147 research outputs found

    Effect of kenaf fibre and rice husk incorporation on melt flow and mechanical properties of calcium carbonate/Polypropylene hybrid composite / Mohd Muizz Fahimi Mohamed and Rahmah Mohamed

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    This research is conducted to determine the changes in melt flow and mechanical properties of kenaf and rice husk mix on hybrid composite filled with calcium carbonate, CaCo3/PP hybrid matrix. Variable ratios of hybrid composite were incorporated using kenaf fibre (KF) and rice husk (RH) particulates which were mixed in different composition of 10:30, 15:25, 20:20, 25:15, 30:10, 35:5 with fixed 20% amount of CaCO3. Compounded hybrid composite was prepared via twin screw compounder and tested for melt flow index (MFI), tensile and impact strength. When added with kenaf and rice husk, the composites exhibited lower MFI. All compounds showed MFI range from 2 to 3 gram/10 min. Highest MFI was observed with the highest ratio of rice husk to kenaf fibre (KF/RH 10:30) whilst the lowest MFI value was exhibited by the composite ratio of KF/RH 35:5 incorporated into the mix of CaCo3/PP hybrid matrix. This implied that incorporation of kenaf fiber has resulted in higher resistance of the hybrid matrix thus causing the melting flow index to increase accordingly. Tensile strength, elongation at break and impact properties of hybrid composite have decreased due to the increasing content of the rice husk. For tensile properties, better stress transfers were exhibited by higher RH compared to KF which are shown from their higher tensile strength. Molecular interactions of CaCo3/PP hybrid matrix can efficiently be provided by the stress transfer of RH after the addition of the filler into the hybrid. Meanwhile Young Modulus, E was also increased with addition of higher KF in CaCo3/PP hybrid composite mainly due to greater rigidity imposed by the fibrous kenaf. Impact strength was improved with higher rice husk content KF/RH 10:30. The higher toughness of higher rice husk content for hybrid composite showed that rice husk provide better resistant to fracture embrittlement. The rice husk enhances the impact forces subjected to the hybrid composite due to high silica content in rice husk and its particulates

    Degradation behaviour of thin film optical resin based on epoxidised soy bean oil upon UV exposure / Rahmah Mohamed and Ahmad Faiza Mohd

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    Epoxidised soybean oil is a derivative of soybean oil having (epoxy) functional groups,which are products from epoxidation of carbon-carbon double bonds in soybean oil. Epoxidised soybean oils (ESO) are used as plasticizers, crosslinking agents,stabilizers and are intermediates for polyol production used in polyurethanes and plastics resin after the oxirane ring is opened by hydroxylation or alcoholysis.In this study,modified ESO had been used for various applications for surface coatings,composite and optical products. For light stabilized coating system, unsaturated monomer and UV absorber may be incorporated to increase uv stability and prevent prior degradation in transmission and thermal stability. Thermal stability through mass loss degradation profile was evaluated and analysed using thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). Thermal kinietic profile with TGA showed faster reaction with high scan rate and degradation kinetic parameter taken at 600C showed higher Ea values for Photoinitor A as compared to Photoinitiator B type. FTIR analysis done revealed the formation of acrylated ESO and transmission is affected under sunlight exposure. As for degradation upon pH changes when immersed in water according to ASTM D5402.Acrylated resin was most resistant in 0.0IM alkaline medium rather than in water and same molarity of acidic solutio

    Immunogenic Burkholderia pseudomallei Outer Membrane Proteins as Potential Candidate Vaccine Targets

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    Background: Burkholderia pseudomallei is the causative agent of melioidosis, a disease of significant morbidity and mortality in both human and animals in endemic areas. There is no vaccine towards the bacterium available in the market, and the efficacy of many of the bacterium’s surface and secreted proteins are currently being evaluated as vaccine candidates. Methodology/Principal Findings: With the availability of the B. pseudomallei whole genome sequence, we undertook to identify genes encoding the known immunogenic outer membrane protein A (OmpA). Twelve OmpA domains were identified and ORFs containing these domains were fully annotated. Of the 12 ORFs, two of these OmpAs, Omp3 and Omp7, were successfully cloned, expressed as soluble protein and purified. Both proteins were recognised by antibodies in melioidosis patients ’ sera by Western blot analysis. Purified soluble fractions of Omp3 and Omp7 were assessed for their ability to protect BALB/c mice against B. pseudomallei infection. Mice were immunised with either Omp3 or Omp7, subsequently challenged with 1610 6 colony forming units (cfu) of B. pseudomallei via the intraperitoneal route, and examined daily for 21 days post-challenge. This pilot study has demonstrated that whilst all control unimmunised mice died by day 9 post-challenge, two mice (out of 4) from both immunised groups survived beyond 21 days post-infection. Conclusions/Significance: We have demonstrated that B. pseudomallei OmpA proteins are immunogenic in mice as well a

    Enhancing Microteaching at Sultan Qaboos University

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    This study was an attempt to maximize the effectiveness of microteaching at SQU. It proposed a model incorporating five components: (1) planning and feedback, (2) teaching and observation, (3) self-assessment and reflection, (4) peers’ feedback, and (5) tutor’s feedback. The model was applied to a group of 24 student-teachers of English attending the microteaching course at the College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University. To measure the effectiveness of the model, the planning tasks, self-assessment forms, reflective questions raised by peer students, and the tutor’s feedback comments were analyzed qualitatively. It was found that the proposed model helped maximize the effectiveness of EFL microteaching at SQU

    An Exploratory Study of Integrating Booster Seat Design on Rear Seat Vehicle in Static Test

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    Child Restraint System (CRS) is a safety seat created especially for child or small adult. The function of CRS is to protect or avoid child from any injury or death during vehicle crashes. This study presents a broad, comprehensive research effort that brings together industry and academic skill and uses numerous methodologies with countermeasures as the focus of applied research. The objectives of this study are to design mechanism for an integrated child seat booster for the rear seat and analyze the strength of the booster seat mechanism when loads applied on it. In order to get the seating reference point, 3D scanning process has been performed using car seat model from a toy car. A design of the booster seat mechanism is chosen for the reference based on the previous study. SolidWorks has been used in the designing and simulation of the static test process for the booster seat mechanism. The simulation has been performed to determine stress, strain and displacement of the integrated seat booster mechanism by applying different loads in static condition. The result from the simulation showed that when load D (37.08kg) was applied on the mechanism, it has the highest stress, strain and displacement which is 7689000N/m2, 2.22×10-5 and 1.74×10-2mm respectively. This is due to the fact that the more the force applied on the mechanism, the greater the stress, strain and displacement reacted on the booster seat mechanism. The success of this project will able the researcher and consumer to improve the safety of the child occupant in the CRS during the event of crash

    Analysis of Auto Release Seatbelt System for Multipurpose Vehicle

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    An automatic seat belt release system is provided for installation in conjunction with the vehicle's seat belt system. In the event that the vehicle sustains an impact of sufficient magnitude to necessitate the emergency release of the seat belt system, an electrically operated actuator located near the seat belt is actuated to release the seat belt system after 5 seconds time interval. The aim of this study is to design and develop coding language for Auto Release Seatbelt System. The system for Auto Release Seatbelt is installed inside the passenger cabin and the release mechanism fixed at the seatbelt buckle. The system is tested after the installation on a multipurpose vehicle (MPV). The 12V cigarette lighter socket is used to power the system. A crash collision impact sensor, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, a developer board, and a solenoid actuator comprise in the designed emergency release system. The crash collision impact sensor identifies when the vehicle collides, and the gyroscope sensor determines the vehicle's orientation after the impact, if the gyroscope detects no change in orientation, it triggers the development board's preset timer. The solenoid is activated to press the custom release mechanism that will remove the seat belt once the specified time period has passed

    The multiple intelligence classification of management graduates using two step cluster analysis

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    In this study, graduates multiple intelligences profile are the main interest in order to enhance the opportunities of the management graduates for employability. In order to measure and classify the multiple intelligences of graduate, Two Step Cluster Analysis is applied. The cluster is based on their demographic background and Gardner’s nine intelligences namely musical, spatial/visual, verbal/linguistic, mathematics/logical, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist and spiritual. The framework and findings of this study are conducted at Faculty of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (FPTT), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). The nine intelligence types of the 137 management graduates had been successfully clustered into four more meaningful clusters based on their intelligence scores and characteristics that agree with the Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan pelajar ke institusi pengajian tinggi: Kajian di KUIN

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    Higher education system in Malaysia has been transformed coherent with the country's development and international market. This study was conducted to identify the factors that influence the selection of students to the university. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between sources of information and influence, financial, reputation with the selection of students to university and study the relationship between infrastructure and the choice of students to IPT. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). A total of 196 students in KUIN provide feedback through survey forms. Result from this research will be the source of information and beneficial to everyone to identify the factors of influencing the selection of students to IP

    The potential use of augmented reality in gamification

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    The use of augmented reality (AR) and gamification in various fields is currently gaining popularity for its capability in engaging users.Gamification is a term that defines the use of game-based elements, such as game mechanics, aesthetics, dynamics, and game thinking in the non-game context environment.Meanwhile, AR is a technology that has an ability to overlap computer graphics onto the real environment.However, as a newly emerging concept, gamification seems to have some arguments related to its elements, concepts, and effectiveness in a similar intervention. Therefore, this paper discusses gamification. Although dozens of studies have implemented AR games, there is still an obvious lack in discussing and relating it to a gamified platform. Nevertheless, previous adaptation of games in AR seems that there are also potentials to utilise gamification and AR concepts and elements, as well as AR and AR games in brief.This paper also justifies several previous empirical studies in AR and gamification to look into its elements, research design, and the potentials of AR and gamification combinatio

    اللهجة العامية في تفسير عبد الله الطيّب المجذوب = al-Lahjah al-'amiyah fi Tafsir 'Abd Allah al-tayyib al-Majzub

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    يعد الدكتور عبد الله الطيب اذوب من أشهر علماء السودان في العصر الحاضر. وقد قام حفظه الله بتاليف العديد من الكتب في مختلف االات، من أبرزها تفسيره للقرآن الكريم. ويهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة منهج وطريقة الدكتور عبد الله الطيب اذوب في تفسير القرآن، مع بيان استخدامه اللهجة العامية (الدارجة) في تفسيره. وكذلك يتناول البحث طريقة عبد الله الطيب في تفسيره للآيات الكونية، وآيات الأحكام، وآيات الأسماء والصفات، وآيات الموت والآخرة والغيبيات، وآيات القصص والإسرائيليات. وقد اعتمد البحث على منهجي الاستقراء والتحليل الاستنباطي للوصول إلى النتائج المرجوة. ومن نتائج البحث أن عبد الله الطيب اعتمد على اللغة العربية بجميع علومها في تفسير القرآن، واعتنى بالقراءات القرآنية. وأظهر البحث كذلك أن المنهج العام لتفسير عبد الله الطيب يعتمد في المقام الأول على المأثور من الكتاب والسنة وآراء الصحابة، ناق ً لا تلك الروايات من تفسيري الطبري والقرطبي. كما أوضحت الدراسة أنه اعتمد على الإسرائيليات، ورفض التفسير العلمي