90 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic analyses of peanut resistance gene candidates and screening of different genotypes for polymorphic markers

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    AbstractThe nucleotide-binding-site-leucine-rich-repeat (NBS–LRR)-encoding gene family has attracted much research interest because approximately 75% of the plant disease resistance genes that have been cloned to date are from this gene family. Here, we describe a collection of peanut NBS–LRR resistance gene candidates (RGCs) isolated from peanut (Arachis) species by mining Gene Bank data base. NBS–LRR sequences assembled into TIR-NBS-LRR (75.4%) and non-TIR-NBS-LRR (24.6%) subfamilies. Total of 20 distinct clades were identified and showed a high level of sequence divergence within TIR-NBS and non-TIR-NBS subfamilies. Thirty-four primer pairs were designed from these RGC sequences and used for screening different genotypes belonging to wild and cultivated peanuts. Therefore, peanut RGC identified in this study will provide useful tools for developing DNA markers and cloning the genes for resistance to different pathogens in peanut

    The functional role of GM-RLK3 in soybean growth and response to biotic and abiotic stresses

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    Soybean GM-RLK3 is a receptor-like kinase gene, which shares high similarity with the Arabidopsis thaliana BAM family gene suggesting a similar functional role in promoting meristem size and cell differentiation. While the functional role of RLK3 has been heavily investigated in models as well as in some agronomic crops, no studies have been conducted in soybean. The aim of this study was to examine the functional role of GM-RLK3 in soybean growth and development, in addition to assessing the response of transgenic soybean to biotic and abiotic stresses under greenhouse conditions. Stable transgenic plants for overexpression of GM-RLK3 were developed using immature cotyledon explants. Real time-PCR demonstrated the overexpression of this transgene in different tissues, and showed that GM-RLK3 was overexpressed in unifoliate tissues (52 fold increase) with lower expression in pod tissues (7.7 fold increase). Results showed that overexpression of GM-RLK3 did not improve soybean resistance to necrotrophic pathogens and abiotic stress. Furthermore an enhanced resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea, as an example of biotrophic pathogens, was observed. This finding reflects activation of soybean signaling pathways involved in resistance to biotrophic pathogens. Additionally, overexpression of GM-RLK3 altered soybean growth and development by enhancing shoot biomass and number/weight of pods. Data analysis from RNA-Seq showed that overexpression of GM-RLK3 altered the transcription of other members of RLK and also of different signaling pathways involved in phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon assimilation. This study demonstrated the importance of GM-RLK3 as a regulator gene in soybean and its the overexpression provides a potential insight to improving the efficiency of soybean through manipulation of this protein.Ope

    Pluralismo bioético : aportes latinoamericanos a la bioética en perspectiva decolonial

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    Este ensaio pretende apresentar subsídios para proposta bioética em perspectiva decolonial como parte da expansão de projetos epistêmicos, políticos e estéticos latino-americanos para além dos projetos hegemônicos eurocentrados. Para tanto, o trabalho inicia com breve discussão a respeito da autorrepresentação que o conhecimento produzido na Europa faz de si mesmo, problematizando sua “vontade de poder”, além das estruturas pelas quais se legitima(ra)m epistemicídios. O debate avança no sentido de expor alguns dos elementos comuns à perspectiva decolonial para, então, aportar suas contribuições para o debate bioético contemporâneo, desaguando no chamado pluralismo bioético como potência para um pensamento outro.This essay presents benefits of a bioethical proposal from a decolonial perspective as part of the expansion of epistemic, political and aesthetic projects in Latin America beyond European-centered hegemonic projects. To that end, the work begins with a brief discussion on the self-representation that European-produced knowledge makes of itself, questioning its “will for power” and the structures by which it justifies epistemicide. The debate continues by exploring some of the common elements in the decolonial perspective to then provide its contributions to the contemporary bioethical debate, arriving at the so-called bioethical pluralism as the source for alternate thinking.Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar elementos para una propuesta bioética en perspectiva decolonial como parte de la expansión de los proyectos epistémicos, políticos y estéticos latinoamericanos más allá de proyectos hegemónicos eurocentrados. El trabajo comienza con una breve discusión sobre la autorrepresentación que el conocimiento producido en Europa hace de sí mismo, cuestionando su “voluntad de poder”, así como las estructuras mediante las cuales se legitiman epistemicidios. El debate prosigue exponiendo algunos de los elementos comunes a la perspectiva decolonial para, a continuación, aportar sus contribuciones al debate bioético contemporáneo, sobre todo, al llamado pluralismo bioético como potencia para un pensamiento otro

    O POÉTICO COMO LUGAR PRIVILEGIADO DA FILOSOFIA: incursões sobre a linguagem filosófica e poemática

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    The Kehre, which starts the so-called second phase of Heidegger's philosophy, became for contemporary philosophy a major rethinking of the relationship between poetry and philosophy of language, theme strongly connected to the turn of the hermeneutic o ntology. Before wanting to teach us to think, Heidegger urges to recognize that language is the originating place of the experience of Being. So the language would have precedence over any speech, even scientific, becoming the main counterpoint to metaphysics. María Zambrano, like Heidegger, will write her work in an attempt to understand the poetry and philosophy as historical counterpoints of thought and language, and the same will Octavio Paz. For those illustrious thinkers, the language of metaphysics not only should be reconsidered, but we should build a thought that would serve only to language, which is already scrutinized in the place occupied by the poetic, in the language of poetry or despite of it.A Kehre, que inicia a assim chamada segunda fase da filosofia de Heidegger, tornou-se, para a filosofia contemporânea, a principal reconsideração da relação entre filosofia da linguagem e poética, tema fortemente conectado à guinada hermenêutica da ontologia. Antes de querer nos ensinar a pensar, Heidegger nos incita ao reconhecimento de que a linguagem é o lugar originário da experiência do Ser. Assim a linguagem teria prevalência sobre qualquer discurso, mesmo o científico, vindo a se tornar o principal contraponto à metafísica. María Zambrano, como Heidegger, escreverá suas obras na tentativa de compreender a poesia e a filosofia como contrapontos históricos do pensamento e da linguagem, e o mesmo fará Octavio Paz. Para estes pensadores ilustres, a linguagem da metafísica não apenas deveria ser repensada, como também teríamos de construir um pensamento que servisse apenas à linguagem. Tal é já perscrutado no lugar ocupado pelo poético, pela linguagem da poesia ou a despeito dela

    The Functional Role of 14-3-3 Proteins in Plant-Stress Interactions

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    14-3-3 proteins are important components in signal transduction pathways affecting multiple plant functions by mediating protein-protein interactions through post-translational modification via phosphorylation. Homodimers or heterodimers of 14-3-3 proteins bind to other proteins inducing site-specific targeting and alteration of the conformation of client proteins, which is an essential regulatory element for plant function and response. This protein family is involved in a wide range of cellular functions including the regulation of hormonal induction in response to stress stimuli, mediation of symbiotic relationships between the plant host and symbionts, as well as the mediation of functions between cellular components and enzymes. Identification of the function and mechanism of 14-3-3 proteins in plants offers insight into how crops can be made more efficient via the manipulation of these proteins.Ope


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    O debate contemporâneo sobre as colonialidades engendradas pela Conquista da América e pelos Imperialismos dos séculos XIX e XX possibilitou que o campo de estudos de gênero e dos estudos feministas pudessem alargar suas reflexões teóricas para além do circunscrito projeto do movimento feminista branco euronortecentrado. O feminismo negro estadunidense, o feminismo chicano e, inclusive, feministas brasileiras como Lélia González, aportaram reflexões teóricas sobre a necessidade de se pensar a busca por igualdade de gênero por meio da justiça social, inscrevendo um feminismo radical a partir de concepções anticapitalistas, antirracistas e antipatriarcais. No entanto, devemos mais recentemente a teóricas como Oyèrónkë Oyěwùmí, María Lugones, Silvia Federici, Rita Segato, e muitas outras, novas compreensões sobre os efeitos de um sistema colonial de gênero, que fora gestado, inicialmente, no continente europeu, na passagem do feudalismo para o capitalismo, e cuja condição de existência reside nas duas barbáries coloniais. A partir do trabalho das teóricas acima referidas, este artigo intenta apresentar algumas reflexões sobre as características do patriarcado moderno, com o intuito de alargamos o olhar da teoria feminista contemporânea que busca abranger os outros 99 por cento


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    El propósito de la comunicación es presentar la crítica del universalismo hegeliano a través de las formulaciones neoracionalistas del filósofo iraní Reza Negarestani. Desde su inhumanismo, es posible vislumbrar la reedición del proyecto emancipatorio a través de la tesis de una mayor autonomía cognitiva (teórica y práctica) inscrita en la sociabilidad semántica y lingüística de una comunidad racional (ya sea de humanos o de máquinas). Brevemente, haremos algunas consideraciones sobre la tesis de un programa permanente de colonialidad del pensamiento que surge de la adopción negarestaniana de las prerrogativas principiológicas del suelo epistémico de la Ilustración.O objetivo da comunicação é apresentar a crítica ao universalismo hegeliano por meio das formulações neorracionalistas do filósofo iraniano Reza Negarestani. A partir do seu inumanismo é possível vislumbrar a reedição do projeto emancipatório por meio da tese da maior autonomia cognitiva (teórica e prática) inscrita na sociabilidade semântica e linguística de uma comunidade racional (seja a de humanos ou máquinas). Brevemente, teceremos algumas considerações sobre a tese de um programa permanente de colonialidade do pensamento advindo da adoção negarestaniana das prerrogativas principiológicas do solo epistêmico iluminista

    A Prospective Implementation of Plant-Associated Microbes for a Sustainable Agriculture in Qatar

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    Abstract Background: The plant growth and production rely on the supporting favorable environmental conditions throughout its growing stages. In harsh environmental conditions such as in Qatar, agricultural growth is limited by water availability, salinity and drought, leading to low yield. In soil, there are different kinds of microbiota including fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes, algae as well as various types of plant species. Fungi are important components of the soil microbiota. For example, soil-borne fungi cause a significant yield loss for many vegetable and fruit crops in Qatar including tomatoes, cucumbers, legumes, limes, strawberries and others. Several recent studies have demonstrated that the adaptation of plants to severe environmental conditions is attributed to genetic abilities of their associated microbes. For example, all plants in natural ecosystems are thought to be symbiotic with mycorrhizal and/or endophytic fungi reflecting fitness benefits conferred by fungi that contribute to or are responsible for plant adaptation to stress. In Qatar, there are many plant species that can survive under adverse abiotic conditions of salinity and drought rendering them as rich resources for structuring their associated microbes. Objectives: The aims of this study were to: (i) investigate the effect of different ecosystems on the structure and distribution of soil-borne fungi; (ii) inspect the ability of plant-associated microbes to tolerate harsh environmental conditions; and (iii) examine the effectiveness of isolated fungi as potential biological control agents. The ultimate goal of this study is to improve the sustainable agriculture in Qatar through the implementation of plant-associated microbes for biological control of important diseases and enhance plant tolerance to abiotic stress. Materials and Methods-Isolation of plant associated microbes: Samples from plant rhizosphere and soil were collected from four different plant species grown under different ecosystems in Qatar. Qatar University Farm (Al-Zubara Area, Qatar) exemplifies the agricultural ecosystem; in addition to six private farms represent different ecosystems. Four plant species were considered in this study namely Launae capitata, Lycium shawii, Ziziphus lotus and Zygophyllum qatarense (Tetraena qatarense). Samples from plant rhizosphere and soil were collected in January. Soil-borne fungi were isolated from the rhizosphere and soil using direct plate method. About 0.5 g of homogenized soil sample was plated on melted potato dextrose agar supplemented with Rose Bengal. Plates were incubated at 25°C for 3–7 days and colonies with different morphological characters were isolated and purified. Fungal isolates were identified morphologically using light microscopy. DNA was extracted using QIAGEN kit for molecular analysis. Effect of abiotic stress on the growth of Trichoderma spp.: different concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) were used to induce salinity stress. NaCl concentrations include 0 (control), 10 mM, 50 mM, 100 mM, 250 mM, 500 mM, 1 M, 1.25 M, 1.5 M, 1.75 M, 2 M, 2.25 M, 2.5 M, 2.75 M and 3 M. Fifty ml of potato dextrose broth medium, with different salt level, was inoculated with five mm disc of Trichoderma spp. Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG) was used to induce drought effect on Trichoderma spp. Different percentages of PEG were performed including 0% (control), 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%. In 100 ml conical flask; 50 ml of PDB medium with different percentages of PEG was inoculated with five mm disc of Trichoderma spp. The antagonistic effect of the fungal isolates was tested using the direct opposition method. Antagonistic test was performed between Trichoderma spp. which has an effective biocontrol activity towards many soil-borne pathogenic fungi and Ceratocystis radicicola (Thielaviopsis paradoxa), which causes many diseases in date palm trees. The test was performed in dual culture on PDA medium. Five mm disc of each fungus was placed at peripheral end (five cm between each other) of Petri plate. The plates were incubated at 25°C for 7 days. Three replicates were considered. Results: Tthirty-nine of fungal genera were isolated from the plant rhizosphere and soil. Results showed that the most dominant genus was Aspergillus niger (48.5%) followed by Rhizopus spp. (26.8%). Other fungal communities were also detected such as Aspergillus vesicolory, Aspergillus sydowii, Aspergillus wentii, Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillia oxalicum, and Rhizoctonia solani. Results also showed that Aspergillus terreus is associated with rhizosphere of plant species growing in harsh conditions. However, plants grown under agricultural conditions showed a biodiversity in their associated-fungal species, the most common fungi are Fusarium sp. and Trichoderma sp., which were isolated from rhizosphere of Launaea capitata and Ziziphus lotus grown in harsh conditions. In vitro, Trichoderma spp. was able to grow in high concentrations of salt (2 M) and PEG (80%) reflecting a high adaptation of plant associated microbes to both salinity and drought stresses. Results from the antagonistic test showed that Trichoderma spp. caused a remarkable growth inhibition of C. radicicola the causal agent of many diseases in date palm trees. Conclusion: Data obtained from the current study will lead to the initiation of a Qatari fungal culture collection, which will help conserve the biodiversity and could be essential for future studies. Additionally, plant-associated microbes isolated from different ecosystems can further be used for biological control of important plant diseases and enhancing plant tolerance to abiotic stress. Altogether, results from the current study suggest a prospective implementation of plant-associated microbes for a sustainable agriculture in Qatar.qscienc