10 research outputs found

    Karateristik Sifat Fisika dan Mekanika Papan Laminasi Kayu Sengon dan Kayu Bayur

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    Currently, it is increasingly difficult to obtain large and quality sawn timber due to the diminishing supply of wood in natural forests. To overcome this problem, innovation is needed to utilize wood scrap waste as a board product. One form of innovation in the use of wood scrap as a board product is laminated boards. In this study, Sengon and Bayur woods were used which had strong grades III-IV and had specific gravity ranging from 0.29-0.70. Bayur and Sengon wood are suitable to be used as raw materials for laminated boards because they have a light density. The purpose of this research was to determine the physical and mechanical characteristics of laminated boards, the effect of Labur weight, wood species and their interactions. The method used in this study is an experimental method with a factorial completely randomized design (CRD). Characteristics of physical and mechanical properties of laminated boards of Sengon and clothes: density 0.412 gram/cm3; water content 12,459%; thick development 2.019%; thick shrinkage 3.183%; MoE 23031,922 kgf/cm²; MoR 357.208 kgf/cm². Laur weight, type of wood and their interactions have a significant effect on all physical and mechanical properties of Sengon and Bayur laminated boards. The interaction of pumpkin weight and wood species had no significant effect on the water content and MoR tests. Based on the wood strength class, Sengon and Bayur wood laminated boards are classified as class III which can be used as protected heavy construction materials


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    The use of petung bamboo as a laminated board is expected to save on the use of high quality wood, cost efficiency and is beneficial for forest sustainability so that it can reduce deforestation as little as possible. Bamboo petung can be made of laminated boards because it has thick stem walls (10 mm - 30 mm), thick stem walls will save the use of adhesives. The feasibility of using petung bamboo as a laminated board needs to be tested for its physical and mechanical properties. Physical properties are needed to determine the dimensional stability of the board and mechanical properties are needed to determine the ability of the board to withstand loads. The method used in this research is an experimental method with a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD). This study aims to determine the physical and mechanical properties of petung bamboo laminated board towards the width. Based on the value of the strength class of the laminated board, the bamboo petung laminated board with the arrangement towards the width is included in the strong class III which can be used as building materials such as door frames, windows, panels, household furniture and wood industries


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    ABSTRAKBambu sebagai produk papan laminasi saat ini pemanfaatannya masih terbatas sementara potensi bambu di Nusa Tenggara Barat cukup tinggi dimana bambu juga merupakan salah satu HHBK unggulan di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, papan laminasi bambu diaplikasikan menjadi bentuk kerajinan yang memberikan nilai ekonomis bagi masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk kerajinan yang diajarkan bagi kelompok tani adalah pembuatan cutting board dari papan laminasi bambu. Diharapkan dengan memberikan pelatihan pembuatan papan laminasi bambu dan aplikasinya sebagai cutting board akan memberikan lapangan kerja baru bagi masyarakat dan meningkatkan nilai jual bambu. Sasaran kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan papan laminasi dan aplikasinya sebagai cutting board adalah (1). Memberikan wawasan kepada masyarakat tentang teknik sederhana pembuatan papan laminasi bambu sebagai pengganti kayu, (2). Memberikan wawasan peluang usaha baru pada masyarakat, (3). Memberikan pembelajaran pembuatan cutting board dari papan laminasi bambu sebagai salah satu aplikasi papan laminasi. Kata kunci: papan laminasi; bambu; cutting board; kerajinan ABSTRACTCurrently, the utilization of bamboo as a laminated board product is still limited, while the potential of bamboo in West Nusa Tenggara is quite high where bamboo is also one of the leading NTFPs in West Nusa Tenggara. Based on the research that has been done, bamboo laminated boards are applied to form crafts that provide economic value for the community. One form of craft that is taught to farmer groups is the manufacture of cutting boards from bamboo laminated boards. It is hoped that by providing training on making bamboo laminated boards and their application as cutting boards, it will provide new jobs for the community and increase the selling value of bamboo. The targets of the training activities for the manufacture of laminated boards and their application as cutting boards are (1). Providing insight to the community about the simple technique of making bamboo laminated boards as a substitute for wood, (2). Providing insight into new business opportunities to the community, (3). Provide learning to make cutting boards from bamboo laminated boards as one of the applications of laminated boards Keywords: laminated boards; bamboo; cutting board; craf

    Studi Potensi Energi Geothermal Blawan-Ijen, Jawa Timur Berdasarkan Metode Gravity

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    Penelitian ini merupakan studi awal untuk menentukan daerah yang memiliki potensi panasbumi berdasarkan pengukuran gayaberat di Blawan-Ijen, Jawa Timur. Pengukuran data primer dilakukan dengan menggunakan Gravitimeter LaCoste & Romberg tipe G-1053. Data anomali Bouger dari hasil perhitungan koreksi-koreksi metode gayaberat kemudian dibawa ke bidang datar selanjutnya dilakukan pemisahan anomali regional dan anomali sisa dengan menggunakan metode kontinuasi ke atas. Hasil interpretasi terhadap anomali sisa yang dilakukan pada tiga penampang adalah penampang A-A` nilai densitasnya yaitu: ρ 1 =2.58 gr/cm 3 , ρ 2 =2.80 gr/cm 3 , ρ 3 =2.67 gr/cm 3 , dan ρ 4 =2.69 gr/cm 3 , sedangkan untuk penampang B-B` nilai densitasnya adalah ρ 1 =2.58 gr/cm 3 , ρ 2 =2.82 gr/cm 3 , ρ 3 =2.67 gr/cm 3 , dan untuk penampang C-C` nilai densitasnya yaitu ρ 1 =2.585 gr/cm 3 , ρ 2 =2.82 gr/cm 3 , ρ 3 =2.67 gr/cm 3 dan ρ 4 =2.684 gr/cm 3 . Dari hasil pemodelan 2D dan 3D dapat terlihat bahwa pada daerah yang memiliki manifestasi air panas didominasi oleh batuan ρ 1 karena memiliki nilai densitas paling rendah yang berada pada daerah Blawan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa reservoir panasbumi daerah Blawan-Ijen didominasi oleh batuan yang memiliki porositas tinggi (densitas rendah) dan tingkat permeabilitasnya tinggi dengan jumlah volume sebesar 101.20 m 3

    The Effect of Slape Arrangement on Physical and Mechanical Properties Petung Bamboo Laminate Board (Dendrocalamus Asper)

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    Wood as a construction material is currently increasingly limited. One alternative material as a substitute for construction wood is laminated bamboo. Laminated bamboo is a product made from several bamboo slats or bamboo slats that are glued together with the fiber direction parallel to the board with several requirements, among others, must have dimensions of length, width, and thickness that can be converted into boards or blocks. The type of bamboo that will be used in this research is petung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper). Petung bamboo was chosen because it has a diameter that can reach 20 cm with a wall thickness of 1-3 cm, making it suitable for use as laminated bamboo. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of blade arrangement on the physical and mechanical properties of petung bamboo laminated boards. The method used in this study is an experimental method with a non-factorial completely randomized design experiment with two treatments and three replications. Based on the results of the study, the arrangement of the laminated board blades did not significantly affect all tests of the physical and mechanical properties of the petung bamboo laminated board. All tests of physical and mechanical properties have complied with JPIC standard No. 1152 2007 except in the MoE test does not meet the standard. Based on the strength class of the laminated board, the bamboo petung laminated board is classified as strong class III which can be used as a protected heavy construction material