156 research outputs found

    Use of peas in organic buffalo farming: effects on nutrient digestibility and milk production

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    Twenty lactating buffalo cows, organically farmed, were used to examine the effects of including peas in total mixed ration. Two concentrates were formulated to contain, as the main protein sources, either 350 g/kg of soybean cake (CC) or 450 g/kg of peas (ExpC). Cows were blocked into two groups according to parity and previous milk yield and were assigned to one of two dietary treatments: one group was fed a diet with 6 kg/d of CC, whereas the treatment group was fed diet in which 3kg/d of CC were replaced by an equal quantity of ExpC. Digestibility of the diets and milk production of the cows were measured. The experimental period covered the whole lactation period. No differences were observed between groups for milk yield and composition, and for total tract apparent digestibility. The main hypothesis tested, that the replacement of soybean cake with peas in buffalo diet would not affect milk yield and composition, was confirmed. This suggested that the partial substitution of soybean cake with peas in diet for buffalo cows can be possible without affect performances

    Decision support for counter-piracy operations: analysis of correlations between attacks and METOC conditions using machine learning techniques

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    Correlation between Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) data and sea piracy attacks in the Horn of Africa/Indian Ocean area is assessed and optimally exploited by using a machine learning approach based on the concept of a one-class classifier. The trained algorithms and METOC forecast models are used as inputs to forecast the piracy risk related to environmental conditions over the region of interest. Performance evaluation strategies are provided to assess the goodness of piracy risk maps used in daily counter piracy operation support. The research, through a rigorous analytical/statistical approach, confirms the existence of the correlation between METOC and sea piracy attacks and the algorithm evaluation procedure shows that the machine learning approach to the piracy risk prediction outperforms the classical threshold based method of modeling piracy group operational limits

    Choice of three different intramedullary nails in the treatment of trochanteric fractures: outcome, analysis and consideration in midterm

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    paragone di 3 differenti impianti per frattura pertrocanterica femoreThe purpose of this study is to compare the results obtained using three different systems of osteosynthesis, developed for the surgical treatment of fractures of the trochanteric region of the femur, based on the principle intramedullary nailing: the Gamma nail, the Affixus nail and the ZNN nail. This is a retrospective study: 72 trochanteric fractures treated with the Gamma nail, 68 treated with the Affixus nail and 69 treated with the ZNN nail, between the years 2012 and 2014, with the prerequisite of a minimum follow-up of 18 months. The fractures were classified according to the AO system; the most commonly reported subtype was the A2 fracture. Clinical and radiographic examinations were performed, both at hospital admission and post-operatively, at 1, 3, 6, 12 and 18 months. Of the 209 patients, 171 were women and 38 were men. The average age was 83.12 years old. All three systems guaranteed an early mobilization and ambulation in most of the patients. There were no significant differences in the use of the three nails in terms of recovery of previous functional capacity, or in terms of the time required for the fracture to heal. There were no advantages encountered with the use of one intramedullary nail over another and, in particular, when observing the complications and patient outcome, there were no statistically significant differences detected

    A controlled, randomized clinical study to verify the efficacy and safety of a new hypertonic solution (Narlisim) in nasal congestion in adults affected by common cold

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    Background: Nasal congestion is the main symptom of common cold. Symptomatic treatment with nasal decongestant seems to be the only treatment option. We managed a study to assess the efficacy of Narlisim, a developed nasal spray, on nasal congestions in common cold. Materials and methods: In this study, sixty adult patients with common cold were included. Thirty patients were treated with Narlisim nasal spray, and 30 patients with isotonic nasal spray. The primary outcome was the assessment of the speed of relief of nasal congestion; the secondary outcome was the assessment of nasal congestion and nasal secretion symptoms by a 0–100% rating Visual analog score (VAS) scale on 5 items at baseline and after 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes from treatment. Results: VAS score progressively reduced for all investigated symptoms in both groups; a statistically significant higher mean reduction at each time point was recorded in the study group compared to controls (p<0.001). Conclusions: Our results suggest that Narlisim may be a promising medical device to control nasal congestion and rhinitis in common cold thanks to its nasal washing, hypertonic city, and low pH and osmo protection properties

    A comprehensive review of transcranial magnetic stimulation in secondary dementia

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    Although primary degenerative diseases are the main cause of dementia, a non-negligible proportion of patients is affected by a secondary and potentially treatable cognitive disorder. Therefore, diagnostic tools able to early identify and monitor them and to predict the response to treatment are needed. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive neurophysiological technique capable of evaluating in vivo and in "real time" the motor areas, the cortico-spinal tract, and the neurotransmission pathways in several neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, including cognitive impairment and dementia. While consistent evidence has been accumulated for Alzheimer's disease, other degenerative cognitive disorders, and vascular dementia, to date a comprehensive review of TMS studies available in other secondary dementias is lacking. These conditions include, among others, normal-pressure hydrocephalus, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease and other immunologically mediated diseases, as well as a number of inflammatory, infective, metabolic, toxic, nutritional, endocrine, sleep-related, and rare genetic disorders. Overall, we observed that, while in degenerative dementia neurophysiological alterations might mirror specific, and possibly primary, neuropathological changes (and hence be used as early biomarkers), this pathogenic link appears to be weaker for most secondary forms of dementia, in which neurotransmitter dysfunction is more likely related to a systemic or diffuse neural damage. In these cases, therefore, an effort toward the understanding of pathological mechanisms of cognitive impairment should be made, also by investigating the relationship between functional alterations of brain circuits and the specific mechanisms of neuronal damage triggered by the causative disease. Neurophysiologically, although no distinctive TMS pattern can be identified that might be used to predict the occurrence or progression of cognitive decline in a specific condition, some TMS-associated measures of cortical function and plasticity (such as the short-latency afferent inhibition, the short-interval intracortical inhibition, and the cortical silent period) might add useful information in most of secondary dementia, especially in combination with suggestive clinical features and other diagnostic tests. The possibility to detect dysfunctional cortical circuits, to monitor the disease course, to probe the response to treatment, and to design novel neuromodulatory interventions in secondary dementia still represents a gap in the literature that needs to be explored

    Characterisation of Diospyros kaki (persimmon) vinegars produced with different microorganisms

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the characteristics of nine kaki vinegars produced using different yeasts and bacteria traditionally involved in wine production, and to evaluate their acidity, density, total phenolic content, and antioxidant activity. Furthermore, the study characterized the volatile fingerprinting by headspace-gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry (HS-GC-IMS) and by two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOF-MS). Finally, individual carotenoids were characterized using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). More than a thousand distinguishing molecules were found. It was discovered that vinegars fermented with S. cerevisiae produced a larger number of volatile chemicals. Among the three vinegars produced with this strain, the one fermented with Acetobacter_vino seemed to have a more elaborate flavour profile than all the other samples. The vinegar produced utilizing the mixture of T. delbruekii and Acetobacter was the only kind to have a high concentration of carotenoids

    A maritime decision support system to assess risk in the presence of environmental uncertainties: the REP10 experiment

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    The aim of this work is to report on an activity carried out during the 2010 Recognized Environmental Picture experiment, held in the Ligurian Sea during summer 2010. The activity was the first at-sea test of the recently developed decision support system (DSS) for operation planning, which had previously been tested in an artificial experiment. The DSS assesses the impact of both environmental conditions (meteorological and oceanographic) and non-environmental conditions (such as traffic density maps) on people and assets involved in the operation and helps in deciding a course of action that allows safer operation. More precisely, the environmental variables (such as wind speed, current speed and significant wave height) taken as input by the DSS are the ones forecasted by a super-ensemble model, which fuses the forecasts provided by multiple forecasting centres. The uncertainties associated with the DSS's inputs (generally due to disagreement between forecasts) are propagated through the DSS's output by using the unscented transform. In this way, the system is not only able to provide a traffic light map (run/not run the operation), but also to specify the confidence level associated with each action. This feature was tested on a particular type of operation with underwater gliders: the glider surfacing for data transmission. It is also shown how the availability of a glider path prediction tool provides surfacing options along the predicted path. The applicability to different operations is demonstrated by applying the same system to support diver operations

    Discriminative and predictive properties of disease-specific and generic health status indexes in elderly COPD patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The association between bronchial obstruction severity and mortality in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is well established, but it is unknown whether disease-specific health status measures and multidimensional assessment (MDA) have comparable prognostic value.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed data coming from the Salute Respiratoria nell'Anziano (Respiratory Health in the Elderly – SaRA) study, enrolling elderly people attending outpatient clinics for respiratory and non-respiratory problems. From this population we selected 449 patients with bronchial obstruction (77.3% men, mean age 73.1). We classified patients' health status using tertiles of the Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and a MDA including functional (the 6' walking test, WT), cognitive (Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE) and affective status (Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS). The agreement of the classification methods was calculated using the kappa statistic, and survival associated with group membership was evaluated using survival analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pulmonary function, expressed by the FEV1, worsened with increasing SGRQ or MDA scores. Cognitive function was not associated with the SGRQ, while physical performance and mood status were impaired only in the highest tertile of SGRQ. A poor agreement was found between the two classification systems tested (k = 0.194). Compared to people in the first tertile of SGRQ score, those in the second tertile had a sex-adjusted HR of 1.22 (0.75 – 1.98) and those in the third tertile of 2.90 (1.92 – 4.40). The corresponding figures of the MDA were 1.49 (95% CI 1.02 – 2.18) and 2.01 (95% CI: 1.31 – 3.08). After adjustment for severity of obstruction, only a SGRQ in the upper tertile was associated with mortality (HR: 1.86; 95% CI: 1.14 – 3.02).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In elderly outpatients with mild-moderate COPD, a disease-specific health status index seems to be a better predictor of death compared to a MDA.</p

    Simulating the Impact on the Local Economy of Alternative Management Scenarios for Natural Areas

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