernalization and GA3 on seed yield and reproductive quality of summer onion. There were three vernalization treatments viz., no vernalization (control), vernalization at 5°C for 14 days and vernalization at 10°C for 14 days and four GA3 treatment viz., 0, 50, 100 and 150 ppm. The two-factor experiment was conducted in the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Combination between vernalization and GA3 was significant on the parameters such as plant height, number of leaves plant-1, the highest number of flowering stalk, number of umbels plant-1, number of bud umbel-1, percent flowering at 45 and 60 DAP, number of seeds umbel-1, weight of seeds umbel-1, weight of seeds plant-1, weight of seeds plot-1, 1000 seed weight, seed yield, number of fruits umbel-1, percent of fruit set umbel-1and percent germination. Combined effect of vernalization & GA3 was considered the highest seed yield (280.42 kgha-1) was obtained from vernalization at 5°C for 14 days with 100 ppm GA3. The lowest values of all the parameters were recorded in the control treatment. No limitation is found in the present experiment.  Combined use of proper vernalization of mother bulb and suitable concentration of gibberellic acid can be one possible way to expand onion production during the summer

    Investigation on the Natural Enemies of Jute Yellow Mite and Their Performances and Seasonal Incidence

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    The jute yellow mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus constitutes one of the major pests of jute crop in Bangladesh. The objective of this work was to investigation on the natural enemies of jute yellow mite. The investigation on the natural enemies of jute yellow mite were studied in the laboratory of Bangladesh Jute Research Institute during March 2011 to September 2013. As many as six predators of jute yellow mite viz, Predatory mite, Thrips, Minute pirate bug, Lady bird beetle, Mirid bug and Spider were collected and identified. The predation rate of the predatory mite Amblyseius sp. showed an average of 8.8 jute yellow mite per hour in laboratory condition. Predatory mite reached the peak on the 20th June. The highest population was 25 predatory mite/25 leaves. The population of predatory mite declined sharply in the 1st week of July. The nymph and adult of Scolothrips consumed an average of 15.4 and 20.10 yellow mite per hour. Scolothrips sp reached its peak population on 30th June and declined occurred in the 1st week of July. Both nymph and adult stage of Orius sp. predate 24.5 and 21 jute yellow mite respectively. The highest number of Minute pirate bug 20 was recorded at 30th June. Both the grubs and adults of lady bird beetle predate on all the stage of yellow mite. Grub was found as voracious feeder showing a predation efficiency of 35 per hour. The highest and lowest number of Ladybird beetle was recorded on 25th June and 5th May respectively. The highest 15 Mirid bug was recorded at 30th June. An unidentified species of spider was found to consume yellow mite

    Combined Effects of Nutrient Management on Nutrient Content and Uptake of Transplant Aus Rice (BRRI Dhan48)

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    A field experiment was conducted at Sutiakhali, Mymensingh for crop production and chemical analysis was performed at Department of soil science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh to see the combined effect of nutrient management on nutrient content and uptake of Transplant  Aus  rice (BRRI dhan48) during march to july 2015 following Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications. The treatments were T1: RD (N75 P12 K45 S9), T2: STB (N74 P11 K36 S7), T3: INM (N54 P5 K27 S5+ CD @ 5.0 t ha−1), T4: Farmer’s practice (N69 P30 K37), and T5: Control (no fertilizer). The NPKS content and uptake by BRRI dhan48 were also influenced significantly due to combined use of manure and fertilizers. The maximum N, P, K and S uptake by grain (35.55, 6.99, 15.20 and 3.38 kg/ha respectively) were obtained from the application of Integrated Nutrient Management. The minimum N, P, K and S uptake by grain (20.08, 3.64, 8.35 and 1.74 kg/ha respectively) were found from T5: Control. Similarly, The maximum N, P, K and S uptake by straw (3.38, 5.43, 99.25 and 7.37 kg/ha respectively) were found from T3: INM. The minimum N, P, K and S uptake by straw (1.74, 2.67, 49.70 and 3.87 kg/ha respectively) were obtained from T5 (Control). The performance of the treatment T3 was better than T1, T2, T4 and T5 in nutrient content and uptake of BRRI dhan48. Considering nutrient content and uptake, the application of chemical fertilizers in combination with manure based on INM could be recommended for BRRI dhan48 production in aus season

    A Rice Variety (BRRI dhan29) Yield Performance as Influenced by Foliar Application of Salicylic Acid in Bangladesh

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    Objective of this study was to examine and evaluate the role of different rates of salicylic acid (SA) as foliar spray on growth and yield performance of BRRI dhan29. The experiment was conducted at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh from November, 2016 to May, 2017 following a randomized complete block design with five rates of SA in six replications. The results showed that the lower rate of SA (upto 0.75 mM) has a positive effect on rice biomass production including effective tiller per hill, filled grain per panicle, grain yield and straw yield. The highest dry matter production at both maximum tillering and panicle initiation stages was found at SA spray rate of 0.5 mM. The highest number of effective tillers per hill (14.7) as well as the highest filled grain (120.4) and grain yield (8.1 t/ha) were found at SA rate of 0.75 mM. However, the maximum biomass production was obtained at SA rate of 0.25 mM. The minimum grain yield (7.0 t/ha) was observed in the control treatment

    Responses of seed germination, seedling growth under salinity stresses and variability for phenotypic traits in Tossa Jute (Corchorus olitorius L.)

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    Salinity is a serious abiotic stress to Jute and other crop cultivation at saline regions in the world. No salt tolerant Tossa Jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) variety was developed in Bangladesh. Hence, six Tossa Jute accessions were investigated at germination stage against six concentration levels (0.00 or d.H2O, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0 and 16.0 dS m-1) of salt (NaCl) using RCB design at Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) during March-July, 2020. Jute seeds collected from Gene Bank of BJRI were allowed to germinate under laboratory condition. Seed germination rate was adversely affected as well as delay in germination was prolonged with increasing the salt concentration. In control, seeds were germinated up to 14.0 dS m-1 salt solution. Among six genotypes, Acc. 1141 and Acc. 3801 showed the highest germination rate (86.67 %); Acc. 3801 gave maximum root length (17.0 mm), dry biomass (6.37 mg); and Acc. 1089 showed higher shoot length (10.0 mm), fresh weight (43.93 mg) and salt tolerance index (60.69 %) under 14.0 dS m-1 level. Higher relative salt harm rate (7.14 %) was observed in both Acc. 1141 and Acc. 3801 under 14.0 dS m-1 salinity indicating highly tolerance to salinity. Acc. 3801 and Acc. 1141 were found good for germination under salt stresses; Acc. 3801, Acc. 1089 for fiber yield and salt tolerance; Acc. 3801 and Acc. 1407 for higher fiber yield. Acc. 3801 was found good for salt tolerance and fiber yield content. The genotypes with good desirable characters would be used as breeding materials to develop high yielding salt tolerant Tossa Jute variety

    Bio-Rational Management of Maize Weevil, Sitophilus Zeamais in Maize (Zea Mays) Seeds

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    Bangladesh is a sub-tropical and humid country. That is why, the infestation of insects during storage is very common here. The maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), locally known as “Katta Poka”, is one of the most serious cosmopolitan pest of stored cereal grain, especially of maize (Zea mays L.), in tropical and subtropical regions including Bangladesh. Considering the issue, the study was conducted in the laboratory of Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) following completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications to evaluate the efficacy of four locally available botanicals and chemicals. The botanicals used were: Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf, Datura (Datura stramonium) leaf, Nishinda (Vitex negundo L) leaf and Garlic (Allium sativum L.) tablet powders at three different doses (3, 4 and 5gm)/100g of grain seed against maize weevil. The results revealed that all test materials at 5g doses exhibited higher mortality action against maize weevil while at 3g doses it gave the lowest percentage efficacy. Powdered leaves of neem and datura at 4 and 5gm were showed statistical significant (P<0.01) differences while powdered leaves of nishinda at the similar rates were observed with moderately effectiveness and powdered tablet of garlic gave the lowest mortality rate within 28 days of exposure in all tested doses. These findings suggest that botanical treatments exerted better mortality of maize weevil and reduced maize seed weight loss with higher germination capacity compared to the untreated control. It was also observed that the highest mortality percentage, lowest seed weight loss and highest germination capacity in the seeds which were treated with Sevin 85SP at the rate of 0.25g/100g maize seeds. Maize grains treated with botanicals, indicated that insect reproduction and development were impaired in all botanical pesticides. It is suggested that datura leaf, neem leaf powder can be used as good alternatives to chemical insecticides against S. zeamays due to their higher mortality, lower seed weight losses and higher germination capacity

    Comparison of the Knowledge and Practices in Medicine Dispensing between Retail Medicine Shops and Model Pharmacies in Dhaka Metropolis

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    Model pharmacy has been adopted recently to upgrade the healthcare delivery system in Bangladesh. This study was aimed to analyze and compare the effectiveness of drug dispensing patterns, practices, and knowledge of both clients and dispensers of model pharmacies over traditional retail medicine shops. Two established methods, namely, client simulated method (CSM) and provider interview method (PIM), were employed to determine the practice differences in 90 retail medicine shops and 90 model pharmacies in and around Dhaka city. The results are represented primarily in comparison with corresponding percentages. The survey results did not fully support the findings obtained from the observations of the CSM as PIM contrasted these to some extent, and the differences are statistically significant (p<0.0001). According to CSM, the presence of A-grade pharmacists during working hours in retail medicine shops was 0%, and 63% in model pharmacies. As reported by PIM, in the retail medicine shops, 36% of clients were ignorant of visiting doctors before purchasing medicine. On the other hand, only 18% of clients could visit doctors. As per CSM, 40% of clients did not follow doctors' recommendations for completion of the full dose of antibiotics bought from retail medicine shops and 51% did not finish full antibiotic courses collected from model pharmacies. Additionally, CSM revealed that 28% of the clients administered leftover drugs following old and obsolete prescriptions of retail medicine shops and 21% of clients followed the same practices in terms of model pharmacies. The report of CSM revealed that 95% of dispensers of retail medicine shops sold medicine without prescription except over-the-counter (OTC), and in the model pharmacies, the percentage was 77%. The qualitative findings revealed substandard practices and dispensing pattern too. Model pharmacies were established to prevent aberrant medicine dispensing patterns and ensure proper medication dispensing practices and medicine intake. This research could not verify the situation that pharmacists or owners of model pharmacies were fully abiding by the guidelines set for them by the Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA)