330 research outputs found

    Dynamic Models for Predicting the Moisture

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    ABSTRACT The main problem in storage of dry food chips is water absorption. Dried foods tend to absorb moisture from free air. Flexible packaging can reduce the water absorption on foods and as the result it may prolong the shelf lives of the products. However, most flexible package materials are not fully impermeable. The moisture of the products in the package slowly increases until it reaches the moisture equilibrium. Accordingly, the objectives of this study were to develop mathematical models for predicting and to simulate the estimation of the moisture content of food chips during stored on permeable packages. The mathematical models developed were based on water vapor migration trough a permeable film, rate of moisture sorption by foods, equilibrium moisture content and water mass balance. Samples for the experiment were food chips made from gnetum seeds of local production. The gnetum (emping) chips were placed on stainless steel cups. The mouth of the cups were covered using polypropylene plastics as the package models. The cups were stored in glass bottles. The relative humidities of the storage atmosphere in the bottles were adjusted using saturated solution of salts such that the humidity ranges were between 10% to 95%. The changes of moisture content of the fried chips were observed for about twenty five (25) days until they reach their equilibrium moisture contents. The results indicate that the dynamic models can predict the moisture contents of fried chips in package quite well. The estimation of the water vapor migration trough the plastic film seems slower than the observed moisture absorption especially at low moisture contents

    Penentuan Daya Antibiosis Beberapa Rumput Laut Hijau (Chlorophyta) dari Pantai Drini, Yogyakarta: Sebuah Kajian Awal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguak keberadaan dan nilai penting dari senyawa alamiah yang terkandung di dalam beberapa jenis rumput laut di Indonesia, khususnya yang tergolong sebagai anggota rumput laut hijau (Chlorophyta). Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari kemampuan antibiosis dari rumput laut hijau yang ditemukan di pantai Drini. Empat jenis rumput laut hijau yang diketemukan memperlihatkan kemampuan antibiosis yang bervariasi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kontrol. Salah satu jenis, bahkan, menunjukkan daya hambat yang lebih kuat terhadap pertumbuhan mikroorganisme uji, E. coli, daripada larutan penisilin murni (10 mg)

    Studi Alih–fungsi Cfb Boiler Sebagai Pembangkit Co–generation

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    Demo–plant CFB boiler 30 ton steam/hour is a granted equipments of cooperation program between BPPT and NEDO Japan in technological study area of CFB Boiler to utilize low–rank coal which functioned as steam consumption supply as well as electricity at production process system in Paper Mill of Basuki Rachmat – Banyuwangi. But outside calculation in the year of 1998, Indonesia occured economic crisis which result activity of construction which have 90% perforced to be discontinued, because PKBR as area owner and construction funder expressed have national debt, so that the asset taken over by BPPN. Since the project activities discontinued, various effort of project solving have been conducted, one of them, BPPT propose study of CFB Boiler displace function as steam and electricity generation (co–generation). In this paper, writer try to elaborate result of study giving 5 option, that is (1) Stand–alone power station, (2) Co–generation 1 (new steam turbine), (3) Co–generation 2 (new steam turbine+cooling tower), (4) Co–generation 3 (existing steam turbine) and (5) Co–generation 4 (existing steam turbine+cooling tower)

    Uji Kualitas Briket Kokas Ombilin Pada Proses Peleburan Besi Menggunakan Kupola

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    Industri pengecoran besi skala kecil-menengah menggunakan kokas sebagai bahan bakar padat, reduktor serta bahan yang membantu dalam proses pengecoran besi untuk meningkatkan kandungan karbon besi cor. Sebagian besar konsumsi domestik kokas berasal dari impor, sehingga krisis ekonomi yang tak berkesudahan menyebabkan suplai kokas menjadi jarang. Pada achir tahun 2003 harga kokas meningkat dan mutu berfluktuasi. Briket kokas Ombilin diupayakan sebagai substitusi kokas impor. Proses pengecoran besi menggunakan dapur kupola di Koperasi Industri Pengecoran Logam Batur Jaya Ceper dilakukan. Uji mutu menyatakan rasio kokas produktif 1:14 dinyatakan cukup memuaskan

    Effectiveness of Indonesian Essential Oil Mixture of Lemongrass, Cananga, and Patchouli in Relaxation Through Inhalation: a Clinical Test on Healthy Woman with High Potential for Stress

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    Relaxation is one of many mechanisms for coping with stress. One of the most widely used methods for relaxation is aromatherapy with the application of essential oils. Known for their therapeutic benefits, essential oils can be extracted from various Indonesian native herbs such as lemongrass (sereh wangi or Cymbopogon winterianus), cananga or ylang-ylang (kenanga or Canarium odoratum), and patchouli (nilam or Pogostemon cabin). This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a mixture of Indonesian essential oil made of lemongrass, cananga, and patchouli extracts. Experiment was conducted by asking a number of subjects to inhale the oil mixture and assessing its effectiveness in terms of psychological relaxation by using Visual Analog Scale or VAS) and of physical relaxation by examining the subjects’ blood pressure (MAP), pulse frequency, and breathing frequency. The result was then compared with that of lavender oil and with the control group. The study was conducted on 60 healthy women through single-blind clinical trials (before and after) using the “intent to treat” approach, followed by a startle test. Participants were divided into three groups: (1) 20 participants who were treated with Indonesian essential oil mixture, (2) 20 participants who were treated with lavender oil, and (3) 20 participants who served as the control group. Psychological relaxation measurement showed that Indonesian essential oil mixture produced the same degree of effectiveness as lavender oil and the control groups did, although both treatments tended to produce better results than the control group did. However, physical relaxation measurement showed that Indonesian essential oil mixture produced a higher degree of effectiveness than lavender oil and tended to produce a better result than the control group did, especially in terms of blood pressure based on MAP scores.    &nbsp


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    Kredit adalah fasilitas keuangan yang memungkinkan seseorang atau badan usaha untuk meminjam uang untuk membeli produk dan membayarkannya kembali dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan. Berdasarkan UU No. 10 Tahun 1998 sebagai pengganti dari UU RI No. 7 Tahun 1992 tentang perbankan menyatakan :” bahwa Kredit adalah penyediaan uang atau tagihan yang dapat dipersamakan dengan itu berdasarkan persetujuan atau kesepakatan pinjam-meninjam antara bank dengan pihak lain, yang mewajibkan pihak pinjammeminjam untuk melunasi hutangnya setelah jangka waktu tertentu dengan sejumlah bunga imbalan atau pembagian hasil keuntungan. Agunan (jaminan) adalah barang atau surat berharga atau garansi yang berkaitan langsung dengan objek yang dibiayai dengan kredit yang bersangkutan seperti ; barang-barang yang dibeli dengan kredit yang bersangkutan maupun tagihan-tagihan debitur. Sehingga apabila suatu saat debitur mengalami kredit macet ( wanprestasi ) maka agunan tersebut berguna untuk melunasi hutang - hutang debitur kepada bank. Kredit tanpa agunan adalah salah satu produk perbankan dalam bentuk pemberian fasilitas pinjaman tanpa adanya suatu aset yang dijadikan jaminan atas pinjaman tersebut. Oleh karena itu tidak adanya jaminan yang menjamin pinjaman tersebut, maka keputusan pemberian kredit semata berdasarkan pada riwayat kredit dari pemohon kredit secara pribadi atau kemampuan melaksanakan kewajiban pembayaran kembali pinjaman merupakan pengganti jaminan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prosedur pemberian kredit tanpa agunan pada Bank Negara Indonesia Cabang Bogor. Untuk mencapai sasaran penelitian yang jelas dan terarah maka penulis merumuskan permasalahan mengenai kredit tanpa agunan, masalah yang muncul dalam pemberian kredit tanpa agunan beserta cara penyelesaiannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka prosedur kredit tanpa agunan BNI Fleksi pada Bank Negara Indonesia Cabang Bogor meliputi kegiatan prosedur pada saat pengajuan BNI Fleksi yaitu nasabah datang ke Bank BNI dengan membawa persayatan sesuai ketentuan. Dalam pemberian Kredit tanpa agunan BNI Fleksi tidak sedikit masalah yang timbul. Tetapi Bank BNI mampu menyelesaikan semua masalah yang dihadapi. Kata Kunci : Kredit, Prosedur, Agunan, Kredit Tanpa Agunan, Bank, masalah, penyelesaian masalah

    Insidensi Dan Intensitas Serangan Penyakit Karat Putih Pada Beberapa Klon Krisan

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    . Rahardjo I.B. and Suhardi. 2008. Incidence and Intensity of White Rust Disease on Several Chrysanthemum Clones. White rust disease is one of constrain in increasing the production of chrysanthemum flower. White rust disease on chrysanthemum caused by Puccinia horiana. One of the control alternative was the use of resistant variety. The aim of the experiment was to know incidence and disease intensity of white rust on chrysanthemum clones. The experiment was done in Plastichouse at Indonesian Ornamental Crop Research Institute, Segunung (1.100 m asl), from September 2002 to February 2003. Evaluations were done on 13 chrysanthemum promising clones from selection in 2000. The treatments consisted of 13 chrysanthemum promising clones namely : 116.44, 116.53, 116.57, 125.14, 130.8, 131.1, 133.59, 133.7, 133.95, 135.6, 136.1, 136.11, 150.4, var. Saraswati, and var. White Reagent. RCBD with 3 replications were used in this experiment. The results of the experiment showed that clone 136.10 indicated good characteristic, with latest of disease infection (133 days after planting), lowest disease incidence at 15 weeks after planting (12.67%), and the second lowest for disease intensity (5.08%) after clone 133.95 (4.6%). While clone 136.10 showed lowest disease intensity on harvesting time (4.44%)

    Karakteristik Pseudomonas Viridiflava: Penyebab Penyakit Busuk Lunak Dan Evaluasi Virulensinya Pada Klon Anggrek Phalaenopsis

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    The objectives of this research were to determine the typical symptoms and isolates chararteristics of Pseudomonas viridiflava as the causal agent of soft rot bacterial disease and to find out orchid Phalaenopsis clones resistant to the disease. The scope of this study included exploration and isolation of the pathogens, pathogenicity, biochemical and LOPAT tests, also screening the Phalaenopsis F1 clones resistant to the pathogen. The results showed that isolates Vd-6, Ph-7 and Ph-18 obtained from Vanda (in Bandung Nursery) and Phalaenopsis orchids respectively, in glass house of Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute, were identified as P. viridiflava and highly virulent on tested orchid plants. Typical symptoms were soft rots characterized by moist and watery decay of the whole leaves, which were initiated as small water-soaked lesions and enlarged rapidly to the entire leaves. Based on biochemical and LOPAT tests, the causal organisms were fluorescent green colonies in King\u27s B medium, not producing levan compound and arginine hydrolase reaction. Pectinolytic activities on potato and tobacco hypersensibility were also positive. According to evaluation test, 10 F1 accecions Phalaenopsis clones (VL 231, VL 232, VL 233, and VL 240; M22.213 and M22.223; 599.201, 599.205, 599.215 and 599.243) were resistant to that pathogen
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