140 research outputs found

    Vaskularni endotelni faktor rasta u gingivi i pljuvački u dijabetes melitusu : značaj za mehanički stres i oralnu homeostazu kod pacijenata sa imedijatnim mobilnim zubnim nadoknadama

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is critical component in processes of angiogenesis, vasculogenesis and neurogeneis. Angiogenesis is important for wound healing and for restoring blood flow to tissues after injury or insult. When regulation of angiogenic growth factors, such as VEGF, fails, blood vessels are formed excessively or insufficiently. Important environmental effects on VEGF expression include: hypoxia, mechanical stress, nitric oxide, acid conditions, glycemia and hormones. VEGF is constitutively expressed in oral tissues such as gingiva, gingival cervical fluid, and saliva and is affected by various pathological processes. Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM type 2) is associated with a range of basic complications such as, neuropathy, microvascular and macrovascular disease and altered wound healing. Also DM type 2 is linked with increased incidence of several oral conditions: periodontal disease, salivary gland dysfunction, burning mouth, delayed healing of wounds and mucosa ulcerations. There is a suggestion that these abnormalities, most likely are related to increased oxidative stress, compromised host defense, chronic systemic inflammation, vasculopathy and impaired salivary secretion. It is well documented that DM type 2 and associated complications significantly alter VEGF levels...Faktor rasta vaskularnog endotela (Vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF) ima značajnu ulogu u procesima angiogeneze, vaskulogeneze i neurogeneze. U fiziološkim uslovima, angiogeneza je značajna za zarastanje rana i obnovu krvotoka kroz tkiva posle povrede, dok u patološkim uslovima, kada se poremeti fiziološka regulacija angiogenih faktora rasta, uključujuci VEGF i njihovih inhibitora dolazi do prekomernog ili nedovoljnog stvaranja krvnih sudova. Na ekspresiju VEGF značajan efekat imaju lokalni faktori na mestu stvaranja ovog faktora rasta u koje se ubrajaju: hipoksija, mehanički stres, azot monoksid, ph, glikemija i hormoni. Stalno prisustvo VEGF je utvrdjeno u tkivima i tečnostima usne šupljine (gingiva, tečnost gingivalnog sulkusa, pljuvačka), kao i da se ono menja u toku patoloških procesa. Diabetes mellitus tip 2 (DM tip 2) je oboljenje u kome su najčešće sistemske komplikacije nefropatija, retinopatija i otežano zarastanje rana, direktno posledice mikro i makrovaskulopatija i neuropatija. Dobro dokumentovane kliničke studije pokazuju da je DM tip 2 povezan sa povećanom incidencom oralnih poremećaja kao što su: parodontopatija, hipofunkcija pljuvačnih žlezda, različiti oblici stomatitisa, kao i usporeno zarastanje rana. Više faktora koji leže u osnovi DM tip 2 utiče na incidencu ovih oralnih poremećaja: povećan oksidativni stres, smanjene odbrambene snage, hronična inflamacija, vaskulopatije i poremećena sekrecija pljuvačke..

    Etika i marketing u estetskoj stomatologiji

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    Contemporary dentistry is, first of all, characterized by diverse accelerated development, owing to improvements of information and other technologies, as well as the development of dental materials (shape-memory biomaterials, nanomaterials, biomaterials for application in tissue engineering, etc.). Expert doctrinaire attitudes move from the direction of operative interventions, whereby disease and acute symptoms are primarily treated, towards the strengthening of oral health by minimally invasive procedures. A particular place in patients’ total rehabilitation belongs to numerous esthetic procedures which, to a large extent, make up a wants-based service, led by the patients’ needs and affinities. This paper deals with differences between cosmetic and esthetic dentistry. The complexity of esthetic dentistry, which favors therapy with the change of function parameters in care for the patient, is emphasized. On the other hand, more attention is paid to the need to know and respect ethical and marketing principles that follow any activity of dentists, starting from the first contact with the patient, the selection of certified materials, to the implementation of the appropriate treatment plan. Well-directed communication and comprehensive awareness of the patient, the use of the visual analog scale, consideration of realistic resources in therapy, and the acceptance of de Bono model of adopted parallel thinking are determinants which help dentists define a problem adequately, find quality solutions, open alternative solutions, and reduce the potential risks in patients’ therapy.Današnju stomatologiju karakteriše ubrzani razvoj zahvaljujući unapređenju informacionih i drugih tehnologija, kao i razvoju dentalnih materijala (biomaterijali sa memorisanim oblikom, nanomaterijali, biomaterijali za primenu u tkivnom inženjeringu i dr.). Stručni doktrinarni stavovi kreću se iz pravca operativnih intervencija, kojima se primarno saniraju bolest i akutni simptomi, ka jačanju oralnog zdravlja malo invazivnim postupcima. Posebno mesto u sveukupnoj rehabilitaciji bolesnika pripada brojnim estetskim procedurama, koje u velikoj meri čine praksu vođenu potrebama i afi- nitetima bolesnika. U radu se diskutuje o razlikama u poimanju kozmetske i estetske stomatologije. Naglašena je složenost estetske stomatologije, koja daje prednost terapiji sa promenom funkcijskih parametara u zbrinjavanju bolesnika. S druge strane, akcenat se stavlja na potrebu poznavanja i poštovanja etičkih i marketinških načela koja prate svaku aktivnost lekara, počev od prvog kontakta sa bolesnikom, odabira sertifikovanog materijala do realizacije odgovarajućeg terapijskog plana. Dobro usmerena komunikacija i sveobuhvatna informisanost bolesnika, upotreba VAS skale, kao i sagledavanje realnih resursa u terapiji odrednice su koje pomažu stomatologu da definiše problem na pravi način, iznađe kvalitetna rešenja, otvori alternativne solucije i smanji moguće rizike u terapiji bolesnika

    A new elephantoid dental specimen from the Miocene of Kruševac basin in Central Serbia

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    Elephantoid cheek teeth from the late Early and Middle Miocene of Europe frequently display mixtures of bunodont and zygodont features, making their taxonomical attributions difficult and subjective. Today, these teeth with “intermediate” morphologies are attributed either to the mammutid species Zygolophodon turicensis, or to the gomphothere genus Gomphotherium - as a variation of G. angustidens or as a separate species G. subtapiroideum. This paper presents one such specimen, a fragmented lower third molar which originated from Miocene sandstones within the Kruševac Basin (possibly from the village of Bela Voda) in Central Serbia. We described the fossil and examined its metric properties in comparative context. Furthermore, we applied the semiquantitative method of WANG et al. (2016) in order to reduce subjectivity in our assessment of the degree of specimen’s zygodonty. Our results suggested that the specimen resembles Z. turicensis more closely than either G. angustidens and G. subtapiroideum, both in terms of the metrics and the degree of zygodonty. However, we were not able to make a firm taxonomical attribution, due to the fact that the specimen represents an isolated and incomplete fossil.Зуби елефантоида из касног-раног и средњег миоцена Европе често показују мешавине бунодонтних и зигодонтних карактеристика, што отежава и субјективизује њихову таксономску атрибуцију. Овакви зуби са “интермедијарним” морфолошким карактеристикама данас се сврставају или у оквире мамутидске врсте Zygolophodon turicensis, или међу припаднике гомфотеридског рода Gomphotherium - као варијација врсте G. angustidens или као засебна врста G. subtapiroideum. У овом раду је представљен један такав примерак фрагментираног доњег трећег кутњака, који потиче из миоценских пешчара у оквиру крушевачког басена (могуће из села Бела Вода) у централној Србији. Описали смо фосилни примерак и испитали његове метричке особине у компаративном контексту. Такође, применили смо полуквантитативни метод WANG et al. (2016) како би смањили субјективност приликом процене степена зигодонције. Наши резултати сугеришу да примерак више подсећа на врсту Z. turicensis него на врсте G. angustidens и G. subtapiroideum, како у погледу метричких карактеристика, тако и у погледу степена зигодонције. Међутим, нисмо успели да успоставимо сигурнију таксономску атрибуцију, због чињенице да примерак представља изоловани и некомплетан фосил


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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Expression of yeast lipid phosphatase Sac1p is regulated by phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2199/9/16</p><p>BMC Molecular Biology 2008;9():16-16.</p><p>Published online 28 Jan 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2258305.</p><p></p> GFP in a -based vector. Expression of the GFP reporter. The respective plasmids were introduced into a wild-type strain background and promoter activity was determined by measuring relative GFP expression levels. Cell extracts were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting using anti-GFP and anti-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Zwf1p) antibodies

    Uticaj promene dužine slobodnog sedla na promenu napona retencionih zuba i spoja jednostrane kompleksne parcijalne proteze

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    Background/Aim. Different types of dental restorations are used for the therapy of unilateral free-end saddle edentulism. Unilateral complex partial denture is one of the indications for the Kennedy class II partial edentulism. The abscence of major connector and denture plate is an advantage compared to the conventional restorations, because of better comfort and shorter period of adaptation. The aim of the study was to analyse the influence of free-end saddle length change on the behaviour of unilateral complex partial denture supporting structures. Methods. Stress levels of the canine and the first premolar as retentional teeth and the attachments were tested under the influence of physiological forces with the loading point shifting distally in relation to the saddle length change. A virtual real size 3D model of the fixed part of the restoration (the canine and the first premolar with milled crowns) was created using the CATIA computer program. It was connected to the mobile part of partial denture with the SD snap in latch attachment. Mobile part of the restoration was designed in the region of 2, 3 and 4 lateral teeth (second premolar, first, second and third molar). By using the finite element method (FEM) stress levels analysis was performed under the load of physiological forces of 150 N in the free-end saddle teeth zone. Results. The results of analysis show that physiological forces cause a different stress distribution on the abutment teeth and the attachment, depending on the saddle length. Conclusion. The stress level values obtained for the abutment teeth as well as the attachment are far lower than the marginal ones. The behaviour of the system changes under this defined stress, but no plastic deformation occurs.Uvod/Cilj. U terapiji jednostrano slobodnog sedla koriste se različiti oblici zubnih nadoknada. Jednostrana kompleksna parcijalna proteza (JKPP) jedna je od indikacija za bezubost klase Kenedi II. Odsustvo velike spojnice i protezne ploče predstavlja prednost u odnosu na konvencionalne nadoknade zbog boljeg komfora i kraćeg perioda adaptacije. Cilj rada bio je analiza uticaja promene dužine slobodnog sedla na ponašanje potpornih struktura JKPP. Metode. Ispitivani su naponi očnjaka i prvog premolara kao retencionih zuba i veze (spoja) pod dejstvom fizioloških sila sa pomeranjem tačke opterećenja distalno, u zavisnosti od dužine sedla. Primenom kompjuterskog programa CATIA u realnoj veličini urađen je virtulni 3D model fiksnog dela nadoknade (očnjak i prvi premolar sa namenskim krunama) koji je veza SD snap in latch priključena na mobilni deo parcijalne proteze. Mobilni deo nadoknade postavljen je u predelu dva, tri, odnosno četiri bočna zuba (drugi premolar, prvi, drugi i treći molar). Primenom metode konačnih elemenata obavljena je analiza naponskih stanja pri opterećenju fiziološkim silama od 150 N u predelu zuba slobodnog sedla. Rezultati. Analiza proračuna pokazala je da pod dejstvom fizioloških sila dolazi do različite raspodele napona na retencione zube i spoj u zavisnosti od dužine sedla. Zaključak. Dobijene vrednosti za napone kako na retencionim zubima, tako i na spoju, daleko su manje od graničnih. Pri zadatim naponima dolazi do promene ponašanja, ali ne i do plastične deformacije sistema

    Uticaj ponavljanog livenja na biokompatibilnost dentalnih legura zlata

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    Although highly noble Au alloys have been considered as biocompatible dental materials, little is known about whether recasting affects their biocompatibility. The aim of this work was to study the effect of repeated casting procedures on the microstructure and biocompatibilty of a noble Au dental alloy. The prepared samples of one- four- and eight times melted/cast Dentor S were used to study primary cutaneous irritation and sensibilization on experimental animals. The extract of the alloy prepared by conditioning the Dentor S samples in a cell culture medium was used to study the cytotoxicity on L929 cells. The elemental composition and surface changes of the alloy were examined by Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis and optical microscopy, respectively. Our results showed that repeated casting decreased the biocompatibility of Dentor S, manifested as decreased metabolic and proliferative activities of L929 cells and that the effect correlated with the number of melting/casting procedures. However, neither sample of Dentor S caused irritation and sensibilization on experimental animals. EDX showed that recasting slightly increased the content of Au and Cu and slightly decreased the content of Pt, Pd and Zn. These changes correlated with the observations by optical microscopy. In conclusion, our results show that repeated casting of noble Au alloy changes its microstructure and decreases the biocompatibilty, suggesting that this procedure should be avoided in dental practice.Visoko plemenite legure su biokompatibilni materijali, ali je malo poznato da li ponovljena livenja legura utiču na njihovu biokompatibilnost. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi efekat ponovljenog topljenja i livenja na mikrostrukturu i biokompatibilnost visoko plemenitih dentalnih legura zlata. Pripremjena je serija uzoraka od jednom, četiri i osam puta topljene i livene Dentor S legure za ispitivanje primarne iritacije kože i senzibilizacije na eksperimentalnim životinjama, kao i in vitro ispitivanje citotoksičnosti na L929 ćelijama. Hemijski sastav i promena površine legure ispitivana je EDX analizom i optičkim mikroskopom. Naši rezultati su ukazali da ponavljana livenja smanjuju biokompatibilnost Dentor S legure, koja se manifestuje smanjenjem metabolitičke i proliferativne aktivnosti L929 ćelija i da je efekat u korelaciji s brojem topljenja i livenja. Ni jedan uzorak Dentor S legure ne uzrokuje iritaciju i senzibilizaciju eksperimentalnih životinja. EDX analiza dokazuje da ponovna livenja blago povećavaju procenat Au i Cu i blago smanjuju procenat Pt, Pd i Zn. Ove promene su u korelaciji sa zapažanjima na optičkom mikroskopu. Autori zaključuju da ponovljena livenja visoko plemenitih legura zlata menjaju mikrostrukturu i smanjuju biokompatibilnost i preporučuju da se ova procedura izbegava u svakodnevnoj praksi

    Anesteziološke tehnike u jednodnevnoj kirurgiji za zahvate kod displazije vrata maternice – iskustva u KBC-u Sestre milosrdnice

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    Danas su anestezija i analgezija tako sigurne i učinkovite da se kirurški zahvati kod displazije vrata maternice mogu obavljati unutar jednodnevne kirurgije. Anesteziološke tehnike u jednodnevnoj kirurgiji povezane su sa značajno manje morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Do 2015. godine svi su se kirurški zahvati kod displazije vrata maternice u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Sestre milosrdnice u Zagrebu radili u općoj anesteziji, a prosječni boravak u bolnici trajao je duže od 30, a kraće od 72 sata. U Klinici za ženske bolesti i porodništvo proveli smo retrospektivno istraživanje u periodu od siječnja 2015. do prosinca 2019. godine, budući da su se od tada zahvati konizacije započeli izvoditi u lokalnoj anesteziji. Proučavali smo učestalost opće i regionalne anestezije u odnosu na vrstu konizacije, učestalost vrste anestezije u odnosu na dobnu skupinu i procjenu rizika bolesnica za anesteziju, te duljinu hospitalizacije u odnosu na vrstu kirurškog zahvata. U periodu od 2015. do 2019. godine zabilježen je stalni porast udjela lokalne anestezije u ukupnom broju elektrodijatermijski odstranjenih transformacijskih zona velikom petljom (engl. Large loop excision of the transformation zone) za 36,5% (49/104 zahvata 2015. u odnosu na 112/134 zahvata 2019.). Od listopada 2018., kada je uveden spinalni blok kao metoda anestezije za konizaciju hladnim nožem, do prosinca 2019. godine udio spinalnog bloka u ukupnom broju konizacija hladnim nožem porastao je za 17,3% (2/65 zahvata 2018. u odnosu na 11/54 zahvata 2019.). Istraživanje prikazuje analizu razlike pojavnosti anestezioloških tehnika ovisno o vrsti kirurškog zahvata, procjeni rizika i životnoj dobi bolesnica za anesteziju kod displazije vrata maternice te duljinu hospitalizacije u odnosu na vrstu konizacije

    Gender and Musculoskeletal Comorbidity Impact on Physical Functioning in Elderly after Hip Fracture: The Role of Rehabilitation

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    The study aim was to evaluate the effects of presence and level of musculoskeletal impairment along with gender on physical functioning outcome after the rehabilitation program in aged adults with a hip fracture. We analyzed 203 elderly people with hip fractures above 65 years of age that were treated after the hip surgery. According to the time of examination, patients were tested three times: at admission, discharge, and at three months post-discharge. Musculoskeletal impairments were analyzed, and for the estimation of severity of degree impairment, we used a cumulative index rating scale for geriatrics (CIRS-G). Regarding the gender, we separately analyzed males and females. To evaluate physical functioning of aged adults after a hip fracture, we used the physical functioning component (PFC) from the quality of life (SF-36) questionnaire. For males, on all three occasions we found non-significant differences were found in SF-36 PFC values between different degrees of CIRS-G musculoskeletal impairment. A significant difference was noticed in females three months post-discharge. Effects size of different examination periods for every CIRS-G severity degree of musculoskeletal impairment were high, where males had higher values for severity degrees 1 and 2, and females had higher values for severity degrees 0 and 3. Our findings might suggest that there is a certain degree of different rehabilitation treatment effects for males versus females. Moreover, it might be assumed that other factors could influence different degrees of functional improvement and outcome of individuals after a hip fracture with musculoskeletal impairment