88 research outputs found

    Students’ Reflective Abstraction Ability on Linear Algebra Problem Solving And Relationship with Prerequisite Knowledge

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    This study aims to describe the achievement of the ability of students' reflective abstraction in solving Linear Algebra problems and the relationship with prerequisite knowledge. The important of this research because the characteristic of Linear Algebra requiring reflectif abstraction skill that must be support by the prerequisite knowledge. The reflective abstraction abilities studied in this study are level, i.e.1) recognition,2) representation, 3) structural abstraction, and 4) structural awareness. These stages are adjusted to Polya's problem solving stages, namely: understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back. This type of research is descriptive-quantitative. The subjects of this study were students of the Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Indonesia. Collecting data through tests and interviews, data were analyzed with percentage and the pearson product-moment correlation.The results showed that the achievement level consisiting of ) recognition,2) representation, 3) structural abstraction, and 4) structural awareness of the students’ reflective abstraction abilities on linear algebra problem solving are very good, this can be seen from the percentage achieved at stages of the recognition,the representation,the structural abstraction, and the structural awareness which is associated with Polya problem solving measures above an average of 73,31% (moderat category); there are relationship between students' reflective abstraction abilities and their prerequisite knowledge; and prerequisite knowledge influences the students’reflective abstraction abilitie

    Trigonometri Dasar

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    Perangkat lunak (software) pembelajaran matematika dapat diartikan sebagai bahan ajar matematika yang berbasis teknologi komputer. Penggunaan bahan ajar matematika berbasis komputer sangat memungkinkan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir. Hal ini dikarenakan komputer memiliki kelebihan, diantaranya komputer memberi fasilitas bagi pengguna untuk mengulang bila diperlukan. Salah satu bentuk teknologi komputer yang saat ini banyak digunakan dalam bidang pendidikan, adalah multimedia. Elemen-elemen yang terdapat dalam multimedia seperti gambar, grafik, warna, animasi, dan video dapat mengoptimalkan peran indera dalam menerima informasi ke dalam sistem memori.  Dalam merancang perangkat lunak (software) pembelajaran matematika berbasis multimedia terdapat beberapa prinsip yang perlu diperhatikan diantaranya, a) sajian materi harus sesuai dengan kompetensi dasar, b) penyajian harus menarik minat siswa, sistematis, mengikuti  teori-teori belajar, menggunakan bahasa yang tepat, dan memperhatikan tingkat kematangan siswa, c) harus dilengkapi navigasi dan petunjuk penggunaannya, dan d) kualitas fisik perangkat lunak harus baik, sedangkan pada tahap pengembangan bahan ajar menggunakan model CADMAETD, yaitu concept (konsep), analysis (analisis), design (desain), material collecting (pengumpulan bahan), assembly (pembuatan), evaluation (evaluasi), testing (ujicoba), dan distribution (distribusi). Kata Kunci : Perangkat lunak, multimedia,  model CADMAETDÂ

    Dasar-dasar Statistik Pendidikan

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    Aljabar Matriks Elementer

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    Pengembangan Desain dan Perangkat Pembelajaran Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Perkuliahan Statistik Penelitian Pendidikan Pada Prodi Pendidikan Matematika UIN Bandung

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    Abstrak This research is development research for improving quality lecture of Education Research Statistic at Mathematics Education Study Program in UIN Bandung. Produce of this  research are design and teaching-learning equipment. Teaching-learning equipment consisted of lecture program and text book with guide of laboratory work.  Implementation teaching –learning design use teaching-learning equipment with combinated convensional learning in the class and learning by computer (computer asssited learning) in the computer laboratory. The research subject consisted of 2007 and 2008 academic year student of Mathematics Education Study Program in UIN Bandung. This research used some instrument consisted : 1)  questionnaire of student response, 2) observation sheet, and 3)  student achievement test. Based the data analysis was concluded that : (1) current lecture of Education Research Statistic is conventional method, use speech  method more dominate, implementated lecture more in the classes, student can less opportunity for data processing through statistic software (SPSS) , 2) have produce  prototype of design and computer assited learning equipment, 3) the management of lecturer competency in computer assited learning is good, 4) the mayority of student give response very like to the implementation of design and teaching-learning equipment, 5) the lecture quality with assited computer is good that showed to student achievement and  the level of student statistic compute skill,  based indicator formula in the classical the all of student are completely, while the level of student statistic compute skill is good that showed from the various of  their activities in operation of statistic software (SPSS) for analysis of statistic data. Key word :  Teaching –Learning Design and Teaching-Learning Equipment   Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas perkuliahan Statistik Penelitian Pendidikan di lingkungan Prodi  Pendidikan Matematika UIN Bandung. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan desain dan perangkat pembelajaran yang berbantuan komputer. Perangkat yang dikembangkan meliputi Satuan Acara Perkuliahan, Buku Ajar yang dilengkapi dengan  panduan praktikum, sedangkan desain pembelajaran yang diterapkan mengimplementasikan perangkat tersebut dengan mengkombinasikan tatap muka di ruang kelas dan di laboratorium komputer.  Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Matematika UIN Bandung angkatan 2007 dan 2008. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari : 1) angket respon mahasiswa, 2) lembar observasi dan 3) tes hasil belajar mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, maka diperoleh kesimpulan : (1) perkuliahan Statistik Penelitian Pendidikan yang selama ini berlangsung masih bersifat konvensional, penggunaan metode ceramah lebih mendominasi, perkuliahan lebih banyak dilakukan di ruang-ruang kelas, mahasiswa kurang mendapat kesempatan untuk mengolah data statisttik melalui software SPSS, (2) dihasilkan prototipe desain dan perangkat pembelajaran berbantuan komputer (3) kemampuan dosen dalam mengelola pembelajaran berbantuan komputer dikategorikan baik, (4) sebagian besar mahasiswa memberikan respon sangat senang terhadap desain dan perangkat pembelajaran yang diterapkan, (5) kualitas perkuliahan berbantuan komputer tergolong baik, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil belajar dan tingkat keterampilan komputasi statistik mahasiswa, secara klasikal indikator yang dirumuskan semuanya tuntas, sedangkan tingkat keterampilan komputasi statistik mahasiswa adalah baik, hal ini ditunjukkan dari berbagai aktivitasnya dalam mengoperasikan program SPSS untuk menganalisis data statistik. Kata kunci : Desain  Pembelajaran dan Perangkat Pembelajaran &nbsp

    Pengembangan Desain dan Perangkat Pembelajaran Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Perkuliahan Statistik Penelitian Pendidikan Pada Prodi Pendidikan Matematika UIN Bandung

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    Abstrak This research is development research for improving quality lecture of Education Research Statistic at Mathematics Education Study Program in UIN Bandung. Produce of this  research are design and teaching-learning equipment. Teaching-learning equipment consisted of lecture program and text book with guide of laboratory work.  Implementation teaching –learning design use teaching-learning equipment with combinated convensional learning in the class and learning by computer (computer asssited learning) in the computer laboratory. The research subject consisted of 2007 and 2008 academic year student of Mathematics Education Study Program in UIN Bandung. This research used some instrument consisted : 1)  questionnaire of student response, 2) observation sheet, and 3)  student achievement test. Based the data analysis was concluded that : (1) current lecture of Education Research Statistic is conventional method, use speech  method more dominate, implementated lecture more in the classes, student can less opportunity for data processing through statistic software (SPSS) , 2) have produce  prototype of design and computer assited learning equipment, 3) the management of lecturer competency in computer assited learning is good, 4) the mayority of student give response very like to the implementation of design and teaching-learning equipment, 5) the lecture quality with assited computer is good that showed to student achievement and  the level of student statistic compute skill,  based indicator formula in the classical the all of student are completely, while the level of student statistic compute skill is good that showed from the various of  their activities in operation of statistic software (SPSS) for analysis of statistic data. Key word :  Teaching –Learning Design and Teaching-Learning Equipment   Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas perkuliahan Statistik Penelitian Pendidikan di lingkungan Prodi  Pendidikan Matematika UIN Bandung. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan desain dan perangkat pembelajaran yang berbantuan komputer. Perangkat yang dikembangkan meliputi Satuan Acara Perkuliahan, Buku Ajar yang dilengkapi dengan  panduan praktikum, sedangkan desain pembelajaran yang diterapkan mengimplementasikan perangkat tersebut dengan mengkombinasikan tatap muka di ruang kelas dan di laboratorium komputer.  Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Matematika UIN Bandung angkatan 2007 dan 2008. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari : 1) angket respon mahasiswa, 2) lembar observasi dan 3) tes hasil belajar mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, maka diperoleh kesimpulan : (1) perkuliahan Statistik Penelitian Pendidikan yang selama ini berlangsung masih bersifat konvensional, penggunaan metode ceramah lebih mendominasi, perkuliahan lebih banyak dilakukan di ruang-ruang kelas, mahasiswa kurang mendapat kesempatan untuk mengolah data statisttik melalui software SPSS, (2) dihasilkan prototipe desain dan perangkat pembelajaran berbantuan komputer (3) kemampuan dosen dalam mengelola pembelajaran berbantuan komputer dikategorikan baik, (4) sebagian besar mahasiswa memberikan respon sangat senang terhadap desain dan perangkat pembelajaran yang diterapkan, (5) kualitas perkuliahan berbantuan komputer tergolong baik, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil belajar dan tingkat keterampilan komputasi statistik mahasiswa, secara klasikal indikator yang dirumuskan semuanya tuntas, sedangkan tingkat keterampilan komputasi statistik mahasiswa adalah baik, hal ini ditunjukkan dari berbagai aktivitasnya dalam mengoperasikan program SPSS untuk menganalisis data statistik. Kata kunci : Desain  Pembelajaran dan Perangkat Pembelajaran &nbsp

    Implementation Of Project Based Learning As An Effort To Improve Student’s Strategic Competence And Productive Dispotition

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    Analysis of the Application of the Mini Story Theater Learning Model (TMK), Story Poster Making (PPK), and Lectures (CPM) in Islamic Religious Education Learning

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    This study aims to analyze the application of the Mini Story Theater (TMK) learning model, Making Story Posters (PPK), and Lectures (CPM) in learning Islamic Religious Education. This study uses a quantitative approach with quasi-experimental methods. The research population consisted of all 92 students in class VII junior high school, with a sample of three classes randomly selected using the cluster random sampling technique, class VII A as the experimental group 1 with the treatment of the Theater Mini Story or TMK learning model; class VII B as the experimental group 2 was treated with the learning model Making Story Posters or PPK; and class VII C as the control group was given the learning model of Lecture Delivery of Materials or CPM. The research instruments used were questionnaires and interviews. The research data were analyzed using the analysis of variance technique (ANOVA) one-line testing of more than two samples using SPSS 26. The results revealed that there were no differences in students' understanding of the Acts of the Prophets and Apostles (KNR) in PAI subjects between students using the learning model Story Mini Theater (TMK), Story Poster Making (PPK), and Lectures (CPM)
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