238 research outputs found


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    Objective: In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an important tool and it is widely used in the treatment of infertility. However, the failure rate is still high. Thus the study of the factors affecting the rate of success of IVF cycles is very important field of study. In the present study, the possible relationship between the Sirtuin-6 (SIRT6), a stress-responsive protein deacetylase, and the outcome of IVF was studied. SIRT6 also was correlated with hormone levels in women with IVF failure.Methods: Sixty women undergo IVF patients were participated in the study. Women group that had conceived from IVF are expressed as "pregnant group" while women who hadn't are expressed as "failure group." All groups had same preparations and same treatment regimen.Results: Results revealed that there is an insignificant difference between pregnant and failure groups in serum SIRT6 level. The results showed a significant higher estradiol, and lower prolactin and antimullerian hormone in pregnant in comparing with failure group. Correlations studies indicated no significant correlation between SIRT6 and hormones in pregnant group, while there is a significant correlation between SIRT6 and estradiol hormone in the failure group.Conclusion: It can be concluded that serum SIRT6 level does not differ between women who had success or failure IVF. However, in women with failure, SIRT6 is correlated with estradiol level.Â

    Biotransformation of furanocoumarins by Cunninghamella elegans

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    AbstractBiotransformation of Furanocoumarins; psoralen (1), bergapten (2), xanthotoxin (3) and imperatorin (4) was explored by Cunninghamella elegans NRRL 1392, revealing the metabolism of psoralen (1) and bergapten (2) into bergaptol (5), while xanthotoxin (3) and imperatorin (4) were converted into xanthotoxol (6). On the other hand unexpected conversion of xanthotoxin (3) into 3,4 dihydroxanthotoxin (7) occurred. The structure of the isolated pure metabolites was established using physical and spectroscopic techniques including, melting points, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and mass spectroscopy

    A hybrid Markov chain model of manpower data

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    A hybrid model based on Markov chain and data interpolation is proposed for evaluating the manpower recruitment policy in higher learning institution.The model is developed and analysed on Excel spreadsheet.Based on the model, the new estimation of the states transition matrix for each category of manpower driven by interpolation technique is devised.The recruitment policy changes require some data needs modification while other data remains.This dataset are numerically intractable.But the revised transition matrix of Markov chain can be substituted by an interpolated data for which a revised transition probability matrix can be used as an equation solver to calculate mean time estimation for each category of manpower.The hybrid model results are then compared to the classical Markov chain result for both old and new policies by means of mean time estimation.Two scenarios were considered in the study; scenario 1 was based on historical data pattern between year 1999 – 2014 and scenario 2 was based on RMK 9 policies.The results showed the possibility average length of stay by position and probability of loss for both scenarios.The greater impact is expected for average length of stay of senior lecturers compared to other faculty position considering the new policy

    Development on automated plant watering system for soil humidity / Irni Hamiza Hamzah

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    This study presents the development and design process of an automated plant watering system for soil humidity in the potted plants. The study was materialised based on the developed 32-Bit Arduino Uno microcontroller system. Three main transducers used in this project to collect the respective data were soil moisture sensor, humidity sensor and temperature sensor. The LM393 soil moisture sensor and the DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor were placed half the height of the soil in the pot to measure the environment and the surrounding for the soil in the pot. The system was connected with motor pump for irrigation. The motor pump started to water the plants when the soil dried. During this process, the measured data was then being displayed at LCD screen and monitored in real time at GUI created by Visual Basic. The data were displayed in degree Celsius for temperature and for soil humidity in a scale of 0 to 1030. The bigger the scale, the dryer the soil was. As a conclusion, an automated plant watering system was successfully implemented using Arduino Uno to control the soil moisture and capable in monitoring data and analysis the parameters in the garden

    Optimal placement of DSTATCOM in distribution network based on load flow and voltage stability indices studies

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    The power utilities are experiencing a new challenge as the demand for electrical power is increasing on a regular basis. This forced the existing networks operates closed to its stability limits. The ability of a power system to remain acceptable magnitude voltages at all bus under both normal and contingency conditions, known as voltage stability is the major concern for both transmission and distribution network to ensure that a secure and reliable electrical power is able to transmit from generation to load side. This can be mitigated by integrating Custom Power (CP) device on the existing transmission system. However, the location of CP device is significantly important to ensure adequate investment of CP device in networks that will enhance the voltage stability margin, reduce power loss and improve voltage profile. In this paper, the optimal location of Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator (DSTATCOM) is introduced by analyzing results obtained from two studies; load flow and voltage stability indices. The studies were examined using the modified IEEE 30 bus system which is modelled and tested using DigSILENT PowerFactory 16 as simulation tools

    Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Capsule Material Selection and Its Robustness Analysis in Oil and Gas Pipeline

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    This paper discussed on the material selection and its robustness analysis towards the design of magnetic flux leakage capsule that most applied in oil and gas pipeline. Magnetic Flux Leakage is among the most famous and expensive technique in large scale oil and gas pipe diagnosis system. This technique applies strong magnetic fields to detect any strange in the inner surface of the pipes such as corrosion, crack or other symptoms which is bad to the pipe condition. The aim of this research is to study and develop a small scale, low cost and portable Magnetic Flux Leakage diagnosis system which suitable in detecting the defect in the inner side of steel pipe or steel tank structures. This system uses strong permanent magnet to generate strong magnetic field while Hall Effect sensor act as a receiver. It is found that the best suitable material for the Magnetic Flux Leakage Capsule is carbon steel

    Hubungan di antara jenis personaliti dengan tahap kesihatan mental dalam kalangan bekas banduan di Malaysia

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    Masalah kesihatan mental bekas banduan didapati semakin meningkat dan membimbangkan sehingga menjejaskan keberkesanan pengintegrasian semula bekas banduan ke dalam masyarakat. Kertas ini bertujuan untuk melihat sama ada wujudnya hubungan di antara jenis personaliti dengan tahap kesihatan mental bekas banduan di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan kaedah survei ke atas 250 orang responden. Dua instrumen digunakan dalam borang soal selidik iaitu Ujian Skala Depression, Anxiety dan Stress (DASS21) bagi mengukur tahap kesihatan mental bekas banduan dan Ujian Personaliti Zuckerman-Kuhlman-40-Cross Culture (ZKPQ-M-40-CC) bagi mengenalpasti 5 domain personaliti bekas banduan iaitu Activity, Sociability, Aggresiveness-hostility, Impulsive Sensation Seeking dan Neuroticism-anxiety. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat hubungan yang positif yang signifikan di antara kelima-lima jenis personaliti dengan tahap kemurungan, kebimbangan dan stres dalam kalangan bekas banduan. Intervensi kesihatan mental yang khusus perlu diberikan kepada banduan sebelum dan selepas mereka dibebaskan. Ini sangat penting dalam memastikan peluang pengintegrasian semula bekas banduan ke dalam masyarakat adalah berkesan apabila masalah kesihatan mental dapat dicegah dan dirawat sebelum ianya menjadi semakin teruk

    Convertible Bandstop to Allpass Filter using Defected Ground Structure with Ideal Switch for Millimeter-Wave Band in 5G Application

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    According to this study, a defective ground structure (DGS) with an ideal switch can be used to create a bandstop to allpass filter for 5G applications. The redesigned Hairpin DGS's bandstop and allpass responses are mathematically investigated in this paper. Utilising an ideal switch via open circuit and short circuit conditions on DGS, the convertible filter is operated. Therefore, the filter's performance in terms of return loss, attenuation, and insertion loss is simulated. As a result, the filter operates at 25.875 GHz in open circuit condition with a narrowband (2.16 GHz) bandstop response at 10 dB and a maximum attenuation of 29.5 dB, and at 26 GHz with a wideband allpass response and return loss greater than 10 dB. As a result, the filter is appropriate for 5G applications that use millimeter-wave RF front-end systems   &nbsp

    Convertible Bandstop to Allpass Filter using Defected Ground Structure with Ideal Switch for Millimeter-Wave Band in 5G Application

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    According to this study, a defective ground structure (DGS) with an ideal switch can be used to create a bandstop to allpass filter for 5G applications. The redesigned Hairpin DGS's bandstop and allpass responses are mathematically investigated in this paper. Utilising an ideal switch via open circuit and short circuit conditions on DGS, the convertible filter is operated. Therefore, the filter's performance in terms of return loss, attenuation, and insertion loss is simulated. As a result, the filter operates at 25.875 GHz in open circuit condition with a narrowband (2.16 GHz) bandstop response at 10 dB and a maximum attenuation of 29.5 dB, and at 26 GHz with a wideband allpass response and return loss greater than 10 dB. As a result, the filter is appropriate for 5G applications that use millimeter-wave RF front-end systems   &nbsp

    Crack classification in concrete beams using AE parameters

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    The acoustic emission (AE) technique is an effective tool for the evaluation of crack growth. The aim of this study is to evaluate crack classification in reinforced concrete beams using statistical analysis. AE has been applied for the early monitoring of reinforced concrete structures using AE parameters such as average frequency, rise time, amplitude counts and duration. This experimental study focuses on the utilisation of this method in evaluating reinforced concrete beams. Beam specimens measuring 150 mm x 250 mm x 1200 mm were tested using a three-point load flexural test using Universal Testing Machines (UTM) together with an AE monitoring system. The results indicated that RA value can be used to determine the relationship between tensile crack and shear movement in reinforced concrete beams