96 research outputs found

    Parabolic Dish Concentrator (PDC-2) Development

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    The design of the Parabolic Dish Concentrator (PDC-2) is described. The following five subsystems of the concentrator are discussed: (1) reflective surface subsystem, (2) support structure subsystem, (3) foundation, (4) drive subsystem, and (5) electrical and control subsystem. The status of the PDC-2 development project is assessed

    A Scoping Review of Virtual Focus Group Methods Used in Rehabilitation Sciences

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    Virtual methods for conducting focus group studies are increasingly being used in many fields, including rehabilitation sciences. This is partly due to the current pandemic, and the need for social distancing, however, may also relate to factors such as convenience and practicality. Virtual research methods enable investigators to collect data at a distance from the participant(s) through the use of technology-mediated data collection methods incorporating new tools and technologies. The aim of this scoping review was to identify, synthesize, and present current evidence related to the methods for conducting virtual focus groups. A comparison of asynchronous and synchronous data collection methods was conducted. The objectives, inclusion criteria, and scoping review methods were specified in advance and documented in a protocol. The 40 articles in this review included virtual focus group research conducted in rehabilitation sciences including data collection conducted using both synchronous (22.5%) and asynchronous (77.5%) models and using a defined moderation method. Three modes of focus group discussion were reported including email, chat-based, and videoconferencing; these were facilitated through the various technology platforms reported in the review. Reported barriers and facilitators to conducting virtual focus group research were extracted and summarized. Commonly reported facilitators to virtual focus group research included the ability to recruit participants from diverse geographical locations and the participants’ ability to engage at times convenient to them. Both computer literacy and access to technology were reported as common barriers. This review highlighted the need for further research and guidance around virtual focus groups conducted using face-to-face synchronous methods and with younger participants groups

    Molecular analysis of the mitochondrial markers COI, 12S rDNA and 16S rDNA for six species of Iranian scorpions

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    Objectives Annually, 1.2 million humans are stung by scorpions and severely affected by their venom. Some of the scorpion species of medical importance have a similar morphology to species with low toxicity. To establish diagnostic tools for surveying scorpions, the current study was conducted to generate three mitochondrial markers, Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI gene), 12S rDNA and 16S rDNA for six species of medically important Iranian scorpions: Androctonus crassicauda, Hottentotta saulcyi, Mesobuthus caucasicus, M. eupeus, Odontobuthus doriae, and Scorpio maurus. Results Phylogenetic analyses of the obtained sequences corroborated the morphological identification. For the first time, 12S rDNA sequences are reported from Androctonus crassicauda, Hottentotta saulcyi, Mesobuthus caucasicus and M. eupeus and also the 16S rDNA sequence from Hottentotta saulcyi. We conclude that the mitochondrial markers are useful for species determination among these medically important species of scorpions

    Field efficacy of siege gel bait in an IPM program on life stages of German cockroach (Blataria, Blattellidae) in a residential building

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    Background: Current control strategies that rely on residual contact insecticides have resulted in insecticide resistance or tolerance to all the major groups of insecticides. New strategies are based on repeated monitoring, sanitation, educational programs and use of pesticides such as gel bait. Objective: Investigate the effectiveness of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program on life stages of German cockroaches at infested units of a residential building in southwestern Iran. Methods: Life stages (adult, nymph, and ootheca) of German cockroaches at 53 units (rooms) were monitored by sticky traps for eight months. The infested units were subjected randomly to IPM treatments and compared to controls following five weeks of monitoring. The IPM approach was based on an educational program using pamphlets, posters, lectures, sanitation with vacuuming, and application of hydramethylnon gel baits. Results: There was a high proportion of nymph population (76% of cockroach trap counts) before treatment. German cockroaches showed the highest frequency distribution in trap counts at surveyed residential units. Percentage reduction in nymphs was lower than the reduction in adults in the first week post treatment, although from the fourth to the twenty-sixth week, the percentage reduction was higher than in adults or equal when they reached 100% reduction. Mean total results showed significant reduction in adult and nymph stages throughout the treatment period. Reduction in ootheca fluctuated over the IPM program. Conclusion: Siege gel bait (Hydramethylnon 2%) in an IPM program successfully reduced adult and nymph stages of German cockroach infestation over the post treatment weeks especially after the fourth post treatment week

    The Pattern of Enhancing of Protection of the Victims of International Crimes in Africa

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    In criminal proceeding, the victim participation as a precondition of enforcement of law is very important. The comparative study of victims participation in various generations of criminal courts and their effectiveness from new developments of criminal justice specially the restorative justice, will help us to understand the approach of these courts towards victim participation in international criminal law. The end of cold war and aftermath developments in the regions like Rwanda and ex-Yugoslavia resulted to shaping international criminal tribunals. After making International Criminal Court some cases in Africa refer to ICC, and the proceed African cases in ICC result the unhappy of some African head of states. Meanwhile, the matter of reparations of damages to victims due to international crimes became very important. The experiences of restorative justice can be a good model for criminal justice and reparation of damages and victim participation in Africa. In this article the legal developments of protection of international crimes victims and the lessons that can be a model for protection of victims rights will examined

    4-Aryl-4H-Naphthopyrans Derivatives: One-Pot Synthesis, Evaluation of Src Kinase Inhibitory and Anti-Proliferative Activities

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    Background: A series of 2-amino-4-aryl-4H-benzo[h or f]chromene-3-carbonitrile derivatives were synthesized and evaluated for inhibition of Src kinase and cell proliferation in breast carcinoma (BT-20) cell lines. Methods: The one-pot, three-component reaction of α or β-naphthol, malonitrile and an aromatic aldehyde in the presence of diammonium hydrogen phosphate was afforded the corresponding 2-amino-4-aryl-4H-benzo[h or f]chromene-3-carbonitrile derivatives, All target compounds were evaluated for inhibition of Src kinase and cell proliferation in breast carcinoma (BT-20) cell lines. Results: Among all tested compounds, unsubstituted 4-phenyl analog 4a showed Src kinas inhibitory effect with IC50 value of 28.1 μM and was the most potent compound in this series. In general, the compounds were moderately active against BT-20. 3-Nitro-phenyl 4e and 3-pyridinyl 4h derivatives inhibited the cell proliferation of BT-20 cells by 33% and 31.5%, respectively, and found to be more potent compared to doxorubicin (25% inhibition of cell growth). Conclusion: The data indicate that 4-aryl-4H-naphthopyrans scaffold has the potential to be optimized further for designing more potent Src kinase inhibitors and/or anticancer lead compounds

    Effect of washing on the bioefficacy of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) against main malaria vector Anopheles stephensi by three bioassay methods

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    Background & objectives: The use of pyrethoid impregnated bednets is one of the main malaria vector control strategies worldwide. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the bioefficacy of bednets impregnated with various pyrethroids after repeated washings. Methods: The effectiveness of bednets impregnated with permethrin, deltamethrin, bifenthrin, etofenprox and long-lasting bednets like OlysetNet® and PermaNet® which were provided by WHOPES was evaluated. The tests were carried out according to the WHO-recommended methods. Malaria vector, Anopheles stephensi was exposed to impregnated bednets for 3 min and the mortality was measured after 24 h recovery period. Knockdown was measured as well.Results: Results of three methods of bioassay tests showed that between two LLINs, PermaNet® was more efficient than OlysetNet®. Results of ITNs exhibited that deltamethrin and permethrin were more effective than etofenprox and bifenthrin as impregnants.Interpretation & conclusion: Findings of this study will be useful for WHO, local authorities and people who wish to use different pyrethroid-impregnated bednets for malaria vector control

    Efficacy of sanitation and sanitary factors against the German cockroach (Blattella germanica) infestation and effectiveness of educational programs on sanitation in Iran

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    Background: Sanitation and educational programmes as tactics of the biorational control programme to affect bait performance against German cockroaches have been reported, but these are limited to discussion on the effect of these factors alone. Objective: Investigate the effectiveness of sanitation and related factors on German cockroaches (Blattella germanica) in Iran. Methods: Sticky traps were used to monitor cockroach infestations at three residential buildings comprising of 150 apartment units in the southwest part of Iran. Educational programmes using pamphlets, posters, and lectures to describe the importance of sanitation, exclusion, and low toxic control in biorational control approach was performed in the intervention groups of the surveyed residential buildings. The cockroach index and sanitation rate tables were tools to evaluate the infestation and sanitation. A questionnaire was distributed to collect information on unsanitary factors and occupants’ attitudes towards sanitation. Results: There was a significant correlation between infestation and poor sanitation. Furthermore, there was significant correlation between infestation and sanitation in a biorational system. The effectiveness of a comprehensive educational program on the improvement of unsanitary factors such as “dirty and cluttered”, “unwashed dishes left at night” and “leftover foods exposed at places” or “food debris” was significant as it reduced upon cockroach infestation. Other relevant effects were also taken into consideration. Conclusion: Sanitation has positive impact in reduction of German cockroach infestation

    The effect of repeated washing of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) on the feeding success and survival rates of Anopheles gambiae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insecticide-treated nets protect users from mosquito bites, thereby preventing transmissions of mosquito borne pathogens. Repeated washing of nets removes insecticide on the netting rendering them ineffective within a short period. Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) offer longer time protection against such bites because they are more wash resistant, and are preferred to conventionally treated nets. However, there is limited information on the effect of repeated washing of LLINs on the feeding success and survival of wild malaria vectors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The current study evaluated the effect of repeated washing of four brands of LLINs on the feeding success and survival rates of <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>sl reared from wild strains. In this study, two- to five-day old F1s, reared from gravid mosquitoes collected from an area with a high coverage of LLINs were offered blood meals through protective barriers of the above LLINs. Mosquitoes were exposed for a period of 10 minutes each time. Nets were tested unwashed and subsequently after every 5<sup>th </sup>through wash 15. After exposure mosquitoes were sorted out according to their feeding status. They were then held under normal laboratory conditions for 24 hours and mortality was scored in both fed and unfed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>It was observed that mosquitoes did not feed through a barrier of unwashed LLINs. However, the feeding success and survival rates increased with successive number of washes and were also net brand dependant. After 15 washes, 49% of vectors succeeded to feed through a protective barrier of PermaNet 2.0 and 50% of the fed died after 24 hrs while after the same number of washes 60% of vectors succeeded to feed through Olyset brand of LLINs and all of them survived. In general, more mosquitoes survived after feeding through Olyset compared to the other four brands that were evaluated. When efficacy of individual LLINs was compared by a t-test analysis to a conventionally treated net, the results were not significantly different statistically for Olyset (<it>p = </it>0.239) and NetProtect (TNT) (<it>p = </it>0.135). However, the results were highly significant when comparison was made with PermaNet and Interceptor (BASF); <it>p </it>values 0.015 and 0.025 respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The result of this study shows that repeated washing of LLINs at short time intervals using local washing methods may render them infective within a short time in preventing local vectors from feeding.</p