70 research outputs found

    Tranzicija kot spodbuda za razvoj inovativne metodologije poučevanja teorije načrtovanja

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    Planning theory can be perceived as a great challenge in teaching master’slevel studies. Planning schools and authors throughout the world have developed diverse approaches to address this problem, drawing attention to the issues of what skills to offer – practical ones or skills related to the complexity of the socio-political context of urban planning. An additional question that arises in countries in transition is how to teach planning theory under their specific conditions of land privatisation and constant changes to legislation, regulation, procedures, and the process of establishment of a new planning paradigm. Following these challenges, the Planning Theory course at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, presents a pedagogical model based on analysis of controversial cases in contemporary urban planning practice in Belgrade. An innovative methodology is conceptualised through multiple research steps that entail collection and analysis of publicly available information, including all statements of the stakeholders involved in the process of urban development. The paper focuses on the observation of relationships between information, values, and power imposed as key challenges in understanding the process of space production. The research presents the results of applying this methodology during the 2015/16 academic year on the case study of Belgrade Waterfront, the city’s largest and most controversial development project in the last 25 years. The main goal of the research is to present how an innovative methodology can contribute to the improvement of specific reflective planning skills: communication, negotiation, decision-making, and critical thinking about contemporary urban development.Teorija načrtovanja predstavlja velik izziv za poučevanje na magistrski študijski ravni. Planerske šole in avtorji po svetu se tega lotevajo različno, pri tem pa imajo težave glede izbire znanj, ki naj bi jih ponujali – praktičnih znanj in znanj, povezanih s kompleksnostjo družbenopolitičnega konteksta urbanističnega načrtovanja. Dodatno vprašanje, ki se poraja v državah v tranziciji, je, kako poučevati urbanistično načrtovanje v pogojih privatizacije zemljišč in nenehnih sprememb v zakonodaji, predpisih, postopkih in procesu vzpostavitve nove paradigme načrtovanja. V luči teh izzivov predmet Teorija planiranja na Fakulteti za arhitekturo Univerze v Beogradu predstavlja pedagoški model, ki temelji na analizi spornih primerov v sodobni urbanistični praksi v Beogradu. Inovativno metodologijo smo zasnovali prek več raziskovalnih korakov, ki vključujejo zbiranje in analizo javno dostopnih podatkov, vključno z mnenji deležnikov, vključenih v proces urbanističnega razvoja. Članek se osredotoča na opazovanje odnosov med informacijami, vrednostmi in razporeditvijo moči, kot ključnimi izzivi pri razumevanju procesa prostorskega razvoja. Raziskava predstavlja rezultate uporabe te metodologije v šolskem letu 2015/2016 na primeru »Beograda na vodi«, največjega, a tudi naspornejšega razvojnega projekta Beograda v zadnjih 25 letih. Glavni cilj raziskave je predstaviti, kako lahko inovativna metodologija prispeva k izboljšanju določenih načrtovalskih znanj: komunikacije, pogajanj, odločanja in kritičnega razmišljanja o sodobnem urbanističnem razvoju

    Street frontage between socialism and neoliberalism – Case study Belgrade, Milutin Milankovic Boulevard

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    The paper focuses on the morphogenesis of street frontage, highly influenced by changes in planning and regulatory system, deepened by abandonment of socialist system and introduction of neoliberal concepts. The most intense changes are perceivable in the narrow street through densification, plot subdivision, increase of built and floor area ratio and change in land use. If the street frontage is observed both as a constructive element of the public realm and a dividing element between private and public ownership, these relations can be perceived as a critical aspects of the image and quality of place. The focus of the paper is on the morphological profile of Milutin Milankovic’s boulevard in New Belgrade, taken as a axis of linear central activities. This research polygon provides ground for the analysis of urban form development, planned by modernistic principles in socialist period, and transformed in market oriented development manner. The goal of this paper is to provide ground for spatial and temporal contextualization and offer understanding of urban tissue transformation over the time, using the space syntax model as an integral part of morphological studies. The synthesis of various methods in morphological research can provide a platform for better understanding of the existing built environment affected by socio political processes and needs of local residents and emerging businesses. At the same time, it could create a starting point for further improvement and development of the urban blocks located along the major streets

    Nadzor bolesti riba u Srbiji

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    U Srbiji se vrši program nadzora virusnih i bakterijskih bolesti na osnovu Programa mera zdravstvene zaštite životinja, u skladu sa propisima Evropske Unije, i to: virusne hemoragične septikemije (VHS) i zarazna hematopoezne nekroze (IHN), zarazne nekroze pankreasa (IPN), prolećne viremije šarana (SVC) i renibakterioze (BKD). Cilj programa praćenja i nadzora bolesti riba je dobijanje i održavanje statusa slobode od bolesti, iskornjivanje ili sprečavanje širenja bolesti. Primarna ciljna populacija u programu nadzora su kalifornijska pastrmka i šaran. U Srbiji postoji nacionalno zakonodavstvo kao osnov za nadzora i kontrolu bolesti riba, kao i lista bolesti obaveznih za prijavljivanje. Pored nacionalnog zakonodavstva, prihvaćeni su i principi navedeni u Direktivi 2006/88/EC, koji se odnose na zahteve za kontrolu zdravlje riba u akvakulturi i njihovih proizvoda. Praćenje i nadzor virusnih bolesti vrše se na osnovu postupaka ispitivanja datih u Odluci Komisije 2001/183/EC, a za bakterijske bolesti, koriste se standardne dijagnostičke procedure. Klinički pregledi na ribnjacima vrše se dva puta godišnje i uzimaju se uzorci za virološka i bakteriološka ispitivanja, u svrhu dokumentovanja odsustva bolesti. Postupak ispitivanja, dat u Priručniku OIE za dijagnostiku bolesti riba, osnova je za ispitivanja. Uzorci svih kategorija riba iz 56 šaranskih i 52 pastrmska ribnjaka se godišnje ispituju na prisustvo bolesti. Za virusološka ispitivanja su korišćeni homogenati bubrega, slezine, jetre i škrga. Pulirani parenhimatozni organi i škrge su homogenizovani i centrifugirani na 2500 x g, 20 minuta. Za izolaciju, supernatanti su inokulirani na 24 sata stare kulture EPC i BF-2 ćelijskih linija. Inokulisane kulture su inkubirane na 15 - 20 °C, tokom 7 dana i svakodnevno su posmatrane na pojavu citopatogenog efekta. Identifikacija virusa je vršena PCR, ELISA testom i testom fluorescentnih antitela. Kao materijal za PCR je uziman homogenat organa i prva ili druga pasaža odgovarajuće ćelijske linije. PCR produkti su sekvencirani direktno, pomoću Big Dye Terminator v1.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems, SAD) i ABI PRISM 3100-Avant Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Dobijene sekvence su analizirane pomoću Sequencing Analysis Software 5.1 (Applied Biosystems). Na osnovu rezultata nadzora, Srbija se smatra slobodnom od VHS, IHN i KHV. Najveći problem predstavlja zarazna nekroza pankreasa. Renibakterioza je prisutna na određenom broju ribnjaka

    Gastric digestome of whole peanut grains from the aspect of immunoproteomics: Characterization of digested allergens in the real food matrix

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    Objective: Major peanut allergens, Ara h 2 and Ara h 6, are known to be resistant to pepsin digestion, and they sensitize individual via the gastrointestinal tract. Mikenus et al. published a standardized static digestion method for food, based on physiological conditions emphasizing the impact of food matrices. Immunoreactive proteins (large fragments) and peptides (short digestion resistant peptides SDRPs; <10 kDa), to which the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract is exposed during digestion of peanut proteins, has not been investigated under pure physiological conditions suggested by this protocol. Matherial and methods: Whole grain of grounded raw peanut was incubated with human α- amylase, and pepsin, mimicking the effects of oral and gastric digestion, in total duration of 2h. Bottom up proteomic approach, immunoblotting with allergen-specific antibodies from peanut- sensitized patients, enzyme-linked immunosorbent inhibition assay and ImmunoCAP tests, were used to identify and characterize peanut digesta. Results: After 2h of oral/gastric phase we got, intact proteins, large, digestion resistant peptides (DRP) and SDRPs, as well. Ara h 2 and Ara h 6 remained mostly intact, and short DRPs from Ara h 2 and Ara h 6 were more potent in inhibiting IgE binding than Ara h 1 and Ara 3. Ara h 1 and Ara h 3 showed preserved allergenic capacity, as well. Almost all of identified short DRPs from Ara h 1, Ara h 2 and Ara h 3, with preserved allergenic potential, were constituents of continuous epitope sequences found via Immune Epitope Database (www.iedb.org). Conclusion: Processes of protein extraction from the matrix and their enzymatic digestion occur simultaneously. Oral and gastric phase digestion products of raw peanut are intact proteins, large and short digestion resistant peptides. Under these conditions Ara h 2 and Ara h 6 are expectedlyBook of Abstract

    Rewriting the Central European Early Bronze Age Chronology: Evidence from Large-Scale Radiocarbon Dating

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    The transition from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age in Central Europe has often been considered as a supra-regional uniform process, which led to the growing mastery of the new bronze technology. Since the 1920s, archaeologists have divided the Early Bronze Age into two chronological phases (Bronze A1 and A2),which were also seen as stages of technical progress. On the basis of the early radiocarbon dates from the cemetery of Singen, southern Germany, the beginning of the Early Bronze Age in Central Europe was originally dated around 2300/2200 BC and the transition to more complex casting techniques (i.e.,Bronze A2) around 2000 BC. On the basis of 140 newly radiocarbon dated human remains from Final Neolithic, Early and Middle Bronze Age cemeteries south of Augsburg (Bavaria) and a re-dating of ten graves from the cemetery of Singen, we propose a significantly different dating range, which forces us to re-think the traditional relative and absolute chronologies as well as the narrative of technical development. We are now able to date the beginning of the Early Bronze Age to around 2150 BC and its end to around 1700 BC. Moreover, there is no transition between Bronze (Bz) A1 and Bronze (Bz) A2, but a complete overlap between the type objects of the two phases from 1900-1700 BC. We thus present a revised chronology of the assumed diagnostic type objects of the Early Bronze Age and recommend a radiocarbon-based view on the development of the material culture. Finally, we propose that the traditional phases Bz A1 and Bz A2 do not represent a chronological sequence, but regionally different social phenomena connected to the willingness of local actors to appropriate the new bronze technology

    Characterization of the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins family in hydrated and desiccated Ramonda serbica Panc. leaves

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    Endemic plant species, Ramonda serbica is a resurrection plant that can tolerate extreme dehydration (desiccation, loss of 95% of cellular water) even over months. The accumulation of late embryogenesis abundant proteins (LEAPs) is a crucial step in the mechanism of desiccation tolerance. The role of LEAPs is not completely resolved, but they are accepted as intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). Based on previously established de novo transcriptome database of R. serbica leaves we identify around 160 members of LEA gene family. Identified LEAPs were classified into six groups: LEA 1-5 and seed maturation proteins (SMPs) according to protein family (Pfam) database. Based on multiple sequence alignment, secondary structure prediction and 3D structure modeling, we conducted LEA protein structure analysis. We showed that more than 50% of identified LEAPs exhibited a high propensity to form α-helices. As predicted by several bioinformatic tools, more than 70% of identified LEAPs were found to be highly disordered. Thus, these proteins are predicted to be disordered in solution, but they acquire a secondary, predominantly α-helical structure during drying, in contrast to globular proteins, which most often causes the loss of structure upon dehydration. By using molecular dynamic simulations, we identified the most favorable conformations of representative LEAPs and we have studied conformational transitions driven by the water scarcity. Structural characterization of LEAPs is a key to understand their function and regulation of their intrinsic structural disorder-to-order transition during desiccation as a requirement for biological function, in order to promote development of new therapeutic strategies in neurodegenerative disorders, cell preservation technology and the improvement of crop drought tolerance.Serbian Biochemical Society, 10th Conference, Kragujevac, Serbia, 24.09.202

    Efficient production of highly purified Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) protein from Arabidopsis thaliana by recombinant DNA technology

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    Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins are induced in cellular dehydration, such as freezing, drought, or desiccation. They can be involved in antioxidative defense, ion sequestration, and structural stabilization of both membranes and enzymes during freezing or drying, while by forming intracellular proteinaceous condensates they increase structural integrity and intracellular viscosity of cells during desiccation 1. The genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana contains 51 genes encoding LEA proteins2. The majority of these LEA proteins (35%) belongs to Pfam LEA_4 (PF02987) family. In silico analysis suggested that these proteins are highly hydrophilic proteins with significant intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) properties. In order to evaluate structural properties and possible functions of LEA_4 protein family under different water content, a representative AtLEA25 protein (At2g42560, 635 aa), naturally located in the cytoplasm of seeds3 was obtained in Escherichia coli by recombinant DNA technology. Although this technology has been traditionally used to over-express and purify various globular proteins, numerous reports have shown that the IDPs, due to their structural plasicity are naturally highly susceptible to proteolytic cleavage. To conduct structural and functional studies we developed a robust method to produce highly purified (>95% pure) AtLEA25 with no detectable amount of protein breakdown products.Abstract: Serbian Biochemical Society, 10th Conference, Kragujevac, Serbia, 24.09.202

    Correction to: Parenchyma cell wall structure in twining stem of Dioscorea balcanica (vol 24, pg 4653, 2017)

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    In the original publication of the article, one of the project numbers was omitted in the Acknowledgments. The correct version is provided below.Original publication: [http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2090

    Relapse in resected lung cancer revisited: does intensified follow up really matter? A prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>beside the well known predominance of distant vs. loco-regional relapse, several aspects of the relapse pattern still have not been fully elucidated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>prospective, controlled study on 88 patients operated for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in a 15 months period. Stage IIIA existed in 35(39.8%) patients, whilst stages IB, IIA and IIB existed in 10.2%, 4.5% and 45.5% patients respectively. Inclusion criteria: stage I-IIIA, complete resection, systematic lymphadenectomy with at least 6 lymph node groups examined, no neoadjuvant therapy, exact data of all aspects of relapse, exact data about the outcome of the treatment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>postoperative lung cancer relapse occurred in 50(56.8%) patients. Locoregional, distant and both types of relapse occurred in 26%, 70% and 4% patients respectively. Postoperative cancer relapse occurred in 27/35(77.1%) pts. in the stage IIIA and in 21/40(52.55) pts in the stage IIB. In none of four pts. in the stage IIA cancer relapse occurred, unlike 22.22% pts. with relapse in the stage IB. The mean disease free interval in the analysed group was 34.38 ± 3.26 months.</p> <p>The mean local relapse free and distant relapse free intervals were 55 ± 3.32 and 41.62 ± 3.47 months respectively Among 30 pts. with the relapse onset inside the first 12 month after the lung resection, in 20(66.6%) pts. either T3 tumours or N2 lesions existed. In patients with N0, N1 and N2 lesions, cancer relapse occurred in 30%, 55.6% and 70.8% patients respectively</p> <p>Radiographic aspect T stage, N stage and extent of resection were found as significant in terms of survival. Related to the relapse occurrence, although radiographic aspect and extent of resection followed the same trend as in the survival analysis, only T stage and N stage were found as significant in the same sense as for survival. On multivariate, only T and N stage were found as significant in terms of survival.</p> <p>Specific oncological treatment of relapse was possible in 27/50(54%) patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>the intensified follow up did not increase either the proportion of patients detected with asymptomatic relapse or the number of patients with specific oncological treatment of relapse.</p

    Trend of suicide by self-immolation in a 13-year timeline: was the COVID-19 pandemic a potentially important stressor?

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    IntroductionSelf-immolation is an uncommon way of attempting and committing a suicide, with a fatality rate of 80%. The risk factors in self-immolation victims vary depending on demographic characteristics, socio-economic and cultural factors as well as religious beliefs. Whether the COVID-19 pandemic was a potentially important stressor for self-immolation is still unknown, with insufficient studies examining this issue. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to examine the trend of self-immolation in a 13-year timeline, and the potential association of COVID-19 pandemic with the increase in the incidence and severity of self-immolation injuries in Serbia in 2021.Materials and methodsThe study included hospitalized patients due to intentional burns caused by self-immolation in the period from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2021. Joinpoint regression analysis was used for the analysis of continuous linear trends of self-immolation cases with change points.ResultsWhile a rising trend was observed in the 2008–2013 time segment, followed by a decline in the upcoming 2013–2016 time segment, a significant increase reached its maximum during COVID-19 pandemic (2021), with annual percent change of 37.1% (p = 0.001). A significant increase in the median number of cases per year was observed during 2021 compared to the previous periods (7.5 vs. 2). Frequency of patients with a psychiatric diagnosis vs. those without a psychiatric diagnosis was significantly higher during than before the COVID-19 period (66.7 vs. 36.1%, p = 0.046).ConclusionIn our study, a significant increase in the frequency of suicide attempts by self-immolation during COVID-19 pandemic was noticed. There was also an increased frequency of pre-existing psychiatric illness among patients during the pandemic period. With limited high-quality data available, the study adds to a rising body of evidence for assessment of outcomes of the pandemic on mental health and recognition of stressors for self-immolation