48 research outputs found

    Development of a Mathematical Model for Analyzing the Performance of Operators of Web-oriented Information Systems

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    The issue of developing a mathematical model for estimating the dynamics of changes in the performance of operators of web-oriented information systems is considered. The relevance of these systems is shown both for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the units’ activities and for the formation of the psychological climate of the collective. The generality of the solution of this issue and the issues of revealing abnormal behavior as a sign of harmful activity is described. The applicability of this approach for assessing the quality of interface updates of the system is underlined. The proposed mathematical model and the numerical algorithm for its building are thoroughly disassembled. A description of the system for evaluating the performance of operators of the ERP system of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, developed on the basis of this model, is given. Conclusions are drawn about the applicability of the proposed mathematical model.       Keywords: mathematical model, employee behavior, psychological climate of the team, detection of abnormal behavior, information system, Ruby on Rails, evaluation of the quality of interfaces, monitoring of operations, performance loss factors, criminal or illegal activit

    LMS-система для обучения студентов внутри университета: синергия свободного программного обеспечения, конкурентного подхода и технологии социальных сетей

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    Подробно исследован вопрос выбора системы электронного обучения для работы со студентами очного отделения. Исследовано влияния выбора системы учета успеваемости студентов и ее интеграции в систему электронного обучения на мотивацию элитарной группы студентов. Предложен собственный подход к выбору принципов и технологий построения системы электронного обучения

    The Russian Mergers and Acquisitions Market

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    The article deals with key tendencies in the development of Russia's mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market in the first decade of the twenty-first century. It reveals the importance of the active role played by the state in the area of corporate control. Special attention is given to the development of Russia's system of legal norms regulating the M&A market.

    Bankruptcy in the First Decade of the Twenty-First Century

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    The article explores the difficulties related to the Law on Bankruptcy of Russia and its enforcement. The lawfulness of the changes made to the bankruptcy legislation is analyzed. A special emphasis is placed on the challenges that emerged in the bankruptcy legislation as a result of the economic crisis that began in Russia in 2008.


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    The purpose of this study is to assess and compare the scale of the state sector in Russia, as well as the impact of the state ownership on the effectiveness of companies in Russia and BRICS countries. The study focuses on the major public companies, including state-ownership enterprises (SOEs). The methodology is based on the classification of the largest private and state-owned public companies, evaluation of SOEs’ contribution to key economic and financial indicators, regression analysis of the impact of state ownership on the financial performance. The state sector growth together with the unstable growth and volatile stock markets has been the trend in many economies since the crises of the last 20 years. The role of the state in corporate governance also increased. However, research on the performance of SOEs has become scarce, with virtually no reports from international financial organizations on the subject in the past few years. The issue of cross-country comparisons of the state role in the economy remains unsolved even thought it is of great theoretical importance in the discussions on models of state capitalism and development of methodology of state sector analysis, and is relevant for the management decisions in long-term strategies of socioeconomic development. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors, using their own methods, collected and updated until 2021 indicators of the scale of the state sector, identified issues of assessment of the state sector, and used a unique database of companies from BRICS countries to study the performance of SOEs. The main results are the development of methodological approaches to the assessment of the state sector, updated state sector scale measures up to 2021, which show a continuing trend of growth. The authors have also shown how ambiguous are the existing solutions to measuring the size of the state sector and how large is the gap in estimates. The paper also shows that the state ownership had predominantly negative effect on companies’ performance in BRICS countries and South Korea. The main conclusion of the work is that it is necessary to develop a methodology that allows for an integrated assessment of government intervention on the economy, and to upgrade existing databases to increase corporate information transparency, both private and SOEs. This is especially important for the Russian economy, given the trend towards state sector growth. Such measures will improve the accuracy of state sector research and allow to improve the pace of economic recovery and ongoing monitoring

    The Experience of Target Training for the Defense Industry

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    The paper highlights the changes in the requirements for training of engineering personnel in connection with the rapid development of new machine-building technologies. Along with traditional engineering knowledge and skills, this training should provide the development of students’ competencies in the field of computer technology for design automation, production preparation. It is noted that the rich practical experience of engineers and teachers of the older generation in new conditions becomes obsolete; they can hardly acquire the rapidly changing computer systems of scientific research of subject areas, new technologies, such as 3D graphics and engineering analysis of structures, the system digitalization of production technologies as a whole. To train specialists of a new generation, technical universities should provide: modern educational and laboratory facilities including various computer and controller systems; applicants who have sufficient basic background and technical aptitude; high-skilled teaching staff specialized in modern computer technology willing to upgrade their teaching skills and personal qualifications. The paper dwells on the state support measures for universities to improve personnel training for high-tech industries, which include as a priority the system of personnel training for the military-industrial complex. The authors present an accumulated experience of the Aerospace Institute of the Orenburg State University in the area of stage-by-stage construction of modern educational and laboratory facilities, the formation of student contingent, retraining and raising qualification of the teaching staff, interaction with employers and partners