9 research outputs found

    The Profile of Students’ Thinking in Solving the Tasks of Mathematical Induction Seen from Mathematical Ability

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    Abstract Every individual thinks in his life, especially when get a difficulties. Mathematics has an abstract mathematical object. This makes students have difficulty in solving math tasks. So, students will think in solving math tasks. One of the mathematical material that requires students to think is mathematical induction. Students are required to prove the truth of mathematical statements related to natural numbers using the principle of mathematical induction. Students mathematical abilities have an influence when students solve math induction tasks. Thus, differences in mathematical abilities in solving tasks will lead to differences in students thinking. This study aims to describe the profile of students thinking in solving the tasks of mathematical induction seen from mathemtical abilities. Thinking in this study refers to information processing model of Slavin, which is receiving information, processing the information, storing information, and recalling iformation. This study is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this study is three senior high school students in 11st grade, among them one student with high mathematical ability, one student with average mathematical ability, and one student with low mathematical ability. The technique of data collection was done by giving tests related to the mathematical ability test, task solving test of mathematical induction and interviews.The results confirm that the differences in mathematical abilities have affect when the students thinking to solving mathematical induction tasks. Keyword: thinking, mathematical induction, and mathematical abilit

    Diskusi Radio dan Struktur Diskusi Radio

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    Radio telah menjalani proses perkembangan yang cukup lama sebelum menjadi media komunikasi massa seperti saat ini. Maka didalam siaran radio itu terdapat diskusi yang harus di komunikasikan Diskusi tidak asal ngomong atau debat kusir. Dalam diskusi terkandung pokok-pokok seperti presentasi gagasan, kritik dan antitesis, argumentasi dan sintesis. Gaya berdiskusi bisa formal atau non-formal. Topiknya bisa berat, ringan, spesifik, general, atau tentang kehidupan sehari-hari. Tetapi, akan selalu ada pro-kontra. Diskusi Interaktif artinya melibatkan sebanyak mungkin pendengar, baik dalam menjawab pertanyaan maupun mengajukan persoalan. Siaran interaktif merupakan ketrampilan dalam sebuah siaran dengan memadukan dua atau lebih penyiar dalam suatu program di radio. Program siaran interaktif dapat dimaknai sebagai talkback radio yang berarti menggambarkan adanya suatu interaksi antara penyiar dengan pendengar

    Potensi dan Pemanfaatan Software Lectora Inspire Dalam Penyusunan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya)

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    Abstract: This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to obtain information and an overview of the potential and benefits of using Lectora Inspire software in the development of interactive learning media based on the results of a literature study and analysis of student needs. Data collection techniques are used in the form of literature studies, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews. The results of this study indicate that Lectora inspire which is used to develop learning media has the potential and benefits for improving the quality of learning because it can produce creative learning media that can accommodate various elements of text, animation, audio, and video so that it can encourage student focus and attention in participating in lessons. In addition, several previous studies have shown that the interactivity of learning media with Lectora inspire can increase students' attention, interest, and motivation to learn which indirectly affects student learning outcomes. Based on the results of the analysis of student needs through questionnaires, data was obtained that the types of teaching materials most needed in lectures were in the form of interactive learning media and learning videos of 71.7%. Furthermore, they agree that interactive learning media has an important role in the success of learning. The results of the analysis in this study will then be used as considerations and guidelines in developing interactive learning media with Lectora inspire software in Digital Learning courses.Abstrak: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi dan gambaran mengenai potensi dan manfaat penggunaan software lectora inspire dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berdasarkan hasil kajian studi literatur dan analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa studi literatur, angket, dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lectora inspire yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran memiliki potensi dan manfaat bagi peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran, karena dapat menghasilkan media pembelajaran kreatif yang mampu mengakomodasi berbagai unsur teks, animasi, audio dan video sehingga dapat mendorong fokus dan perhatian mahasiswa dalam mengikuti pelajaran. Selain itu, beberapa penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa interaktifitas media pembelajaran dengan lectora inspire dapat meningkatkan perhatian, minat, dan motivasi belajar siswa yang secara tidak langsung memberikan pengaruh pada hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa melalui angket, diperoleh data bahwa jenis bahan ajar yang paling dibutuhkan dalam perkuliahan berupa media pembelajaran interaktif dan video pembelajaran sebesar 71,7%. Lebih lanjut, mereka sepakat bahwa media pembelajaran interaktif memiliki peranan penting dalam keberhasilan pembelajaran. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini, selanjutnya akan digunakan sebagai pertimbangan dan pedoman dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif dengan software lectora inspire pada mata kuliah Pembelajaran Digital

    Analisis Cara Menentukan Fakta dan Opini dalam Penulisan Teks Editorial

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    Bahasa merupakan alat komunikasi yang tidak dipisahkan dari manusia. Bahasa meruakan alat komunikasi dengan terdiri dari berbagai kalimat dan kata untuk melancarkan komunikasi. Tulisan merupakan hasil karya yang ditulis seseorang kemudian dipublish ke dalam sebuah situs internet atau situs apapun. Menurut Iskandarwassid dan Sunendar (2011:248) “Kegiataan menulis adalah kegiatan yang sangat kompleks jika dibandingkan dengan ketiga kemampuan berbahasa lainnya seperti kemampuan mendengarkan, berbicara, dan membaca”. Dalam menulis seseorang diharuskan untuk berpikir keras. Dalam menulis, penulis harus menerapkan aturan dasar yang dapat dimengerti oleh pembaca. Kegiatan menulis akan menghasilkan sebuah karya berupa tulisan yang berwujud menjadi buku ataua karangan

    Dampak Sistem Informasi terhadap Organisasi Medan Membaca

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    The existence of technology, such as the internet, gadgets, tablets, and others, seems to have begun to shift the role of libraries in this more modern era. Due to the widespread use of social media, libraries may have been forgotten by children or students. Even for reading, it takes a very long time to finish a book because it is so heavy. However, reading a few pages of reading available on HP will not be boring and can be finished immediately. Every culture has knowledge, science, and technology that is used to interpret, understand, and use the environment and its contents as well as a tool to utilize, process, and apply it to meet human needs. Technological advances are communicated very quickly. Society now has various facilities to perform daily tasks thanks to advances in science and technology. Today, almost everyone uses communication tools, as can be seen from the experience of today's youth. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood when people begin to be influenced by their environment and become more willing to become what they want to be. Adolescents engage in more intense self-seeking behavior as a result of advances in communication technology. The purpose of this paper is to define the function of information systems in an organization. Library research techniques are used in the writing process. From the discussion, it is clear that organizational information systems can never be fully or completely automated. However, if the appropriate overall strategy is developed by the relevant system employees and supported by adequate financial resources, a management information system is very feasible and practical. Cross-functional information systems that support the main goals of the organization must be maintained and developed continuously. A decision support system (DSS) that combines models, databases, and directly interacting managers serves the main functions of the organization

    Sistem Penyiaran, Jaringan dan Pengelolaan Media Radio dan TV

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    Penyiaran dan siaran lahir berkat perkembangan teknologi elektronik yang di aplikasikan ke dalam bentuk teknologi komunikasi dan informasi, di rancang khusus untuk keperluan proses komunikasi antar manusia, dengan cara pemancaran atau transmisi melalui gelombang elektromagnetik. Adapun perkembangan teknologi penyiaran yang melalui gelombang elektromagnetik Burhan mengatakan “lahirnya komunikasi elektronik, mulai dari telegraf, telepon, radio, televisi hingga sateli

    Damfak Sistem Informasi terhadap Organisasi Medan Membaca

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    The existence of technology, such as the internet, gadgets, tablets, and others, seems to have begun to shift the role of libraries in this more modern era. Due to the widespread use of social media, libraries may have been forgotten by children or students. Even for reading, it takes a very long time to finish a book because it is so heavy. However, reading a few pages of reading available on HP will not be boring and can be finished immediately. Every culture has knowledge, science, and technology that is used to interpret, understand, and use the environment and its contents as well as a tool to utilize, process, and apply it to meet human needs. Technological advances are communicated very quickly. Society now has various facilities to perform daily tasks thanks to advances in science and technology. Today, almost everyone uses communication tools, as can be seen from the experience of today's youth. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood when people begin to be influenced by their environment and become more willing to become what they want to be. Adolescents engage in more intense self-seeking behavior as a result of advances in communication technology. The purpose of this paper is to define the function of information systems in an organization. Library research techniques are used in the writing process. From the discussion, it is clear that organizational information systems can never be fully or completely automated. However, if the appropriate overall strategy is developed by the relevant system employees and supported by adequate financial resources, a management information system is very feasible and practical. Cross-functional information systems that support the main goals of the organization must be maintained and developed continuously. A decision support system (DSS) that combines models, databases, and directly interacting managers serves the main functions of the organization


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    Abstract: The research objectives (1) describe the role of PKK cadres in increasing community participation, (2) describe the factors that influence community participation. The research used a descriptive qualitative approach with the research subjects including the chairperson and two members of the PKK posyandu cadres, as well as three community participants. The research data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that (1) the role of PKK cadres as facilitators, motivators, planners, implementers, and instructors has been running well. (2) Factors influencing community participation include education level, where people with higher education tend to be more critical and active in the implementation of posyandu. Information and communication are also influential, where good communication allows communities to access information about posyandu schedules, services provided, and the benefits they obtain. The activeness of the facilitator can provide motivation and support to the community to actively participate in posyandu.  Keyword :  Role, Family Welfare Empowerment, Community Participation &nbsp

    Pengembangan dalam Meningkatkan Inovasi Variasi Produk dan Strategi Penjualan Dhamar Mie Lidi

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    Pengabdian masyarakat kali ini di Dharma Mie Lidi yang beralamatkan beralamatkan di Dusun Randu Songo, Desa Kesamben Kulon, RT. 002, RW. 008, Kecamatan Wringinanom, Kabupaten Gresik. Dimulai pada tanggal 08 September 2021 sampai dengan 08 Oktober 2021. Metode yang dipakai dalam pengabdian ini merupakan Kualitatif dengan cara survey dan mendampingi UMKM  terhadap  mengembangkan inovasi variasi produk dan strategi penjualan  dengan cara  branding produk keseluruhan seperti pengemasan produk, logo produk, stiker, poster, foto kaqtalog untuk keperluan promosi –promosi dan strategi pemasaran seperti membuat konten yang menarik lalu di upload di media sosial, tak hanya penjualan melalui online tim pengabdian juga melakukan promosi melalui offline dengan cara mendirikan stand makanan di daerah driyorejo dengan hal ini produk dapat meningkatkan penjualan  sehingga dapat menarik pelanggan untuk membeli jajanan di Dharma Mie Lidi