25 research outputs found

    Pengemasan Bahan Ajar Tari Topeng Malang Pada Mata Kuliah Vokasi Tari Malang

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    Pengemasan bahan ajar adalah mengemas materi menjadi lebih baik, dengan cara menjadikan ringkas. Materi yang dikembangkan terdapat pada mata kuliah Vokasi Tari Malang yaitu salah satu nama mata kuliah di Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Tari-UM yang berisi tentang Ă‚ materi tari topeng Malang milik Karimun (Alm). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan wujud bahan ajar mata kuliah Vokasi Tari Malang dan mengetahui keefektifan bahan ajar setelah diterapkan kepada mahasiswa.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dan uji keefektifan menggunakan uji-t dengan program SPSS 12. Hasil penelitian ini adalah berupa buku ajar mata kuliah Vokasi Tari Malang yang berisi petunjuk pembelajar, silabus, RPP, materi, rangkuman dan evaluasi yang dilengkapi dengan VCD pembelajaran. Uji coba keefektifan menunjukan hasil bahwa dari segi produk masuk kategori yang sangat baik sehingga layak digunakan.Ă‚ The packaging of teaching material can be done by adapting the available teaching material and repackaging them in a more practical form. The teaching material developed in this study is Tari Topeng Malangan originally created by (the late) Karimun, which is taught as Vokasi Tari Malang subject in Dance Department of Faculty of Art and Languages, Malang State University. The aim of this research and development study is to produce a teaching material for Vokasi Tari Malang subject and also to find out the effectiveness of the material after being applied to students. This research is a developmental research and an effectiveness test by using t-test provided from SPSS 12. The final products of the teaching material is in the form of teaching textbook for Vokasi Tari Malang, which consist of a syllabi, teaching guide, lesson plans, the material for the teaching, the summary of the material, the teaching assessment and also a tutorial VCD. The t-test showed that the teaching material is categorized as a good teaching material to use in teaching

    Pemberdayaan Perempuan Melalui Kegiatan Pembuatan Batik Eco Print di Desa Bulu Kecamatan Kraksaan Kabupaten Probolinggo Jawa Timur

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    Batik eco print mengusung konsep ramah lingkungan dan memiliki keunikan secara motif maupun desain. Batik eco print juga berkaitan dengan ranah kehidupan masyarakat, seperti bidang sosial, ekonomi, dan pariwisata. Pemberdayaan perempuan melalui kegiatan pembuatan batik pewarna alam memiliki potensi besar dalam menciptakan ekonomi kreatif baru di desa Bulu Kecamatan Kraksaan Kabupaten Probolinggo. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan hasil kegiatan pemberdayaan perempuan yang dikemas dalam bentuk training atau pelatihan pelatihan pembuatan batik eco print. Proses kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksperimen. Dari hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) pelaksanaan pemberdayaan perempuan melalui batik eco print di Desa Bulu sebagai salah satu upaya mendongkrak ekonomi kreatif masyarakat, (2) terdapat sejumlah faktor pendukung dan penghambat pelaksanaan pelatihan batik eco print di Desa Bulu Kecamatan Kraksaan

    Competency Development of the Laras Panji Kepakisan Group Through Traditional Music Training

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    Pakis village has developed its territory to become a historical site of Majapahit. In Pakis village, in Trowulan District, there is an arts group called Laras Panji Kepakisan, which is involved whenever there is a performance at TPDSM. The purpose of this research was to work with this arts group to transfer knowledge about traditional music creations both in theory and practice and to foster creativity in developing traditional music creations. The activity implementation method was carried out with a group-based model to take a comprehensive inventory of community insights and thoughts. Community service team activities were carried out, and monitoring and evaluation processes measured the achievement of the targets and outcomes, which were focused on the creative abilities of the community. The methods used to evaluate and obtain feedback on the process and results of the training activities within the community included workshops, demonstrations, group assignments, and discussions. Keywords: traditional music, Laras Panji Kepakisa

    Senior High School Students' Perceptions of Art Subject Online Teaching During COVID-19

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    One of the actions taken by the Indonesian government to stop the spread of COVID19 was closing all schools and running online teaching from home. Online learning creates distance between students and teachers. This study aimed to understand students’ perceptions of online education of art, specifically senior high school students in Probolinggo regency. The research focused on investigating students’ skills and comfortability during the learning process as well as the online learning management carried out by the teachers. This study used a quantitative approach with simple statistical computation. The researcher collected the data by distributing questionnaires to students at seven state senior high schools in Probolinggo utilizing Google Forms. The data were then descriptively analyzed. From 22 respondents, it was found that 9.1% did not have a smartphone; 81.8% stated that they could understand the online teaching materials; 27.3% expressed that they were not satisfied; and 54.5% said that the online learning demotivated them to learn arts. However, 95.5% of students believed that their teachers mastered the online classroom management. Results of the study show that senior high school students in Probolinggo have had a delightful experience in learning art online. However, it then slowly demotivates them to create art even though the majority of teachers have mastered the online learning technology. Students expect more varied creativity from teachers and stakeholders to ensure that learning art is entertaining and motivates them in the era of the pandemic. Keywords: students’ perception, online learning, art subject, COVID-1

    Multi-interactive Media Development for Balinese Dance Vocational Courses

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    An analysis of the learning process of students of the Dance and Music Education Study Program in the Balinese Dance vocational course with the competence to practice Balinese dance revealed that the students faced difficulty in practicing Balinese dance. This was because they were constrained by distance, lack of face-to-face methods, and incommensurable student internet networks. In addition, teachers also have had difficulty in delivering materials because they could not reach students face-to-face. Given the conditions experienced by students and teachers, this research had the goal of developing learning media for Balinese dance vocational courses in the form of multi-interactive media, using the drill and practice model. Interactive learning multimedia involves a range of media such as text, sound, video, animation, and images, which are integrated into a computer program to convey messages to students. The developers in this research were competent in the field of learning vocational Balinese dance and designed the course during 2020/2021. This research was carried out in five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The products included interactive CDs that can be distributed flexibly using media such as flash disks, MMC card, or Bluetooth smartphones, and contain writing, images, infographics, learning videos and quizzes. Keywords: multi-interactive, media, drill and practice, Balinese danc

    Makeup Training in the Community of Carnival Costume Developers in Ronggo Village, Kecamatan Tajinan

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    The cultural parade continues to experience very rapid and lively developments. This is why people suddenly become craftsmen or producers of Carnival costumes, even though they start this business with self-taught abilities. These Carnival costumes are rented out to the wider community who will hold cultural parade events in the local area or outside the region. But unfortunately, the Carnival costume producers do not have the makeup skills to maximize the appearance of their Carnival costume characters. Therefore, the researchers provided makeup training for the community of Carnival costume developers in Ronggo Village, Kecamatan Tajinan, so that people can better package the products produced. First, a survey was carried out about the costume craftsmen’s location and costume reconstruction. The method of cooperation (cooperative) was used, and the activities included explanations or lectures, and practical training on makeup and show clothes. This service was carried out for 2 months starting from the making of dedication proposals, preparation for the implementation of training, training on makeup and performance clothing, and taking certificates. The training was carried out by researchers who were observed by three observers. The community looked very active and already had pretty good makeup skills. After conducting the training, the presenter evaluated the results of the makeup training demonstration and provided conclusions. It is hoped that the next service can be held again with different research targets. Keywords: training, makeup, carnival costume

    Penguatan Kompetensi Produksi Batik Gepyok pada Ibu-Ibu di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Perempuan Klas IIa Kota Malang

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    Kegiatan pengabdian ini sebagai meningkatkan kompetensi narapidana melalui produksi batik gepyok. Selain itu persiapan dalam membangun wirausaha, mengingat mantan narapidana kurang mendapatkan kepercayaan dari masyarakat. Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIa Malang sebagai lembaga pembinaan sosial narapidana untuk perempuan. Peserta pelatihan ini berjumlah 25 narpidana dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melatih narapidana di klas IIa Malang melalui keterampilan batik gepyok. Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari metode ceramah, diskusi, demonstrasi, praktik usaha dan evaluasi. Kegiatan ini dilakukan sebagai pembekalan strategi pengelolahan kewirausahaan. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan (1) memberikan pengetahuan baru dan keterampilan baru terkait batik gepyok, (2) menumbuhkembangkan minat warga binaan dalam merancang wirausaha baru pada bidang batik gepyok, (3) memberikan pengalaman secara nyata dalam implementasi aspek-aspek terkait manajemen usaha batik gepyok, dan (4) memberikan semangat motivasi dalam merancang kewirausahaan mandiri

    Dance Learning Strategy Using a Web-Based Course for Blended Learning

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the dance education process in Indonesia. Teachers of dance are required to be more innovative in designing learning so that the expected learning objectives can be achieved especially skill-based learning. Malang regional dance is a practical subject in the dance and music study program at the university level. It requires an online learning strategy since it was previously always taught face-to-face. The purpose of this research was to develop a dance learning strategy, especially for the Malang regional dance subject, based on blended learning that is used by students of the dance and music education study program. The blended learning model used is the web course model, in which learners and educators are completely separate and face-to-face is not required. All teaching materials, discussions, consultations, assignments and exams are entirely conducted via the internet. This research can be categorized as research and development (R&D). The steps conducted were preliminary research, planning, developing media or production, and media evaluation. The web course model developed for the Malang regional dance course includes 3 stages: (1) seeking information about the learning objectives and directing students to search and collect references about Malang regional dance online; (2) acquisition of information about Malang regional dances that can be studied by students so that students are able to communicate again; and (3) synthesizing knowledge evaluating the material presented in the second stage. Keywords: learning strategies, blended learning, web courses, danc

    Developing Digital Storytelling of Wayang Topeng Malang As Platform for Cultural Literacy for Students

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    Digital storytelling has been a popular part of education used as a medium for telling stories. A digital storytelling platform can facilitate the development of collaborative stories. If the storytelling process is facilitated properly, it will lead to the creation of stories that enhance the relationship between the players. Wayang Topeng is one of the traditional performing arts in Indonesia that needs to be told digitally so that students become more interested in and understand the stories about Wayang Topeng Malang. This is an R&D research that has used the modified Borg and Gall concept. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documents. The result of this study was the development of a digital introduction of the characters of Wayang Topeng Malang in the form of 2D animation. The digital storytelling application was uploaded on YouTube, making the content accessible to everyone. Keywords: digital storytelling, Wayang Topen

    Curriculum Management and Graduate Outcomes in the Animation Game Study Program

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    The Animation Study Program is part of the Art and Design degree from the Faculty of Letters State University of Malan. It is designed to offer guidance to professional beginners in the animation world and applied media, allowing graduates to apply for roles such as a 2D/3D Animator,Character Designer, beginner Developer in Animation Industry, Game Designer/Multimedia, beginner Developer of Game Industry, Game Asset Designer. The graduates from Animation program study gain particular expertise in 3D animation games and using Indonesian local culture. The course also emphasizes education-based animation games in global context and insteal entrepreneurship for the graduates. The goal of this study is to analyze the curriculum and graduate achievement in the animation game study program. This research used a qualitative study case with a descriptive approach. Documentation and interviews were used to collect data. The analysis of data used a descriptive approach. Results of the study show that the curriculum used in Animation Game program is designed based on the graduates in diploma D1, D2, D3, and D4. They are in D1 (Asset Game Operator), D2 (Young Asset Game Designer), D3 (Young Game Designer), and D4 (Senior Game Designer). Meanwhile, the animation field is divided into D1 (Asset Animation Operator), D2 (2D/3D Young Animator), D3 (2D/3D Senior Animator), and D4 (2D/3D Lead Animator). Keywords: Curriculum, Graduates Outcome, Animation Gam