8 research outputs found


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    This paper is attempted to propose a breakthrough alternative in the EFL teaching to enhance students’ ability and motivation in writing through facebook-inkshedding. The current development of technology and teenager’s close relationship with online social networking demands English instructor to be more creative in choosing the medium that suit the students’ interest and teenage trend. Facebook nowadays possess a prominent position among other social network media that makes it a very potential learning media. Inkshedding, on the other side, is a very effective strategy to boast students’ creative ideas and confidence in writing. It brings an active discussion into written form and trigger students to express their mind in the target language and make them get used of it gradually. Not only that facebook-inkshedding exists beyond time and physical boundary, it can also grow students’ sense of community and motivate them to develop independently


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    Language learning involves a dynamic process of self confidence construction. A research by Jianwei Xu (2011) on the lived-experience of two Chinese advanced users of English in Australia shed a light on this. It also confirmed the nature of language as a complex social process that is closely bound to power relations and learner’s previously established L2 identity. However, it failed to notice how the self confidence and L2 identity play a role on maintaining smooth social interaction in natural English environment. In addition, the local and cultural boundary covered in the study was just coming from Chinese students, whom their mother tongues has quite different lexical form and structure from English. Indonesia, on the other side, has rather close lexical form and structure to English. Therefore, the research on the Indonesian learners’ self-confidence in using English might show different result. This paper, then, is attempted to bring the discussion further and deeper to Indonesian users of English and how they undergo social interaction with their self-confidence and L2 identity in the English-speaking country. The researcher will interview three students from English department of State University of Malang who had experienced studying abroad to know how they construct their identity and confidence during their interaction with native-speakers and how does this contribute to the development of their English use


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    Work book is one of the principal necessities in the processof teaching and learning second language. A comprehensive work-book will work as step-by-step guidance both for the teacher andstudents; teacher will know what to do to transfer the knowledgeeffectively within very limited time constraint; and students will beprovided clear clue to comprehend required materials and acquirethe necessary skills. Without work book, teacher will have to thinkand work harder in every meeting to measure their students’ needsand adapt the materials to their comprehension capacity.Third semester students of English Teaching Department ofIAIN Antasari Banjarmasin can be classifi ed as beginning learnersof English. For most students who live in a non-speaking Englishcountry such as Indonesia, listening skill is diffi cult to comprehend.Listening skills is seen not only as something valuable for itsown sake but as something that supports the growth of other as-pects of language use, such as speaking and reading. The assump-tions of teaching listening as comprehension are: listening servesthe goal of extracting meaning from messages, the learners have to be taught how to use both bottom up and top down processes inarriving at an understanding of messages, and the language of ut-terances used by speakers are temporary carriers of meaning. Oncemeaning has been identifi ed there is no further need to attend to theform of messages.Students have problems to catch the actual sounds of the for-eign language; understand every word which make them feel wor-ried and stressed; understand fast, natural native-sounding speech;keep up with all the information they get and they cannot predict.To overcome these problems teachers can help students by teachthem how to improve their listening through some skills and teachthe students by using media.Dealing with the purpose of this research in developing work-book for English listening class, the suitable design for this researchis research and development (RD)


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    Speaking in foreign language is a productive skill that requires not only sufficient language input and communication strategy, but also a lot of practices and experiences. Students who cannot fulfill all those requirements might get problems during speaking, especially those who have low confidence level, insufficient communication skill, lack of vocabulary and lack of automaticity. Students often hesitate during speaking too because they are afraid of making mistakes, losing face and criticism. Such problems are commonly found among English learners in Asia, especially where English is a foreign language and access to English natural environment and English daily practices is extremely limited. Certain teaching strategies are then needed to overcome these obstacles; one of them is movie production. This study views teenage students in Asia as digital natives that can take a lot of benefits from technology to improve their English and make English language part of their life even though they do not live in natural English environment. Through movie production, students get freedom of expression without feeling anxious that they are being formally graded. It is fun and challenging and explores their language creativity; they can rehearse as much as they want; consult the dialogue to their teachers; and correct their mistakes and learn from it. In brief, this task integrates many communication skills needed in speaking, improves their confidence, and gives them real experience and a lot of practice. The movie can as well be evaluated to assess students' progress in speaking


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    Media cannot be separated from human lives, especially in digital era (IR 4.0); they aim to spread information to public and as a consequence affect public perspectives and behavior. From this point, media eventually functions to drive public opinion which in politics determine voter's choices; which in other words, media become political tools. Utilization of media for politics is significant as a winning strategy to increase electability of candidates and parties


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    Work book is one of the principal necessities in the processof teaching and learning second language. A comprehensive work-book will work as step-by-step guidance both for the teacher andstudents; teacher will know what to do to transfer the knowledgeeffectively within very limited time constraint; and students will beprovided clear clue to comprehend required materials and acquirethe necessary skills. Without work book, teacher will have to thinkand work harder in every meeting to measure their students’ needsand adapt the materials to their comprehension capacity.Third semester students of English Teaching Department ofIAIN Antasari Banjarmasin can be classifi ed as beginning learnersof English. For most students who live in a non-speaking Englishcountry such as Indonesia, listening skill is diffi cult to comprehend.Listening skills is seen not only as something valuable for itsown sake but as something that supports the growth of other as-pects of language use, such as speaking and reading. The assump-tions of teaching listening as comprehension are: listening servesthe goal of extracting meaning from messages, the learners have to be taught how to use both bottom up and top down processes inarriving at an understanding of messages, and the language of ut-terances used by speakers are temporary carriers of meaning. Oncemeaning has been identifi ed there is no further need to attend to theform of messages.Students have problems to catch the actual sounds of the for-eign language; understand every word which make them feel wor-ried and stressed; understand fast, natural native-sounding speech;keep up with all the information they get and they cannot predict.To overcome these problems teachers can help students by teachthem how to improve their listening through some skills and teachthe students by using media.Dealing with the purpose of this research in developing work-book for English listening class, the suitable design for this researchis research and development (RD)

    Jews: Anti-Semites, You Are the Worst! (Media Discourse Analysis on the Holocaust Issue in New York Times).

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    ABSTRACT   Rahmah, Nur Alfa. 2010. Jews: Anti-Semites, You Are the Worst! (Media Discourse Analysis on the Holocaust Issue in New York Times). Thesis. Department of English Literature, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. Advisor: Mochamad Nasrul Chotib, M.Hum.   Keywords: the Holocaust, New York Times, anti-Semites, Propaganda, Ideology   Mass media are integral part of society. Since they are the link between individual perception of a world and the world that actually exists, public is very dependent on them. It grants mass media the ability to shape public opinion, which makes them the most effective instrument of power. This is to say, they are the main medium to spread propaganda. Public opinion, propaganda, and mass media are interrelated essentially. Through them, the ruling ideology strengthens its hegemony. Hegemony constructs people to think within the scope of the dominant discourses introduced by mass media. New York Times is a prominent mass media in the United States and Europe, which helps the reproduction of dominant discourses in both continents. Based on the currently dominant discourse in the world, the Holocaust is notorious as the worst genocide ever, conducted by fascist Hitler and Nazi Germany. In relation to the Holocaust, the thesis questions how New York Times shapes certain frame in the readers' minds about the Holocaust. In other words, it analyzes the scheme of idea of the Holocaust in the New York Times' texts, on which the readers may base their perceptions, actions, and reactions. In addition, since certain idea framing must support certain ideology, it will also reveal how New York Times supports particular ideology and how the Holocaust issue is occupied by the ideology to maintain its power. The study finds out that there is some sort of oversimplified conception in the meaning of "evil" which is inspired by Hitler and Nazi. It is conducted by attaching label "Anti-Semite" to some people or groups that deny the Holocaust or show any potential threat to the current ruling ideology. "Anti-Semites", after all, is a very pejorative label today, indicating that the one called so is dangerous, racist, and inhumane, even evil. When Hitler's being evil model leads to the identification upon many groups as evils-such as Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan, Romania, China, and Russia, the Jews' being victim model does not lead to the identification upon others as victims. Rather, it makes them somehow the only victim. The Jews' domination on "who are the true victims" grants them such an excellently immense compensation from the world, including the establishment of the Jewish State. Above all, analyzing the identity of the countries accused of being anti-Semitic will lead us to the discussion about the Holocaust issue in New York Times leads to the topic about "the West and the rest" and ideological battle among the three surviving ideologies: capitalism, socialism, and Islam. To be precise, New York Times supports the domination of the currently ruling ideology, capitalism, and its attack upon its enemies.


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    Work book is one of the principal necessities in the processof teaching and learning second language. A comprehensive work-book will work as step-by-step guidance both for the teacher andstudents; teacher will know what to do to transfer the knowledgeeffectively within very limited time constraint; and students will beprovided clear clue to comprehend required materials and acquirethe necessary skills. Without work book, teacher will have to thinkand work harder in every meeting to measure their students’ needsand adapt the materials to their comprehension capacity.Third semester students of English Teaching Department ofIAIN Antasari Banjarmasin can be classifi ed as beginning learnersof English. For most students who live in a non-speaking Englishcountry such as Indonesia, listening skill is diffi cult to comprehend.Listening skills is seen not only as something valuable for itsown sake but as something that supports the growth of other as-pects of language use, such as speaking and reading. The assump-tions of teaching listening as comprehension are: listening servesthe goal of extracting meaning from messages, the learners have to be taught how to use both bottom up and top down processes inarriving at an understanding of messages, and the language of ut-terances used by speakers are temporary carriers of meaning. Oncemeaning has been identifi ed there is no further need to attend to theform of messages.Students have problems to catch the actual sounds of the for-eign language; understand every word which make them feel wor-ried and stressed; understand fast, natural native-sounding speech;keep up with all the information they get and they cannot predict.To overcome these problems teachers can help students by teachthem how to improve their listening through some skills and teachthe students by using media.Dealing with the purpose of this research in developing work-book for English listening class, the suitable design for this researchis research and development (RD)