26 research outputs found

    Highly efficient, tunable single photon source based on single molecules

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    The authors studied spatially isolated terrylene molecules immobilized in a quasiplanar optical λ/2-microresonator using confocal microscopy and spectroscopy at variable temperatures. At T = 1.8 K, they observed individual molecules relaxing into microresonator-allowed vibronic levels of their electronic ground state by emission of single fluorescence photons. Coupling the purely electronic transition of embedded molecules to the longitudinal photonic mode of the microresonator resulted in an ultimate spectral narrowing and an increased collection efficiency of the emitted single photon wave trains

    Phonon order and reststrahlen bands of polar vibrations in crystals with monoclinic symmetry

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    In this Rapid Communication, we present the order of the phonon modes and the appearance of the reststrahlen bands for monoclinic symmetry materials with polar lattice vibrations. Phonon modes occur in associated pairs of transverse and longitudinal optical modes, and pairs either belong to inner or outer phonon modes. Inner modes are nested within outer modes. Outer modes cause polarization-dependent reststrahlen bands. Inner modes cause polarization-independent reststrahlen bands. The directional limiting frequencies within the Born-Huang approach are bound to within outer mode frequency regions not occupied by inner mode pairs. Hence, an unusual phonon mode order can occur where both lower-frequency as well as upper-frequency limits for the directional modes can be both transverse and/or longitudinal modes. We exemplify our findings using experimental data for the recently unraveled case of monoclinic symmetry β-Ga2O3 [Phys. Rev. B 93, 125209 (2016)] and demonstrate excellent agreement with results from density functional theory calculations

    Phonon order and reststrahlen bands of polar vibrations in crystals with monoclinic symmetry

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    In this Rapid Communication, we present the order of the phonon modes and the appearance of the reststrahlen bands for monoclinic symmetry materials with polar lattice vibrations. Phonon modes occur in associated pairs of transverse and longitudinal optical modes, and pairs either belong to inner or outer phonon modes. Inner modes are nested within outer modes. Outer modes cause polarization-dependent reststrahlen bands. Inner modes cause polarization-independent reststrahlen bands. The directional limiting frequencies within the Born-Huang approach are bound to within outer mode frequency regions not occupied by inner mode pairs. Hence, an unusual phonon mode order can occur where both lower-frequency as well as upper-frequency limits for the directional modes can be both transverse and/or longitudinal modes. We exemplify our findings using experimental data for the recently unraveled case of monoclinic symmetry β-Ga2O3 [Phys. Rev. B 93, 125209 (2016)] and demonstrate excellent agreement with results from density functional theory calculations

    Band-to-band transitions, selection rules, effective mass and exciton binding energy parameters in monoclinic \beta-Ga2O3

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    We employ an eigen polarization model including the description of direction dependent excitonic effects for rendering critical point structures within the dielectric function tensor of monoclinic \beta-Ga2O3 yielding a comprehensive analysis of generalized ellipsometry data obtained from 0.75 eV--9 eV. The eigen polarization model permits complete description of the dielectric response, and we obtain single-electron and excitonic band-to-band transition anisotropic critical point structure model parameters including their polarization eigenvectors within the monoclinic lattice. We compare our experimental analysis with results from density functional theory calculations performed using a recently proposed Gaussian-attenuation-Perdue-Burke-Ernzerhof hybrid density functional, and we present and discuss the order of the fundamental direct band-to-band transitions and their polarization selection rules, the electron and hole effective mass parameters for the three lowest band-to-band transitions, and their exciton binding energy parameters, in excellent agreement with our experimental results. We find that the effective masses for holes are highly anisotropic and correlate with the selection rules for the fundamental band-to-band transitions, where the observed transitions are polarized closely in the direction of the lowest hole effective mass for the valence band participating in the transition

    Anisotropy, band-to-band transitions, phonon modes, and oxidation properties of cobalt-oxide core-shell slanted columnar thin films

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    Highly ordered and spatially coherent cobalt slanted columnar thin films (SCTFs) were deposited by glancing angle deposition onto silicon substrates, and subsequently oxidized by annealing at 475°C. Scanning electron microscopy, Raman scattering, generalized ellipsometry, and density functional theory investigations reveal shape-invariant transformation of the slanted nanocolumns from metallic to transparent metal-oxide core-shell structures with properties characteristic of spinel cobalt oxide. We find passivation of Co-SCTFs yielding Co-Al2O3core-shell structures produced by conformal deposition of a few nanometers of alumina using atomic layer deposition fully prevents cobalt oxidation in ambient and from annealing up to 475°C

    Critical-point model dielectric function analysis of WO3 thin films deposited by atomic layer deposition techniques

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    WO3 thin films were grown by atomic layer deposition and spectroscopic ellipsometry data gathered in the photon energy range of 0.72-8.5 eV and from multiple samples was utilized to determine the frequency dependent complex-valued isotropic dielectric function for WO3. We employ a critical-point model dielectric function analysis and determine a parameterized set of oscillators and compare the observed critical-point contributions with the vertical transition energy distribution found within the band structure of WO3 calculated by density functional theory. We investigate surface roughness with atomic force microscopy and compare to ellipsometric determined effective roughness layer thickness