207 research outputs found

    Struktur Batin dalam Antologi “Mata Badik Mata Puisi” Karya D. Zawawi Imron

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    This study aimed to describe each theme, mood, tone / attitude, and the mandate of the poetry anthology of poetry "Mata Badik Mata Puisi" by Zawawi Imron. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative research. The approach used is structural semiotic approach. Source of data: An anthology of poetry "Mata Badik Mata Puisi" by Zawawi Imron totaling 175 poems published PT Essence. The primary data of quotations (words, phrases, and sentences) that are associated with the inner structure of the poem. Data collection techniques with documentary study. The research instrument is the researcher himself as the instrument utama.The next is processed through the analysis, and summarize the results of the analysis of data by the problem (theme, tone, feeling, and trustees). Results of the research: 1) the most dominant theme, namely the aspect of a person's life and expression of gratitude to God Almighty. 2) Feelings of awe and sadness. 3) tone, namely a) plain / open and optimistic. 4) mandate, ie learning about the journey of life. The results of this study can be applied to subjects Indonesian Language and Literature in high school class X with competency standards listening. 5.1 Identify basic competence elements form of a poem that is either directly or through a recording

    Pengaruh Persepsi Keterlibatan Orang Tua Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ekonomi Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dugaan Eccles (2005) yang menyatakan bahwa keterlibatan orang tua terhadap hasil belajar dimediasi oleh konsep diri siswa tentang kemampuan akademiknya. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMAN se Kota Malang dengan 292 sampel penelitian. Analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur model causal steps milik Baron & Kenny (1986) dan uji sobel (Sobel test). Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat diketahui bahwa konsep diri di bidang akademik berfungsi secara signifikan sebagai variabel mediator pada pengaruh persepsi atas keterlibatan orang tua terhadap hasil belajar ekonomi siswa. Namun peran variabel konsep diri di bidang akademik dalam model penelitian ini merupakan partial mediation variable atau merupakan variabel yang memediasi sebagian dari pengaruh persepsi atas keterlibatan orang tua terhadap hasil belajar. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa tidak hanya konsep diri dibidang akademik yang menjadi variabel mediator dari pengaruh persepsi atas keterlibatan orang tua terhadap hasil belajar, akan tetapi ada variabel lain yang juga memediasi hubungan kausal dari dua variable tersebut

    Genuinely Multipartite Concurrence of N-qubit X-matrices

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    We find an algebraic formula for the N-partite concurrence of N qubits in an X-matrix. X- matricies are density matrices whose only non-zero elements are diagonal or anti-diagonal when written in an orthonormal basis. We use our formula to study the dynamics of the N-partite entanglement of N remote qubits in generalized N-party Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states. We study the case when each qubit interacts with a partner harmonic oscillator. It is shown that only one type of GHZ state is prone to entanglement sudden death; for the rest, N-partite entanglement dies out momentarily. Algebraic formulas for the entanglement dynamics are given in both cases

    Mitigating Consumptive Behavior By Enhancing Student’s Financial Literacy: Experiments Using Video Learning

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    In Indonesia, low level of financial literacy, which is reflected through consumptive behavior, has reached a point of concern. This study attempts to increase financial literacy among accounting students by using learning video. Learning video was used to increase financial literacy and decrease the consumptive behavior among students. This research used quasi experiment method in two classes (experiment class and control class). The findings indicate that video, as learning media, has a significant positive effect and can increase students’ financial literacy as well as decrease the consumptive behavior of students.   Keywords: Financial Literacy, Consumptive Behavior, Video Learning

    Insights into galvanic corrosion behavior of Ti-Cu dissimilar joint: Effect of microstructure and volta potential

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    The effect of microstructure on corrosion behavior of a solid-state explosion welded Ti-Cu bimetal is investigated by means of alternating current-direct current (AC-DC) electrochemical measurements, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy (SKPFM). The results indicate that the titanium regions in the welding interface, local melted zone (LMZ), and LMZ-Cu interface are potential sites for initiation of corrosion attacks. SKPFM mapping clearly shows that before exposure of the sample to a 3.5% NaCl corrosive solution and at the beginning of the exposure, the Cu side of the bimetal has a higher Volta potential in comparison to that of the Ti region, and thus acts as a cathode. Electrochemical measurements also confirm that titanium acts as an anode and copper as a cathode, in the first moments of immersion, in accordance with macroscopic observations and SKPFM results. However, by growing a passive layer of titanium oxide and titanium hydroxide on the Ti side after about 1 h exposure to the corrosive medium, the titanium side becomes nobler and the polarity arrangement in the galvanic couple reverses

    Kemampuan Fission Teripang Holothuria Edulis Dan Holothuria Leucospilota (Holothuridae) Ukuran Yang Berbeda Di Kepulauan Karimunjawa

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    Sea cucumber is one of the important natural resources of Karimunjawa Islands. Because it has a high economic value, so fishermen exploit excessively it may reduce the population. Naturally sea cucumbers are able to reproduce asexually by fission process (division). This study aimed to determine the ability of fission and regeneration of sea cucumber Holothuria edulis and Holothuria leucospilota having different body sizes. The research was conducted in October-December 2011, in Karimunjawa waters. Jepara. Stimulation of fission carried out by binding sea cucumbers with a rubber band at 1/3 position of the anterior part. The results showed that the sea cucumber H. edulis and H. leucospilota successfully split at the 24. The difference in the size of cucumbers affect the fission time, while the intensity of regeneration of bigger sea cucumbers has higher value than a small one. The rate of fission of H. edulis and H. leucospilota 95-100%. Regeneration intensity of bigger H. edulis and H. leucospilota are higher than the small size. Posterior part of the body has higher survival rate is than the anterior

    Implementation of Kano Methods to Service Quality Improved at PT. Pos Indonesia

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    PT. Pos Indonesia is a state-owned company engaged in the field of receipt and delivery of goods which was first established in 1746. Frequent problems with freight forwarding services, especially PT. Pos Indonesia is a lack of competitiveness of companies with similar companies, especially private ones. This is because companies are less able to understand the desires and expectations of consumers so that they lose trust and loyalty from consumers. From these problems the purpose of this study was to find a solution using a canoe model in an effort to find improvement proposals to improve quality at PT. Indonesian post. From the research that has been done, there are 4 canoe categories on 11 variables studied. In the category of Must-be, the customer variable is comfortable and strategic location, One Dimensional, namely variable comfortable waiting place, adequate supporting facilities, timely delivery, appropriate price, fast service time and Attractive item security are only professional employee variables, and Indifferent is a lot of service and promotion in various media
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