16 research outputs found


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    Batik merupakan warisan budaya asli Indonesia yang telah disahkan oleh UNESCO. Batik digunakan dalam berbagai kesempatan baik formal mapun non-formal. Hal ini berdampak positif pada perekonomian Indonesia dengan meningkatkan jumlah produksi, jumlah industri batik, dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Industri batik juga berdampak negatif pada lingkungan karena limbah cair yang dihasilkan dari proses pembuatannya. Constructed wetland (CW) merupakan salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan sebagai teknologi yang mudah, murah, dan berkelanjutan sebagai unit pengolahan limbah dengan memanfaatkan teknologi alami. Tanaman yang digunakan adalah tanaman Canna indica. Tanaman ini telah banyak digunakan karena tanaman ini dapat mentoleransi limbah dengan kandungan timbal yang tinggi. Hybrid constructed wetland merupakan gabungan antara horizontal dan vertical subsurface flow CW. Teknologi ini diaplikasikan untuk mengolah limbah cair hasil perebusan batik (boiling). Parameter yang diteliti adalah Chemical Oxygen demand (COD), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), dan Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) dengan lama limbah berada direaktor (Hydraulic Retention Time) selama 3,5,dan 7 hari. Removal efficiency yang dapat dicapai untuk COD sebesar 89,61% dan FOG 89,53% pada hari ke 3. Removal efficiency paling optimal untuk TSS sebesar 98,74% pada hari ke 5. Kata kunci : limbah industri batik, limbah boiling, hybrid CW, canna indica, hydraulic retention time (HRT

    Molecular Exploration of Biomarkers as Early Warning System of Aquatic Pollution

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    LAS exposure to potentially cause pollution in aquatic environments. LAS Content in the waters, harmful to aquatic organisms and humans. Biomarkers required as "early warning" of pollution on aquatic biomonitoring program. Biomarkers can provide a picture of the effect of changes in environmental quality. The response to the stress caused by LAS is used as a biomarker of pollution and is expected to provide an overview effect on humans in the future. This study analyzes the differences in molecular changes in the hepatocyte Cyprinus carpio L were exposed to various concentrations of LAS. LAS as stressors created by the concentration of 0.01, 0.02; 0.03; 0.04; 0.05 mg / l with a long exposure of 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours, and 8 days. Biomarker expression in hepatocyte observed using immunohistochemical methods. The results obtained were analyzed statistically using the 2-way MANOVA. The results showed a significant level of p = 0.0005 on HSP70 protein expression, iNOS, p38 MAPK, and CYP 1A compared to the control group. Increased concentrations of LAS and the duration of exposure resulted in increased number expressing hepatocyte biomarker with a significant level (p = 0.0005). The conclusion of this study is that the expression of HSP70, iNOS, p38 MAPK, and CYP 1A can be used as a biomarker of pollution in aquatic environments LAS. Keywords: Aquatic,  biomarkers, early warning system, molecular, pollution


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    Abstrak Air limbah yang dihasilkan selama proses produksi batik mengandung bahan kimia beracun dan sulit terurai yang dapat menyebabkan meningkatnya BOD, COD, TSS, pH maupun logam berat. Air limbah yang dihasilkan dari batik atau industri tekstil umumnya merupakan senyawa organik yang sulit terurai, yang dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan, terutama dari lingkungan akuatik. Effluent dari industri batik pada proses boiling tidak memenuhi baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan oleh Permen LH RI No. 5 Tahun 2014. Sistem pengolahan air limbah alami seperti constructed wetlands (CWs) dan biological sand filter menjadi alternatif yang relevan dalam mengolah air limbah karena efisiensinya, biayanya maupun pengoperasiannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengolah air limbah industri batik menggunakan integrasi biofilter dan CWs. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat skala kecil dari alat integrasi biofilter dan constructed wetlands yang kemudian dilakukan uji coba kinerja alat dengan mengalirkan sampel air limbah industri batik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan efisiensi penurunan untuk masing-masing parameter COD, TSS, dan minyak & lemak sebesar 72,67-86,67%; 95,85-98,18%; dan 79,47-90,04%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa air hasil pengolahan limbah industri batik masih melebihi baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan sehingga air hasil pengolahan tidak diperbolehkan untuk dibuang ke badan air. Air hasil pengolahan juga tidak dapat diperuntukkan oleh masyarakat karena tidak memenuhi kriteria mutu air pada kelas air yang ditetapkan. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk pemanfaatan air hasil pengolahan sebagai air bahan bangunan. Kata Kunci: limbah industri batik, boiling, biofilter, constructed wetlands Abstract Wastewater produced during the batik production process contains toxic and non-biodegradable chemicals resulting in high BOD, COD, TSS, pH and heavy metals. Wastewater generated from batik or textile industries is generally a non-biodegradable organic compound, which can cause environmental pollution, especially of the aquatic environment. Effluent from the batik industry during the boiling process did not meet the standard for discharged effluent in accordance with the Minister of Environment Regulation No.5 of 2014. Natural wastewater treatment systems such as constructed wetlands and biological sand filters are becoming an increasingly relevant alternative for treating wastewater due to its efficiency, low establishment costs and low operation and management requirements. This research aims to treat batik industry wastewater by using biofilter and CWs integration. The research was conducted by making a small scale from the biofilter and constructed wetlands integration, then tested by flowing samples of batik industry wastewater. The results indicated removal efficiency for each parameter of COD, TSS, and fat & oil amounts 72.67-86.67%; 95.85-98.18%; and 79.47-90.04%. The results showed that the treated water from batik industry waste processing still exceeds meet the standard for discharged effluent so that the treated water is not allowed to be discharged into water bodies. The treated water also cannot be used by the community because it does not meet the water quality criteria for the specified water class. Further research is needed for the utilization of treated water as building materials. Keywords: batik industry wastewater, boiling, biofilter, constructed wetland

    Model Performance of Constructed Wetlands in the Treatment of Wastewater from Urban Flats

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    Abstract Public housing development being pro moted requires special attention, especially related to environmental management issues, including liquid waste management. Alternative technologies that are used to treat domestic wastewater was constructed wetland. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of constructed wetland as a wastewater treatment technology for flats. Plants used in the constructed wetland are o ften found in East Java, Typha latifolia, Papyrus and Iris. The results showed that all three types of plants have high efficiency in processing the waste water is above 80 percent

    Level of Creative Thinking Effect Through Multiple Solution Task Type Problem-Solving on Learning Outcomes

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    This study aims to: (1) analyze the level of creative thinking possessed by each class XI students of Building Drawing Technique (BDT); and (2) analyze the influence of the level of thinking on the learning outcomes of the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. This type of research is correlational research through a quantitative approach method. The population in this study were all students in building expertise competencies at SMK Negeri 1 Nganjuk which included Geomatics and BDT. The sample used in this study was XI BDT class students. The instrument used in analyzing the level of creative thinking (LCT) is a problem-solving test sheet of the type of multiple solution tasks. The data analysis technique uses a linear regression test. The results of the study concluded that: (1) there were as many as 4 students included in the category of LCT 4 (very creative), there were 12 students included in the category of LCT 3 (creative), there are 11 students included in the category 2 LCT (quite creative), there are no students included in the category of LCT 1 (less creative), and there are as many as 11 students who included in the category of LCT 0 (not creative); (2) there is a significant influence between the level of creative thinking on the cognitive and psychomotor learning outcomes; and (3) there is a very significant influence between the level of creative thinking on the affective learning outcomes of class XI BDT students

    Critical Study of Research Results about TVET and TEFA’s Role in Social, Economic, and Education Development in the Country

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    This study aims to determine the role of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Teaching Factory (TEFA) on social, economic, and educational development in a country. The study was conducted using a literature review of some references and relevant research results of European countries, the United States (US), Africa, and Asia, especially in Indonesia. The results of the study obtained were presented in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to obtain input and criticism to improve the results of the research. The study concluded that: (1) TVET has a key and key role in the social, economic, and educational fields of a country; (2) the impact of TVET in Nigeria and other developing countries, in general, has not been impressive; (3) the application of TEFA has a positive and significant effect on work readiness of vocational students; and (4) the application of TEFA can contribute to the social, economic and educational development of a country

    Development of Electrical Car Learning Media as A Future Alternative Car

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    This research aims to: (1) develop Electric Car Learning Media through research and development (R&D) ADDIE Model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation); (2) knowing the level of feasibility of learning media for electric cars (LMEC) in a learning perspective; and (3) to determine the effectiveness of LMEC in the learning process. The study found that: (1) based on the validator's assessment, that the LMEC that had been developed was very suitable for use in learning Electric Cars; (2) based on student assessment, that LMEC is very suitable for use in learning Electric Cars in the Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of Surabaya; and (3) LMEC is very effective, proven as many as 24 (77.41%) of students get a score of learning outcomes in the range 71-100, with good and excellent categories

    Influence of learning media based on adobe flash professional to psychomotor domain learning outcomes on plc courses viewed from level of creative thinking student

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    This study uses adobe flash professional based learning media for experimental class while in control class using CourseLab media. Learning media based on adobe flash professional designed in the form of applications for smartphones and computers or notebooks. This study aims to determine the interaction and differences in learning result for students who have low and high creative thinking level who learn by using adobe flash professional media than students who use the media CourseLab. This research was conducted in department D3 mechatronic class of 2015 at State University of Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) on PLC course and using factorial design 2 x 2, with  total of students in the experimental class as much as 44 people and total of students in the control class as many as 26 people. Data Processing Technique for hypothesis testing, used two-independent-samples test technique. If the prerequisite test of normality and homogeneity is not met, we will use the mann-whitney u test technique. Research finds: (1) for students who have a low level of creative thinking, who learn by using adobe flash professional learning media, psychomotor domain learning outcomes is significantly higher than students who learn by using instructional media CourseLab; (2) for students who have a high level of creative thinking, who learn by using adobe flash professional learning media, psychomotor domain learning outcomes is significantly higher than students who learn by using instructional media CourseLab; and (3) there is a significant interaction between the level of students' creative thinking and learning media, to psychomotor domain learning outcomes. Research suggests: (1) research subjects used at least more than 150 students, to obtain better data (normal distributed data); and (2) the preparation of tools and materials must be in accordance with the needs to be used, so that the quality of learning is increasing