249 research outputs found

    ¿Comprar o arrendar una vivienda? Una aplicación para el caso de la ciudad de La Paz

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    El mercado inmobiliario en la ciudad de La Paz atraviesa por un contexto favorable con un volumen creciente de recursos disponibles en el sistema financiero, tasas de interés reales bajas, una moneda cada vez más apreciada y un crecimiento del stock de diferentes tipos de viviendas. En este contexto, surge el interrogante sobre cuáles son los determinantes de la compra de una solución habitacional. Entre esos determinantes, algunas características socio-económicas propias de las familias pueden determinar que éstas estén racionadas en el mercado de crédito, por lo que aunque podría ser óptimo comprar una vivienda, la familia tiene que arrendarla. Para modelar la decisión de compra bajo racionamiento de crédito se siguió la metodología de Henderson e Ioannides (1986, 1983). Se encontró que características como el ingreso, la edad, el nivel de escolaridad y el estado civil del jefe de hogar determinan la posibilidad de acceder a un mercado crediticio para el financiamiento de una vivienda.demanda por vivienda, elección de tenencia y racio¬namiento crediticio

    Statistical mechanics as guidance for particle-based computational methods

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    Particle-based methods apply some laws of Classical Mechanics to all the particles of a granular system. On the other hand, classical Statistical Mechanics deals with systems consisting of a lot of particles, focusing on the statistical distribution of some intensive properties. Consequently, the macroscopic behaviour and the average properties of the system in equilibrium are based on some microscopic considerations. To do that, statistical tools and mechanical laws are used together. For an implemented particle-based method to be realistic enough, then the obtained simulations should satisfy some basic underlying physical requirements, and Statistical Mechanics is a useful tool to establish such requirements. This paper presents some results based on Statistical Mechanics that are useful for a realistic modelling of granular systems using Particle-based methods. Examples of the discussed issues include that the same protocol makes a disordered granular medium attain always the same packing ratio; that some local arrangements are less probable than others; that there is a well-established limit to the achievable density of granular assemblies of hard spheres; and that the equilibrium of disordered granular systems does not coincide to the state of minimum potential energy (which would be get in a completely ordered arrangement). The consideration of such issues in practical applications could be helpful to save time in computational methods, to avoid mistakes or, at least, to verify that the implementations are realistic

    Statistical mechanics approaches to granular media: between micromechanics and macromechanics

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    The mechanical behavior of granular materials has been traditionally approached through two theoretical and computational frameworks: macromechanics and micromechanics. Macromechanics focuses on continuum based models. In consequence it is assumed that the matter in the granular material is homogeneous and continuously distributed over its volume so that the smallest element cut from the body possesses the same physical properties as the body. In particular, it has some equivalent mechanical properties, represented by complex and non-linear constitutive relationships. Engineering problems are usually solved using computational methods such as FEM or FDM. On the other hand, micromechanics is the analysis of heterogeneous materials on the level of their individual constituents. In granular materials, if the properties of particles are known, a micromechanical approach can lead to a predictive response of the whole heterogeneous material. Two classes of numerical techniques can be differentiated: computational micromechanics, which consists on applying continuum mechanics on each of the phases of a representative volume element and then solving numerically the equations, and atomistic methods (DEM), which consist on applying rigid body dynamics together with interaction potentials to the particles. Statistical mechanics approaches arise between micro and macromechanics. It tries to state which the expected macroscopic properties of a granular system are, by starting from a micromechanical analysis of the features of the particles and the interactions. The main objective of this paper is to introduce this approach

    Statistical distributions obtained from the compression of monodisperse, soft and frictionless particles

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    The cyclic compression of several granular systems has been simulated with a molecular dynamics code. All the samples consisted of bidimensional, soft, frictionless and equal-sized particles that were initially arranged according to a squared lattice and were compressed by randomly generated irregular walls. The compression protocols can be described by some control variables (volume or external force acting on the walls) and by some dimensionless factors, that relate stiffness, density, diameter, damping ratio and water surface tension to the external forces, displacements and periods. Each protocol, that is associated to a dynamic process, results in an arrangement with its own macroscopic features: volume (or packing ratio), coordination number, and stress; and the differences between packings can be highly significant. The statistical distribution of the force-moment state of the particles (i.e. the equivalent average stress multiplied by the volume) is analyzed. In spite of the lack of a theoretical framework based on statistical mechanics specific for these protocols, it is shown how the obtained distributions of mean and relative deviatoric force-moment are. Then it is discussed on the nature of these distributions and on their relation to specific protocols

    Equations of state in soil compression based on statistical mechanics

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    The authors have published a very interesting contribution in which they present a new and general relationship between void ratio and overburden pressure in the compression process of soils. The study is based on the law of interparticle energy distribution used in statistical mechanics and, in particular, the compression process of a soil is described according to its initial and final void ratios, and to a parameter /? which is related to the potential energy of a soil element. Such potential energy depends not only on the mass and elevation of soil particles, but also on the interactions between them. To account for such interactions, the authors introduce the concept of "imaginary particles", which allows them to use empirically-calibrated P values in the formulation without the need to consider interparticle interactions explicitly. In fact, the results presented by the authors show that such approach reproduces successfully the compression behaviour of a wide range of situations and soils

    The Assesment of Emotions in Music Rhythm Training with Computers at Three Chilean Music Education Institutions

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    The primary aim of this work is to investigate the 'emotional dimension' as a criterion for evaluating an educational music software called Tactus. In order to collect data, two training sessions were carried out with volunteer students (N=45) in specialized music education at three Chilean institutions. After, an evaluation was carried out using an assessment instrument, which was devised to determine the emotions, both positive and negative, which come into play when a student uses Tactus, and thereby measure the emotional dimension to determine the quality of the program in the affective domain. This instrument, a checklist of positive and negative emotions, was completed as part of a student/user report, included in a more global evaluation questionnaire completed at the end of the two weeklong training sessions with Tactus. The positive results confirm previous, other traditional assessments that describe Tactus as a useful support tool for teaching rhythm in educational environments. The results of this study also suggest that that evaluation of the emotional dimension may be useful in the general scope of the evaluation of educational software

    Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde dos Usuários Portadores de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus da UBS/ESF Mariani, Caxias do Sul/RS

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    TEJADA, Henry Rafael Cabrera. Melhoria da atenção à saúde de hipertensos e/ou diabéticos da Unidade Básica de Saúde Mariani, Caxias do Sul/RS. 2015. 123f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. A atenção aos usuários com doenças crônicas não transmissíveis é um dos pilares da atenção básica preconizada pelo Ministério da Saúde. Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e Diabetes Mellitus (DM) são as duas doenças crônicas com maior prevalência e incidência no país, cujo controle é essencial para diminuição dos danos e complicações que estas produzem. Na comunidade Mariani a atenção ao hipertenso e ao diabético representa 18% das consultas diárias, seja para controle e seguimento ou para tratar complicações. Este trabalho trata-se de um estudo de intervenção, o qual teve como objetivo melhorar a atenção a saúde dos hipertensos e/ou diabéticos da área de abrangência da UBS, entre agosto e dezembro de 2014, com uso dos protocolos do Ministério da Saúde a este grupo prioritário, assim como ficha-espelho, planilha de ação e monitoramento disponibilizada pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Especificamente, buscou-se ampliar a cobertura a hipertensos e diabéticos da Unidade Básica de Saúde garantindo, através de ações de prevenção e intervenções curativas, a diminuição das complicações secundárias das mesmas; melhorar a qualidade da atenção através de mudanças na realização dos exames clínicos de acordo com os parâmetros de atenção do programa, assim como garantir a realização de exames laboratoriais, tratamento e atenção odontológica, trazendo melhorias na adesão dos usuários. Durante a intervenção se conseguiu aumentar consideravelmente a cobertura e se garantiu atenção de qualidade, com todos os parâmetros de atendimento cumpridos segundo o preconizado pelo ministério de saúde. Os usuários priorizados formaram um universo de 3082 hipertensos e 938 diabéticos, que possuiam apenas 15% (462) de cobertura para hipertensos e 15% (141) para diabéticos. Este trabalho permitiu o desenvolvimento de cadastramento, busca ativa de faltosos, visitas domiciliares, atendimento clínico e odontológico e avaliação dos riscos cardiovasculares. Devido ao trabalho da equipe e comunidade foi possível se aproximar da meta de cobertura proposta (60%) com alcance de 42,7% (1624) para hipertensos e 51,1% (479) para diabéticos em 16 semanas de intervenção, com melhorias nos registros, atualização dos prontuários, adesão aos tratamentos, ampliação da cobertura, avaliação clínica, ações de promoção e agendamento das consultas de clínica geral. Portanto, com os resultados obtidos, as ações desenvolvidas na UBS ficaram incorporadas na rotina do serviço com melhorias significativas no trabalho da equipe e na área adscrita

    Deriving Predictive Relationships of Carotenoid Content at the Canopy Level in a Conifer Forest Using Hyperspectral Imagery and Model Simulation

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    Recent studies have demonstrated that the R570/R515 index is highly sensitive to carotenoid (Cx + c) content in conifer forest canopies and is scarcely influenced by structural effects. However, validated methods for the prediction of leaf carotenoid content relationships in forest canopies are still needed to date. This paper focuses on the simultaneous retrieval of chlorophyll (Ca + b) and (Cx + c) pigments, which are critical bioindicators of plant physiological status. Radiative transfer theory and modeling assumptions were applied at both laboratory and field scales to develop methods for their concurrent estimation using high-resolution hyperspectral imagery. The proposed methodology was validated based on the biochemical pigment quantification. Canopy modeling methods based on infinite reflectance formulations and the discrete anisotropic radiative transfer (DART) model were evaluated in relation to the PROSPECT-5 leaf model for the scaling-up procedure. Simpler modeling methods yielded comparable results to more complex 3-D approximations due to the high spatial resolution images acquired, which enabled targeting pure crowns and reducing the effects of canopy architecture. The scaling-up methods based on the PROSPECT-5+DART model yielded a root-mean-square error (RMSE) and a relative RMSE of 1.48 μg/cm2 (17.45%) and 5.03 μg/cm2 (13.25%) for Cx+c and Ca+ b, respectively, while the simpler approach based on the PROSPECT-5+Hapke infinite reflectance model yielded 1.37 & mug/cm2 (17.46%) and 4.71 μg/cm2 (14.07%) for Cx + c and Ca+b, respectively. These predictive algorithms proved to be useful to estimate Ca + b and Cx + c from high-resolution hyperspectral imagery, providing a methodology for the monitoring of these photosynthetic pigments in conifer forest canopies. © 2013 IEEE.Peer Reviewe

    Proyecto Eternal Dream: Worldbuilding y preproducción de un videojuego

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    El proyecto Eternal Dream consiste en la creación de un universo desde cero, como parte del trabajo de preproducción de un videojuego de rol de acción. De esta manera, se ha creado el continente Hiraeth —donde va a acontecer toda la actividad—, con una línea temporal propia para conocer toda la historia del mundo, sus razas, creencias y costumbres. La idea original de hacer un videojuego action RPG surge en 2012, cuando Rafael García, coautor de este trabajo, empezó a inquietarse por el proceso creativo de este tipo de juegos y empezó a escribir relatos sobre un universo consumido por la oscuridad. El primer elemento claro que surgió de esto, fue el nombre del proyecto y la marca que caracterizará al protagonista, que se convirtió en el logotipo del juego. Antes de decantarnos por este proyecto, se tuvieron en mente varias ideas a desarrollar a modo de trabajo de fin de grado, Un docuweb interactivo. Después de ver el éxito que tuvo el capítulo interactivo de Black Mirror en Netflix, nos pareció interesante explorar este formato, aunque no teníamos una idea clara. La preproducción de una serie. Ya se habían realizado varias a lo largo de la carrera y es una de las partes del proceso creativo que más nos gusta del ámbito audiovisual. Un cortometraje. Se tenían varias ideas, pero ninguna parecía convencernos del todo. Al final se optó por el proyecto Eternal Dream. Consideramos que los videojuegos son poco explorados durante los cuatro cursos del grado, por lo que nos parecía interesante indagar más en este tema, para aprender e intentar sacar la idea adelante. Se consultó con el tutor y se presentó el texto escrito mencionados anteriormente y las ideas sueltas, y se decidió pulir más el concepto para poder desarrollarlo. Después del visto bueno, empezamos a decidir lo que queríamos crear y cómo hacerlo.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Comunicación Audiovisua