6 research outputs found

    A streamlined CRISPR/Cas9 approach for fast genome editing in Toxoplasma gondii and Besnoitia besnoiti

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    Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) and Besnoitia besnoiti (B. besnoiti) are closely related coccidian parasites belonging to the phylum Apicomplexa, which comprises many other important pathogens of humans and livestock. T. gondii is considered a model organism for studying the cell biology of Apicomplexa mainly due to the ease of propagation in diverse host cells and the availability of a wide range of genetic tools. Conversely, B. besnoiti in vitro culture systems currently exist only for the acute phase of infection, and genetic manipulation has proven much more challenging. In recent years, the targeted editing of chromosomal DNA by the programmable CRISPR-associated (Cas)9 enzyme has greatly improved the scope and accuracy of genetic manipulation in T. gondii and related parasites but is still lagging in B. besnoiti. The CRISPR/Cas9 technology enables the introduction of single point and insertion/deletion mutations, precise integration of in-frame epitope tags, and deletions of genes at reduced time and cost compared to previous methods. Current protocols for CRISPR-mediated genome editing in T. gondii rely on either constitutive or transient expression of Cas9 as well as target specific sgRNAs encoded separately or together on transfected plasmid vectors. Constitutively expressed Cas9 carries the risk of toxicity, whilst the transient approach is laborious and error-prone. Here we present a protocol for plasmid vector-independent genome-editing using chemically synthesized and modified sgRNAs. This protocol allows for rapid, efficient, and cost-effective generation of mutant cell lines of T. gondii and B. besnoiti

    AlphaFold models and supporting data for the annotation of Vairimorpha necatrix

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    <p>V_necatrix_alphafold.zip - Contains AlphaFold models and associated files for all V. necatrix proteins.</p><p>chimerax_annotater_plugin.zip - Contains the ChimeraX plugin we developed and used to annotate the V. necatrix proteome.</p><p>v_necatrix_annotation_data.zip - Contains all data used in the ChimeraX plugin to annotate the V. necatrix proteome.</p><p>V_necatrix_proteome.fasta - Protein fasta file containing all protein sequences</p><p>V_necatrix_haplotype[1-4].fasta - Nucleotide fasta file for each haplotype</p&gt

    Structure of the reduced microsporidian proteasome bound by PI31-like peptides in dormant spores

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    Proteasomes play an essential role in the life cycle of intracellular pathogens with extracellular stages by ensuring proteostasis in environments with limited resources. In microsporidia, divergent parasites with extraordinarily streamlined genomes, the proteasome complexity and structure are unknown, which limits our understanding of how these unique pathogens adapt and compact essential eukaryotic complexes. We present cryo-electron microscopy structures of the microsporidian 20S and 26S proteasome isolated from dormant or germinated Vairimorpha necatrix spores. The discovery of PI31-like peptides, known to inhibit proteasome activity, bound simultaneously to all six active sites within the central cavity of the dormant spore proteasome, suggests reduced activity in the environmental stage. In contrast, the absence of the PI31-like peptides and the existence of 26S particles post-germination in the presence of ATP indicates that proteasomes are reactivated in nutrient-rich conditions. Structural and phylogenetic analyses reveal that microsporidian proteasomes have undergone extensive reductive evolution, lost at least two regulatory proteins, and compacted nearly every subunit. The highly derived structure of the microsporidian proteasome, and the minimized version of PI31 presented here, reinforce the feasibility of the development of specific inhibitors and provide insight into the unique evolution and biology of these medically and economically important pathogens

    Functional annotation of a divergent genome using sequence and structure-based similarity

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    Background Microsporidia are a large taxon of intracellular pathogens characterized by extraordinarily streamlined genomes with unusually high sequence divergence and many species-specific adaptations. These unique factors pose challenges for traditional genome annotation methods based on sequence similarity. As a result, many of the microsporidian genomes sequenced to date contain numerous genes of unknown function. Recent innovations in rapid and accurate structure prediction and comparison, together with the growing amount of data in structural databases, provide new opportunities to assist in the functional annotation of newly sequenced genomes. Results In this study, we established a workflow that combines sequence and structure-based functional gene annotation approaches employing a ChimeraX plugin named ANNOTEX (Annotation Extension for ChimeraX), allowing for visual inspection and manual curation. We employed this workflow on a high-quality telomere-to-telomere sequenced tetraploid genome of Vairimorpha necatrix. First, the 3080 predicted protein-coding DNA sequences, of which 89% were confirmed with RNA sequencing data, were used as input. Next, ColabFold was used to create protein structure predictions, followed by a Foldseek search for structural matching to the PDB and AlphaFold databases. The subsequent manual curation, using sequence and structure-based hits, increased the accuracy and quality of the functional genome annotation compared to results using only traditional annotation tools. Our workflow resulted in a comprehensive description of the V. necatrix genome, along with a structural summary of the most prevalent protein groups, such as the ricin B lectin family. In addition, and to test our tool, we identified the functions of several previously uncharacterized Encephalitozoon cuniculi genes. Conclusion We provide a new functional annotation tool for divergent organisms and employ it on a newly sequenced, high-quality microsporidian genome to shed light on this uncharacterized intracellular pathogen of Lepidoptera. The addition of a structure-based annotation approach can serve as a valuable template for studying other microsporidian or similarly divergent species

    An experimental genetically attenuated live vaccine to prevent transmission of Toxoplasma gondii by cats

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    Almost any warm-blooded creature can be an intermediate host for Toxoplasma gondii. However, sexual reproduction of T. gondii occurs only in felids, wherein fertilisation of haploid macrogametes by haploid microgametes, results in diploid zygotes, around which a protective wall develops, forming unsporulated oocysts. Unsporulated oocysts are shed in the faeces of cats and meiosis gives rise to haploid sporozoites within the oocysts. These, now infectious, sporulated oocysts contaminate the environment as a source of infection for people and their livestock. RNA-Seq analysis of cat enteric stages of T. gondii uncovered genes expressed uniquely in microgametes and macrogametes. A CRISPR/Cas9 strategy was used to create a T. gondii strain that exhibits defective fertilisation, decreased fecundity and generates oocysts that fail to produce sporozoites. Inoculation of cats with this engineered parasite strain totally prevented oocyst excretion following infection with wild-type T. gondii, demonstrating that this mutant is an attenuated, live, transmission-blocking vaccine

    RAIN: machine learning-based identification for HIV-1 bNAbs

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    Abstract Broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) are promising candidates for the treatment and prevention of HIV-1 infections. Despite their critical importance, automatic detection of HIV-1 bNAbs from immune repertoires is still lacking. Here, we develop a straightforward computational method for the Rapid Automatic Identification of bNAbs (RAIN) based on machine learning methods. In contrast to other approaches, which use one-hot encoding amino acid sequences or structural alignment for prediction, RAIN uses a combination of selected sequence-based features for the accurate prediction of HIV-1 bNAbs. We demonstrate the performance of our approach on non-biased, experimentally obtained and sequenced BCR repertoires from HIV-1 immune donors. RAIN processing leads to the successful identification of distinct HIV-1 bNAbs targeting the CD4-binding site of the envelope glycoprotein. In addition, we validate the identified bNAbs using an in vitro neutralization assay and we solve the structure of one of them in complex with the soluble native-like heterotrimeric envelope glycoprotein by single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Overall, we propose a method to facilitate and accelerate HIV-1 bNAbs discovery from non-selected immune repertoires