6 research outputs found


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    This article is about the political thought of Islam Nurcholish Madjid. For most Islamic societies, Nurcholish is the big thinkers who followed pemikiran-pemikirannya. What is discussed here is especially points where Nurcholish makes a political statement-statement is then taken by colleagues in his day and thereafter. The most notable being discussed here is a thought-provoking cultural politics in the era of new order Nurcholish, who then lashed with political thought at the beginning of the Reformation period. Research methods this article is using a qualitative approach, while the nature of this normative and sociological research. This article is the kind of research libraries or commonly called with (library research). This article aims to find out how the concept of political Islam cultural Perspective Nurcholish Madjid. Results or conclusions of the article is that of religious thought, in political thought Nurcholish asserted any necessity of openness, both Muslims and non-Muslims in Indonesia not to happen "the price of death". Each party in the political arena, according to him, Indonesia must continue to do the bargaining and accommodation of interests each for the creation of a common interes

    Kebiasaan Membaca Siswa Sekolah Dasar (Survei Aspek Kebiasan Membaca Siswa SD Negeri 2 Pinggirsari di Desa Pinggirsari Kecamatan Arjasari Kabupaten Bandung)

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    The study is aimed to know students reading habits in the government primary school 2 Pinggirsari located in Pinggirsari village, District of Bandung. It is a descriptive survey research. The population of the study were students who now in 3rd-6th grades. Sampling was used by using census method. The questionaires, interview, observation, and library research were used to gather data. Based on the research findings, it is found that the students were happy once they found books in the library school; the students usually read book three times a week and spent more than 15 minutes to read; in a week, they read three books and magazines 1-5 titles; most of the collections were found from their school library; frequently, they visit library/reading area in around two times a week

    Kontruksi Makna Pegiat Perpustakaan Jalanan (Studi Fenomenologi tentang Kontruksi Makna Pegiat Perpustakaan Jalanan di Kota Bandung)

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    Penelitian tentang kontruksi makna para pegiat perpustakaan jalanan dilakukan di Perpustakaan Jalanan yang ada di Kota Bandung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui makna diri pegiat perpustakaan jalanan, motif pendirian Perpustakaan Jalanan Bandung, dan pengalaman mengelola Perpustakaan Jalanan Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil Penelitian ini menemukan adanya tiga makna pegiat perpustakaan jalanan yaitu penyedia ruang alternatif, penyegar pikiran dan menjadi seorang manusia baru. Motif tujuan didirikannya Perpustakaan Jalanan Bandung ialah mempermudah akses informasi bagi semua orang dan membuat tempat baca alternatif. Kendala dalam mengelola Perpustakaan Jalanan Bandung ialah pemukulan oleh tentara, persepsi negatif tentang perpustakaan jalanan, kredibilitas buku masih dipertanyakan dan buku-buku sering hilang.ABSTRACTResearch on the construction of meaning of street library activists conducted in the Library Street in Bandung. The purpose of this study is to find out the meaning of self-campaigning street librarian, the motive of Bandung Street Library establishment, and experience of managing the Bandung Street Library. The research method used is qualitative with phenomenology approach. The results of this study found the three meanings of street library activists are alternative space providers, refreshment of mind and become a new human being. Motif establishment of Bandung Street Library is divided into two motives of reason and motive purpose. The motive for the purpose of the establishment of Bandung Street Library is to make it easier to access information for everyone and make alternative reading places. Constraints in managing the Bandung Street Library is beating by soldiers, negative perceptions about street libraries, the credibility of books is still questionable and books are often lost