72 research outputs found

    Description of Daily Nutritional Intake of Pregnant Women in Temanggung District, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Background: The nutritional status of pregnant women are affected by daily nutritional intake. Daily nutritional intake during pregnancy depends on total macronutrient intake and micronutrient intake. The aim of the study is to describe daily nutritional intake from pregnant women in Temanggung,Central Java, Indonesia.Method: This study was conducted from September – December 2016 in Temanggung. This was a cross sectional study and the respondents were recruited using purposive sampling technique. Total sample of this study were 60 pregnant women. Intakes of macronutrients (Energy, and Protein), and micronutrients were calculated based on Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Semi Quantitative and using Nutrisoft software, Demographic data were obtained by interviewing.Results Of the total 60 pregnant women, 40 (66,7%) were unemployed. The majority of educational level of the respondents  (48,3%) were Junior High School.  The mean gestational age were 6,70 ± 1,109 months. The mean intake of energy in 60 pregnant women was 2153,9833 ± 369 kcalConclusion: The majority of pregnant women in this study have adequate intake of both macro and micronutrient besides iron and folic acid


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    Seropositive leprosy individuals have a tendency to experience a change into leprosy lepromatous type. Previous studies have demonstrated that the activity of indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO) in patients with lepromatous type leprosy is higher than those with tuberculoid type leprosy. However, no study has been available showing how IDO level can be correlated to seropositive subjects

    Faktor Risiko Stunting Pada Anak Umur 6 - 24 Bulan Di Kecamatan Penanggalan Kota Subulussalam Provinsi Aceh

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    Latar belakang: Aceh merupakan salah satu provinsi dengan prevalensi stunting yang tinggi. Prevalensi stunting di wilayah tersebut mencapai 39% lebih tinggi dibanding prevalensi nasional 35,6%. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengalanisis faktor-faktor risiko stunting anak usia 6 – 24 bulan di provinsi Aceh. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus control, dengan subjek adalah anak usia 6 – 24 bulan. Sebanyak 55 anak pendek dan 55 anak normal menjadi subjek penelitian ini. Subjek dipilih dengan metode consecutive sampling. Faktor risiko yang diukur adalah pendidikan orang tua, pekerjaan orang tua, pendapatan keluarga, riwayat sakit diare dan infeksi saluran napas atas, asupan energi dan protein, tinggi badan orang tua, berat lahir, pemberian ASI eksklusif, waktu pemberian pendamping ASI, pola asuh orang tua dan sumber air bersih. Data dianalisis dengan regresi. Hasil: Faktor risiko stunting pada keluarga berpenghasilan rendah (OR = 8,5, 95% CI: 2,68-26,89), yang menderita diare (OR = 5,04, 95% CI: 1,84-13, 81) dan ISPA (OR = 5,71, 95% CI: 1,95-16,67), asupan energi tidak adekuat (OR = 3,09, 95% CI: 1,02-9,39) dan asupan protein tidak adekuat (OR = 5,54, 95% CI: 2,43-12,63), perawakan pendek dari orang tua (OR = 11,13, 95% CI: 4,37-28,3), berat badan lahir rendah (OR = 3,26, 95% CI: 1,46-7,31), tidak menyusui ASI eksklusif (OR = 6,54, 95% CI: 2,84-15,06), memberikan makanan pendamping ASI terlalu cepat (OR = 6, 54, 95% CI: 2,84-15,06), dan pola asuh kurang (OR = 4,59, 95% CI: 2,05-10,25), praktik-praktik kebersihan anak (OR = 3, 26, 95% CI: 1,46-7,31) dan penanganan pengobatan anak (OR = 2,46, 95% CI: 1,13-5,34). Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko yang dominan untuk stunting adalah perawakan pendek dari orang tua (OR = 13,16, 95% CI: 3,72-46,52). Simpulan: Perawakan pendek orang tua sebagai faktor risiko paling dominan terhadap stuntin

    Pengaruh Asupan Energi Dan Protein Terhadap Perubahan Status Gizi Pasien Anak Selama Dirawat Di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang

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    Latar Belakang : Asupan energi dan protein yang adekuat bagi anak yang dirawat inap sangat diperlukan dalam upaya mencegah penurunan status gizi yang terjadi selama masa perawatan. Dukungan gizi adalah bagian dari terapi yang berperan bagi kesembuhan pasien anak. Tujuan : Menganalisis pengaruh asupan energi dan protein terhadap perubahan status gizi pasien anak selama dirawat. Metode : Penelitian observasional dengan rancangan kohort prospektif, dari bulan Maret – April 2014. Subjek sebanyak 52 anak, usia 2-14 tahun dari ruang anak RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang, diperoleh secara concecutive sampling. yang dirawat inap ≥ 7 hari dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Data berat badan diukur pada awal masuk dan pada saat pulang. Status gizi dinilai dengan skor Z BB/TB dengan program WHO Anthro 2005. Data asupan makanan diperoleh dengan metode comstock untuk makanan rumah sakit dan recall 24 jam untuk makanan luar rumah sakit. Data dianalisis dengan uji chi-square dan uji fisher’s exact. Hasil : Sebanyak 48,1% subjek mempunyai asupan energi yang tidak cukup dan 53,9% subjek mempunyai asupan protein yang tidak cukup. Sebanyak 48,1% subjek menurun status gizinya setelah dirawat di rumah sakit. Ada hubungan antara asupan energi (p=0,003) dan asupan protein (p=0,003) terhadap perubahan status gizi selama dirawat di rumah sakit. Subjek dengan asupan energi yang tidak cukup mempunyai risiko 26 kali (95% CI 3,31-291,09) untuk mengalami penurunan skor Z BB/TB dibandingkan subjek dengan asupan energi cukup. Subjek dengan asupan protein tidak cukup mempunyai risiko 20 kali (95% CI 4,24-230,52) untuk mengalami penurunan skor Z BB/TB di rumah sakit dibandingkan subjek dengan asupan protein cukup. Simpulan : Asupan energi dan protein yang tidak cukup pada anak selama dirawat di rumah sakit berakibat mengalami penurunan status gizi


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    ABSTRACTBackground: Children's body composition can be used to assess their nutrition status. It is consisted of 2 tissues: fattissue andfat-free (muscle) tissue. The circumference of the upper arm, the thickness of fat under the skin, the tricepsand the width of the upper arm muscle are commonly used as the standard for measuring the composition of a bodybecause it is cheap and easy to apply; yet rarely practiced. The nutrition status is influenced by the economic and socialcondition of thefamily such as income andfood expenses. Purpose: to describe the composition of body of children age2-5 years old and to analyze the correlation between family income and the cost spending for food with the compositionof their body. Method: this survey is conducted by using the cross sectional approach. The primary data are:circumference of the upper arm, the thicbtess of fat under the skin, the triceps and the width of the upper arm musclesnd the social economic data based on interviews by using questionnaires. The research population is children age 2-5in the area of Puskesmas Bangetayu. From 1227 children in the area, 609 were taken os samples. Results: there is adifference in the thickness of fat under the skin (p:0.001) and the width of the upper arm muscle (p:0,001) betvveenboys and girls. From the bivariat result, there is a correlation between family income and the cost spending on foodwith the circumference of the upper arm, triceps and the width of the upper aftn muscle. Yet, both of them do not haveany correlation with the thiclmess offat under the skin. circumferenceKeywords: Education, economic status, composition of body, children age 2-
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