105 research outputs found

    Mécanismes régulant l'activation microgliale et la réponse immunitaire après l'ischémie cérébrale

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    تأثير الفكر القاجاري الأثري على تكوين وتوسع العمارة في الدولة خلال فترة رضا شاه بهلوي [Ar] أصبح نشر وتعزيز الهوية الوطنية لإيران الحديثة من خلال التأكيد على الإرث الحضاري لعصر ما قبل الإسلام، والذي تم طرحه في الأوساط الفكرية للفترة القاجارية، سياسةً رسميةً للبلاد خلال الحكومة البهلوية الأولى وانعكس ذلك في تصميم عدد من المباني الحكومية الجديدة تحت عنوان الطراز «الأثري»؛ كما أن الأعمال التي تنتمي إلى الطراز المذكور تعتبر اليوم سمات دائمة للعصر البهلوي الأول. تتناول هذه المقالة مسألتين تتعلقان بهذا النوع من الهندسة المعمارية؛ أولاً، من أجل إنشاء طراز أثري وطني، كان هناك نوعان من الأنماط هى الأخمينية والساسانية، تجاهل المهندسون المعماريون عن وعي الطراز الساساني - باستثناء نماذج قليلة - وجعلوا العمارة والزخارف الأخمينية النموذج الرئيسي لعملهم. ثانيًا، على الرغم من الأهمية الكبيرة لبناء الهوية التاريخية لدى النظام البهلوي الأول، فإن المباني الحكومية التي تحمل هذا الطراز من العمارة تم بناءها في الغالب في العاصمة فقط، وتتواجد بقلة في الأجزاء الأخرى من البلاد. من خلال دراسة أفكار الشخصيات الجوهرية الأثري مثل فتح علي أخوند زاده وجلال الدين ميرزا قاجار وآغا خان كرماني، تم دراسة وتحليل المكونات الرئيسية لهذه الأفكار مثل الحاجة إلى الخروج على التقاليد، التنافس مع الغرب، إظهار القوة والنظر إلى التاريخ باعتباره كأداة، حيث اتضح أنه لا يمكن لأي طراز معماري أن يشمل جميع هذه المكونات سوى الطراز الأخميني. فيما يتعلق بالعوامل التي تحدد عدد الاعمال التي تحمل هذا الطراز، فقد أثيرت القضايا الاقتصادية والثقافية المتزايدة كعوامل رئيسية محددة لذلك. تخلى المعماريون الإيرانيون الداعون للحداثة عن طراز العمارة القديمة عند توليهم المشاريع الحكومية الكبيرة أواخر الثلاثينيات من القرن الماضي. يعتمد النهج النظري لهذه المقالة على نهج التاريخ الثقافي والطريقة التاريخية التحليلية. [En] Discussions among Qajar intellectuals on promoting modern Iranian national identity with an emphasis on pre–Islamic heritage became official state policy in the Reza Shah Pahlavi government. This was manifested in several «archaic» public buildings now seen as the lasting monuments of this period. This study explores two points on this architectural style: Firstly, despite the availability of Achaemenid and Sassanid models to inspire their indigenous archaic style, most architects consciously ignored the Sassanid style and modeled their works after Achaemenid architecture. Secondly, despite the profound importance of archaic identity in the Pahlavi government, most such buildings were built in the capital and only a few in other regions. The ideas of major figures such as Fath–Ali Akhundzadeh, Jalal–al–Din Mirza Qajar, and Aqa Khan Kermani were explored to study the main components of archaism, such as anti–traditionalism, confrontation with the West, manifestation of power, and historical instrumentalism. Only the neo–Achaemenid style could have provided all these components, and economic and cultural problems explain the limited number of works. Iranian archaic architecture was rooted in 19th-century AD European eclecticism with a similar end. Like the western modernist movement’s ability to put aside eclecticism in the early 20th century AD, modernist Iranian architects designed most state projects in the late 1940s and dropped archaism. This historical–cultural study is based on a historical–analytical methodology

    Effects of Three Media Cultures on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics in Two Turf Grass Genera for Sod Production

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    Agricultural environments can be described by several different variables that include soil chemical, physical, and biological data (Mele and Crowley, 2008). Soil structure provides the essential framework which maintains the basic production at farming systems (Smith and Powlson, 2003). Soil responses vary for a number of reasons, such as variability in initial ecosystem conditions, diversity in agricultural methods, variability in the mix of crops and cropping intensity, and environmental sensitivity to alteration (varying resistance and resilience) (Homburg and Sandor, 2011). Application of compost in turf grass soils can affect dissolved organic C (DOC) levels which affects nutrient dynamics in soil such that the addition of compost in soil decreased NO3, increased P, and decreased soil pH relative to unamended soil (Wright et al. 2008). Furthermore, compost is a way to nourish roots and make a lawn stronger and greener. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of various media cultures of soil, leaf and animal manure composts and mixes, on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of turf grass sodding

    Plankton composition and environmental parameters in the habitat of the Iranian cave barb (Iranocypris typhlops) in Iran

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    La composición planctónica y los parámetros ambientales en el hábitat del barbo cavernícola iraní Iranocypris typhlops El barbo cavernícola iraní, Iranocypris typhlops (Bruun & Kaiser, 1944) es una especie catalogada como “Vulnerable” en la Lista Roja de la IUCN. Endémica de una única localidad situada en las montañas Zagros, en Irán occidental. Se trata de una especie omnívora que depende del plancton para alimentarse. Se estudió la distribución espacial y estacional del plancton en el hábitat original del barbo cavernícola iraní entre mayo de 2012 y febrero de 2013. Se midieron varios parámetros ambientales y se relacionaron con la distribución del plancton. La comunidad planctónica comprendía 13 géneros y cinco especies. El filo Rotifera tenía el mayor número de géneros (4) y de especies (4), seguido por Arthropoda (3), Ochrophyta (3), Myzozoa (2), Charophyta (2), Chlorophyta (2), Ciliophora (1) y Cryptophyta (1). Por lo que respecta a la cantidad, las especies dominantes de fitoplancton y zooplancton fueron Achnanthidium sp. y Lecane sp. Los coeficientes de correlación de Pearson pusieron de manifiesto que la relación entre las comunidades de plancton y los parámetros ambientales era baja pero significativa. Entre los parámetros ambientales, el total de sólidos en suspensión y la turbidez parecieron ser los más influyentes en la distribución temporal de las especies de plancton. Asimismo, se observó que el oxígeno disuelto desempeñaba una función importante para la mayoría de las especies de plancton, al igual que la temperatura para la mayoría de las especies de zooplancton. La diversidad y la abundancia de fitoplancton y zooplancton eran bajas durante todo el año en la cueva con una media anual de 96,4 ind./l y no mostraron ningún máximo durante el año.La composición planctónica y los parámetros ambientales en el hábitat del barbo cavernícola iraní Iranocypris typhlops El barbo cavernícola iraní, Iranocypris typhlops (Bruun & Kaiser, 1944) es una especie catalogada como “Vulnerable” en la Lista Roja de la IUCN. Endémica de una única localidad situada en las montañas Zagros, en Irán occidental. Se trata de una especie omnívora que depende del plancton para alimentarse. Se estudió la distribución espacial y estacional del plancton en el hábitat original del barbo cavernícola iraní entre mayo de 2012 y febrero de 2013. Se midieron varios parámetros ambientales y se relacionaron con la distribución del plancton. La comunidad planctónica comprendía 13 géneros y cinco especies. El filo Rotifera tenía el mayor número de géneros (4) y de especies (4), seguido por Arthropoda (3), Ochrophyta (3), Myzozoa (2), Charophyta (2), Chlorophyta (2), Ciliophora (1) y Cryptophyta (1). Por lo que respecta a la cantidad, las especies dominantes de fitoplancton y zooplancton fueron Achnanthidium sp. y Lecane sp. Los coeficientes de correlación de Pearson pusieron de manifiesto que la relación entre las comunidades de plancton y los parámetros ambientales era baja pero significativa. Entre los parámetros ambientales, el total de sólidos en suspensión y la turbidez parecieron ser los más influyentes en la distribución temporal de las especies de plancton. Asimismo, se observó que el oxígeno disuelto desempeñaba una función importante para la mayoría de las especies de plancton, al igual que la temperatura para la mayoría de las especies de zooplancton. La diversidad y la abundancia de fitoplancton y zooplancton eran bajas durante todo el año en la cueva con una media anual de 96,4 ind./l y no mostraron ningún máximo durante el año.The Iranian cave barb (Iranocypris typhlops Bruun & Kaiser, 1944) is ‘Vulnerable’ in the IUCN Red List. It is an endemic species of ray–finned fish of the family Cyprinidae from a single locality in the Zagros Mountains, western Iran. This species is an omnivore that depends on plankton for food. We studied the spatial and seasonal distribution of plankton in the native habitat of the Iranian cave barb between May 2012 and February 2013. We measured various environmental parameters and related these to plankton distribution. The plankton assemblage included 13 genera and five species. Rotifera had the highest number of genera (4) and species (4), followed by Arthropoda (3), Ochrophyta (3), Myzozoa (2), Charophyta (2), Chlorophyta (2), Ciliophora (1) and Cryptophyta (1). In terms of numbers, the dominant species of phytoplankton and zooplankton were Achnanthidium sp. and Lecane sp. Pearson correlation coefficients showed a low but significant relationship between plankton communities and environmental parameters. Among the environmental parameters, total suspended solids and turbidity seemed to have the most important influence on the temporal distribution of plankton species. We also observed that dissolved oxygen played an important role for most plankton species, as did temperature for most zooplankton species. The diversity and abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton were low throughout the year in the cave with an annual mean of 96.4 ind./l and they did not show any peaks during the year

    The role of serotonin in memory: interactions with neurotransmitters and downstream signaling

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    Abstract Serotonin, or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), is found to be involved in many physiological or pathophysiological processes including cognitive function. Seven distinct receptors (5-HT1–7), each with several subpopulations, have been identified for serotonin, which are different in terms of localization and downstream signaling. Because of the development of selective agonists and antagonists for these receptors as well as transgenic animal models of cognitive disorders, our understanding of the role of serotonergic transmission in learning and memory has improved in recent years. A large body of evidence indicates the interplay between serotonergic transmission and other neurotransmitters including acetylcholine, dopamine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate, in the neurobiological control of learning and memory. In addition,there has been an alteration in the density of serotonergic receptors in aging and Alzheimer’s disease, and serotonin modulators are found to alter the process of amyloidogenesis and exert cognitive-enhancing properties. Here, we discuss the serotonin-induced modulation of various systems involved in mnesic function including cholinergic, dopaminergic, GABAergic, glutamatergic transmissions as well as amyloidogenesis and intracellular pathways

    Life expectancy at birth in Aran-Bidgol region, Iran, 2012: A study based on corrected Health Houses data

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    Background and aims: Life expectancy is one of the most important indicators of health and well-being of a society. Since it is claimed that in Aran-Bidgol region, center of Iran, life expectancy is higher than the average of the country, this study was designed. Methods: During a cross-sectional study, population and mortality data of Kashan University of Medical Sciences (KAUMS) in 2011 were used for calculating life expectancy. Brass Growth-Balance method was used to adjustmortality data with over 5 years old and to correct under reporting of deaths. Completeness and coverage of death registration data and the correction factor were calculated. Finally, anadjustedlife table for males and females was calculated separately. Microsoft Excel 2007 was used for calculations. Results: Population of Aran-Bidgol was 93571 in 2012 based on KAUMS data. Among the total population, 47331 (50.6) were males. Number of registered deaths was 479 280 male (58.4%). Completeness of the death registration data was found to be %74.9 for males and %70.1 for females. Correction factor (K) for adjustment of reported death was calculated to be 1.33 and 1.42 for males and females respectively. Adjusted life expectancy at birth for males and females was 71.3 and 76.5 years respectively. Conclusion:Although adjusted life expectancy for females in our study was to some extent more than the average life expectancy of Iranian women, but this indicator was slightly lower in men. Generally, it seems that there is no considerable difference between life expectancy of Aran-Bidgol population and national average life expectancy

    Diffuse Multifocal Bilateral Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor: A Very Unusual Case Report

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    Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNT) considered as a benign cortical Glioneuronal neoplasm of children or young adults, typically present with drug-resistant focal epilepsy. DNTs are usually located in the temporal lobe but can found in any part of the supratentorial brain cortex. Multifocal DNTs have rarely reported. Here we present an eight years old boy with two years follow up, having a somewhat stable diffuse multinodular DNT of the most significant spatial extent that may have reported, involving cortical and subcortical left temporo-occipital lobe, bilateral basal ganglia and thalamus, presenting with headache, short stature, and behavioral disorder

    A novel semi-active TMD with folding variable stiffness spring

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    An innovative variable stiffness device is proposed and investigated based on numerical simulations. The device, called a folding variable stiffness spring (FVSS), can be widely used, especially in tuned mass dampers (TMDs) with adaptive stiffness. An important characteristic of FVSS is its capability to change the stiffness between lower and upper bounds through a small change of distance between its supports. This special feature results in lower time-lag errors and readjustment in shorter time intervals. The governing equations of the device are derived and simplified for a symmetrical FVSS with similar elements. This device is then used to control a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) structure as well as a multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) structure via a semi-active TMD. Numerical simulations are conducted to compare several control cases for these structures. To make it more realistic, a real direct current motor with its own limitations is simulated in addition to an ideal control case with no limitations and both the results are compared. It is shown that the proposed device can be effectively used to suppress undesirable vibrations of a structure and considerably improves the performance of the controller compared to a passive device