30 research outputs found

    Job Hopping Intention on Millennial Employees

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    Abstract—Millennial employees are currently the largest population in Indonesia and globally. Not only do they dominate the population, but millennials are the largest generation in the world of work. The different characteristics of the millennial generation and generation X illustrate the attitude of millennials at work. The loyalty and commitment of millennial employees is different from previous generations. Switching jobs voluntarily or job hopping is one way for millennials to get new things at work such as finances, careers, and a new work environment. However, the voluntary movement was carried out in a relatively shorter time than the current job. This research was conducted on millennial employees in Indonesia from various fields of work and aims to determine the level of job-hopping intention based on gender and age level and career stage. A total of 373 participants filled out a questionnaire selected by accidental sampling method. The results of this study are that millennial employees have a moderate level of job-hopping intention with the possibility that job hopping intentions will be carried out if job hopping factors appear while they are working. Women show the most dominance in this study with a higher mean than men. Keywords—job hopping intention, millennial employees, millennial generation, career, establishmen

    Effect of Perceptions of Organizational Change on Work Engagement: A Moderator Role of Perceived Organizational Support

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    This study aims to examine the effect of perceptions of organizational change on work engagement with perceived organizational support as moderator variable. Questionnaires distributed to 100 participants and the hypothesis is examined using quantitavie approach. Data was analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) method with SmartPLS. The results are significant and negative effects between perceptions of organizational change and work engagement, with perceived organizational support played a quasi moderating role. Limitations of this study indicate the need for further research

    Organizational Commitment of Employees at Bank of North Sumatra

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    This research aims to determine the level of organizational commitment possessed by Bank of North Sumatra employees. The approach used in this study is quantitative. The population in this study were bank employees at the Bank of North Sumatra, with a sample size of 172 employees. The sampling technique used in this research is incidental sampling. Furthermore, data was collected using an organizational commitment scale in the form of a Likert scale. The organizational commitment scale was distributed directly to research subjects. After the data is collected, the data is processed using SPSS statistical software. The results of this research show that the majority of employees at the Bank of North Sumatra have low organizational commitment. Based on these findings, the Bank of North Sumatra is encouraged to take action to increase employees' organizational commitment in order to overcome the problem of low organizational commitment among its employees. A few actions that companies can take to increase employee organizational commitment are providing an environment that can reduce employees' stress levels and providing coaching for employees to manage work stress well. These actions are important because employees who have high commitment will work harder to achieve company goals and will be more responsible for their work and loyal to the company when compared to employees who do not have high organizational commitment. Therefore, having highly committed employees will make it easier for employees to achieve their goals and achieve success

    Analisis Kandungan Cadmium (Cd) dan Timbal (Pb) pada Kawasan Ekosistem Air Panas Terujak Aceh Timur dengan Metode AAS

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    Gampong Terujak yang terletak di wilayah Aceh Timur memiliki sumber air panas yang dikunjungi/ dimanfaatkan oleh para wisatawan dan masyarakat setempat sebagai tempat rekreasi bersama keluarga, tempat merebus makanan (telur) serta tempat pemandian. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menguji logam berat yaitu kadmium (Cd) dan Timbal (Pb) yang mungkin terkandung dalam sumber air panas Terujak. Penelitian menggunakan metode AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophoto meter). Adapun sampel air panas diambil dengan metode purposive sampling. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah logam Cd dan Pb yang terkandung dalam sumber air panas Terujak sebesar 0,0972 ppm dan 0,1587 ppm. Berdasarkan standar maksimum menteri kesehatan RI Nomor 416/Menkes/Per/IX/1990 tentang persyaratan kualitas air bersih dan air minum maka kedua kadar logam tersebut melebihi ambang batas, sehingga sebaiknya tidak digunakan untuk air minum. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi informasi dasar untuk masyarakat dan pemerintah (daerah) untuk selalu menjaga dan melestarikan kearifan lokal sehingga meminimalkan terjadinya polusi

    Team Learning Ditinjau dari Team Diversity dan Team Efficacy

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    This research attempted to observe team learning from the level of team diversity and team efficacy of work teams. This research used an individual level of analysis rather than the group level. The team members measured the level of team diversity, team efficacy and team learning of the teams through three scales, namely team learning scale, team diversity scale, and team efficacy scale. Respondents in this research were the active team members in a company, PT. Alkindo Mitraraya. The total of the respondents were 70. Collected data were examined by using multiple regression analysis. Based on the hypothesis, it can be concluded that the team diversity and team efficacy can be used as indicators to predict the arousal of team learning level in teams (fcount = 5.924; p=0.004 or p < 0.05) and the value of adjusted r square = 0.125. Moreover, the result demonstrated that team diversity made a significant contribution to team learning level (r = 0.105; p < 0.05) while on the other hand, team efficacy did not affect team learning significantly. The equation of the regression line for team learning on team diversity and team efficacy was team learning = 30.362 + (0.377 team diversity) + (0.187 team efficacy). Suggested areas for future research were to confirm this research model using the team level analysis, to thoroughly determine the type of teams and to do research in the self‐managed team‐based organizations


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    Perusahaan dituntut memiliki pengelolaan yang baik agar mampu bersaing dalam dunia industri dan salah satu hal yang paling penting dalam suatu organisasi atau perusahaan yaitu keberadaan Sumber Daya Manusia sebagai karyawan. Karyawan yang bekerja hendaknya memiliki engagement pada pekerjaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan positif antara supervisory coaching behaviour dengan work engagement pada salesperson. Subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 orang salesperson yang diambil dengan metode accidental sampling. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan skala supervisory coaching behaviour (r= 0,899) dan skala work engagement (r = 0,861). Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara supervisory coaching behaviour dengan work engagement pada salesperson. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis korelasi product moment pearson. Hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai rxy= 0,278 (p&lt;0,05)

    Introducing the Unique Cultures from Gubugklakah and Tengger to International Citizens

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    Although thousands of tribes, with their unique characters, are scattered throughout the earth of Indonesia, the country remains intact into a single unitary state. This country's wealth is important to be introduced not only to Indonesian people, but also to international citizens. In this community service, we had the opportunity to bring University of Malaya international students to learn about one of the cultures and lives of the people of Gubugklakah and Tengger villages. This activity was done for two days and before the Covid-19 pandemic. They were even invited to live with residents to truly feel how to live in a traditional environment. The international students learned about language, ethnic, religion, way of life and the natural conservation in Indonesia. This is an important and unforgettable experience for anyone who has never touched the beauty of life in a village where the houses are not restricted by locked fences

    The Influence of Clan Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment

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    Covid-19 caused many companies to experience a bad impact. Therefore the company must have changes in order to maintain the company to exist. Employee readiness to change is needed so that change can go well, but to increase employee readiness to change there are several factors, one of which is the clan's organizational culture. This study was conducted to see whether there is an influence of clan organizational culture on the readiness to change employees of PT. Bank Sumut all branches in Medan. This study was conducted using 203 subjects which is all the population, and using a Likert scale to collect data. The measuring instrument used to measure clan organizational culture is based on Cameron and Quinn's theory. Meanwhile, to measure organizational commitment, this study used the organizational commitment questionnaire (OCQ) measuring instrument developed by Mowday, Steers, and Porter. OCQ has been adapted into Indonesian and then translated again into English. The results obtained through this study are that there is a positive and significant influence of clan organizational culture on organizational commitment. This means that the higher the positive perception of the clan's organizational culture, the higher the level of organizational commitment. The clan's organizational culture has an influence of 22.3% on organizational commitment

    The Effects Social Support To The Z Generation’ Intention Tobe An Entrepreneur

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    Generation Z is the generation born in 1997-2010 who will or have entered the workforce. But different from the previous generation, Generation Z has its own advantages where generation Z is called the I-generation because Generation Z lives in a digital environment that is growing rapidy and also they born in the same time where digital technology grow up all over the world.  So Gen Z so easy to get support from social media as the way to comunication and to get informations. Generation Z get support from family and  as well as friends as their comunity.  In this study conducted on respondents who are Generation Z as many as 229 respondence who live in Medan, Indonesia and also already get work in many kind of jobs. Various studies show that Generation Z has a fairly high intention to become an entrepreneur, in others studies shows that one of the job dream of this generation is tobe self employee, they dream to have job without working hours and freely work with their passion. In this study see that  social support have a positive and significant influence on the intention to become an entrepreneur in Generation Z. this study can be used as guideline for familly and also for government to involve social support for Gen Z intention tobe an antrepreneur


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    ABSTRACT PT. Praweda Sarana Informatika is a company in the field of technology, using the DEA method and Islamic values as reflected in the prayer values of its employees during the 2018-2022 period and seeing the influence of input and output variables on the company's growth rate. The input variables used are the Accumulated Number of New and Renewal Customers and the Number of Leads (Potential Customers) Entering. As for the output variable itself, namely Operating Income. So that its effect on the effectiveness of performance can be seen using the calculation of the reflexivity of worship. The results of the study show the effectiveness of employee performance data, it can be concluded that the increase in the effectiveness of employee performance is in line with the increase that occurs in the value of worship. The peak of the increase in reflexivity values occurs in 2022, where the effectiveness of performance is seen from the output variable (operational income) which reaches a maximum point of 100% in line with a significant increase in the worship value of employees to 90%. So it can be calculated the value of the reflexivity is at a percentage of 90%