270 research outputs found

    Legal aspects of the environmental protection policy in the Republic of Poland. Selected issues

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    Ochrona środowiska jest zagadnieniem wieloaspektowym, budzącym zainteresowanie wśród badaczy wielu dziedzin. Realizacja założeń ochrony środowiska może przyjmować różne formy, do których zaliczają się instrumenty prawne. Jednym z instrumentów prawnych jest właśnie polityka ochrony środowiska. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie założeń polityki ochrony środowiska w Polsce jako jednej z polityk publicznych. W artykule zostanie dokonana próba oceny funkcjonowania i realizacji polityki ekologicznej w Polsce. Kluczowe będzie również zdefiniowanie czym jest polityka ochrony środowiska i polityka ekologiczna, jakie są ich podstawy prawne. Omówione zostaną cele, kierunki i obszary obowiązującej Polityki Ekologicznej Państwa 2030. Uzupełnieniem rozważań prawnych będzie wskazanie przejawów zrównoważonego rozwoju w polityce ochrony środowiska. W artykule zastosowano metodę dogmatycznoprawną. Analizie poddano powszechnie obowiązujące akty prawne oraz literaturę przedmiotu zwierającą polskie, jak i zagraniczne publikacje naukoweEnvironmental protection policy is a multi-faceted issue which interests researchers in different branches of knowledge. The implementation of solutions of the environmental protection may take different forms among which are legal instruments. One of those legal instruments is the environmental protection policy. The aim of this article is to analyse this policy and to evaluate its functioning in the Republic of Poland as one of the public policies. Furthermore, a crucial part of this article is to define the environmental protection policy, national environmental policy and its legal bases. What is more, the article will present the analysis of purposes, directions and areas included in the Polish National Environmental Policy - 2030. To make this analysis complete it is required to indicate symptoms of the sustainable development in the environmental protection policy. As a main tool of consideration, the dogmatic-legal method, has been used. The analysis of the main topic consists of legal acts and literature on the subject (containing Polish and foreign scientific publications

    Rozwiązanie umowy o pracę z powodu ciężkiego naruszenia podstawowych obowiązków wobec pracownika

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    Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienie rozwiązania umowy o pracę przez pracownika bez  wypowiedzenia z winy pracodawcy. Analizie poddano pojęcie ciężkiego naruszenia podstawowych  obowiązków przez pracodawcę jako przesłankę do rozwiązania umowy o pracę przez pracownika bez  wypowiedzenia. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest także wskazanie formy i konsekwencji  oświadczenia woli pracownika prowadzących do rozwiązania stosunku pracy oraz kwestii  odszkodowania przysługującego mu z tego tytułu. Artykuł został wzbogacony o aktualne stanowisko  doktryny i orzecznictwa w sprawach spornych z omawianego problemu.

    Organizacja ekologiczna jako podmiot w postępowaniu administracyjnym. Wybrane zagadnienia

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    The article presents the problems of participation of an environmental organization in administrative proceedings. The legal status of an ecological organization was indicated. The rights of the ecological organization during the administrative proceedings were also discussed. In addition, the author has identified cases in which an environmental organization may take part in administrative proceedings on the parties’ rights. The dogmatic methodology was adopted. The article has beenenriched with the current position of doctrine and jurisprudence.W artykule podjęto problematykę udziału organizacji ekologicznej w postępowaniu administracyjnym. Wskazano na status prawny organizacji ekologicznej. Omówiono także uprawnienia organizacji ekologicznej w toku postępowania administracyjnego. Ponadto Autorka wyodrębniła przypadki, w których organizacja ekologiczna może brać udział w postępowaniu administracyjnym na prawach strony. Przyjęto metodologię dogmatycznoprawną. Artykuł został wzbogacony o aktualne stanowisko doktryny i orzecznictwa

    Ecosystem effectuation: Creating new value through open innovation during a pandemic

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    The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic confronts us with a global grand challenge representing an unprecedented crisis for health, economies, and societies. While digital champions are thriving, a large number of businesses and industries have been facing radical uncertainty, pushing some to the edge of collapse. This emergency calls for new ways to look at organizational ambidexterity and business model innovation. In this paper, we present and discuss a unique case study of a low-cost airline, AirAsia. With their fleet of aircraft grounded, and unable to pursue any incremental innovation opportunities, AirAsia decided to follow a radical ambidexterity path – focusing on exploration by building an innovation ecosystem. This case not only offers insights on a novel way to create value through open innovation but also extends the body of knowledge on entrepreneurial effectuation by introducing the concept of an ecosystem effectuation. AirAsia’s case shows that, in financially distressed times, business model reconfiguration may not be enough, and instead of selecting means to attain goals, the goals may be created upon available means

    Minimally reduced levels of anti-Spike IgG after nine COVID-19 convalescent plasma donations: a case report

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    Despite intensive research, the physiology of the serological response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and its dynamics during the recovery period remain incompletely understood. Regulation of the immune response seems all the more important as it plays a role in both virus clearance during infection and the potential development of long-term resistance to reinfection. A case of convalescent plasma donor is described in whom was observed a prolonged enhanced immune response to infection in the form of a persistently high level of anti-Spike IgG despite subsequent plasma donations. The presented donor experienced COVID-19 interstitial pneumonia, requiring pharmacotherapy in a hospital setting (therapy involving azithromycin, chloroquine and protease inhibitors), which allowed him to achieve remission. The described donor donated plasma nine times during convalescence, each time showing a satisfactory level of anti-Spike IgG. The presented case highlights the multifactorial regulation of the serological response in the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection, which may include the long-term effect of pharmacotherapy, especially in the field of antiretroviral drugs. While the authors are not yet able to clearly define the importance of antiretroviral therapy in regulating the humoral response in COVID-19 patients, it is supposed it may be important in the subsequent antibody production

    Metody oznaczania mikrocząstek pochodzących z komórek krwi i śródbłonka

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    Microparticles (MP-microparticles) – cell membrane vesicles 0.1–1μm diameter, released in response to activation or apoptosis, both in physiological and pathological conditions. They reveal a wide spectrum of biological activities, express cell surface antigens characteristic for cells of their origin. In this article reviewed quantitative and qualitative methods for detection of microparticles, presents pre-analytical conditions as an potential source of variability in the analysis of MP. In conclusion there are several methods for detection of microparticles but they are not standarized. Methods of microparticles detection need to be standarized to be clinically relevant

    Effector and memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the chronic infection process.

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    T cell memory in comparison with B cell memory is not well understood. This review focuses on CD8+ and CD4+ memory T cells. In this article we try to define memory cells and also present models of memory T cells formation. We would also like to delineate their differentiation into distinct subsets. Long-lived memory T cells consist in two main subsets: TCM and TEM. Recent studies have shown that not all cells considered to be memory cells differentiate into TCM and TEM, but a small proportion of theses cells exhibit naive cells phenotype. Memory T cells constitute a heterogeneous population of cells. In this study we lay stress on characteristic of main memory T cells subsets and their alleged participation in immune response upon reexposure to the Ag

    Granulocyte transfusion vs. neutropenia — is there a chance to win this battle?

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    Bacterial and fungal infections remain a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with prolonged severe neutropenia that results from the treatment of an underlying haematological malignancy. Granulocyte transfusions have been broadly used to prevent and/or treat life-threatening infections in these patients. The purpose of this review was to answer the question, “Are granulocyte transfusions effective in combating hazardous infections in haematology/oncology patients with neutropenia?”