31 research outputs found

    The Efficacy of Inactivated Oil Emulsion Newcastle Disease Vaccine

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    The preparation of an experimenta1 oi1 emulsion Newcastle disease vaccine is described and its efficacy was evaluated in broiler chickens. A plaque purified clone of Mukteswar strain of Newcastle disease virus designated UPM-AC/2 was used for the preparation of the vaccine. The virus had a titre of 10^11 fifty percent egg infective dose. The vaccine virus was inactivated with betapropiolac tone at a final concentration of 0.1 percent. The vaccine was prepared by mixing the antigen with variable concentration of Arlacel A and Tween 80. Two types of vaccines were prepared, a single oil emulsion and a double oil emulsion vaccine. Both vaccines were evaluated for their stability, viscosity emulsion type, safety and antibody response in chicken. The double emulsion vaccine containing 6% Arlacel A and 1.5% Tween 80 had low viscosity and was stable for at least 6 months at room temperature. The vaccine induced marked antibody response in chickens which were previously vaccinated with lentogenic live Newcastle disease vaccine. The vaccine was also evaluated for its efficacy in broiler chickens which had been previously vaccinated with live Newcastle disease vaccine. Broiler chickens which had been vaccinated when day old with the live Newcastle disease vaccine and revaccinated when 3 weeks and 8 weeks old with the emulsion vaccine were protected when challenged with a viscerotropic velogenic Newcastle disease virus. Between 90 to 100 percent of the vaccinated chickens were resistant to the challenge compared to 100% mortality in the non vaccinated control chickens

    Antiviral Activity Effect of Silver Nanoparticles (Agnps) Solution Against the Growth of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus on Embryonated Chicken Eggs with Elisa Test

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    Infectious bursal disease virus is one of the strategic infectious disease in Indonesia. Despite disinfection and vaccination technology has been doing, the cases still frequently occur and it needs another alternative technology to be developed to against IBD virus. This research try to answer the problem, it examines the effect of antiviral activity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) solution against the growth of infectious bursal disease virus in embryonated chicken eggs with ELISA Test. The research has two methods, the first method is conducted by mixing a solution of AgNPs and IBD Virus, two hours before inoculated (preventive method) and the second method is the virus inoculated first, 48 hours later the AgNPs solution injected (therapy method). Each method has several dosage of AgNPs solution respectively 0 ppm (positive control 20 ppm, 40 ppm, and 50 ppm). Virus samples taken from the choriallantoic membrane (CAM) and the embryo by crushed method. Results based on the value of OD (optical density) ELISA Test and Statistical Test ANOVA General Linier Models Univariate with Post-Hoc Duncan 5%, both methods have no significant difference (p>0.05), it means the solution of AgNPs has good preventative and therapeutic characteristic. The mean of OD values also showed dosage of 20ppm is most effective dosage in against the growth of the virus, the dosage has significant difference (p<0.05). The decreasing amount of virus in CAM and in embryos were not significantly different (p>0.05), in both CAM and embryo AgNPs solution has good antiviral properties. Keywords : Silver Nanoparticles, Antiviral, Infectious Bursal Disesase, ELISA, Embryonated Chicken Egg


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    Telah diketahui bersama bahwa sebagian besar penyakit pada manusia berasal atau berkaitan langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan kesehatan hewan. Penyakit-penyakit ini dikenal dengan penyakit zoonosis. Oleh karena itu, pengendalian penyakit hewan ikut juga menentukan tingkat pengendalian penyakit pada manusia. Pemanasan global akan memberi dampak yang tidak kecil terhadap perubahan alam, baik perubahan secara evolusi maupun perubahan secara cepat atau revolusi. Salah satu perubahan yang diperkirakan akan terjadi yaitu munculnya banyak penyakit zoonosis yang akan mengkhawatirkan kesehatan masyarakat. Meningkatnya jumlah penyakit zoonosis ini disebabkan oleh perubahan agen penyakit, baik yang berasal dari virus, bakteri, parasit, maupun fungi. Perubahan ini bisa disebabkan oleh dampak langsung dari pemanasan global pada agen penyakit tersebut atau karena perubahan lingkungan tempat hidup mereka

    Characterization of Gene Coding Fusion Protein of Newcastle Disease Virus Infected in Native Chicken in Surabaya

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    This study aimed to discover the homology of nucleotide sequence, homology percentage, and those relations phylogenetic of protein Fusion (F) gene coding of Newcastle disease in domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) in Surabaya using some comparison isolate from GenBank. Samples were scoured of digestive organs from native chicken, that was collected from a traditional market in Wonokromo, Surabaya. Samples were tested using RT-PCR with primer forward and reverse with target 976bp, a positive sample which is continued with sequencing then homology and nucleotide analysis which is done and which is translated into amino acid. The result of homology chc/SBY/2018 sample has a similarity of 88% with references sequence, while with Lasota vaccine has a similarity of 87%, and the highest result of homology showed by the comparison with various isolates in Indonesia 90-95%. Translation results from nucleotide alignment into amino acid showed shifts in amino acid structure, which is amino acid shifts could be affected by many things like nutrition, wheater, environment, etc. The conclusion was chc/SBY/2018 sample has a quite high similarity with Indonesian isolates and undergoes mutation on nucleotide structure on amino acid and phylogenetic analysis. This study related to some isolates of vaccine and some isolates in Indonesia

    Construction Hybrid immunoglobulin All Four Dengue serotype Using Mesenchymal Stem

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    The dengue virus is a member of vector-borne diseases that causes zoonotic disease and spreads rapidly in the world. No single treatment or vaccine yet is available that is recommended and there is no correlation with protectiveness against this disease. The heavy chain (VH) and light chain (VL) variables are molecules of immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the smallest part of the antibody. Although the part-time domain variable is short, it can be used as a long-term and rapid immune booster in the immune system. In this study we tried to clone an encoding gene that was able to influence the adaptive immune response to dengue 1-4 by using MSC as a gene carrier. The target scFv-IgG gene has been successfully integrated into the plasmid. Plasmids that we have linearly transfected into the MSC. From the cDNA synthesis results continued with PCR synthesis with primer FGHV and RGHA obtained bands in accordance with the target of 404 bp. The scFv gene encoding IgG can be integrated with MSC Keywords: immunetherapy; dengue; hybrid; scFv-IgG; mesenchymal

    Characterization and Production of Polyclonal Antibody Anti Excretory Secretory Protein of Blastocystis sp.

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    This study aims to produce and characterize polyclonal antibody anti excretory secretory (ES) protein of Blastocystis sp. ES protein pro le was analyzed using SDS-PAGE and used to immunize 2 rabbits. Rabbit’s serum were analyzed using indirect ELISA and Western Blot. The result showed that molecular weight of ES protein of Blastocystis sp was 40 and 50 kDa and the protein was immunogenic. Both ES protein and antibody anti ES of Blastocystis sp can be promoted as diagnostic kit. Key words : Blastocystis sp, Excretory Secretory Protein, Polyclonal Antibod

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L.) terhadap Titer Antibodi Ayam Broiler yang Divaksin ND Aktif.

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    The aims of this research is to know the effectiveness of garlic extract increasing chicken broiler's titer antibodies that vaccinated with live ND vaccine. This research uses four different groups of treatmen that is PO, P1, P2 and P3. Treatmen of garlic extracts is given when the age of the chicken is 7 to 35 days. Live ND vaccine is given through the eye drops, when the age of the chicken is 4 days and when the age of the chicken is 21 days is given through drinking water. Broiler's titer antibodies can be checked on 4, 7, 21, 28 and 35 days. The data is analyzed by ANOVA and continued by BNJ. The result showed that there is no significant differences between P0, P1, P2 and P3 on day of 21 and 28. The other hand there is significant differences between P0, P1, P2 and P3 on day of 4, 7 and 35. Titer antibodies ND are maintained when the chicken age is 35 days in P3 treatment. In conclusion, treatments with garlic extract can not increase broiler's titer antibodies that vaccinated with live ND

    Detection Of Encoding Gene Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase On Escherichia Coli Isolated From Broiler Chicken Meat In Traditional Market Surabaya

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    This study aims to isolate, to identify, and to seek out fragments of encoding gene Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase on Escherichia coli isolated from swab surface of broiler chicken meat in a number of traditional markets in Surabaya. The result shows that 31 out of 50 samples positively contain Escherichia coli, shown through EMBA isolation media and identified using indole test. Sensitivity test shows that 100% of the isolates are resistant to Ampicilin, 48.4% are resistant to Cephazoline, 13% are resistant to Ceftazidime, 9.6% are resistant to Cefotaxime, 6.4% are resistant to Ceftriaxone and 87.2% are resistant to Tetracycline. 8 out of 8 (100%) samples of E. coli resistant show the presence of band towards blaTEM gene of 861basepair (bp) Key Words: Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase,Escherichia coli,broiler chicken meat,blaTEM gene,Antimicrobial Resistance

    Efektivitas Vaksin Newcastle Diseases inaktif Buatan Lokal Dalam Emulsi Ganda . Untuk Pencegahan Penyakit Pada Ayam

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    Penyakit ND pada umumnya masih merupakan hambatan yang paling besar dalam produksi ternak unggas di Indonesia. Penyakit ini masih harus diwaspadai karena kasus penyakit masih terjadi sepanjang tahun. Vaksinasi sudah merupakan keharusan pada peternak ayam di Indonesia mengingat' ND selalu mengancam keselamatan peternakan ayam. Vaksinasi dengan menggunakan vaksin aktif dapat menimbulkan gejala samping berupa gangguan respirasi serta penurunan produksi telur. Lebih jauh sebagai vaksin aktif potensinya sangat dipengaruhi oleh iklim tropis. Dari hal tersebut permasalahannya adalah: (1) apakah vaksin ND inaktif dalam bentuk emulsi ganda bersifat stabil pada suhu yang berubah-ubah? (2) apakah vaksin ND inaktif emulsi ganda dapat menimbulkan titer antibodi yang tinggi? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan di atas dan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi para peternak dalam usaha menanggulangi penyakit ND khususnya dalam pemilihan vaksin yang tepa