2,777 research outputs found

    Fairness Evaluation in Cooperative Hybrid Cellular Systems

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    Many method has been applied previously to improve the fairness of a wireless communication system. In this paper, we propose using hybrid schemes, where more than one transmission scheme are used in one system, to achieve this objective. These schemes consist of cooperative transmission schemes, maximal ratio transmission and interference alignment, and non-cooperative schemes, orthogonal and non-orthogonal schemes used alongside and in combinations in the same system to improve the fairness. We provide different weight calculation methods to vary the output of the fairness problem. We show the solution of the radio resource allocation problem for the transmission schemes used. Finally, simulation results is provided to show fairness achieved, in terms of Jain's fairness index, by applying the hybrid schemes proposed and the different weight calculation methods at different inter-site distances

    Sensor material characterisation for magnetometer application

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    Pengukuran dan gangguan medan magnet arus terus dan arus ulang-alik memerlukan penderia medan magnet yang mempunyai kepekaan yang tinggi dan stabil. Untuk menghasilkan penderia tersebut, ciri-ciri bahan magnet yang baik telah dikenalpasti. Beberapa jenis bahan magnet yang berbeza telah digunakan untuk mengkaji ciri-ciri dan kesannya terhadap medan magnet. Teras gelang yang diperbuat daripada bahan-bahan magnet tersebut direkabentuk dengan dimensi yang sama bagi membolehkan perbandingan dibuat dengan mudah. Selain itu, rod tunggal dan berkembar juga telah digunakan sebagai teras penderia fluxgate, untuk melihat prestasi setiap jenis penderia tersebut. Kedua-dua penderia tersebut telah diuji dengan menggunakan dua sumber bahan magnet iaitu bar magnet tetap dan solenoid dengan diameter dawai yang berbeza. Isyarat keluaran bagi setiap penderia fluxgate seterusnya diproses bagi mengenalpasti hubungannya dengan ketumpatan medan magnet

    Alkali activated soapstone waste:effects of co-binders and fibers on hardened-state properties

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    Abstract. The metamorphic rock (soapstone) has been used since Stone age, even it plays a significant role in the economy of numerous countries. Currently, it is often used for architectural applications such as artefacts, cooking appliances, countertop and slab. Apart, it produces a massive amount of waste powder during the extraction phase and plant processing which is unavoidable. Resulting in a large amount of recyclable material landfilled or released to the environment annually that could be problematic in terms of environmental perspective. To diminish its adverse impacts and ensure sustainability; it would be beneficial to thrive a new technique to recycle these industrial wastes in construction applications. Based on previously published results; soapstone (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) is poorly reactive in alkaline-activation owing to its chemical structure and a lack of amorphous components. As a result low mechanical properties which cannot be used for construction applications. Therefore, these types of materials necessitate co-binder, thermal curing at high temperature and high alkalinity to achieve high strength alkali-activated material. Experimental and statistical investigates were conducted to observe the effects partially replacing of soapstone (talc) with co-binders (i.e., metakaolin, lime, stone wool, and silica fume), and fibers on the hardened-state properties. The variables used in the analyses were the concentration of virgin steel fibers or basalt fibers (dosages = 0.5% and 1%), the proportion of metakaolin, stone wool or silica fume used to replace soapstone (20 wt. %) and lime by 5 wt. %. The effects of employing fibers at two dosages with co-binders in 20 mix compositions were investigated. The designed mixtures were activated by using an alkali solution, which contains NaOH (10M) and sodium silicate (molar ratio of SiO2/Na2O = 2.5). The samples were treated by thermal curing at 60 °C for 24 hours, and placed under ambient conditions (24°C and 35% RH). The findings showed that using co-binders and fibers were different behaviors on the hardened-state properties, however, the metakaolin reinforced mix composition with 0.5% basalt fibers improved compressive strength about 25 MPa after 28 days. This strength enables the use of the proposed binders for construction applications

    Eczematoid dermatoses of the hands with special reference to mycotic infection

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    Eczematoid Dermatoses of the hands are becoming increasingly prevalent - due, one suspects in no small measure to the complexity of modern life. When such dermatoses are studied one must of necessity resort to a classification, and the one employed here is clinical and aetiological in type. It has been tested against 1364 cases, and has proved serviceable and sufficiently flexible for the purpose but it cannot be regarded as final or complete, particularly when one is dealing with such a complex biological reaction as that of the skin influenced as it is by so many factors, exogenous and endogenous.The mechanism of production of lesions, the effect of various occupations, prevalence, and recalcitrancy factors, are considered when dealing with each subdivision of the classification.Of these 1364 cases, 122 were selected and studied in detail. In the latter detailed study the origin was traced in many cases to mycotic infection of the feet. This in turn led to the study of immunity, and sensitisation in mycotic infections. Towards this j study,human and animal inoculations were performed and immunobiological investigations were made for the presence of humoral antibodies.In the course of this work I also had the opportunity of observing an epidemic of ringworm infection, and from these observations a great deal of material and information were obtained

    Does education engender cultural values that matter for economic growth?

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    Empirical research has shown that cultural values matter for economic growth and has specifically identified the achievement motivation as an aspect of culture that engenders economic growth. If specific cultural values engender economic growth, how then can societies promote them? This paper attempts to answer this question using the 2005 wave of the World Values Survey data for 43 countries. We test the contention that education significantly impacts the relative importance an individual places on economic achievement vis-à-vis traditional social norms. Results suggest that individuals with higher education levels attach higher importance to values related to autonomy and economic achievement as compared to conformity to traditional social norms. The results have an important implication for efforts to promote economic development; institutions and specifically public policy on education could be used to encourage people to adopt values that are considered important for economic development.Cultural Values, Education, Ordered Probit, Semi-Nonparametric Estimation

    What determines workers’ preferences for efficiency over equity wages?

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    What makes workers consider it fair for wages to be indexed on job performance or efficiency? In this paper we attempt to answer this question using the 2005 wave of the World Values Survey data for 43 countries to investigate what socio-economic characteristics condition employees’ preference for efficiency over equity wages. Our results suggest that employees’ preference for efficiency wages increases with education and globalization while it decreases with unemployment, income inequality and income tax rates. Given that conventional economic theory demonstrates the importance of labour efficiency, which improves when workers are remunerated according to their efficiency, for economic growth; our results suggest that institutions and specifically public policies that promote education, and globalization, along with policies that reduce unemployment, income inequality and income tax rates could be used to promote efficiency-based wages.

    Faktor Risiko Underweight Balita Umur 7-59 Bulan

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    Masalah penelitian adalah faktor-faktor apakah yang berhubungan dengan status gizi underweight pada Balita. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi underweight pada Balita. Metode penelitian survei pada Balita umur 7-59 bulan di wilayah Puskesmas Leuwimunding sebanyak 200 sampel, menggunakan cluster random sampling. Pengambilan data dengan wawancara dan pengukuran berat badan secara langsung menggunakan alat ukur dacin. Analisis data menggunakan chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Balita yang tergolong status gizi underweight sebanyak 31,40 %, yang mengalami diare kronik 14,90 %, dan pneumonia 8,80 %. Praktik pemberian makan anak Balita tergolong kurang baik sebanyak 43,80 %, praktik pengobatan anak Balita tergolong kurang baik sebanyak 25,30 %, dan praktik kesehatan anak Balita tergolong kurang baik sebanyak 41,80 %. Tingkat konsumsi energi kurang baik pada anak Balita sebanyak 60,30 %, dan tingkat konsumsi protein kurang baik pada anak Balita 54,60 %. Simpulan penelitian, faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi buruk pada Balita umur 7-9 bulan yaitu pola asuh pemberian makan Balita, tingkat konsumsi energi, dan protein Balita. The research problem was whether the factors associated with underweight nutritional sta-tus in children under five. Research purpose to determine the factors associated with under-weight nutritional status in toddler. Survey method in infants aged 7-59 months in the re-gion of Leuwimunding health center amounts 200 samples, using cluster random sampling. Data collected by interview and direct weight measurement using bathroom scales. Data analysis by chi square. The results showed the nutritional status of toddler were classified as underweight as 31.40 %, which was experiencing chronic diarrhea 14.90% and pneumonia 8.80%. Unfavorable practice of toddler feeding as 43.80%, unfavorable treatment practices of toddler as 25.30%, and unfavorable health practices of toddler as unfavorable as 41.80% . The rate of energy consumption is not good for toddler as much as 60.30%, and the rate of protein consumption wass less good in 54.60% of toddler. The conclusions, factors associ-ated with underweight nutritional status in infants aged 7-9 months were toddler feeding, level of energy consumption, and protein toddlers

    Obesity in a rural and an urban Palestinian West Bank population

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