10 research outputs found

    Production Capacity Change in Industrial Sectors of Hachinohe City due to the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami

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    In this study, production capacity change was assessed for an inundation area due to the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. The study area was the coastal area of Hachinohe city, which was damaged and inundated by the earthquake and tsunami. Data for the activities of 10 industrial sectors were assembled from published information, newspaper articles, and public announcements. The results showed that the estimated amount of economic damage was approximately 101.9 billion yen because of the production capacity change in the industrial sectors of the area due to the earthquake and tsunami. The estimated amount was equivalent to approximately 84 % of the amount of the stock damage in the city. Time-series of production capacity rate in tsunami inundated area showed differences and showed slower recovery of production capacity rate from that of the earthquake affected area

    Development and application of a tsunami fragility curve of the 2015 tsunami in Coquimbo, Chile

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    The last earthquake that affected the city of Coquimbo took place in September 2015 and had a magnitude of Mw = 8.3, resulting in localized damage in low-lying areas of the city. In addition, another seismic gap north of the 2015 earthquake rupture area has been identified; therefore, a significant earthquake (Mw = 8.2 to 8.5) and tsunami could occur in the near future. The present paper develops a tsunami fragility curve for the city of Coquimbo based on field survey data and tsunami numerical simulations. The inundation depth of the 2015 Chile tsunami in Coquimbo was estimated by means of numerical simulation with the Non-hydrostatic Evolution of Ocean WAVEs (NEOWAVE) model and five nested grids with a maximum grid resolution of 10m. The fragility curve exhibited behavior similar to that of other curves in flat areas in Japan, where little damage was observed at relatively high inundation depths. In addition, it was observed that Coquimbo experienced less damage than Dichato (Chile); in fact, at an inundation depth of 2m, Dichato had a  ∼ 75% probability of damage, while Coquimbo proved to have only a 20% probability. The new fragility curve was used to estimate the damage by possible future tsunamis in the area. The damage assessment showed that  ∼ 50% of the structures in the low-lying area of Coquimbo have a high probability of damage in the case of a tsunami generated off the coast of the study area if the city is rebuilt with the same types of structures

    Riesgo de tsunami y planificación resiliente de la costa chilena: La localidad de Boca Sur, San Pedro de la Paz (37° S)

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    We assessed the risk of flooding due to tsunamis in the Boca Sur neighborhood, located in the Municipality of San Pedro de la Paz (37°S), Biobio region. We considered an extreme tsunami scenario generated by an earthquake of magnitude Mw 9.0. The tsunami inundation was obtained by means of the NEOWAVE model with 4 nested grids and detail topo-bathymetry data. The vulnerability analysis considered both physical, socioeconomical and organizational dimensions from statistical data given by the National Institute of Statistics (INE for its name in Spanish) at a block level as well as a field survey. Results show that the first tsunami waves would arrive 22 min post-earthquake and the maximum inundation reach up to 5 m above the mean water level with a flow depth of 2m. The risk level can be explained by several variables related to the vulnerability, namely, the prevalence of poor housing conditions, low level of social welfare, high population density and low level of community organization in case of necessary tsunami evacuation.Se evalúa el riesgo de inundación por tsunami en la localidad de Boca Sur, comuna de San Pedro de La Paz (37°S), Región del Biobío. Se consideró un escenario extremo de tsunami generado por un sismo de magnitud Mw= 9.0. La inundación por tsunami se obtuvo mediante modelación numérica usando el código NEOWAVE con 4 mallas anidadas de diferente resolución espacial y topo-batimetría de detalle. El análisis de vulnerabilidad consideró las dimensiones física, socioeconómica y organizacional, con datos obtenidos a través del Instituto Nacional de Estadística a nivel de manzana censal y encuestas a la población. Se determinó que el primer tren de ondas llega a la costa luego de 22 minutos de ocurrido el terremoto, alcanzando la cota de 5 msnm y alturas de flujo de hasta 2 m. Los factores de vulnerabilidad que explican el riesgo se asociaron a una alta precariedad de la vivienda, bajo nivel de bienestar social, alta densidad poblacional y bajo nivel de organización comunitaria de la población en caso de evacuación frente a tsunamis

    Production Capacity Change in Industrial Sectors of Hachinohe City due to the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami

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    【IDRiM 2015 Conference】 The 6th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management. Dates: 28‐30 October 2015. Venue: Scope Convention Centre, New Delhi, IndiaThis study focuses on a production capacity change in industrial sectors due to the 2011 Tohoku tsunami, generated by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake. The authors highlight the coastal area of Hachinohe city which was damaged and inundated by the earthquake and the tsunami. The main method of the investigation is collecting the fact data for the activities of 10 industrial sectors from the public announcements, newspaper articles and information published. The result shows that the estimated amount of economic damage is approximately 114.5 billion Japanese yen as the production capacity change in the industrial sectors of the area due to the earthquake and the tsunami. The estimated amount of the economic damage is equivalent to approximately 95 % to the amount of the stock damage in the city

    Tsunami and shelf resonance on the northern Chile coast

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    This work presents the analysis of long waves resonance in two of the main cities along the northern coast of Chile, Arica, and Iquique, where a large tsunamigenic potential remains despite recent earthquakes. By combining a modal analysis solving the equation of free surface oscillations, with the analysis of background spectra derived from in situ measurements, the spatial and temporal structures of the modes are recovered. Comparison with spectra from three tsunamis of different characteristics shows that the modes found have been excited by past events. Moreover, the two locations show different response patterns. Arica is more sensitive to the characteristics of the tsunami source, whereas Iquique shows a smaller dependency and similar response for different tsunami events. Results are further compared with other methodologies with good agreement. These findings are relevant in characterizing the tsunami hazard in the area, and the methodology can be further extended to other regions along the Chilean coast

    Riesgo de tsunami en caleta Tubul, Región del Biobío: escenarios extremos y transformaciones territoriales posterremoto

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    Se analiza el riesgo de inundación por tsunami para un evento extremo en la localidad de Tubul (37ºS), Región del Biobío. Para el análisis de peligrosidad se determinaron tres escenarios asociados a los eventos tsunamigénicos locales de 1835 y 2010 a los cuales se aplicó modelamiento numérico. Se incluyó el evento de 1877 para determinar los efectos de un tsunami lejano. Se analizó la vulnerabilidad en sus dimensiones física, socioeconómica y educativa. El tsunami de 1835se determinó como evento extremo, con alturas de inundación de 10 m y cota de inundación de 10 m. Se establecieron niveles de vulnerabilidad altos y medios explicados por la defi ciente materialidad de la vivienda y perfi l socioeconómico vulnerable de la población, bajos niveles de escolaridad y reacción frente a estos eventos. El riesgo natural obtenido se ubicó en niveles altos para toda la localidad. Se contrastan los resultados con el Plan de Reconstrucción vigente

    Dexmedetomidine improves cardiovascular and ventilatory outcomes in critically ill patients: basic and clinical approaches

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    Dexmedetomidine (DEX) is a highly selective alpha 2-adrenergic agonist with sedative and analgesic properties, with minimal respiratory effects. It is used as a sedative in the intensive care unit and the operating room. The opioid-sparing effect and the absence of respiratory effects make dexmedetomidine an attractive adjuvant drug for anesthesia in obese patients who are at an increased risk for postoperative respiratory complications. The pharmacodynamic effects on the cardiovascular system are known; however the mechanisms that induce cardioprotection are still under study. Regarding the pharmacokinetics properties, this drug is extensively metabolized in the liver by the uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferases. It has a relatively high hepatic extraction ratio, and therefore, its metabolism is dependent on liver blood flow. This review shows, from a basic clinical approach, the evidence supporting the use of dexmedetomidine in different settings, from its use in animal models of ischemia-reperfusion, and cardioprotective signaling pathways. In addition, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics studies in obese subjects and the management of patients subjected to mechanical ventilation are described. Moreover, the clinical efficacy of delirium incidence in patients with indication of non-invasive ventilation is shown. Finally, the available evidence from DEX is described by a group of Chilean pharmacologists and clinicians who have worked for more than 10 years on DEX."Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico" (FONDECYT), Gobierno de Chile: 1180387. Grant SANTANDER-UNIVERSIA 2015, Banco Santander, Chile