9 research outputs found


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    Many people ignore the part of the banana stem, even though the banana stem also has various benefits. One of the uses in utilizing banana stems is to use banana stems as a container instead of polybags for planting media. This study aims to see banana stems as a suitable planting medium for plant growth and yield. In community service, socialization was carried out in Pulau Godang Kari Village to implement community service programs by involving the local village community. This study used 2 factors, namely banana stem factors and planting media factors, namely soil fermentation, manure, compost, and rice husks. The results of this study indicate fertility in plants, due to the nutrients contained in the banana stem


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    Libraries, museums and archives hold valuable collections in a variety of media, presenting a vast body of knowledge rooted in the history of human civilisation. These form the repository of the wisdom of great works by thinkers of past and the present. The holdings of these institutions are priceless heritage of the mankind as they preserve documents, ideas, and the oral and written records. To value the cultural heritage and to care for it as a treasure bequeathed to us by our ancestors is the major responsibility of libraries. The past records constitute a natural resource and are indispensable to the present generation as well as to the generations to come. Libraries preserve the documentary heritage resources for which they are primarily responsible. Any loss of such materials is simply irreplaceable. Therefore, preserving this intellectual, cultural heritage becomes not only the academic commitment but also the moral responsibility of the librarians/information scientists, who are in charge of these repositories. The high quality of the papers and the discussion represent the thinking and experience of experts in their particular fields. The contributed papers also relate to the methodology used in libraries in Asia to provide access to manuscripts and cultural heritage. The volume discusses best practices in Knowledge preservation and how to collaborate and preserve the culture. The book also deals with manuscript and archives issues in the digital era. The approach of this book is concise, comprehensively, covering all major aspects of preservation and conservation through libraries. The readership of the book is not just limited to library and information science professionals, but also for those involved in conservation, preservation, restoration or other related disciplines. The book will be useful for librarians, archivists and conservators. We thank the Sunan Kalijaga University, Special Libraries Association- Asian Chapter for their trust and their constant support, all the contributors for their submissions, the members of the Local and International Committee for their reviewing effort for making this publication possible

    Quantity of Coliform Bacteria as Bioindicator of Water Pollution (Case Study: Several Tributaries in Purwokerto City, Banyumas Regency, Central Java)

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    The city of Purwokerto is crossed by several large rivers, this research examines several tributaries of a large river. Some tributaries that pass through the city of Purwokerto are the Raden River, the Caban River, the Jurig River and the Luhur River. Tributaries have the potential to influence water quality. This study aimed to analyze the quantity of coliform bacteria as an indicator of water pollution in several tributaries in Purwokerto City, Banyumas Regency. Microbiological tests were carried out by calculating the total coliform quantity and fecal coliform using the Most Probable Number (MPN) test. Total coliform and fecal coliform can be used as a reference indicator of water quality in the presence of water pollution. The laboratory test results for the quantity of coliform bacteria showed in several tributaries in Purwokerto City, Banyumas Regency, very high in total coliform or fecal coliform, exceeding the water quality standard

    Pengaruh Ketebalan Irisan dan Suhu Penggorengan terhadap Karakteristik Fisik Keripik Bit (Beta Vulgaris L.) Hasil Penggorengan Vakum

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    Bit (Beta Vulgaris L.) merupakan salah satu buah yang rentan mengalami penurunan mutu, namun berpotensi untuk diolah menjadi keripik menggunakan mesin vacuum frying. Pada penelitian ini terdapat faktor penting, yaitu perlakuan ketebalan irisan dan suhu penggorengan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan ketebalan irisan dan suhu penggorengan terhadap perubahan karakteristik fisik keripik bit hasil penggorengan vakum, serta mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan terbaik ketika dibandingkan dengan produk komersil. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Percobaan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor yang disusun secara faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah perlakuan irisan yang terdiri dari 3 variasi ketebalan irisan yaitu 3 mm, 4 mm, dan 5 mm. Faktor kedua adalah suhu yang terdiri dari 3 variasi suhu penggorengan, yaitu 70 oC, 75 oC, dan 80 oC. Pengujian sampel dilakukan berdasarkan parameter rendemen, kadar air, tektur, warna, dan uji organoleptik. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa ketebalan irisan memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air dan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap tekstur keripik, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap rendemen, kecerahan (L), kemerahan (a), dan kekuningan (b) keripik. Suhu penggorengan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap tekstur keripik, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap rendemen, kadar air, kecerahan (L), kemerahan (a), dan kekuningan (b) keripik. Uji organoleptik panelis lebih menyukai keripik bit dengan ketebalan irisan 5 mm dan suhu penggorengan 80 oC dengan skor total sebesar 546, namun ketika keripik tersebut dibandingkan dengan keripik komersil berupa keripik ubi ungu sebagai kontrol, data hasil pengujian T-test menunjukkan bahwa keripik komersil tidak dapat dikatakan sebagai yang terbaik karena terbukti tidak ada perbedaan rata-rata dengan keripik eksperimental, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa keripik eksperimental sudah cukup bagus

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development

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    This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development (ICCEESD 2022) organized by the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on 7th-8th December 2022.  ICCEESD is a biannual forum for sharing, benchmarking, and discussing HEI’s activities in developing Education for Sustainable Development towards community engagement. Education for Sustainability as a teaching strategy for resolving community challenges through formal, informal, or non-formal education is expected to benefit from various community service best practices by academics, researchers, and students. The 3rd ICCEESD has “Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community Engagement” as its theme this year. It is expected that the 3rd ICCEESD will provide a forum for the presenters and participants to exchange best practices, policies, and conceptual implementation of Education for Sustainability towards better community engagement and explore ideas to address community needs.  Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable DevelopmentConference Theme: Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community EngagementConference Acronyms: ICCEESD 2022Conference Date: 7th-8th December 2022Conference Location: Grand Rohan Jogja Yogyakarta, IndonesiaConference Organizer: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesi

    Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan jalan Karang Menjangan nomor 20 Surabaya 05 Juni – 07 Juni 2018

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    Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan jalan Karang Menjangan nomor 20 Surabaya 05 Juni – 07 Juni 2018

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