47 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the implementation of the halal assurance system for mininori products at cv panda food, special region of yogyakarta

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    Halal is one of the essential requirements for seasonal consumers in consuming food products. CV Panda Food is one of the snack manufacturers that requires a halal certification for products to be distributed. This observation aims to determine whether the raw materials used have received a halal certificate and to analyze the suitability of the Halal Assurance System (SJH) application based on the HAS 23000 standard. The methods used in data collection are observation, interviews, direct practice, documentation, and literature study. The evaluation was carried out by checklist analysis and adjusted to 11 HAS 23000 LPPOM MUI requirements. The results are that all raw materials have received Halal approval from the MUI. After conducting a suitability analysis of the CV Panda Food Halal Assurance System implementation, there are still deficiencies; the requirement that must be corrected first are written procedures for critical activities, training, halal management team, and halal policies

    Pengaruh Proses Pengolahan dan Penyangraian Biji Terhadap Aktivitas dan Kandungan Senyawa Antioksidan Sari Kedelai Hitam Mallika (Glycine max)

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    Black soybean roasting at certain temperature and period was reportedly able to increase its antioxidant activity. This research aimed to evaluate black soybean antioxidant properties after processed into soybean milk. After roasting at 200oC for 30 minutes, roasted and non-roasted black soybean were water-soaked for 12 hours. Soaked beans from both treatments were divided into two parts. First part was steamed for 30 minutes then ground with room temperature water. The second was not steamed but ground with 80oC water addition. After filtration, soybean milk was subjected to antioxidant activity, total phenolics, total flavonoids, and anthocyanin content analyses. Steamed-roasted soybeans milk had the highest antioxidant activity of 43.608%, but it contained significantly lower phenolics, flavonoids, and anthocyanin than non-roasted beans. Total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and anthocyanin content of roasted beans were 37.99 – 33.8%, 15%, 16.57 – 27.53% lower than those of non-roasted beans, compared in steamed and hot-water added milk. Generally, milk from non-steamed and hot water added beans had higher total phenolics and flavonoids than those from steamed beans, while anthocyanin content remained higher in steamed soybean milk. The results suggested that there was other compounds which responsible on roasted beans antioxidant activity, other than phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and anthocyanin. Comparison of soybean milk processing method indicated than steaming was able to preserve non-phenolics and non-flavonoid antioxidative compounds generated during roasting, whereas 80oC water addition without steaming might optimize phenolics and flavonoids compound extraction


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    Kulit biji kakao merupakan hasil samping pengolahan kakao dengan pemanfaatan dan nilai ekonomis yang rendah, padahal memiliki kadar serat yang tinggi. Kulit biji kakao yang sudah mengalami alkalisasi dan rasa masam yang berkurang berpotensi ditambahkan ke dalam produk pangan padat seperti cookies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisikokimia dan sensoris cookies mocaf dengan penambahan bubuk kulit biji kakao hasil alkalisasi. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pada empat formulasi dengan perbandingan tepung mocaf : bubuk kulit biji kakao sebesar 80:20 (F0), 80:20 (F1), 75:25 (F2), 70:30 (F3). Pengujian pada cookies meliputi sifat fisik warna menggunakan chromameter, sifat kimiawi meliputi kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, protein total, karbohidrat, dan serat kasar, serta uji hedonic pada parameter rasa, aroma, warna, tekstur. Data diolah menggunakan One Way Anova dan uji Duncan pada tingkat signifikansi 0,05%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cookies mocaf kulit biji kakao hasil alkalisasi mengandung kadar air antara 1,02% - 2,32%, kadar abu antara 2,11% - 3,04%, kadar lemak antara 23,75% - 24,62%, protein total antara 4,77% - 5,19%, karbohidrat by difference antara 65,32% - 67,16%, serat kasar antara 5,50% - 6,73%. Hasil pengujian sifat fisik cookies mocaf pada uji warna diperoleh tingkat kecerahan berkisar antara 27,40% - 33,61%. Hasil pengujian sensoris secara umum panelis menyukai perbandingan mocaf : bubuk kulit biji kakao 70:30 beraroma coklat kuat, cookies berwarna coklat tua, dan tekstur yang renyah, sedangkan pada aspek rasa panelis lebih menyukai cookies dengan perbandingan 80:20

    Pengaruh Proses Pengolahan dan Penyangraian Biji Terhadap Aktivitas dan Kandungan Senyawa Antioksidan Sari Kedelai Hitam Mallika (Glycine Max)

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    Black soybean roasting at certain temperature and period was reportedly able to increase its antioxidant activity. This research aimed to evaluate black soybean antioxidant properties after processed into soybean milk. After roasting at 200oC for 30 minutes, roasted and non-roasted black soybean were water-soaked for 12 hours. Soaked beans from both treatments were divided into two parts. First part was steamed for 30 minutes then ground with room temperature water. The second was not steamed but ground with 80oC water addition. After filtration, soybean milk was subjected to antioxidant activity, total phenolics, total flavonoids, and anthocyanin content analyses. Steamed-roasted soybeans milk had the highest antioxidant activity of 43.608%, but it contained significantly lower phenolics, flavonoids, and anthocyanin than non-roasted beans. Total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and anthocyanin content of roasted beans were 37.99 – 33.8%, 15%, 16.57 – 27.53% lower than those of non-roasted beans, compared in steamed and hot-water added milk. Generally, milk from non-steamed and hot water added beans had higher total phenolics and flavonoids than those from steamed beans, while anthocyanin content remained higher in steamed soybean milk. The results suggested that there was other compounds which responsible on roasted beans antioxidant activity, other than phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and anthocyanin. Comparison of soybean milk processing method indicated than steaming was able to preserve non-phenolics and non-flavonoid antioxidative compounds generated during roasting, whereas 80oC water addition without steaming might optimize phenolics and flavonoids compound extraction

    Evaluasi Proses Produksi Kecap Manis Berdasarkan Analisis Bahaya dan Analisis CPPB pada Pabrik Kecap X

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    Proses pembuatan kecap pada Pabrik Kecap X masih menggunakan cara semi-tradisional yakni sebagian masih menggunakan tenaga manusia dan lainnya sudah menggunakan mesin (untuk pengemasannya). Oleh karena itu bahaya atau ancaman dapat ditemukan pada proses produksi kecap manis. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisi bahaya menggunakan metode HACCP pada  proses produksi. Hasilnya dalam proses produksi yang merupakan titik kritis yaitu formulasi, perebusan kacang kedelai hitam, fermentasi koji, fermentasi moromi, dan proses packing produk

    Evaluation of the implementation of good manufacturing practices (gmp) in cv panda food, a special region of yogyakarta

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    CV Panda Food is a company engaged in the snack food industry in the form of nori (seaweed) which Mr. Stenly Hendi Avanda founded in 2012. There are several products and various flavors offered by CV Panda Food, such as Mininori Seasoned Chicken and Roast Beef, Panda Seaweed Original Flavor, Spicy Flavor, and Barbeque Flavor. To keep the food free of potential biological, chemical, and other pollutants that could harm, interfere with, or otherwise put human health in jeopardy so that it is safe to consume, CV Panda Food needs to be evaluated on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Mininori production, which refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia Number 75/M-IND/PER/2010, consists of location, buildings, facilities and sanitation, machinery and equipment, materials, process control, final products, laboratories, workers, packaging, labels and product description, storage, maintenance and sanitation programs, transportation, documentation and recording, training, product recall and program implementation. The purpose of implementing the Practical Work is to implement GMP at CV Panda Food concerning the Regulation of the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 75/M-IND/PER/7/2010 and the obstacles found in CV Panda Food in implementing GMP in Miniori production. The methods used in data collection are observation, interviews, direct practice, documentation, and literature study. The results are that CV Panda Food has not fully implemented the GMP Regulation of the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 75/M-IND/PER/7/2010. There are 83.07% appropriate, and 16.93% non-conformance from 18 aspects due to human factors, materials, environment, and methods, namely doors, ventilation, and windows not equipped with screens, not having a laboratory, walls, and floors form elbows so that the production environment is challenging to clean, there is no pest prevention, lack of dryers or tissue and lack of firm action on GMP violators, lack of awareness in the implementation of sanitation, and there is still garbage that accumulates in the production room due to lack of monitoring from the head production that pollutes the environment


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    Lampung is one of main cassava producer in Indonesia. One of its popular products is cassava chips, produced by many small enterprises with manual draining, product handling, and packaging. The purpose of this study was to analyze the evaluation of the handling cassava chips final product and to evaluate the packaging process of cassava chips based on package material used in Cassava Chip “Ojo Lali” East Lampung. Evaluation was conducted through direct observation on processing, packaging, and quantification of drained cooking oil. The result of this study showed that final product handling of cassava was not optimal indicated by low drained oil. Cassava chips were packed manually in polypropylene plastic by employees whom some of them were not careful, causing defect on most of the chips. Utilization of stapler to seal the packages need to be replaced for its potential hazard for consumers


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    Sari tempe kedelai hitam (STKH) dengan jahe merah merupakan produk olahan dari tempe kedelai hitam. Penambahan kulit biji kedelai pada saat fermentasi dan jahe merah pada pembuatan sari dilakukan untuk meningkatkan sifat fungsionalnya. Penelitian tahap awal ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik fisikokimia dan sensoris sari tempe kedelai hitam dengan tambahan jahe merah pada variasi persentase penambahan kulit biji kedelai hitam dalam proses fermentasi tempe. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga variasi sampel, yaitu tempe dengan tambahan kulit biji 100%, 50%, dan 0%. Pengujian meliputi analisis proksimat, protein terlarut, total padatan terlarut (TPT), pH, viskositas, warna, dan pengujian sensoris hedonik pada parameter warna, rasa, aroma, aftertaste, dan keseluruhan. Sari tempe kedelai hitam mengandung kadar air 93,3–91,39%, kadar abu 0,29–0,27%, protein 1,72–1,17%, lemak 1,33–0,80%, dan karbohidrat by difference 3,29–6,37%, protein terlarut 1,33–11,61%, viskositas sari tempe 0,003–0,002 Ns/m2, pH 7,05–6,68, total padatan terlarut 5,79–6,80%. Penambahan kulit biji dalam tahap fermentasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar protein terlarut, TPT, dan warna sari tempe kedelai hitam jahe merah. Secara umum panelis menyukai sari tempe berwarna lebih terang tanpa penambahan kulit biji, sedangkan sampel dengan kulit biji 100% lebih disukai pada parameter aroma, rasa, aftertaste, dan keseluruhan

    Evaluation and Improvement of Chocolate Bar Production at CV. XYZ Factory

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    CV. XYZ is a chocolate bar industry in Yogyakarta. The Village community carries out the industry. It creates cocoa product innovation from upstream to downstream products. This research contributes to evaluating the chocolate tempering to determine the fat content of the chocolate bar obtained. The proper tempering techniques and defect evaluation are conducted to determine the reasons for defects in chocolate bars. Good chocolate characteristics consist of the chocolate bar, such as being quickly released from the cast/not sticky, obtaining a glossy/glossy surface on the chocolate bar, being hard and crunchy when broken, and being resistant to melt at room temperature. The standard for the tempering process is set by CV. XYZ produces chocolate bars from the tempering process to produce chocolate bars with shiny/glossy look and crunchy