28 research outputs found
Portion Improvement of Vehicle Entry Units Through The Improvement of Express Periodic Maintenance Service Methods in Cars Workshop
This study aims to improve the specific periodic maintenance service method so that it can increase the unit entry portion per one working day in a workgroup in the car repair shop. The measurement using the standard time working group map used in the specific periodic maintenance service method before repairing was 44 minutes and 55 seconds with a total delay of 21 minutes and 10 seconds so that the unit entry portion was 9 units per one working day. The specific periodic maintenance service method that has undergone improvements results in an equal time between completing the work process at each vehicle position between technicians A and B and no delay time. So that the portion of the vehicle’s entry unit from before being repaired 9 units to 12 units after the repair done because the time needed to complete a periodic vehicle service work with the specific periodic maintenance service method becomes more efficient, namely 34 minutes. In other words, there an increase in entry units of 3 units or 33% per one working day for each working group.
Keywords: periodic maintenance, express, unit entry
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh tingkat Pendidikan dan pengeluaran pemerintah sector pendidikan terhadap kemiskinan di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Adapun data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder, dengan jenis data yakni data panel dan menggunakan random effects modelpada periode 2011-2015 yang diperoleh dari kantor Direktorat Jendral Perimbangan Keuangan dan BPS. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode expose facto.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah analisis regresi berganda. Dengan menggunakan model analisisregresi berganda, output menunjukkan bahwa Tingkat Pendidikan (X1) berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kemiskinan (Y) di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Pengeluaran pemerintah sector pendidikan (X2) berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap Kemiskinan (Y) di Provinsi Banten. Dari hasil Uji F dengan memperhatikan nilai signifikansinya = 0.000000 < 0.05 maka dapat dikatakan secara simultan tingkat pendidikan dan pengeluaran pemerintah sektor pendidikan berpengaruh signifikan pada α = 5% terhadap kemiskinan di provinsi Jawa Barat. Nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) diperoleh sebesar 0.780978memiliki pengertian bahwa perubahan kemiskinan dapat dijelaskan oleh tingkat pendidikan dan pengeluaran pemerintah sector pendidikan sebesar 78% sedangkan sisanya dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak ada dalam model penelitian ini
The Implementation of Group Discussion Technique in Teaching Listening
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis masalah yang dihadapi siswa ketika belajar mendengarkan dengan diskusi kelompok dan aspek keterampian mendengarkan yang lebih baik dari keterampilan yang lain. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan di kelas VIII F. Peneliti memeroleh data melalui kuesioner, pre-test dan post-test. Data dianalisa dengan cara menginterpretasi, menghitung nilai rata-rata dan membandingkan nilai siswa antara keterampilan macro dan micro di pre-test dan post-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat lima masalah utama yang dihadapi siswa yaitu, mengobrol saat berdiskusi, teman yang tidak berkontribusi, teman yang mendominasi, teman kelompok, tidak ingin menjadi ketua kelompok. Kesimpulannya, masalah dalam diskusi disebabkan oleh kondisi diskusi yang tidak mendukung dan keahlian makro bisa tampil lebih baik karena adanya schemata di proses top-down.The aims of this research were to analyse the problems faced by the students when studying listening in group discussion and to analyse which particular aspect of listening skill performed better than the other skill. This qualitative research used class VIII F. The researcher gained the data from questionnaire, pre-test and post-test. The data were analysed by interpreting, calculating the average, and comparing of students’ answer both macro and micro-skills in pre-test and post-test. The results showed that there were five major problems faced by students they were: chatting another topic while discussing, not-contributing member, dominant friend, group-mate, willingness to be a leader of discussion. In listening skills, the students performed better in macro-skills than in micro-skills. In conclusion, problems in discussion can be caused by the imperfect condition of discussion and macro-skills can perform better because of the existence of schemata in the top-down process
Nonparametric Stability Analysis of Yield for Nine Chili Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) Genotypes in Eight Environments
The objectives of this study were to compare nonparametric stability measures, and to identify promising high yield and stability of Chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes in eight environments. In every environment, a Randomized Complete Block Design was used with three replications. The method of Nassar and Huehn, Kang, Fox, and Thennarasu was used to analyze the stability and high yield. Spearman\u27s correlation and Principal Component analysis distinguishes the methods based on two different concepts of stability: the static (biological) and dynamic (agronomic) concepts. The top method was found to be the dynamic stability. Meanwhile, the methods of Si1, Si2, Si3, Si6, Npi1, NPi2, NPi3 and NPi4 were found to be the static stability. Based on the ranking frequency stability of the nonparametric method, the genotypes with the highest frequency of static stability ranking were genotypes IPB002003, IPB002046, IPB009019 and Tit Super, whereas IPB009002 and Tombak were categorized as those of dynamic stability. Genotype IPB120005 and IPB019015 were less adaptable in the multiple environments tested. It shows that the genotypes were specific in certain environments. IPB120005 had high yield and specific location in Boyolali in dry season and IPB019015 genotype was specific in Bogor in wet season
Legal Analysis of Foundation Dualism on Darussalam University Asset Ownership in Ambon, Indonesia
Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education Article 60, paragraph 3 states that the community establishes private universities by showing an organizing body with a non-profit principle, namely the Foundation. Based on the description above, the Foundation is one of the social, legal entities that can be a forum for private universities. Usually, the ownership of a university asset is only owned by one Foundation. However, in the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, number 2860K/PDT/2016, the parties involved in the decision are the Darussalam Maluku Foundation as the plaintiff and the Darussalam Maluku Education Foundation as the defendant. The Darussalam Maluku Foundation sued the Pendidikan Darussalam Maluku Foundation. After all, the Yayasan Darussalam Maluku Foundation felt aggrieved because the Pendidikan Darussalam Maluku Foundation had unilaterally claimed and controlled the assets of Darussalam University of Ambon campus 2, which then led to the Foundation's dualism over the ownership of Darussalam University of Ambon assets. This study analyzes the legal consequences of the Foundation's duality on the Foundation and the university. The research method is normative, using secondary data from library research, including primary, secondary, and tertiary legal sources. So dualism legal consequences of the Foundation are the Foundation's dissolution and the Foundation's merger. Meanwhile, the legal implications of the Foundation's dualism on universities are related to higher education institutions' accreditation and operational permits and the staffing status of lecturers and experts. However, they will tell the university's right to issue diplomas for students who have completed their education
Pencarian Jalur Tercepat Rute Perjalanan Wisata Dengan Algoritma Tabu Search
Salah satu permasalahan utama bagi wisatawan baik wisatawan domestik maupun manca negara adalah rute wisata yang harus mereka tempuh. Hal ini disebabkan oleh jumlah obyek wisata dan jalur alternatif yang banyak. Dalam penelitian ini, ditunjukkan bagaimana cara menyelesaikan kedua permasalahan ini dengan algoritma Tabu Search dan metode antrian yang diterapkan pada pencarian jalur tercepat wisata kota Malang. Algoritma ini dapat memberikan rute tercepat secara optimal dengan mendapatkan cost terendah tanpa perubahan nilai pada rentang iterasi 300 dengan percobaan pencarian jalur yang dipilih pada jalan-jalan pintu masuk kota Malang.
Kata kunci: wisata kota Malang, rute tercepat, tabu search
Genetic Diversity and Relationships of Tea Germplasm Collection Based on Leaf Morphology Character and Yield Components
Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) is a cross-pollinated plant that has self-incompatible character. Assembly of superior clones through artificial pollination requires information of genetic relationships between accessions as a reference for parental lines selection. The study was aimed to determine the genetic diversity and relationships of 49 tea clones based on leaf morphology and yield components. The research was conducted at Pasir Sarongge experimental garden, Cianjur, West Java, from April to November 2015. The observed morphological characters were leaf length and width, leaf area, leaf angle, number of vein leaf, and internode between first and second leaves. Meanwhile, yield components were pecco number, pecco weight (p+3), banji bud number, banji bud weigth (b+1), and yield. The data were then used for descriptive analysis and grouping using UPGMA method based on dissimilarity matrix by XL-STAT software version 2009. The research showed that 49 clones observed here have variability on yield, leaf area, number of banji bud, and pecco number with coefficient of diversity 27.77%–51.83%. On the other hand, result of cluster analysis divided tea clones into four groups. The first group consisted of 34 clones with morphological characteristics similar to sinensis type (narrow leaves and low productivity). Group II comprised 12 clones with morphological characteristics (wide leaf) and productivity (high) similar to assamica type. Group III and IV, each contained one clone, and have similarity to assamica. The most far genetic relationships was found between group I and II (55.59%), while the closest one observed between group III and IV (5.76%)