277 research outputs found

    Human Resource Development, Public Administration and the Need for Reforms: A Case Of Pakistan's Public Sector

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    Keeping in view the complexity of work environment in the changing organizational environment caused by advancement in technology on the one hand and the diverse needs of the a rapidly growing population on the other hand, the role of training and development becomes more stark in terms of quality and quantity both. Training and development as an HR activity enables organization members to capture knowledge and skills required for their effective performance. It also helps them to adapt to changing circumstance and to shoulder new responsibilities. Needless to say, this recognition of training by the government and management experts in the country, the approach toward this concept in the public sector service appears to be of mere waste and ruse. This paper is supposed to look into the concept of manpower training and development in the quality of service in the public sector of Pakistan so as to have some in-depth understanding of the problems being faced. The study will be recommending some recommendations as to how improvement could be affected


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    This paper is a preliminary report of an on-going research on the reactions of the Malays in Malaya to the coming of the Cold War to the region, with particular reference to the importance of the year 1948. For the majority of the Malays, the Cold War was most popularly associated with the Emergency, which British authorities had declared in the effort to quell the armed uprising mounted by the MCP. The vast majority of Malays in Malaya were not interested in the on-going Cold War between the Western bloc led by the United States on the side the Eastern bloc led by the Soviet Union on the other. The preoccupations of the Malays during the immediate post-Pacific War period was nationalism and the concomitant effort to gain independence for Malaya from Britain. In particular, they had been rather anxious that the Malays, who were the native of the land, were not robbed of the custodianship over Malaya and political privileges of the Malays in independent Malaya. Consumed with these issues, the Malays had little interests in external affairs. It was perhaps the lack of Malay support that foredoomed the fate of communism in Malaya

    Teaching and Learning with Smartphone: Qualitative Explorative Study from Pakistan

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    [EN] This paper investigates the perceptions of teachers and students about using smartphone for teaching and learning practices in private sector universities of Islamabad through cross-sectional based qualitative explorative study. Focus group interviews were conducted from teachers and students through self-selection sampling technique. Current study is guided by Grounded Theory for which semi-structured questionnaire was adopted and modified. The results suggested two categories of teachers, Realistic and Idealistic. Realist teachers believe that they have to follow and act according to principles of reality that prevailes on ground. Idealist teachers believe that their job is to enlarge the intellectual capacity of students with focus on cognitive development rather vocational training. To sum up, integration of modern technologies like smartphone in higher education stimulates to adopt creative and innovative ways for teaching and learning practices because of its bilateral, media-rich and knowledge sharing nature thus necessary for gaining competitive advantage. Few restrictions were faced by researchers. The study is limited to city of Islamabad only. A practical implication of this study along with few recommendations for future research is also given. Keywords:Teaching; learning; smartphone; perceptions; private universities.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Rahman, H.; Hameed, M. (2018). Teaching and Learning with Smartphone: Qualitative Explorative Study from Pakistan. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 471-478. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8015OCS47147

    Gaya Pemikiran Strategik Yang Diamalkan Oleh Pengurus Dan Hubungannya Dengan Pencapaian Organisasi Pendidikan

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    The objectives of this research is to identify the strategic thinking styles practiced by a managers of educational organizations, to determine if the strategic management styles practiced by the managers are directly related to the performance of the school, to identify the significance of the relationship, if there is one, between the strategic thinking styles of the principal and the performance of the school, and lastly, to identify the factors contributing to successful performance of the school. Questionnaire is used to collect the data from the respondents to determine the level of significance between the strategic thinking styles and the achievement of the educational organization. To evaluate the performance of the organization, secondary data from journal, annual reports, bulletin and school homepage are used as supporting materials. The SPSS application package, especially the Pearson’s r correlation and one-way ANOVA programs were used to analyze the collected data. The results show a significant and positive correlation between the strategic thinking styles of the managers with the achievement of the organizations. This research achieved its objectives in answering all the questions raised. Although it manages to show a significant relationship, there is still room for further research into organizational achievement. Further research need to be done to determine other variables that also contribute to organizational achievement


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    Sehat Sahulat Program is health initiative initially launched by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Govt for the people of the province. This paper is aimed at looking at the program from the patients and doctors’ point of view. The study is qualitative in nature and is interview-based assessment of the program. For this purpose, five doctors from the top tiers and ten patients have been interviewed. The central point of these to see as to what extent the program is viewed by these two main stakeholders. The findings are expected to benefit both the research community as well as all the stakeholders. It will enable the policy makers to how to improve the program so that its set target can be achieved as postulated in the program. The authors believe that though this is simple approach to an issue that is related to almost all people, it is hoped that these findings would help the future researchers to look at the program from more complicated aspects

    Examining the Interceding Role of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) in the Relationship between Trust and Employee Engagement

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    The quantity of research work on employee engagement and leader-member exchange signifies the importance of these organizational aspects from both the employee and employer point of view. The results of these researches vary from culture to culture and organization to organization. The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of leader member exchange between trust and employee engagement. For this purpose a sample of 133 respondents has been selected and their perceptions have been sought through a questionnaire. The results somewhat weekly supported the existing leader-member exchange theory in the relationship between trust and employee engagement. These results have practical as well as academic implications. Future research may look into the detailed causes of these results

    Job behaviors and their impact on Performance Appraisal Effectiveness: Conceptual Propositions

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    The current study is a prepositional study which looks employee behaviours and their impact on human resource intervention effectiveness. It is a literature based study. Extant literature has been explored and relationships have been presented in a new way. The study is the first one in conceptually presenting new insights. The study is believed to open a fresh research discussion. It has theoretical implications. The study recommends empirical testing of the proposition presented in this study. The study has all the limitations of a social science research

    The Mediating Role of Career Development in its Antecedents and Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

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    The impression of strengthening human capital to promote innovation and creation by planning the careers of organizational members in light of HRM practices and policies and to develop distinct mentalities, competencies and skills with the sole objective of providing a series of novel services and products has been getting importance. The current paper dig into the importance of career planning along with the career management as input for the career development and career commitment, and career satisfaction as the output of this relationship. A sample of 395 teaching staff of the colleges of Malakand Division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan was randomly selected for the current research. To test the hypotheses of the study, structural equation modeling as a statistical technique for analysis of the empirical data was employed. Empirical results supported all the hypotheses of the study. These results illustrated that career planning along with the career management are very important roots of the career development which further engenders career commitment and career satisfaction. These results also validated the mediating role of career development in the relationship of career management and career planning on the one hand as antecedents and career commitment and career satisfaction as outcomes on the other hand. The study has uniqueness in the sense that the study is the first one that tests these hypotheses in colleges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. And that is why the study has both academic and practical implications. At the end a few recommendations has been put forwarded for future research


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    The main goal of the current research is to investigate the mediator role of perception of inclusion between inclusive leadership and eudaimonic well-being. The partial least square method of structural equation modeling was incorporated to test the direct effect and the mediating effect based on data collected from 401 respondents of dissimilar sectors but mainly from the pharmaceutical sector. The results exposed an insignificant direct effect and significant indirect impact of inclusive leadership on eudaimonic well-being; however, the variable perception of inclusion was found to be a significant mediator. Nevertheless, the results contribute to the prior research studies that largely investigated the direct relationship between employee well-being and leadership, by showing that perception of inclusion mediates the relationship between eudaimonic well-being and inclusive leadership. The findings of the current research study certainly will help managers working in many industries set up and maintain behaviors that can improve employees' well-being, particularly eudaimonic well-being at work