21 research outputs found

    Modern doctors' view on the problem of diagnostics and treatment of asthenic syndrome in different regions of the Russian Federation

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the current practice of neurologists and physicians of the Russian Federation in the diagnosis and pharmacotherapy of asthenic syndrom

    Источники повышенной продуктивности клубней для селекции картофеля на Дальнем Востоке

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    Relevance. In the difficult natural and climatic conditions of the Far Eastern region of the Russian Federation, there is a need for a comprehensive study of the source material to create modern competitive varieties with ontogenetic adaptation that can adapt to external conditions. The relevance of research is to mobilize the potato gene pool and study promising source material for potato breeding.Materials and methods. The goal of research is to identify sources of economically useful traits based on a comprehensive study of the source material to create high-yielding varieties of potatoes resistant to negative bio- and abiotic environmental factors. The object of research is domestic and foreign varieties of the collection nursery of potato of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean. The studies were carried out in the natural and climatic conditions of the Amur region on meadow chernozem soil of the experimental field of FSBSI ARSRI of Soybean in 2015-2019 years in accordance with the methods generally accepted for potato culture.Results. Varieties Fermer, Yubilyar, Zhukovskiy ranniy, Krinitsa, Rodrigo, Natasha, Delphin and Zolskiy showed stable productivity by years of research and the variation coefficient of the trait was 10.8...18.1%. Stable high tuberous productivity of plantings over the years was identified in varieties Zolskiy, Rodrigo and Natasha – 27.0-28.8 t/ha, its variation coefficient was from 15.4 to 18.1%. Varieties Delphin, Impala and Vulkan were characterized by high (over 98%) marketability of tubers. The use of the specified collection samples as parent forms when crossing in various hybrid combinations will make it possible to obtain highly productive offspring for further use in potato breeding.Актуальность. Селекция высокопродуктивных сортов, адаптированных к негативному воздействию окружающей среды, предполагает изучение, отбор и выделения генетических источников с лучшими потребительскими качествами для включения в практическую селекцию по заданным её направлениям. В сложных природно-климатических условиях Дальневосточного региона РФ возникает необходимость всестороннего изучения исходного материала для создания современных конкурентоспособных сортов с онтогенетической адаптацией, способных приспосабливаться к внешним условиям.Материал и методы. Цель исследований – выделение источников хозяйственно-полезных признаков на основе комплексного изучения исходного материала для создания высокоурожайных сортов картофеля, устойчивых к негативным био- и абиотическим факторам окружающей среды. Исследования проводили в природно-климатических условиях Амурской области на луговой черноземовидной почве опытного поля ФГБНУ ВНИИ сои в период 2015-2019 годов в соответствии с общепринятыми для культуры картофеля методами. Изучены отечественные и зарубежные сорта коллекционного питомника картофеля ВНИИ сои.Результаты. Стабильную урожайность по годам исследований с коэффициентом вариации признака 10,8-18,1% показали сорта Фермер, Юбиляр, Жуковский ранний, Криница, Родриго, Наташа, Дельфин и Зольский. Стабильно высокая по годам клубневая продуктивность посадок установлена у сортов Зольский, Родриго и Наташа – 27,0-28,8 т/га, коэффициенты вариации – от 15,4 до 18,1. Сорта Дельфин, Импала и Вулкан характеризовались высокой (свыше 98%) товарностью клубней. Использование указанных коллекционных образцов при скрещивании в различных гибридных комбинациях в качестве родительских форм позволит получать высокопродуктивное потомство для дальнейшего применения в селекции картофеля

    Improved functionalization of oleic acid-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles can providemultiple benefits for biomedical applications in aqueous environments such asmagnetic separation or magnetic resonance imaging. To increase the colloidal stability and allow subsequent reactions, the introduction of hydrophilic functional groups onto the particles’ surface is essential. During this process, the original coating is exchanged by preferably covalently bonded ligands such as trialkoxysilanes. The duration of the silane exchange reaction, which commonly takes more than 24 h, is an important drawback for this approach. In this paper, we present a novel method, which introduces ultrasonication as an energy source to dramatically accelerate this process, resulting in high-quality waterdispersible nanoparticles around 10 nmin size. To prove the generic character, different functional groups were introduced on the surface including polyethylene glycol chains, carboxylic acid, amine, and thiol groups. Their colloidal stability in various aqueous buffer solutions as well as human plasma and serum was investigated to allow implementation in biomedical and sensing applications.status: publishe

    Compliance as the major effectiveness determinant in preventive acetylsalicylic acid therapy

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    Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the most effective methods for CVD event prevention. In a substantial proportion of the patients, however, long-term preventive ASA treatment compliance is low (44-71%). Low compliance is associated with reduced antiplatelet effects of ASA and a 2-3-fold increase in the risk of myocardial infarction (MI), ischemic stroke (IS), and other cardiovascular events. ASA therapy compliance could be improved by achieving better collaboration between doctors and patients, while educating patients and explaining the importance of following the doctors’ advice. In addition, enteric-coated ASA forms could play an important role in improving treatment tolerability and, therefore, increasing compliance. Other potentially effective measures include the use of modern packaging (calendar blisters) and information technologies (telephone communication, MGMM)

    Sources of increased productivity of tubers for potato breeding in the Far East

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    Relevance. In the difficult natural and climatic conditions of the Far Eastern region of the Russian Federation, there is a need for a comprehensive study of the source material to create modern competitive varieties with ontogenetic adaptation that can adapt to external conditions. The relevance of research is to mobilize the potato gene pool and study promising source material for potato breeding.Materials and methods. The goal of research is to identify sources of economically useful traits based on a comprehensive study of the source material to create high-yielding varieties of potatoes resistant to negative bio- and abiotic environmental factors. The object of research is domestic and foreign varieties of the collection nursery of potato of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean. The studies were carried out in the natural and climatic conditions of the Amur region on meadow chernozem soil of the experimental field of FSBSI ARSRI of Soybean in 2015-2019 years in accordance with the methods generally accepted for potato culture.Results. Varieties Fermer, Yubilyar, Zhukovskiy ranniy, Krinitsa, Rodrigo, Natasha, Delphin and Zolskiy showed stable productivity by years of research and the variation coefficient of the trait was 10.8...18.1%. Stable high tuberous productivity of plantings over the years was identified in varieties Zolskiy, Rodrigo and Natasha – 27.0-28.8 t/ha, its variation coefficient was from 15.4 to 18.1%. Varieties Delphin, Impala and Vulkan were characterized by high (over 98%) marketability of tubers. The use of the specified collection samples as parent forms when crossing in various hybrid combinations will make it possible to obtain highly productive offspring for further use in potato breeding

    Adaptive algorithm of filtration of target trajectory parameters

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    The algorithm of filtration of the targets trajectory parameters is presented. This algorithm provides detection and recognition of abnormal situations, and target maneuver and selection of abnormal observations. It also provides measurement and the registration of acceleration at target maneuver and increases an accuracy of the target trajectory parameter estimation

    Cost-of-Illness Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Russian Federation: Results from Russian multicenter observational pharmacoepidemiologic study of diabetes care for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (FORSIGHT-Т2DM)

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    Background: Cost-of-Illness Analysis (COI) constitutes the basis for the decision-making process on the budget and allocation in a modern health care system. Considering the wide prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (Т2DM), it is important to perform COI in the Russian Federation (RF). Aim: The aim of the secondary objective FORSIGHT-Т2DM study was to conduct Cost-of-Illness Analysis (COI) of Т2DM in the Russian Federation in relation to taking into consideration the presence of complications and concomitant diseases. Materials and methods: COI of Т2DM was performed using the data obtained in Russian multicenter observational, pharmacoepidemiologic cross-sectional study of diabetes care for assessing routine healthcare pattern of T2DM in the Russian Federation (FORSIGHT-Т2DM). Information for each patient was collected from primary medical records and By asking patients to fill out a questionnaire. Total costs were calculated as the sum of direct medical costs (DCm), direct non-medical costs (DCn) and indirect costs (IC). Results: The final analysis included data from 2014 patients with T2DM residing in 45 cities of RF. Total direct medical costs (DCm) of treating Т2DM and its complications and comorbidities amounted to 105 337 rubles (2742)perpatientperyear;directnonmedicalcosts(DCn)amountedto24518rubles(2742) per patient per year; direct non-medical costs (DCn) amounted to 24 518 rubles (638) per patient per year; indirect costs (IC) amounted to 149 754 rubles (3898)perpatientperyear.ThetotalcostofT2DMinRFin2014yearamountedto279609rubles(3898) per patient per year. The total cost of T2DM in RF in 2014 year amounted to 279 609 rubles (7278) per patient. The total cost of T2DM in RF in 2014 amounted to 279 609 rubles per patient. Conclusions: More than half (53,5%) of the total cost of T2DM is the loss of GDP due to patients disability. The DCm constitute 37,7% of the total cost of the disease, of which 57% is spent on treatment of T2DM complications and concomitant diseases, while only 10% is spent on glucose-lowering therapies

    Assessing routine healthcare pattern for type 2 diabetes mellitus in Russia: the results of рharmacoepidemiological study (FORSIGHT-DM2)

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    Rationale. The rising incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) allows researchers to conduct observational multicentre studies and obtain objective information about the epidemiology of diabetes and its complications and evaluate the efficacy of different therapies and diagnostic strategies designed to identify systemic vascular complications. Aims. To analyse epidemiological and socio-demographic parameters, the quality of glycaemic control, diagnostic monitoring and therapeutic measures typical among patients with T2DM living in Russian towns of different populations. Materials and methods. FORSIGHT-DM2 is an all-Russian multicentre observational epidemiological study that involves 2014 patients with T2DM from 45 different towns in the Russian Federation (RF). All patients have had T2DM for at least 1 year. They received glucose-lowering therapy and primary medical care from RF public outpatient health institutions between 01.01.2014 and 31.12.2014. For comparative analysis of the typical treatment for patients with T2DM, we stratified patients into groups based on the number of residents. Results. The data reveal a lack of glycaemic control (average НbА1с 7.9% ± 1.9%), with НbА1с  8% in 36% of patients. The frequency of T2DM complications was high and the prevalence of retinopathy was 63.2%, nephropathy was 34.4% (7.8% had chronic kidney disease G3a-G5), peripheral polyneuropathy was 63.3%, ‘diabetic foot’ syndrome was 13.7% and osteoarthropathy was 5%. The number of T2DM-related complications is correlated with the HbA1c level and disease duration. Moreover, simultaneous influence of these factors led to a significant increase in the number of chronic complications associated with T2DM (r = 0.338 for T2DM duration, r = 0.262 for HbA1c; р 0.001). Despite the high frequency of patient consultations with endocrinologists (83%) and a large percentage of hospitalisations in the current year (46%), the screening of chronic complications of T2DM in 2014 is insufficient. Conclusion. The results indicate insufficient glycaemic control among patients with T2DM and a higher prevalence of chronic complications compared with the national register of diabetic patients