162 research outputs found

    Evaluation and heritability of ergot resistance derived from sorghum germplasm IS8525.

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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) is fifth among the major cereal crops in the world in terms of production area and total production. Grain sorghum can be successfully produced in a wide range of environments, its productivity is severely limited by pathogens, insects and abiotic stresses. One of these pathogens is Claviceps africana Frederickson Mantle & de Milliano, commonly known as ergot. As is the case with many sorghum diseases, the best long term approach to control ergot may be the use of genetic resistance. There is limited information about resistance to C. africana in sorghum, and the reported resistance in most lines is fertility-based. Dahlberg (1999) first reported the line IS8525 to have the most tolerance to ergot of any of the accessions screened in Puerto Rico. The specific objectives of this research are: (1) to confirm the presence of C. africana resistance in IS8525 germplasm, (2) to determine if the resistance in IS8525 is pollen mediated or ovule based, and (3) to determine if the resistance in IS8525 is heritable and stable across environments. Ergot vulnerability ratings were determined for two recombinant inbred line populations, IS8525D and IS8525J, in four locations during 2001. Also, ergot vulnerability ratings were evaluated in four test-cross populations (using as testers A3Tx623 and A3Tx623) in two locations. Evaluations of the original parents indicate that ergot tolerance in IS8525D parent was consistently better than that in IS8525J parent. As expected, neither parent provided complete resistance. The IS8525J recombinant inbred line population showed significantly more ergot susceptibility than the IS8525D recombinant inbred line population and this trend was consistent across environments. Variation for ergot vulnerability amo ng recombinant inbred lines for both populations was detected, but the amount of variability was environment dependent. In the testcross hybrids, all four populations were susceptible to ergot, primarily due to male sterility in the hybrids, confirming that the tolerance shown in IS8525 germplasm is mostly pollen mediated. However, a greater level of tolerance in the IS8525 hybrid checks confirmed the reports of tolerance by Dahlberg et al. (1998) and Reed et al. (2002)

    Genetic diversity and combining ability among sorghum conversion lines

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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L] Moench) was first introduced to the United States in the 1800s. These introductions consisted of tropical varieties with a short day photoperiod response that limited their use in temperate hybrid breeding programs. Commercial exploitation of F1 hybrids in grain sorghum started by the mid 1950s with the use of cytoplasmic male sterility system CMS (A1). Even though other CMS are available, most sorghum hybrid seed production still relies on the A1 system. Genetic gain in most agronomic crop species is limited by several factors. In the specific case of sorghum, the uniform use of the CMS (A1) system and the recent introduction of sorghum to the United States have resulted in a reduction of its genetic base. In order to create enough genetic variability, plant breeders might utilize exotic non adapted material, exotic adapted material or existing elite material as a source of new alleles that will protect and improve genetic gain through selection. This study provides an estimate of the genetic diversity existing in a set of sorghum conversion lines. The objectives of this study were: (1) to estimate the genetic diversity present among a set of 16 sorghum conversion linesþ (2) to classify this set of lines based on genetic similarities estimated using AFLP markers and (3) to estimate heterosis, general and specific combining ability for grain yield among the set of conversion lines. Genetic diversity was present in the set of conversion lines evaluated. For the lines included only in this study, Caudatum was the most homogenous race (average GS = 0.69), and this race was closely related to the Durra race (Average GS = 0.66). Two other homogenous races were Bicolor and Kafir with average GS of 0.67. Highest GCA effects were obtained from the Kafir and Caudatum races. Good heterotic responses were obtained from DurraKafir races and CaudatumKafir races. Estimation of SCA, MPH and BPH identified specific crosses that were numerically superior than those of the checks. The use of AFLP markers allowed the identification of five strong clusters through estimates of genetic similarities. This classification did not group the lines by either their genetic background or their fertility reaction. This study provides information to identify specific combinations that would help to understand heterotic relationships in sorghum, and support the suggestions made by Menz and Gabriel that races in sorghum are not well defined

    How much can Mexican healthcare providers learn about breastfeeding through a semi-virtual training? A propensity score matching analysis

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    Background: Mexico has shown a worrisome decrease in breastfeeding indicators, especially in the lowest socioeconomic level. Improving breastfeeding protection, promotion, and support services through workforce development is a key area of intervention. The objective of this study is to assess the influence on breastfeeding knowledge and abilities of a semi-virtual training for primary healthcare providers assisting beneficiaries of PROSPERA in Mexico, which is one of the largest conditional cash-transfer programs in the world. Methods: Two independent cross-sectional samples of healthcare providers were drawn at baseline and post-intervention in three states of Mexico. Baseline data were collected among primary physicians, registered nurses and nurse technicians (i.e. unit of analysis) on July 2016 (n = 529) and post-training between March and April 2017 (n = 211). A 19-item telephone questionnaire assessed providers\u27 general knowledge about breastfeeding, breastfeeding benefits and clinical aspects of breastfeeding, clinical ability to solve problems and abilities to overcome breastfeeding challenges. The effects of the training were assessed through a propensity score matching (PSM) stratified by types of providers (i.e. physicians, registered nurses, nurse technicians). Results: The PSM analysis showed significant improvements among all providers in the general knowledge about breastfeeding (around 20 percentage points [pp]) and knowledge about breastfeeding benefits (approximately 50 pp). In addition, physicians improved their knowledge about clinical aspects of breastfeeding (7 pp), while registered nurses improved in their ability to solve breastfeeding problems (14 pp) and in helping mothers overcome breastfeeding challenges (12 pp). Conclusions: Promoting a breastfeeding enabling environment in Mexico to improve breastfeeding rates will require improving the knowledge and skills of healthcare providers. While a semi-virtual training showed large improvements in knowledge, developing skills among providers may require a more intensive approach

    AgroMedic - detección y tratamiento de enfermedades en la planta del maíz

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    La agricultura a nivel mundial se enfrenta a múltiples retos: tiene que producir más alimentos a fin de alimentar a una población creciente, adoptar métodos de producción más eficaces y sostenibles. Este es un sector importante de la economía del Perú, representa el 3.7 % del PBI. Sin embargo; solo el 10% de los productores reciben apoyo técnico o capacitación. Adicionalmente, hay una falta de ingenieros agrónomos en las provincias, por lo cual no es posible que puedan cubrir las necesidades y apoyo en la detección a tiempo de enfermedades en sus cultivos, por eso nuestro proyecto surge a partir de la falta de iniciativas tecnológicas en el sector agrario. Se realizó un análisis de mercado en el distrito de San Jerónimo de Tunán, que nos dio como resultado la carencia de apoyo económico y capacitaciones agrarias en los pequeños agricultores del maíz. Se aplicó la Metodología Design Thinking, en la primera etapa se empatizó con el agricultor a través de entrevistas, luego se realizó los filtros para encontrar patrones en común, en la tercera etapa surgieron nuevas ideas de solución, por último, se realizó el MVP lo cual nos permitió la detección en tres tipos de plagas y/o enfermedades del maíz La implementación de la solución se ha basado en el algoritmo de Redes Neuronales Convolucionales; considerando las siguientes enfermedades y/o plagas; tizón de la hoja, roya común y mancha gris de la hoja. Parte del proceso de validación del prototipo se realizó con distintas pruebas, desde valores aleatorios de imágenes hasta capturas reales con un dispositivo móvil Android; logrando resultados del 91,82 % de precisión en las pruebas de validación. Por consiguiente, los beneficiarios de la solución, pudieron utilizar esta herramienta demostrando su facilidad de uso y realizando detecciones de las enfermedades mencionadas en sus cultivos del maíz.Global agriculture faces multiple challenges: it has to produce more food in order to feed a growing population, adopt more efficient and sustainable production methods. This is an important sector of the Peruvian economy; it represents 3.7 % of the PBI. Nevertheless; only 10% of producers receive technical support or training. Additionally, there is a lack of agronomists in the provinces, for which it is not possible for them to cover the needs and support in the timely detection of diseases in their crops, that is why our project arises from the lack of technological initiatives in the agrarian sector. A market analysis was carried out in the San Jerónimo de Tunán district, which resulted in the lack of economic support and agricultural training in small corn farmers. The Design Thinking Methodology was applied, in the first stage we empathize with the farmer through interviews, then the filters were made to find common patterns, in the third stage new solution ideas emerged, finally, we proceeded to complete the MVP which allowed us to detect three types of corn diseases. The implementation of the solution has been based on the Convolutional Neural Networks algorithm; considering the following diseases and/or pests, leaf blight, common rust and gray leaf spot. Part of the prototype validation process was carried out with different tests, from random values of images to real captures with an Android mobile device; achieving results of 91.82% accuracy in the validation tests. Therefore, the beneficiaries of the solution were able to use this tool to demonstrate the usability and detecting the plant diseases in their corn crops

    Procedimiento monitorio hondureño desde el derecho procesal comparado europeo. Garantía constitucional del derecho a la defensa

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    The aim of this thesis project is to create a reference tool, to provide a better understanding on a new procedure for claiming pecuniary claims of European origin adapted to Honduran Civil Procedure Code, the Monitoring process, whose sources are obtained by studying the European Compared Litigation in relation to Honduras. Specifically the study of law as the German, Spanish, French and Italian as in these countries was where this mechanism emerged and where it has evolved to the point that several countries of the world have adopted it for their effectiveness. In turn determine, if through the execution derived from the inaction of the debtor are violate the procedural guarantees of same. This research is historical and documentary type, involves knowing the historical and doctrinal aspects of the Monitoring process through documentary review of resolutions, European civil procedure codes, applicable substantive law, legal periodicals, treatises, law books, and other written and recorded documents that are useful. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/pc.v5i0.1853 Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 5, diciembre 2013: 62-75El objetivo de este proyecto de tesis es crear un instrumento de consulta que permita una mejor comprensión a los usuarios sobre un nuevo procedimiento para la reclamación de deudas dinerarias, de origen europeo adaptado al Código Procesal Civil hondureño, denominado proceso monitorio, cuyas fuentes están en el estudio del derecho procesal comparado europeo, con relación al hondureño, específicamente en el estudio de legislaciones como la alemana, española, francesa e italiana, ya que en estos países surgió este mecanismo y es donde ha evolucionado, de tal manera que varios países del mundo lo han adoptado por su eficacia. Asimismo, se pretende determinar si mediante la ejecución derivada de la inacción del deudor se violentan las garantías procesales del mismo. Esta investigación es de tipo histórico y documental, por lo cual conlleva el conocimiento de los antecedentes históricos y aspectos doctrinales del proceso monitorio a través de la revisión documental de resoluciones, códigos de procedimientos civiles europeos, leyes sustantivas aplicables, revistas jurídicas, tratados, libros de derecho y demás documentos de utilidad. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/pc.v5i0.1853 Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 5, diciembre 2013: 62-7

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de la obesidad: pros y contras

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    Obesity is a first magnitude public health problem. Because of its multifactorial pathogenesis, treatment of obesity is complex and requires a multidisciplinary approach. The first step is an adjustment and re-education of eating habits and healthy lifestyle. Diet and physical activity are pillars so that, once achieved weight loss, it remains within the normal range. As alternatives for severe cases there are pharmacological, endoscopic and surgical treatments that can achieve significant weight reductions and maintained over time. In this sense, the surgery has proven, in combination with changes in lifestyle and dietary adjustments, the best available treatment for morbid obesity, achieving significant improvement in health status and quality of life of these patients for their great general health benefits. However, it should be borne in mind the possibility of negative effects arising such as global nutritional deficiencies, as well as specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and even an increased risk of alterations in bone mineral density and alcoholism. Both a weight re-gain as an increased risk of suicide after some time of surgery have been described and should be considered. In women of childbearing age necessary to add the possible problems arising from an increased prevalence of preterm birth and low birth weight.La obesidad representa un problema de salud pública de primera magnitud. Debido a su patogenia multifactorial, el tratamiento de la obesidad es complejo y requiere un abordaje multidisciplinar. El primer paso consiste en un ajuste y re-educación de los hábitos dietéticos y estilo de vida saludable. La dieta y la actividad física son pilares para que, una vez conseguida la pérdida de peso, ésta se mantenga dentro de la normalidad. Como alternativas para los casos graves existen tratamientos farmacológicos, endoscópicos y quirúrgicos que permiten conseguir reducciones de peso más importantes y mantenidas en el tiempo. En este sentido, la cirugía ha demostrado ser, en combinación con los cambios de estilo de vida y ajustes dietéticos, el mejor tratamiento disponible para la obesidad mórbida, logrando alcanzar mejoría importante en el estado de salud y en la calidad de vida de estos pacientes por sus grandes beneficios en todo el organismo. Sin embargo, debe tenerse presente la posibilidad de que surjan efectos negativos tales como carencias nutricionales globales, así como déficits minerales y vitamínicos específicos e, inclusive un mayor riesgo de alteraciones en la densidad mineral ósea y de alcoholismo. Tanto una reganancia ponderal como un aumento del riesgo de suicidio transcurrido algún tiempo de la cirugía han sido descritos y deben ser tenidos en cuenta. En mujeres en edad fértil resulta necesario añadir los posibles problemas derivados de una mayor prevalencia de parto prematuro y bajo peso al nacer

    The yearly financing need of providing paid maternity leave in the informal sector in Indonesia

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    Background: The economic cost of not breastfeeding in Indonesia is estimated at US1.59.4billionannually,thehighestinSouthEastAsia.Halfofthe33.6millionworkingwomenofreproductiveage(WRA)inIndonesia(1549years)areinformalemployees,meaningtheyareworkingascasualworkersortheyareselfemployed(smallscalebusiness)andassistedbyunpaid/familyworker(s).NospecificmaternityprotectionentitlementsarecurrentlyavailableforWRAworkinginformallyinIndonesia.Thisstudyaimstoestimatethefinancingneedofprovidingmaternityleavecashtransfer(MCT)forWRAworkingintheinformalsectorinIndonesia.Method:ThecostingmethodologyusedistheadaptedversionoftheWorldBankmethodologybyVilarCompteetal,followingpresetstepstoestimatecostsusingnationalsecondarydata.Weusedthe2018IndonesianNationalSocioEconomicSurveytoestimatethenumberofwomenworkinginformallywhogavebirthwithinthelastyear.Thepopulationcovered,potentialcashtransfersunitarycost,theincrementalcoverageofthepolicyintermsoftimeandcoverage,andtheadministrativecostswereusedtoestimatethecostofMCTfortheinformalsector.Result:At1001.5–9.4 billion annually, the highest in South East Asia. Half of the 33.6 million working women of reproductive age (WRA) in Indonesia (15–49 years) are informal employees, meaning they are working as casual workers or they are self-employed (small scale business) and assisted by unpaid/family worker(s). No specific maternity protection entitlements are currently available for WRA working informally in Indonesia. This study aims to estimate the financing need of providing maternity leave cash transfer (MCT) for WRA working in the informal sector in Indonesia. Method: The costing methodology used is the adapted version of the World Bank methodology by Vilar-Compte et al, following pre-set steps to estimate costs using national secondary data. We used the 2018 Indonesian National Socio-Economic Survey to estimate the number of women working informally who gave birth within the last year. The population covered, potential cash transfer’s unitary cost, the incremental coverage of the policy in terms of time and coverage, and the administrative costs were used to estimate the cost of MCT for the informal sector. Result: At 100% coverage for 13 weeks of leave, the yearly financing need of MCT ranged from US175million (US152/woman)toUS152/woman) to US669million (US$583/woman). The share of the yearly financing need did not exceed 0.5% of Indonesian Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Conclusions: The yearly financing need of providing MCT for eligible WRA working in the informal sector is economically attractive as it amounts to less than 0.5% of GDP nominal of Indonesia. While such a program would be perceived as a marked increase from current public health spending at the onset, such an investment could substantially contribute to the success of breastfeeding and substantial corresponding public health savings given that more than half of working Indonesian WRA are employed in the informal sector. Such policies should be further explored while taking into consideration realistic budget constraints and implementation capacity


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    Se realizó un estudio con 100 sujetos del Instituto Arquidiocesano San Francisco de Asís Sede José Antonio Galán de la ciudad de Pamplona- Norte de Santander de 12 +/- 5 años. Donde se desarrolló por cuatro fases iniciando con la valoración mediante la aplicación de la Autoevaluación Ocupacional (OSA V. 2.2) Baron, Goldhammer, Iyenger, Kielhofner & Wolenski (2002) la cual evalúa la percepción de la capacidad de desempeño del usuario frente a los subsistemas del Modelo de la Ocupacional. Se diseñó una Lista de Chequeo para Rol estudiantil en el adolescente Cámaro, Fernández & Leal (2014). Seguidamente se analizaron los datos obtenidos mediante un programa estadístico utilizando una metodología mixta, con un diseño exploratorio y descriptivo. Posteriormente se diseñó e implemento un plan de acción para dar cumplimiento a cada uno de los objetivos planteados, se desarrolló mediante diferentes tipos de actividades como psicoeducativas, expresivo proyectivas, recreativas y lúdicas como conclusión Una vez más se comprueba que la relación terapéutica en el proceso de intervención es un medio para alcanzar los objetivos planteados, al estar basada en el respeto por la dignidad de las personas, empatía y grado de confianza adecuado, se obtiene del mismo modo por parte de los estudiantes, así mismo les motiva a participar en el programa de intervención. Lo refuerzos verbales positivos utilizados en las actividades fueron esenciales, ya que durante las actividades terapéuticas se evidencio en algunos estudiantes su modificación relacionados con su creencia en las actividades, encontrándose que la participación Ocupacional, los hábitos y las rutinas tienen relación con el desempeño del rol estudiantil