43 research outputs found

    Peranan Etnik Dan daya Tarik Wajah Terdakwa Terhadap Putusan Hukuman A Study on the Role of Defendant\u27s Ethnicity and Defendant\u27s Attractiveness in Judicial Sentences.

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    Lately judicial sentences in criminal cases have drawn sharp public attention, because of assumed great disparities. There exists interaction between the defendant, the witnesses, the judges, the prosecutor, the lawyers and the public in court. This study is intended to discover whether there is a relation among the attractiveness of defendant, his ethnicity, and the. judge\u27s sentence.Subjects of this experiment were 44 male law students of Gadjah Mada University. They were assigned randomly to one of four conditions based on 2X2 factorial design. The first independent variable was ethnicity (Chinese versus Indonesian) and the second independent variable was attractiveness (attractive versus unattractive). The data was analysed with a two way anova.Results of the study showed: (1) There was no difference between the judicial sentences in cases of defendants with (fictive) attractive faces and those with (fictive) unattractive faces, (2) There was no difference in the judicial sentences (fictive) Chinesse defendants and those of (fictive) Indonesian ones. Key words: defendant\u27s ethnicity and defendant\u27s attractiveness â judicial sentence

    Peran Lapas dan Lapasustik Pada Residivis Narkoba Pengguna

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    Prisons and Drug Abuse Correctional Centre (DACC) play a significant role in recidivism. This study aims to understand the role of prisons and DACC in drug user recidivists, the implementation of Law no. 12 of 1995 concerning correctional facilities, and the law. No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics to find out how the process of guidance in prisons and DACC for drug user recidivists, and to find out the effectiveness of coaching in both prisons. This qualitative research uses a case study approach. The data collection method used interviews with 8 subjects and observations on the subject and prison conditions. The data analysis method combines the analysis stages of Morse and Miles and Huberman. Purposive sampling technique was used, with the criteria of the research subjects: drug user recidivists; have experienced convictions in prisons and DACC; of legal age; case of article 127 of Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics or article 36 of Law No. 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics and in conjunction with other articles; BI and BIIa classification; the level of drug use is not addiction. The results showed that these two laws have not been fully implemented in prisons and DACC. This is evidenced by the different treatment of prison officers, while the treatment of DACC officers is the same and more humane to DACC so that it has an impact on recidivism. In both, there is personality development and independence but still emphasizes religious development. Medical and social rehabilitation is perceived as ineffective. The two correctional institutions do not raise self-contempt but do raise a cognitive bias. Prison and DACC are different environments that play an important role in becoming drug user recidivists, but DACC is an environment that is more conducive to achieve the correctional goals for drug user recidivists   Lapas maupun lapasustik berperan pada residivisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami peran lapas dan lapasustik pada residivis narkoba pengguna, implementasi UU No. 12 Tahun 1995 tentang pemasyarakatan dan UU. No. 35 Tahun 2009 tentang narkotika, khususnya untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pembinaan di lapas maupun lapasustik pada residivis narkoba pengguna, dan mengetahui efektivitas pembinaan pada kedua tempat tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara pada 8 subjek serta observasi pada subjek dan kondisi lapas. Metode analisis data mengkombinasi tahapan analisis Morse serta Miles dan Huberman. Teknik purposive sampling digunakan, dengan kriteria subjek penelitian: residivis narkoba pengguna; pernah mengalami pemidanaan di lapas maupun lapasustik; berusia dewasa secara hukum; kasus pasal 127 UU No. 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika atau pasal 36 UU No 5 Tahun 1997 tentang Psikotropika maupun juncto pasal lainnya; klasifikasi BI dan BIIa; tingkat penggunaan narkoba belum adiksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua undang-undang tersebut belum terimplementasi sepenuhnya pada lapas maupun lapasustik. Dibuktikan dari perlakuan petugas lapas yang berbeda, sementara perlakuan petugas lapasustik sama dan lebih humanis, sehingga berdampak pada residivisme. Pada keduanya terdapat pembinaan kepribadian maupun kemandirian, namun masih menekankan pembinaan keagamaan. Rehabilitasi medis dan sosial dipersepsikan belum efektif. Kedua lapas tidak memunculkan self contempt, namun memunculkan bias kognitif. Lapas maupun lapasustik menjadi lingkungan yang berperan penting secara berbeda untuk menjadi residivis narkoba pengguna, namun lapasustik merupakan lingkungan yang lebih kondusif dalam mencapai tujuan pemasyarakatan bagi residivis narkoba pengguna

    Alcohol Expectancies dan Perilaku Mengonsumsi Alkohol pada Remaja di Surabaya

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    Abstract — This study aims to find the role of alcohol expectancies among adolesecents on their drinking behavior. This study was conducted to 360 adolescents in Surabaya who consumed alcohol at least once in the past year, with age range were 15-24 years old. Data on this study is being collected using online questionnaire. Comprehensive Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire (CAEQ) was used to asses alcohol expectancies. Drinking behavior was assessed by Alcohol Use Disoder Identification Test (AUDIT-C). Data analysis was done using non-parametric analysis : Spearman Rank Order Correlation. The results shows that there are significant correlation between alcohol expectancies and drinking behavior (r=0.250; p=0.000). Furthermore, this study finds significant association between alcohol expectancy aspects and drinking behavior. (1) Social assertiveness and positive affect (r=0.281; p=0.000), (2) Tension reduction (r=0.241; p=0.000) and (3) Sexual Enhancement (r=0.238; p=0.000). This findings explain that social influence, belief that alcohol can be used as a coping to individual stressor and can increase sexual arousal are influencing individual drinking behavior.Keywords: Adolescents, Alcohol Consumption, Alcohol Expectancies Abstrak— Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara alcohol expectancy dengan perilaku mengonsumsi alkohol pada remaja. Penelitian dilakukan pada 360 remaja dengan rentang usia 15-24 tahun, pernah mengonsumsi alkohol setidaknya 1x dalam satu tahun terakhir, dan berdomisili di Surabaya. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner online. Variabel Alcohol Expectancy diukur menggunakan skala CAEQ (Comprehensive Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire) dan perilaku mengonsumsi alkohol diukur menggunakan skala AUDIT-C (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test). Hipotesis penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik nonparametrik yaitu Spearman Rank Order Correlation. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara alcohol expectancy dengan perilaku mengonsumsi alkohol (r=0.250;p=0.000). Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan adanya korelasi antara aspek dalam alcohol expectancy dengan perilaku mengonsumsi alkohol, yaitu aspek 1) Social Assertiveness and Positive Affect (r=0.281;p=0.00), 2) Tension Reduction (r=0.241;p=0.00) dan 3) Sexual Enhancement (r=0.238;p=0.00). Asosiasi ini menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan sosial, harapan bahwa alkohol dapat menjadi coping terhadap stressor dan alkohol dapat meningkatkan gairah seksual, cenderung memengaruhi perilaku mengonsumsi alkohol.Kata kunci: Ekspetansi alkohol, Konsumsi Alkohol, Remaj

    An Equal Match: Simultaneous vs. Sequential Methods in Face Testimony Accuracy: [Setara: Metode Simultaneous vs. Sequential Dalam Keakuratan Kesaksian Wajah]

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    The number of crimes in Indonesia has increased since 2014. In each crime, there are usually witnesses who testify. Witnesses are important in every process, starting from investigation, prosecution, and trial. There are two methods commonly used in the process of identifying facial testimony, namely the simultaneous method and the sequential method. This study is a quantitative experimental research study that aims to determine differences in the accuracy of testimonies using the simultaneous and sequential methods, with undergraduate students as participants. The results of the cross-tabulation of the accuracy of testimony using the simultaneous and sequential methods (p = .335; p > .05) showed that the accuracy of the testimony was not affected. Correlation tests were also performed on the accuracy of testimony and confidence using the biserial point correlation test. Correlation test results (r = .051; p > .05) show that eyewitness’ confidence is not related to the accuracy of testimony.   Jumlah tindak kejahatan di Indonesia meningkat sejak tahun 2014. Pada tiap tindak kejahatan biasanya terdapat saksi yang memberikan kesaksian. Saksi adalah penting dalam setiap proses, mulai dari penyidikan, penuntutan, dan pengadilan. Terdapat dua metode yang umum digunakan saat proses identifikasi kesaksian wajah, yaitu metode simultaneous dan metode sequential. Studi ini merupakan studi penelitian kuantitatif eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan keakuratan kesaksian dengan metode simultaneous dan metode sequential, dengan partisipan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi program sarjana. Hasil tabulasi silang keakuratan kesaksian dengan metode simultaneous dan metode sequential (p = 0,335; p > 0,05) menunjukkan bahwa keakuratan kesaksian tidak dipengaruhi oleh kedua metode. Uji korelasi juga dilakukan terhadap keakuratan kesaksian dan keyakinan diri menggunakan uji korelasi poin biserial. Hasil uji korelasi (r = 0,051; p > 0,05) menunjukkan bahwa keyakinan diri saksi mata tidak terkait dengan keakuratan kesaksian

    Perilaku Pembunuhan Berencana Ditinjau dari Pendekatan Behavioristik

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    This study aims to find out how the premeditated murder behavior are occured. The study aims to reveal how participants lived in childhood, experiences in teenagers, and the lives of participant after became an army soldier. The research used qualitative approach with life history method. Data collected using structured interview method consisting of 1 core participant. The result of data analysis shows that during his childhood, participant did not have an emotional attachment with his parents. In adolesence, participant was involved in a peer group who brings him to substance abuse and manipulative behavior. As an army soldier, participant observed a model of violence which aggravates his way to criminal behavior. This lifepath is conditioning for participant to use violence as a way to reach his goals. Keywords: premeditated murder, violence, conditioning, criminal behavio

    Prejudice and the Child in Conflict with the Law: The Role of the Authoritarian Personality

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    The purpose of this research was to explore the relationships between authoritarian personality and prejudice toward juvenile offender. The participant selection using purposive sampling with participant’s criterian was middle adulthood who lived in Mojongapit Indah Jombang (n = 66). Those location was selected with the consideration that it is located in the same area as the Rumah Hati shelter, a mentoring house for juvenile offender. Data then collected using authoritarian personality and prejudice toward juvenile offender questionnaires designed by researchers based on Altemeyers right-wing authoritarian theory and prejudice by Myers. The results of analysis using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation indicate that there is a relationship between authoritarian personality and prejudice towards Juvenile Offender (r = 0.421; 0.000; p <0.05). These results indicate that the higher the authoritarian personality possessed by participants, the higher the prejudice that participants have towards Juvenile Offender. Therefore, reducing the level of authoritarian personality needs to be done so that prejudice against Juvenile Offender also decreases. This can be done by reducing the use of strict rules by parents or to teach that the world is a dangerous place. Thus, can higher the authoritarian personality within the child and create hostility or rejection to those who are different from him. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara kepribadian otoritarian dengan prasangka terhadap Anak Berkonflik dengan Hukum (ABH). Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria subjek, yakni laki-laki dan perempuan yang termasuk dalam dewasa madya, yakni berusia 40 – 65 tahun (n = 66) dan bertempat tinggal di Perumahan Mojongapit Indah Jombang. Hal ini dikarenakan daerah tersebut berlokasi sama dengan shelter Rumah Hati yang merupakan rumah pendampingan bagi ABH.  Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner kepribadian otoritarian dan prasangka terhadap ABH yang dirancang oleh peneliti berdasarkan teori right-wing authoritarian Altemeyer dan teori prasangka oleh Myers. Hasil analisis menggunakan Pearson Product-Moment Correlation menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kepribadian otoritarian dengan prasangka terhadap ABH (r = 0.421; 0.000; p < 0.05). Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi kepribadian otoritarian yang dimiliki oleh subjek, maka semakin tinggi pula prasangka terhadap ABH. Oleh karena itu, menurunkan tingkat kepribadian otoritarian perlu dilakukan agar prasangka terhadap ABH juga mengalami penurunan. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh para orangtua dengan tidak menerapkan pola asuh yang kaku dalam penerapan aturan maupun menanamkan kepercayaan bahwa dunia adalah tempat berbahaya. Jika kepribadian otoritarian tinggi maka akan muncul sikap permusuhan atau penolakan kepada mereka yang berbeda dengan dirinya

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Self-Compassion Terhadap Kontrol Diri Anak yang Berkonflik Dengan Hukum

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self-compassion training on self control in students at Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Kelas I Blitar. The research method used in this study is a combined method (mix method) between quantitative and also qualitative. The research participants were two people aged 15 years and 17 years with cases of violence and murder at the Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Kelas I Blitar. Data collection is done by interviewing, observing, and also self-report through filling in the self-control scale and self-compassion scale. This study uses the experimental design of single case experiment design. Quantitative data analysis in this study uses trend analysis. Analysis of qualitative data is carried out in several stages such as data reduction, presentation, data, and verification. The results of data analysis showed that self-compassion training had different effects on both participants. Self-compassion training can improve self control in one participant. The implication of this study is that forensic psychologists should provide self-compassion training with a longer duration for students at Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Kelas I Blitar. In addition, forensic psychologists should combine self-compassion training with other interventions according to the characteristics of participants. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan self-compassion terhadap kontrol diri pada anak didik di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Kelas I Blitar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode gabungan (mix method) antara kuantitatif dan juga kualitatif. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah dua orang yang berusia 15 tahun dan 17 tahun dengan kasus kekerasan dan pembunuhan di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Kelas I Blitar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan juga self-report melalui pengisian skala kontrol diri dan skala self-compassion. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen single case experiment design. Analisis data kuantitatif dalam penelitian ini menggunakan trend analysis. Analisis data kualitatif dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan seperti reduksi data, penyajian, data, dan verifikasi. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan self-compassion memiliki pengaruh yang berbeda pada kedua partisipan. Pelatihan self-compassion mampu meningkatkan kontrol diri pada salah satu partisipan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu psikolog forensik sebaiknya memberikan pelatihan self-compassion dengan durasi waktu yang lebih lama untuk anak didik di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Kelas I Blitar. Selain itu, psikolog forensik sebaiknya mengkombinasikan pelatihan self-compassion dengan intervensi lain sesuai dengan karakteristik partisipan

    “Oh my phone, I can’t live without you”: a phenomenological study of nomophobia among college students

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    Purpose – Previous studies have identified concerns and anxiety in individuals who are without their mobile phones, which is known as nomophobia, an acronym for “no mobile phone phobia.” However, there is currently limited evidence of qualitative research that explores nomophobia. The purpose of this study is to explore personal experiences and individual meanings associated with mobile phone use and nomophobia. Design/methodology/approach – To address this gap, the present study employed a Heideggerian phenomenological approach to investigate the issue. Ten college students, who have medium to high nomophobia were selected as respondents. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data, which were then transcribed verbatim and analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Findings – A deep understanding of the psychological dynamics, experiences, meanings, perceptions and beliefs of individuals regarding smartphone use can only be explored through a qualitative approach that presents personal statements of individuals through in-depth semi-structured interviews. This study contributes to a deep understanding of the psychological dynamic of nomophobia. Research limitations/implications – This study has limitations that must be carefully considered. First, the respondents came from a university with a sample size of 10 people, which may not fully represent the phenomenon of nomophobia among students due to differences in cultural and academic backgrounds. However, we addressed this limitation by selecting only students who scored moderate to high levels of nomophobia. Second, the researchers acknowledge that the sample used in the study may not be fully representative of the broader target population or a larger group, as previously mentioned. Therefore, generalizing the findings of this research must be done carefully, being cautious and thoughtful to avoid hasty conclusions. Practical implications – In the functional context, it is recommended for individuals to be more mindful of their smartphone usage and strive to strike a balance between utilizing their device’s capabilities for productive purposes and avoiding excessive dependency that may lead to distractions or information overload. This includes limiting excessive smartphone usage for entertainment purposes, restricting aimless and irrelevant Internet browsing and implementing effective time management when using smartphones. For smartphone users from the ontological context, the advice is to critically evaluate their digital presence and ensure that their online activities align with their true values and self-perception, promoting responsible and ethical smartphone use. Engaging in fasting or break sessions by completely turning off the smartphone at specific times and utilizing that time for activities such as reading books, writing and engaging in spiritual practices, or exercising is also advisable. In the anthropomorphic context, individuals are advised to reflect on the potential emotional dependence on their smartphones and consider establishing healthy boundaries to avoid excessive reliance on these devices to fulfill emotional needs. One practical recommendation is to engage in self-reflection, where individuals take some time to ponder their smartphone usage patterns and emotional attachment to the device. They should ask themselves why they feel the need to constantly check their phone and how it impacts their emotions and overall well-being. Originality/value – A deep understanding of the psychological dynamics, experiences, meanings, perceptions and beliefs of individuals regarding smartphone use can only be explored through a qualitative approach that presents personal statements of individuals through in-depth interviews. This study contributes to a deep understanding of the psychological dynamic of nomophobi

    Penyusunan Alat Ukur Perkembangan Bahasa Reseptif Anak Usia 8-36 Bulan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun alat ukur perkembangan bahasa reseptif pada anak usia 8-3h bulanDalampenyusunannya peneliti mengacu pada beberapa teori perkembangan bahasa antara lain berdasarkan Owens (1996). Bowen(1998),Child Development Institute (1998), American Academy of Pediatrics (2000), Oesterrich(2004), Arnold Palmer Hospital & Howard Phillips Center (2008), dan William (2008). Perkembangan bahasa reseptif adalah kemampuan untuk memahami kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh lawan bicara dan anak dapat menanggapinya dengan tepat. Subjek yang digunakan adalah anak usia 8-36 bulan (N=112) untuk tahap survei awal dan (N=95) untuk tahap uji coba. Nilai reliabilitas alat ukur ini berkisar antara r.= -0,222 sampai dengan 0,682. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur yang disusun dapat digunakan sebagai alat penyaring dalam membedakan antara perkembangan bahasa reseptif yang normal dengan yang menyimpang atau terlambat