34 research outputs found

    UVM Tobacco Use and Attitudes After Implementation of a Tobacco-Free Policy

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    Introduction: Widespread public health initiatives have led to falling smoking rates. Currently, 1,620 U.S. colleges have adopted smoke-free policies. In August 2015, the University of Vermont (UVM) adopted a tobacco-free policy that bans all forms of tobacco use on university property. The purpose of this study was to compare tobacco use and attitudes before and after policy implementation.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1230/thumbnail.jp

    The Influence of Motion and Stress on Optical Fibers

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    We report on extensive testing carried out on the optical fibers for the VIRUS instrument. The primary result of this work explores how 10+ years of simulated wear on a VIRUS fiber bundle affects both transmission and focal ratio degradation (FRD) of the optical fibers. During the accelerated lifetime tests we continuously monitored the fibers for signs of FRD. We find that transient FRD events were common during the portions of the tests when motion was at telescope slew rates, but dropped to negligible levels during rates of motion typical for science observation. Tests of fiber transmission and FRD conducted both before and after the lifetime tests reveal that while transmission values do not change over the 10+ years of simulated wear, a clear increase in FRD is seen in all 18 fibers tested. This increase in FRD is likely due to microfractures that develop over time from repeated flexure of the fiber bundle, and stands in contrast to the transient FRD events that stem from localized stress and subsequent modal diffusion of light within the fibers. There was no measurable wavelength dependence on the increase in FRD over 350 nm to 600 nm. We also report on bend radius tests conducted on individual fibers and find the 266 microns VIRUS fibers to be immune to bending-induced FRD at bend radii of R > 10cm. Below this bend radius FRD increases slightly with decreasing radius. Lastly, we give details of a degradation seen in the fiber bundle currently deployed on the Mitchell Spectrograph (formally VIRUS-P) at McDonald Observatory. The degradation is shown to be caused by a localized shear in a select number of optical fibers that leads to an explosive form of FRD. In a few fibers, the overall transmission loss through the instrument can exceed 80%.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figure

    Matrix Platform: Empowering Smart Ports with Advanced Video Analytics for Enhanced Security, Safety, and Efficiency

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    This paper underscores the crucial role of video anonymization in smart ports, were data privacy and security hold critical importance. It introduces the Matrix Platform, specifically designed for smart environments, and highlights its strong video anonymization capabilities. The platform employs advanced Video Anonymization techniques to effectively balance the preservation of data confidentiality with the enhancement of port security. Furthermore, the paper discusses how object detection and anonymization methods are strategically employed to protect sensitive information while still allowing access to critical operational details such as cargo and vessel types. Emphasis is placed on video anonymization's pivotal role in strengthening port security by concealing high-value assets and minimizing the risk of exposing sensitive data. By integrating the Matrix Platform, ports gain the capability to proactively manage security risks, safeguard assets, and secure information. This adaptable platform can be deployed in both Edge and Cloud environments, ensuring alignment with the specific needs of smart ports, with a primary focus on data anonymization. In conclusion, as the port industry continues to evolve, this paper asserts that the adoption of video anonymization techniques is fundamental for future growth and development, providing assurance of privacy and security in this dynamic landscape

    On average, a professional rugby union player is more likely than not to sustain a concussion after 25 matches

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    Objectives To investigate concussion injury rates, the likelihood of sustaining concussion relative to the number of rugby union matches and the risk of subsequent injury following concussion. Methods A four-season (2012/2013–2015/2016) prospective cohort study of injuries in professional level (club and international) rugby union. Incidence (injuries/1000 player-match-hours), severity (days lost per injury) and number of professional matches conferring a large risk of concussion were determined. The risk of injury following concussion was assessed using a survival model. Results Concussion incidence increased from 7.9 (95% CI 5.1 to 11.7) to 21.5 injuries/1000 player-match-hours (95% CI 16.4 to 27.6) over the four seasons for combined club and international rugby union. Concussion severity was unchanged over time (median: 9 days). Players were at a greater risk of sustaining a concussion than not after an exposure of 25 matches (95% CI 19 to 32). Injury risk (any injury) was 38% greater (HR 1.38; 95% CI 1.21 to 1.56) following concussion than after a non-concussive injury. Injuries to the head and neck (HR 1.34; 95% CI 1.06 to 1.70), upper limb (HR 1.59; 95% CI 1.19 to 2.12), pelvic region (HR 2.07; 95% CI 1.18 to 3.65) and the lower limb (HR 1.60; 95% CI 1.21 to 2.10) were more likely following concussion than after a non-concussive injury. Conclusion Concussion incidence increased, while severity remained unchanged, during the 4 years of this study. Playing more than 25 matches in the 2015/2016 season meant that sustaining concussion was more likely than not sustaining concussion. The 38% greater injury risk after concussive injury (compared with non-concussive injury) suggests return to play protocols warrant investigation

    UK guideline for the use of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis 2021

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    We present the updated British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) guidelines for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to HIV following sexual exposures, occupational exposures and other nonoccupational exposures in the community. This serves as an update to the 2015 BASHH guideline on PEP following sexual exposures and the 2008 Expert Advisory Group on AIDS guidelines on HIV PEP. We aim to provide evidence-based guidance on best clinical practice in the provision, monitoring and support of PEP for the prevention of HIV acquisition following sexual, occupational and other nonoccupational exposures in the community. The guideline covers when to prescribe PEP, what antiretroviral agents to use and how to manage PEP. This includes (i) evidence of PEP efficacy; (ii) evidence relating to individual-level efficacy of antiretroviral therapy to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV; (iii) data on the detectable (transmissible) prevalence of HIV in specific populations; (iv) risk of HIV transmission following different types of sexual and occupational exposure; (v) baseline risk assessment; (vi) drug regimens and dosing schedules; (vii) monitoring PEP; (viii) baseline and follow-up blood-borne virus testing; (ix) the role of PEP within broader HIV prevention strategies, for example, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The guideline also covers special scenarios such as PEP in pregnancy, breastfeeding and chronic hepatitis B virus infection, and when PEP should be considered in people using HIV PrEP. The guidelines are aimed at clinical professionals directly involved in PEP provision and other stakeholders in the field. A proforma to assist PEP consultations is included. A public consultation process was undertaken prior to finalizing the recommendations

    Direct observation of DNA threading in flap endonuclease complexes

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    Maintenance of genome integrity requires that branched nucleic acid molecules are accurately processed to produce double-helical DNA. Flap endonucleases are essential enzymes that trim such branched molecules generated by Okazaki fragment synthesis during replication. Here, we report crystal structures of bacteriophage T5 flap endonuclease in complexes with intact DNA substrates, and products, at resolutions of 1.9–2.2 Å. They reveal single-stranded DNA threading through a hole in the enzyme enclosed by an inverted Vshaped helical arch straddling the active site. Residues lining the hole induce an unusual barb-like conformation in the DNA substrate juxtaposing the scissile phosphate and essential catalytic metal ions. A series of complexes and biochemical analyses show how the substrate’s single-stranded branch approaches, threads through, and finally emerges on the far side of the enzyme. Our studies suggest that substrate recognition involves an unusual “flycasting, thread, bend and barb” mechanis

    Optimal Language Learning: The Importance of Starting Representative

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    Child-directed speech has a distinctive structure and may have facilitatory effects on children’s language learning. We consider these facilitatory effects from the perspective of Marr’s levels of analysis: could they arise at the computational level or must they be located at at the algorithmic or implementation levels? To determine if the effects could be due to computational level benefits, we examine the question of what samples from a language should best facilitate learning by identifying the optimal linguistic input for an ideal Bayesian learner. Our analysis leads to a mathematical definition of the “representativeness” of linguistic data, which can be computed for any probabilistic model of language learning. We use this measure to re-examine the debate over whether language learning can be improved by “starting small ” (i.e. learning from data that have limited complexity). We compare the representativeness of corpora with differing levels of complexity, showing that while optimal corpora for a complex language are also complex, it is possible to construct relatively good corpora with limited complexity. We discuss the implications of these results for the level of analysis at which a benefit of starting small must be located