1,511 research outputs found

     Power to the Workers? A qualitative study of workers' experiences of a 4-day working week

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    The pandemic has resulted in seismic shifts to all aspects of our lives, including views concerning the organisation of work. One impact is the acceleration of workers questioning traditional life stages, of work then retirement, and what they want out of life (Cable & Gratton, 2022) As quality of life is acknowledged as a driving force for many employees leaving their current jobs (Fuller & Kerr, 2022), the implications of a four-day working week are currently being investigated (Miller, 2022). Drawing on a small-scale study at an automotive supplier, based in the North-East of England, this case study will present findings from qualitative interviews conducted with employees who are experiencing a newly established 4-day working week. From the findings presented, discussions will highlight implications of this shift in the organisation of the working week for employees across the organisation. It is intended that the findings and discussions will raise relevant, contemporary questions for the business community more generally

    Mutants of phage bIL67 RuvC with enhanced Holliday junction binding selectivity and resolution symmetry

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    Viral and bacterial Holliday junction resolvases differ in specificity with the former typically being more promiscuous, acting on a variety of branched DNA substrates, while the latter exclusively targets Holliday junctions. We have determined the crystal structure of a RuvC resolvase from bacteriophage bIL67 to help identify features responsible for DNA branch discrimination. Comparisons between phage and bacterial RuvC structures revealed significant differences in the number and position of positively-charged residues in the outer sides of the junction binding cleft. Substitutions were generated in phage RuvC residues implicated in branch recognition and six were found to confer defects in Holliday junction and replication fork cleavage in vivo. Two mutants, R121A and R124A that flank the DNA binding site were purified and exhibited reduced in vitro binding to fork and linear duplex substrates relative to the wild-type, while retaining the ability to bind X junctions. Crucially, these two variants cleaved Holliday junctions with enhanced specificity and symmetry, a feature more akin to cellular RuvC resolvases. Thus, additional positive charges in the phage RuvC binding site apparently stabilize productive interactions with branched structures other than the canonical Holliday junction, a feature advantageous for viral DNA processing but deleterious for their cellular counterparts

    Comparing Analysis Frames for Visual Data Sets: Using Pupil Views Templates to explore perspectives of learning

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    A key challenge of visual methodology is how to combine large-scale qualitative data sets with epistemologically acceptable and rigorous analysis techniques. The authors argue that a pragmatic approach drawing on ideas from mixed methods is helpful to open up the full potential of visual data. However, before one starts to “mix” the stages of analysis one needs to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses provided by the various qualitative and quantitative perspectives. This article therefore provides a methodological discussion based on empirical research experiences with one visual data set: Pupil Views Templates (Wall and Higgins). The authors investigate two different approaches to the analysis of these data: inductive and deductive processes. The two approaches are applied separately to the same data set and observations are made regarding the affordances and constraints of each process, and the findings and implications for developing visual analysis in this area are presented. The authors show how both processes provide useful insight, but without clear strategy as to how they can be combined to achieve the intent of the research, the true potential of visual data will remain unlocked

    Parámetros productivos y digestivos de gazapos de engorde alimentados con dietas enriquecidas con aceite de salmón

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido determinar el efecto de la suplementación de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 sobre los parámetros productivos y digestivos en gazapos durante el período de cebo (30-60 días). Para ellos se formularon dos piensos que únicamente diferían en la fuente de grasa: manteca (grupo CON) o un producto comercial a base de aceite de salmón rico en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 (PUFA). En ambos casos, el nivel de inclusión de grasa fue de 7,5 g/kg de pienso. Cada uno de los piensos se administró a 12 camadas de gazapos de 8 animales cada una. En la mitad de las camadas de cada tratamiento se determinó semanalmente el consumo de pienso (CMD) y la ganancia de peso vivo (GMD) de los animales y al final de la prueba se sacrificaron 4 animales de cada camada. En la otra mitad de las camadas, se sacrificaron 2 gazapos de cada una de los 30 (destete), 45 y 60 días de vida para analizar los parámetros de fermentación cecal y la morfología ileal. No se encontraron diferencias (P>0,05) entre tratamientos en el CMD, GMD, índice de conversión del alimento, peso al sacrificio, pero de la canal, pH y concentración de NH3-N en el contenido cecal, ni en la morfología ileal (longitud de vellosidades y profundidad de criptas). Los gazapos suplementados con PUFA presentaron mayores (P<0,001) concentraciones de ácidos grasos volátiles en el ciego a los 30 y 45 días de edad que los gazapos control y se observó una tendencia (P=0,062) a este efecto a los 60 días de edad. En conclusión, la sustitución del manteca por PUFA en la dieta no afectó al rendimiento productivo de los gazapos, pero incrementó la fermentación de la digesta en el ciego

    Emerging from the third space chrysalis: Experiences in a non-hierarchical, collaborative research community of practice

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    This article discusses the creation of a research-focused virtual community of practice (vCoP) for geographically-dispersed third space professionals, motivated by desires for enhanced professional collaboration, visibility and identity. The authors used collaborative autoethnography (CAE) to evaluate their personal reflections as vCoP participants. Data were gathered in two collaborative writing activities and analysed using thematic analysis (TA). The TA identified two connected themes, which capture the vCoP members’ aspirations to transcend their current roles and be research-active through connecting with like-minded professionals. Collaborative writing activities, including authoring this paper, cultivated elements of academic identity such as independence and purpose. A non-hierarchical and supportive vCoP environment allowed the members to work beyond time and institutional constraints to foster the evolution of the community and an emerging sense of professional identity beyond that typically associated with third space roles. The paper offers a model of collaboration that could help groups in similar situations