29 research outputs found

    Risiko Pendidikan Ibu Terhadap Kejadian Stunting Pada Anak 6-23 Bulan

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    Malnutrition constributes to underlying cause of death of Indonesian underfives chilren. One of the consequences of malnutrition in long time period is growth failure that is stunting. Low education of mother is important risk factor for stunting. The aimed of study was to confirm wether maternal education for child stunting in Banjarbaru. Crossectional design was implied to and 51 children aged 6-23 months old were enrolled in study, which run for three months in the year 2013. Maternal education was calculated by year complete of schooling and stunting was by z-score of height for age. Statistical test for data analysis used chi-square test with 95% confidence interval (CI). Result showed that there a significant association (p<0.05) between maternal education and incidence of stunting in children 6-23 months of age. Mother with low education level had 5,1 fold risk to have child stunting. The study confirmed that maternal education had an important risk to child stunting aged 6-23 months old at least in the study site


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    Cafetaria in university must meet the nutritious and healthy snacks for students. The quality of healthy and nutritious food is influenced by hygienic, good sanitation and free-hazard contamination aspects on the canteen management. Poor sanitation and hygiene utensils and storage management can increase food contamination.This study aimed to determine the association of implementation of food and hygiene sanitation with the biological hazard on eating utensils. This study used cross-sectional design  and  was conducted in May 2017. The number of canteen sample were 9 canteen and 15 food handlers. The data were collected by microbiological quality checks on tableware and cookware which were often used by the food handlers in food management, observation sheet of sanitary conditions of eating utensils, and questionnaires to find out the implementation of food sanitation hygiene in the canteen. The analytical statistic method used Fisher test. The results study indicate the implementation of hygiene sanitation principle was not associated  with the existence of biological hazard of germs in  tableware (p = 0,538) and cookware (p = 0,476) variable. Knowledge and practice of food safety needs to be increased through training on food security and food sanitation hygiene among food handlers.


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    AbstractThis research was conducted on the eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak in academic year 2016/2017. The research was conducted to improve students’ speaking ability in giving arguments. The method of this research was classroom action research. The tools of data collecting were observation sheet and field note. This research was done in three cycles. The result of data analysis showed that the students’ speaking ability were improved. “I SOLVE” technique could reduce students’ pauses and hesitation, improved students’ appropriate use of words to express opinion, improved students’ correct use of present tense or future tense, and improved students’ interaction in argumentative speaking. Those improvements also supported by the students’ speaking ability rate. In the first cycle their average score was 45.4, 71.5 in the second cycle, and improved to 83.6 in the third cycle. Thus, it can be concluded that “I SOLVE” technique did improve students’ speaking ability in giving arguments. Teachers could use “I SOLVE” technique as an alternative technique in teaching speaking. However, they should manage the time carefully so that they will have enough time to evaluate and give feedback to the students’ speaking. Keywords: Students’ Speaking Ability, Argumentative Speaking, “I SOLVE” Technique

    Implementasi E-Kalender MP-ASI sebagai Sarana Alternatif Pencegahan Wasting pada Balita di Kelurahan Guntung Payung, Kota Banjarbaru

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    Wasting merupakan manifestasi dari kegagalan pertumbuhan akibat malnutrisi kronis yang diukur dengan berat badan untuk tinggi badan. Banjarbaru di tahun 2018, bahwa prevalensi kurus pada balita sebesar 9%, di mana Puskesmas Guntung Payung, Kecamatan Landasan-Ulin memiliki prevalensi balita kurus sebesar 10.3%, di atas prevalensi nasional. Tujuan program ini untuk mengoptimalkan asupan gizi balita melalui penerapan kalender MP-ASI elektronik sebagai alternatif pencegahan balita kurus di Guntung Payung. Metode pemberdayaan melalui penerapan kalender MP-ASI elektronik untuk 14 balita. Diawali dengan pengukuran status gizi (baseline) meliputi berat badan dan tinggi badan serta pemilihan menu pangan lokal ke dalam kalender MP-ASI elektronik sesuai usia balita dengan siklus menu 10 hari, selama 30 hari (3 kali pengulangan siklus). Dilanjutkan pelaksanaan program dan pemantauan status gizi setelah program. Hasil kegiatan ini ditandai dengan keberhasilan pelaksanaan program dan antusiasme komunikasi antara ibu dan balita di grup WhatsApp. Kesimpulan program bahwa terdapat peningkatan berat badan balita pada masa wasting setelah dilakukan pemantauan dan penerapan kalender MP-ASI lokal pada menu harian balita

    Creating a health promotion university through healthy canteen development in a private university

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    A healthy canteen is one of the supporting elements of healthy campus infrastructure. Leaders' policies, engagement, and support are essential for healthy campus initiation advocacy initiatives. This qualitative case study approach aims to determine the possibility of implementing a healthy canteen in a private university. The study was conducted in Yogyakarta from July 2017 until March 2018 with informants sequentially from five university leaders, one canteen manager, ten canteen consumers, and including 15 food handlers. We collected data through in-depth interviews and then analyzed it with content analysis. Finally, we use the SWOT matrix to investigate the possibility of developing a healthy canteen at private colleges using strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The obstacle to developing healthy canteens is the limited area for infrastructure. We found environmental health problems, such as unqualified sanitary conditions and unapplied food hygiene and sanitation principles. Healthy canteen could be developed if the leaders at all levels committed to allocating spaces and sanitation infrastructure, making policies and regulations for testing the food in laboratories, training and inspecting food handlers regularly and providing quality foodstuffs, clean and healthy nutritious food, and educating customers with posters on the canteen walls


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    Resiko terjadi cedera tidak hanya ada di lapangan, aktivitas fisik di lingkungan tempat wisata pun memiliki potensi terjadinya cedera yang sangat besar. Persepsi mengenai cedera perlu dipertimbangkan sebagai langkah awal antisipasi kejadian cedera akibat aktivitas fisik di tempat rekreasi. Mayoritas praktisi mungkin lupa bahwa peran instruktur khususnya di tempat wisata perlu dipelajari lebih mendalam karena masih jarang ada yang berani untuk menelusuri lebih lanjut. Observasi studi ini dilakukan kepada 18 instruktur melalui teknik pengambilan subjek dengan total sampling di Kampung Wisata Air Titik 0 Jawa Tengah. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua instruktur yang terlibat terbiasa melakukan aktivitas fisik 1-2 kali seminggu sebesar 88,89%, lebih besar dibandingkan instruktur yang terbiasa beraktivitas fisik 3-4 kali seminggu yang hanya sebesar 11,11%. Cedera di bagian kepala belum pernah dialami oleh seluruh instruktur, satu orang mengalami cedera pada bagian punggung (5,5%) dan tubuh bagian atas (5,5%), dan mayoritas instruktur mengalami cedera pada tubuh bagian bawah (88,89%). Kondisi tegang (38,89) dan memar (27,78%), retak (16,67%), berputar atau terkilir (5,56%) dialami oleh semua intruktur. Penyebab cedera terjadi mayoritas akibat jatuh (72,27%), kontak fisik (16,67%) dan beban berlebih (11,11%). Lebih dari 50% instruktur mengalami pengulangan cedera dan berhenti melakukan kegiatan kurang lebih sampai rentang 2 minggu. Terjadi penurunan waktu peregangan, meskipun semua instruktur tidak lupa untuk melakukan sebelum dan setelah aktivitas. Perlu adanya penerapan strategi pemulihan, meskipun instruktur beranggapan bahwa cedera tidak menurunkan kondisi kebugaran.Resiko terjadi cedera tidak hanya ada di lapangan, aktivitas fisik di lingkungan tempat wisata pun memiliki potensi terjadinya cedera yang sangat besar. Persepsi mengenai cedera perlu dipertimbangkan sebagai langkah awal antisipasi kejadian cedera akibat aktivitas fisik di tempat rekreasi. Mayoritas praktisi mungkin lupa bahwa peran instruktur khususnya di tempat wisata perlu dipelajari lebih mendalam karena masih jarang ada yang berani untuk menelusuri lebih lanjut. Observasi studi ini dilakukan kepada 18 instruktur melalui teknik pengambilan subjek dengan total sampling di Kampung Wisata Air Titik 0 Jawa Tengah. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua instruktur yang terlibat terbiasa melakukan aktivitas fisik 1-2 kali seminggu sebesar 88,89%, lebih besar dibandingkan instruktur yang terbiasa beraktivitas fisik 3-4 kali seminggu yang hanya sebesar 11,11%. Cedera di bagian kepala belum pernah dialami oleh seluruh instruktur, satu orang mengalami cedera pada bagian punggung (5,5%) dan tubuh bagian atas (5,5%), dan mayoritas instruktur mengalami cedera pada tubuh bagian bawah (88,89%). Kondisi tegang (38,89) dan memar (27,78%), retak (16,67%), berputar atau terkilir (5,56%) dialami oleh semua intruktur. Penyebab cedera terjadi mayoritas akibat jatuh (72,27%), kontak fisik (16,67%) dan beban berlebih (11,11%). Lebih dari 50% instruktur mengalami pengulangan cedera dan berhenti melakukan kegiatan kurang lebih sampai rentang 2 minggu. Terjadi penurunan waktu peregangan, meskipun semua instruktur tidak lupa untuk melakukan sebelum dan setelah aktivitas. Perlu adanya penerapan strategi pemulihan, meskipun instruktur beranggapan bahwa cedera tidak menurunkan kondisi kebugara

    Assessment of High School Students’ Ability to Solve Structured Problems with Ideal Model on Acid-Base

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    Problem-solving is one of the abilities that a student must-have in the 21st century. This is because students' ability to solve problems is expected to increase their competence of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). Problem-solving ability can be improved in several ways for example, the use of a certain instructional model, worksheets, and assessment or assessment based on problem-solving. This study aimed to develop and implement structured problem-solving assessment with the IDEAL model on acid-base materials, salt hydrolysis, buffer solutions, and acid-base titrations to examine students' problem-solving abilities. The instrument development model used adapts the ADDIE model with four steps, namely analysis, planning, development, and implementation. The research sample were 34 high school students in grade 11 in Sidoarjo, East Java. The result is that the problem-solving ability with the lowest percentage are in the acid-base titration material for the Act on strategy indicator at 27.21%, while the highest percentage of skills are found in the buffer solution material for the Explore solution indicator at 89.5%. This study implies that the test instrument for further research is to measure students' ability to solve structured problems with the IDEAL model on acid and base. This study implies that the test instrument for further research measures students' ability to solve structured problems with the IDEAL model on acid-base, salt hydrolysis, buffer solution, and acid titration. So that the problem solving process with the integration of problem solving problems can improve students' critical thinking

    Riwayat Berat Badan Lahir dengan Kejadian Stunting pada Anak Usia Bawah Dua Tahun

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    North Hulu Sungai District is still facing nutrition problems among children under two years old. One of nutrition problems up to now is stunting. Child with low birthweight (LBW) record is one of potential factors influencing the growth of a child. This study aimed to assess any risk of LBW records with stunting incidence among children under two years old. This study used cross-sectional design. The population was mothers having children under two years old and samples amounted to 117 consisted of children under two years old. This study was conducted within three months on September – November 2014. Category of LBW was if birth weight records < 2,500 gram. Bivariate data analysis used chi-square test and multivariate data analysis used logistic regression test. The result of bivariate analysis showed a significant relation between LBW status records (p value = 0.015) with stunting incidence among children under two years old. Based on the result of multivariate analysis, LBW was the most dominating risk factor related to stunting incidence. Children with LBW had 5.87 times risk of suffering from stunting. LBW records take an important role in stunting incidence among children under two years old around Sungai Karias Primary Health Care area in North Hulu Sungai