30 research outputs found

    Analysis of Statistical Learning Outcomes with Online and Offline Learning Methods

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    This study analyses what factors make online learning outcomes better than offline. It is crucial to know whether there are other supporting factors or factors from the students' abilities. The method used in this research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach with six research subjects. The selection of subjects in this study was by purposive sampling. Collecting data in this study using task-based interviews, namely: (1) selecting research subjects; (2) determining the time of data collection; (3) carrying out data collection; (4) analysing data; (5) comparing the results of online and offline data collection; and (6) conclude the results of the analysis. The results of the analysis of this study are that the application of online learning methods and offline methods has little effect on material understanding, enthusiasm and independence in learning. The things that need attention are not the learning method, but how we can foster a good and consistent spirit for education, especially for students with medium and low abilities, it is vital to increase the excitement for learning in all learning methods because, with a consistent enthusiasm for learning, students will be happy. And active when participating in class learning both with online and offline modes.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis secara mendalam terkait dengan faktor apa yang menjadikan hasil pembelajaran daring lebih baik dibandingkan dengan luring karena sangat penting diketahui apakah ada faktor pendukung lain ataukah faktor dari kemampuan siswa itu sendiri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian enam orang. Pemilihan subjek pada penelitian ini adalah dengan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara wawancara berbasis tugas, yaitu: (1) memilih subjek penelitian; (2) menentukan waktu pengambilan data; (3) melaksanakan pengambilan data; (4) menganalisis data; (5) membandingkan hasil pengambilan data daring dan luring; dan (6) menyimpulkan hasil analisis. Hasil analisis yang sudah dilakukan didapat bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran daring dan metode luring tidak begitu berpengaruh besar terhadap pemahaman materi, semangat dan kemandirian belajar hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bukan dari metode pembelajarannya akan tetapi dari bagaimana cara kita dapat menumbuhkan semangat belajar yang baik dan konsisten terutama pada mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan sedang dan rendah, semangat belajar sangat penting untuk ditingkatkan pada semua metode pembelajaran karena dengan semangat belajar yang konsisten maka mahasiswa akan senang dan aktif saat mengikuti pembelajaran di kelas baik dengan metode daring ataupun luring

    Improving Self-Regulated Learning and Creativity of Students through GeoGebra in Solving Spatial Geometry Problems

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of GeoGebra in solving problems to increase students' independence and creativity. The research subjects were 6 grade 12 students at SMA IPA HSPG Bekasi Odd Semester 2022/2023 Academic Year. This research method is qualitative, with data collection in task-based interviews. The main instrument in this study is the researcher and the auxiliary device, namely the problem-solving test (PST). Data analysis techniques in this study were carried out by (1) grouping data into independent learning and creativity categories, (2) presenting data in the form of narrative text, and (3) conducting analysis to conclude. There was an increase in learning independence in high-category students. Students were more enthusiastic about using GeoGebra in solving questions, and students' creativity has also increased by finding one new way. There was an increase in learning independence in moderate-category students. Students were increasingly enthusiastic about using GeoGebra in solving questions even though students were still unsure. Student creativity also increased by finding one new way, but it could have been better. There was an increase in learning independence in low-category students. Students started trying GeoGebra even though students could only make geometric shapes. There was no increase in student creativity.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi GeoGebra dalam pemecahan masalah untuk meningkatkan kemandirian dan kreativitas siswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 6 orang siswa kelas 12 SMA IPA HSPG Bekasi Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data adalah wawancara berbasis tugas. Instrumen utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu peneliti dan instrumen bantu yaitu tes pemecahan masalah (PST). Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara: (1) mengelompokkan data ke dalam kategori kemandirian belajar dan kreativitas, (2) menyajikan data dalam bentuk teks naratif, dan (3) melakukan analisis untuk penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian pada siswa kategori tinggi terdapat peningkatan kemandirian belajar. Terbukti siswa semakin antusias mencoba GeoGebra pada pengerjaan soal dan kreativitas siswa pun meningkat terbukti siswa menemukan 1 cara baru. Pada siswa kategori sedang terdapat peningkatan kemandirian belajar, terbukti siswa semakin antusias mencoba GeoGebra pada pengerjaan soal walaupun siswa masih ragu, dan kreativitas siswa juga meningkat terbukti siswa menemukan 1 cara baru akan tetapi cara baru itu belum sempurna. Terdapat peningkatan kemandirian belajar siswa kategori rendah, terbukti dari awalnya sama sekali tidak menggunakan, siswa ini mulai mencoba GeoGebra walaupun siswa hanya bisa membuat bangun ruang saja, dan kreativitas siswa belum terdapat ada peningkatan

    Improving Self-Regulated Learning and Creativity of Students through GeoGebra in Solving Spatial Geometry Problems

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of GeoGebra in solving problems to increase students' independence and creativity. The research subjects were 6 grade 12 students at SMA IPA HSPG Bekasi Odd Semester 2022/2023 Academic Year. This research method is qualitative, with data collection in task-based interviews. The main instrument in this study is the researcher and the auxiliary device, namely the problem-solving test (PST). Data analysis techniques in this study were carried out by (1) grouping data into independent learning and creativity categories, (2) presenting data in the form of narrative text, and (3) conducting analysis to conclude. There was an increase in learning independence in high-category students. Students were more enthusiastic about using GeoGebra in solving questions, and students' creativity has also increased by finding one new way. There was an increase in learning independence in moderate-category students. Students were increasingly enthusiastic about using GeoGebra in solving questions even though students were still unsure. Student creativity also increased by finding one new way, but it could have been better. There was an increase in learning independence in low-category students. Students started trying GeoGebra even though students could only make geometric shapes. There was no increase in student creativity.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi GeoGebra dalam pemecahan masalah untuk meningkatkan kemandirian dan kreativitas siswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 6 orang siswa kelas 12 SMA IPA HSPG Bekasi Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data adalah wawancara berbasis tugas. Instrumen utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu peneliti dan instrumen bantu yaitu tes pemecahan masalah (PST). Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara: (1) mengelompokkan data ke dalam kategori kemandirian belajar dan kreativitas, (2) menyajikan data dalam bentuk teks naratif, dan (3) melakukan analisis untuk penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian pada siswa kategori tinggi terdapat peningkatan kemandirian belajar. Terbukti siswa semakin antusias mencoba GeoGebra pada pengerjaan soal dan kreativitas siswa pun meningkat terbukti siswa menemukan 1 cara baru. Pada siswa kategori sedang terdapat peningkatan kemandirian belajar, terbukti siswa semakin antusias mencoba GeoGebra pada pengerjaan soal walaupun siswa masih ragu, dan kreativitas siswa juga meningkat terbukti siswa menemukan 1 cara baru akan tetapi cara baru itu belum sempurna. Terdapat peningkatan kemandirian belajar siswa kategori rendah, terbukti dari awalnya sama sekali tidak menggunakan, siswa ini mulai mencoba GeoGebra walaupun siswa hanya bisa membuat bangun ruang saja, dan kreativitas siswa belum terdapat ada peningkatan

    Analysis of Statistical Learning Outcomes with Online and Offline Learning Methods

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    This study analyses what factors make online learning outcomes better than offline. It is crucial to know whether there are other supporting factors or factors from the students' abilities. The method used in this research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach with six research subjects. The selection of subjects in this study was by purposive sampling. Collecting data in this study using task-based interviews, namely: (1) selecting research subjects; (2) determining the time of data collection; (3) carrying out data collection; (4) analysing data; (5) comparing the results of online and offline data collection; and (6) conclude the results of the analysis. The results of the analysis of this study are that the application of online learning methods and offline methods has little effect on material understanding, enthusiasm and independence in learning. The things that need attention are not the learning method, but how we can foster a good and consistent spirit for education, especially for students with medium and low abilities, it is vital to increase the excitement for learning in all learning methods because, with a consistent enthusiasm for learning, students will be happy. And active when participating in class learning both with online and offline modes.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis secara mendalam terkait dengan faktor apa yang menjadikan hasil pembelajaran daring lebih baik dibandingkan dengan luring karena sangat penting diketahui apakah ada faktor pendukung lain ataukah faktor dari kemampuan siswa itu sendiri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian enam orang. Pemilihan subjek pada penelitian ini adalah dengan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara wawancara berbasis tugas, yaitu: (1) memilih subjek penelitian; (2) menentukan waktu pengambilan data; (3) melaksanakan pengambilan data; (4) menganalisis data; (5) membandingkan hasil pengambilan data daring dan luring; dan (6) menyimpulkan hasil analisis. Hasil analisis yang sudah dilakukan didapat bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran daring dan metode luring tidak begitu berpengaruh besar terhadap pemahaman materi, semangat dan kemandirian belajar hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bukan dari metode pembelajarannya akan tetapi dari bagaimana cara kita dapat menumbuhkan semangat belajar yang baik dan konsisten terutama pada mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan sedang dan rendah, semangat belajar sangat penting untuk ditingkatkan pada semua metode pembelajaran karena dengan semangat belajar yang konsisten maka mahasiswa akan senang dan aktif saat mengikuti pembelajaran di kelas baik dengan metode daring ataupun luring


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    This study analyses students' skills to complete school exam questions based on the minimum competency assessment (MCA). This study employs qualitative and descriptive methods to characterize students' MCA-based School Examination question-solving abilities. The subjects of this study were class XII students at HSPG Bekasi who completed MCA-based school exams containing literacy and numeracy skills. In addition to collecting samples by interviewing six students, the researchers gathered data to describe students' abilities. Students answered a total of forty questions. This study found four students with low numeracy skills, 13 with moderate skills, and three with high skills. Low, medium, and increased literacy levels were determined through interviews. Students with weak literacy skills struggle to read algebra or geometry questions, indicating they have soft numeracy skills. Medium-literacy students like the story and simple context questions. They cannot answer questions because they cannot remember formulas. High-literacy students. They like story questions and questions with real-world contexts because they let us apply our skills and understand existing procedures. They struggle with knowledge-based questions. Because additional reasoning takes so much time, students with high literacy have average numeracy skills. So, the students' problem-solving skills improve


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    Abstract: GeoGebra is one of the programs designed to improve the effectiveness of mathematics learning. For this reason, mathematics teachers should be able to operate GeoGebra to deliver learning material that is more interesting for students. This service activity aims to improve the math teacher's skills in constructing geometric shapes and other mathematical objects in the GeoGebra application to make it easier for students to understand mathematical material that requires more realistic visualisation. The service's target is mathematics teachers at HSPG Bekasi, where as many as ten teachers participated in this training. The method used in this activity goes through 4 stages: assessment, planning and development, and implementation of online workshops. Teachers are introduced to GeoGebra software and how to use it according to mathematical material, namely building spaces and completing linear and quadratic equations. Evaluation is carried out by giving a project test. The results of community service are that teachers can visualise geometric shapes and mathematical objects in GeoGebra so that students will better understand the concept of the material provided. The results of the project tests that have been carried out obtained an average value of 85, so there is an increase in the skills of teachers who are very good at using GeoGebra.


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    Abstrak: Tim melaksanakan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tema etika menggunakan dan memanfaatkan internet dalam penjualan berbasis online. Masyarakat kini semakin senang menggunakan teknologi informasi (internet) dan berdampak positif dalam penggunaan internet sebagai sarana pembelajaran. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kelompok ibu-ibu Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) Cipayung tentang etika penggunaan dan pemanfaatan internet. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan seperti pengkajian, perencanaan dan pengembangan, pelaksanaan (sosialisasi), dan evaluasi. Jumlah peserta sekitar 20 orang ibu-ibu PKK Rukun Tetangga 04 Cipayung. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut diperoleh informasi bahwa kegiatan ini sangat relevan dengan kebutuhan peserta. Kegiatan ini menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang etika menggunakan dan memanfaatkan internet. Jika dibuat dalam bentuk persentase naik dari kemampuan awal 30%, setelah sosialisasi, yang paham menjadi lebih dari 60%.Abstract: People are now increasingly happy to use information technology (internet) and have a positive impact on using the Internet as a learning facility. This community service activity aims to increase the understanding of the women's group of Family Welfare Development of Cipayung regarding the ethics of using and utilising the Internet. The team was carrying out community service programs with the theme of ethics of using and utilising the internet in online-based sales. The implementation of community service is carried out through several stages such as assessment, planning and development, implementation (socialisation), and evaluation. The number of participants were around 20 women in the Family Welfare Development of the Neighbourhoods Association 04 Cipayung. Based on the results, information was obtained that this activity was very relevant to the needs of the participants. It increases knowledge and skills regarding the ethics of using and utilising the internet. If made in a percentage, it rises from the initial ability of 30%, after socialisation, the number who understands becomes more than 60%


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    ABSTRAKTujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru di SD N 1 dan 2 Setu menggunakan Microsoft Excel untuk merekapitulasi data dan nilai siswa sehingga menjadi solusi bagi guru dan staf admin. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Tahap implementasi dimulai dengan dasar-dasar penggunaan Microsoft Excel. Pada tahap persiapan, tim pengabdian masyarakat disurvei untuk mengetahui kondisi dan menganalisis tempat yang akan digunakan. Selanjutnya tim menyiapkan materi yang akan diberikan dalam memberikan pelatihan kepada peserta pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini meliputi presentasi, ceramah dengan tanya jawab, dan praktik. Saat menyampaikan materi, tim pengabdian masyarakat melakukan sesi tanya jawab dengan para peserta yang diharapkan dapat berinteraksi dengan para abdi dan peserta. Tahap terakhir adalah tahap evaluasi. Pelatihan pengabdian masyarakat dengan tema penggunaan Microsoft Excel dalam rekapitulasi data siswa dan nilai untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru di SD N 1 dan 2 Setu berhasil dilaksanakan. Berdasarkan hasil umpan balik yang diperoleh, informasi bahwa kegiatan ini sangat relevan dengan kebutuhan peserta. Mereka merasa mendapatkan wawasan dan keterampilan yang aplikatif dan berguna. Selain itu, mereka juga merasa senang dengan teknik dan metode pelatihan yang diterapkan selama pelatihan. Keterampilan yang dilatih dan dimiliki peserta bermanfaat untuk menunjang sistem kinerja guru di SD N 1 dan 2 Setu. Kata kunci: Excel; rekapitulasi; murid; nilai; guru. ABSTRACTThis community service aims to improve teachers' knowledge and skills at SD N 1 and 2 Setu using Microsoft Excel to recapitulate data and student scores so that it becomes a solution for teachers and admin staff. The implementation of this activity is carried out in three stages: preparation, performance, and evaluation. The implementation phase begins with the basics of using Microsoft Excel. In the preparation stage, the community service team observed determining the conditions and analysing the place to use. Furthermore, the team prepared the material to provide training to community service participants. This service activity includes presentations, lectures with questions and answers, and practice. When delivering the material, the community service team conducted a question-and-answered session with the participants, who were expected to interact with the servants and participants. The last stage is the evaluation stage. The team successfully implemented community service training to use Microsoft Excel to recapitulate student data and grades to improve teacher performance at SD N 1 and 2 Setu. Based on the results of the feedback obtained, the information that this activity is very relevant to the needs of the participants. They feel that they get insights and skills that are applicable and useful. In addition, they also felt happy with the training techniques and methods applied during the training. The participants' skills that are trained and possessed help support the teacher performance system at SD N 1 and 2 Setu. Keywords: Excel; recapitulate; student; scores; teachers


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    A school profile website is a website that contains information about a school to introduce and provide the information to other parties such as the communities, parents, or partners of the school itself. This community service activity aims to raise awareness for school managers and teachers about the importance of using the internet/website to develop the potential of schools. The method of implementation is a workshop. There are 13 participants, who are teachers and staff in TK Qurrota A’yun and PAUD Mawar. The results in this community service activity are that around 20% of participants can create a simple school profile website using WordPress, and around 30% of participants can use the website as an information and promotion media

    Sistem Informasi Koperasi Simpan Pinjam pada PT Meiwa Indonesia Berbasis Java Desktop

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    This study aims to facilitate performance in the cooperative data storage and storage organization of PT MEIWA INDONESIA. The research method used by researchers is a research method that is based on fact-based research methods and uses comparative analysis with the aim of generating empirical, concept building, proving theories, developing theories, analyzing data and analyzing data. The results obtained are the idea of a savings and loan cooperative information system to assist in processing employee data. The development of an information system is expected to simplify and provide maximum service to employees and facilitate cooperative staff in collecting loan transaction data for reporting, making data and information management processes more effective, producing faster output and no loan requests, data input or data duplication