25 research outputs found


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    This paper investigated the students’ motivation from non-English major of Teuku Umar University. This research focused on to seek out the type and the level of motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) of learners in learning English. The data were collected from students from engineering faculty and social and political science students. A number of 70 participants who have taken English subject were selected. The instrument used open-ended questionnaire and qualitative data were applied. The result of this study showed that most students learning English were influenced by extrinsic motivation

    Pembelajaran Menulis Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Clustering

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    Writing is a productive skill which means that it is a process of exploring one’s mind into words in a good grammar. The objective of this study is to look at some given theories or research on the use of clustering technique for writing skill. The discussion of the approach is focused on a clustering technique as the pre-writing technique should be used in teaching writing for second grade of junior high school students. The study found that clustering technique is very effective used in pre-writing stage because it can stimulate idea in writing process. Teaching writing by using clustering technique is one of technique that gives positive impact to the success of teaching writing because it is a strategy for the students to begin writing with exploring the ideas. It is also found that the studentsare highly motivated to learn the language by using clustering technique. The method used in this study is library research. Readings obtained from various are processed and described in a descriptive way. Based on the research findings and experts’ statements, it is found that clustering technique is effective to enhance the students’ writing skill. This study is expected to be useful for other English teachers and readers

    Karakteristik Pasang Surut Air Laut di Peairan Belawan Menggunakan Metode Admiralty

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the tidal characteristics using the Admiralty method, namely to determine the tidal harmonic constants and types of tides based on the forrmzahl value in Belawan waters. This research was conducted from March 1 to 29, 2022. The information was obtained from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) at the Belawan Maritime Station in Medan. Information analysis using the Admiralty method. The results showed that the value of the harmonic constant was 28.745. The results of these calculations belong to the category of single daily tidal type. While the evaluation of the height of the water level, the average water level at the time of the full moon (MHWL) is 77.2 cm, the average (MLWL) is 44.2 cm. From the results of this study, it can be determined that Belawan waters have a single daily tidal type.

    Understanding the implementation of an at-home language test: A case of an online version of TOEFL-PBT

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    An at-home test is a unique mode of language test delivery as a result of mass-gathering prohibition during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the uniqueness, little is known about how to effectively implement an at-home test. This study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the test by exploring the execution of the online version of TOEFL-PBT in the Language Center of Syiah Kuala University. Four test administrators were interviewed to share their experiences and opinions related to considerations for implementing an at-home proficiency test, which includes technological resources, security, and validity concerns. The data were then analyzed descriptively. The results of this study revealed that the Language Center used Safe Exam Browser to deliver the test and Zoom to supervise the test-takers in real time. The proctors could stop the test and privately investigate the test takers using the Zoom Breakout feature. The validity of the test was claimed not to be a concern since the test provider used the same form of questions as the offline version. In addition, the Language Center expressed exhaustion in carrying out the online test, thus suggesting the development of a less complicated procedure of an at-home test


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    This paper aims to investigate the students’ perception about the effectiveness of teaching English at Universitas Teuku Umar from non-English major students. Data were collected from the students of six faculties: Economics, Social and Political Science, Fisheries and Marine Science, Engineering, and Agriculture. A number of 120 participants were selected from each faculty by using the random sampling technique. The instruments used included questionnaire and interview guide. The data were analyzed qualitatively following four effective learning criteria; material, learning method, learning motivation, and classroom management. The results showed that (1) some students were still disstatisfied with the materials given since they were hard, (2) the teaching methods used did not stimulate the students to learn English well, (3) some students did not like learning English because they could not speak like native speakers, and (4) the lecturers paid little attention towards the students’ questions and rarely did they give rewards to their students such as praising for students’ achievement. Further, the students’ obstacles in learning English included lack of vocabulary, problem in pronunciation, and grammar difficulty

    “Don't sweep the floor!” Verbal and nonverbal taboo in Nagan Raya, Aceh

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    In daily life, individuals occasionally use language to connect with other individuals, and they have their specific manner to pick the language variety which can affirm their character. This language can be in the form of verbal and nonverbal language. This research aimed at finding out the types of verbal and non-verbal taboo, along with the mythical and factual reasons underlying their usage. The method used was qualitatively based. The data collection was done through several interviews with the participants who are the native speakers of Acehnese in Nagan Raya. Later on, the data were recorded using an android device and in the analysis, the three-step analysis was employed. The process was data reduction, data display, and data verification. Then the results show that, first, nine swearing taboo words are occasionally used by the people there. The reason for using these words is generally to express anger and disappointment. Second, concerning the non-verbal taboo, there were 10 data obtained concerning non-verbal taboo, and the reason behind using these nonverbal taboo is to threat the youth to get them obedient so that they can carry out the day safely


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    Sampah plastik merupakan salah satu ancaman serius bagi ekosistem laut. Sampah plastik yang tersebar dilautan mengakibatkan penyumbatan, komplikasi, hingga kematian organisme laut. Tujuan dilaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran kepada remaja desa tentang bahaya sampah plastik terhadap ekosistem laut, dan memberikan arahan serta pengetahuan kepada mereka tentang bahaya yang akan ditimbulkan. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6 Februari Tahun 2022 di Pulau Dua, Desa Ujong Pulau Reyeuk, Kabupaten Aceh Selatan. Pelaksanaan sosialisasi dilaksanakan dalam beberapa tahap sebagai berikut: (1) Tahap Persiapan meliputi kebutuhan bahan logistik meliputi hand sanitizer, trash bag, spanduk sebagai informasi mengenai bahaya sampah plastik bagi ekosistem laut, (2) Tahap kegiatan meliputi penyisiran dan mengelilingi pulau dua untuk mengambil/memungut sampah; pemberikan atensi terhadap relawan yang ikut membantu dalam pengambilan sampah di Pulau Dua, (3) Tahap Pembuangan sampah ke dalam bak sampah yang disediakan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Selatan; serta edukasi melalui pemasangan spanduk mengenai menjaga lingkungan laut dengan tidak membuang sampah. Sampah plastik yang telah ditemukan di Pulau Dua Aceh Selatan menunjukkan bahwa minimnya kesadaran masyarakat mengenai kebersihan pesisir dan pantai. Oleh karena itu, pemeliharaan wilayah pesisir dan pantai di Pulau dua Aceh Selatan perlu ditingkatkan melalui himbauan dan saran edukasi agar masyarakat lebih peduli dalam menjaga lingkungan dan produktif dalam pengembangan ekosistem laut yang berkelanjuta


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    Readability level of marine texts do influences cadets’ ability in comprehending Maritime English reading materials. This research investigates the readability level of texts in English for Mariners, an English Maritime coursebook published by Language Competence Certification Tools for the Vocations (LCCTV) used for first-year cadets at West Sumatera Merchant Marine Polytechnic. To this end, 10 selected texts from 10 units were analysed. The Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease was utilized as readability formula to assess the readability level of texts. The findings revealed that 10% text was categorized as extremely difficult, 30% texts were difficult, 30% texts were fairly difficult, 10% text was average, 10% text was fairly easy, and 10% text was easy to read. Thus, English for mariners coursebook is readable for cadets even though few texts are too easy to comprehend


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    Mangrove forest play important role in coastal ecosystem. In other hand, mangrove have economical benefit as source of functional food. The aimed of this empowerment programme is to give knowledge and skill to coastal community of Lhok Bubon Aceh regarding Pedada fruit jam (Sonneratia alba). The method of empowerment includes did socialization, prepare raw material, and did training to coastal community of Lhok Bubon West Aceh. Based on the result shown that the coastal communities are consist of the women of Lhok Bubon coastal have spirit for learning and enthusiasm to follow the empowerment community programme. The expected in future, the coastal communities can be applied the technique of pedada fruit jam of S. alba in order to give them value added


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    Name : Endah Anisa RahmaStudent No : 0806102020018Study Program : English EducationThesis Tittie : Teaching writtng by Using Clustering Technique for Junior High SchoolThe objective of this study is to look at some given theories or research on the use of clustering technique for writing skill and its application in teaching writing. The discussion of the approach is focused on a clustering technique as the for-writing technique that is suggested to use in teaching writing for second grade of junior high school students. The study found that clustering technique is very effective used in for-writing stage because it can stimulate idea in writing process. Teaching writing by using clustering technique is one of technique that gives positive impact to the success of teaching writing because it is a strategy for the students to begin writing with exploring the ideas. It is also found that the students are highly motivated to learn the language by using clustering technique. The method used in this study is library research. Readings obtained from various sources are processed and described in a descriptive way. Based on the research findings and experts' statements, it is found that clustering technique is effective to enhance the students' writing skill. This study is expected to be useful for other English teachers and readers